Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


khu kbIr jn Bey Kwlsy pRym Bgiq ijh jwnI ]4]3] (655-1)
kaho kabeer jan bha-ay khaalsay paraym bhagat jih jaanee. ||4||3||
Says Kabeer, those humble people become pure - they become Khalsa - who know the Lord's loving devotional worship. ||4||3||

Gru 2 ] (655-2)
ghar 2.
Second House||

duie duie locn pyKw ] (655-2)
du-ay du-ay lochan paykhaa.
With both of my eyes, I look around;

hau hir ibnu Aauru n dyKw ] (655-2)
ha-o har bin a-or na daykhaa.
I don't see anything except the Lord.

nYn rhy rMgu lweI ] (655-2)
nain rahay rang laa-ee.
My eyes gaze lovingly upon Him,

Ab by gl khnu n jweI ]1] (655-2)
ab bay gal kahan na jaa-ee. ||1||
and now, I cannot speak of anything else. ||1||

hmrw Brmu gieAw Bau Bwgw ] (655-3)
hamraa bharam ga-i-aa bha-o bhaagaa.
My doubts were removed, and my fear ran away,

jb rwm nwm icqu lwgw ]1] rhwau ] (655-3)
jab raam naam chit laagaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
when my consciousness became attached to the Lord's Name. ||1||Pause||

bwjIgr fMk bjweI ] (655-3)
baajeegar dank bajaa-ee.
When the magician beats his tambourine,

sB Klk qmwsy AweI ] (655-4)
sabh khalak tamaasay aa-ee.
everyone comes to see the show.

bwjIgr sÍWgu skylw ] (655-4)
baajeegar savaaNg sakaylaa.
When the magician winds up his show,

Apny rMg rvY Akylw ]2] (655-4)
apnay rang ravai akaylaa. ||2||
then he enjoys its play all alone. ||2||

kQnI kih Brmu n jweI ] (655-4)
kathnee kahi bharam na jaa-ee.
By preaching sermons, one's doubt is not dispelled.

sB kiQ kiQ rhI lukweI ] (655-5)
sabh kath kath rahee lukaa-ee.
Everyone is tired of preaching and teaching.

jw kau gurmuiK Awip buJweI ] (655-5)
jaa ka-o gurmukh aap bujhaa-ee.
The Lord causes the Gurmukh to understand;

qw ky ihrdY rihAw smweI ]3] (655-5)
taa kay hirdai rahi-aa samaa-ee. ||3||
his heart remains permeated with the Lord. ||3||

gur ikMcq ikrpw kInI ] (655-6)
gur kichant kirpaa keenee.
When the Guru grants even a bit of His Grace,

sBu qnu mnu dyh hir lInI ] (655-6)
sabh tan man dayh har leenee.
one's body, mind and entire being are absorbed into the Lord.

kih kbIr rMig rwqw ] (655-6)
kahi kabeer rang raataa.
Says Kabeer, I am imbued with the Lord's Love;

imilE jgjIvn dwqw ]4]4] (655-7)
mili-o jagjeevan daataa. ||4||4||
I have met with the Life of the world, the Great Giver. ||4||4||

jw ky ingm dUD ky Twtw ] (655-7)
jaa kay nigam dooDh kay thaataa.
Let the sacred scriptures be your milk and cream,

smuMdu iblovn kau mwtw ] (655-7)
samund bilovan ka-o maataa.
and the ocean of the mind the churning vat.

qw kI hohu iblovnhwrI ] (655-7)
taa kee hohu bilovanhaaree.
Be the butter-churner of the Lord,

ikau mytY go CwiC quhwrI ]1] (655-8)
ki-o maytai go chhaachh tuhaaree. ||1||
and your buttermilk shall not be wasted. ||1||

cyrI qU rwmu n kris Bqwrw ] (655-8)
chayree too raam na karas bhataaraa.
O soul-bride slave, why don't you take the Lord as your Husband?

jgjIvn pRwn ADwrw ]1] rhwau ] (655-8)
jagjeevan paraan aDhaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He is the Life of the world, the Support of the breath of life. ||1||Pause||

qyry glih qauku pg byrI ] (655-9)
tayray galeh ta-uk pag bayree.
The chain is around your neck, and the cuffs are on your feet.

qU Gr Gr rmeIAY PyrI ] (655-9)
too ghar ghar rama-ee-ai fayree.
The Lord has sent you wandering around from house to house.

qU Ajhu n cyqis cyrI ] (655-9)
too ajahu na chaytas chayree.
And still, you do not meditate on the Lord, O soul-bride, slave.

qU jim bpurI hY hyrI ]2] (655-10)
too jam bapuree hai hayree. ||2||
Death is watching you, O wretched woman. ||2||

pRB krn krwvnhwrI ] (655-10)
parabh karan karaavanhaaree.
The Lord God is the Cause of causes.

ikAw cyrI hwQ ibcwrI ] (655-10)
ki-aa chayree haath bichaaree.
What is in the hands of the poor soul-bride, the slave?

soeI soeI jwgI ] (655-10)
so-ee so-ee jaagee.
She awakens from her slumber,

ijqu lweI iqqu lwgI ]3] (655-11)
jit laa-ee tit laagee. ||3||
and she becomes attached to whatever the Lord attaches her. ||3||

cyrI qY sumiq khW qy pweI ] (655-11)
chayree tai sumat kahaaN tay paa-ee.
O soul-bride, slave, where did you obtain that wisdom,

jw qy BRm kI lIk imtweI ] (655-11)
jaa tay bharam kee leek mitaa-ee.
by which you erased your inscription of doubt?

su rsu kbIrY jwinAw ] (655-11)
so ras kabeerai jaani-aa.
Kabeer has tasted that subtle essence;

myro gur pRswid mnu mwinAw ]4]5] (655-12)
mayro gur parsaad man maani-aa. ||4||5||
by Guru's Grace, his mind is reconciled with the Lord. ||4||5||

ijh bwJu n jIAw jweI ] (655-12)
jih baajh na jee-aa jaa-ee.
Without Him, we cannot even live;

jau imlY q Gwl AGweI ] (655-12)
ja-o milai ta ghaal aghaa-ee.
when we meet Him, then our task is completed.

sd jIvnu Blo khWhI ] (655-13)
sad jeevan bhalo kahaaNhee.
People say it is good to live forever,

mUey ibnu jIvnu nwhI ]1] (655-13)
moo-ay bin jeevan naahee. ||1||
but without dying, there is no life. ||1||

Ab ikAw kQIAY igAwnu bIcwrw ] (655-13)
ab ki-aa kathee-ai gi-aan beechaaraa.
So now, what sort wisdom should I contemplate and preach?

inj inrKq gq ibauhwrw ]1] rhwau ] (655-14)
nij nirkhat gat bi-uhaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
As I watch, worldly things dissipate. ||1||Pause||

Gis kuMkm cMdnu gwirAw ] (655-14)
ghas kuNkam chandan gaari-aa.
Saffron is ground up, and mixed with sandalwood;

ibnu nYnhu jgqu inhwirAw ] (655-14)
bin nainhu jagat nihaari-aa.
without eyes, the world is seen.

pUiq ipqw ieku jwieAw ] (655-15)
poot pitaa ik jaa-i-aa.
The son has given birth to his father;

ibnu Twhr ngru bswieAw ]2] (655-15)
bin thaahar nagar basaa-i-aa. ||2||
without a place, the city has been established. ||2||

jwck jn dwqw pwieAw ] (655-15)
jaachak jan daataa paa-i-aa.
The humble beggar has found the Great Giver,

so dIAw n jweI KwieAw ] (655-16)
so dee-aa na jaa-ee khaa-i-aa.
but he is unable to eat what he has been given.

CoifAw jwie n mUkw ] (655-16)
chhodi-aa jaa-ay na mookaa.
He cannot leave it alone, but it is never exhausted.

Aaurn pih jwnw cUkw ]3] (655-16)
a-uran peh jaanaa chookaa. ||3||
He shall not go to beg from others any longer. ||3||

jo jIvn mrnw jwnY ] so pMc sYl suK mwnY ] (655-16)
jo jeevan marnaa jaanai. so panch sail sukh maanai.
Those select few, who know how to die while yet alive, enjoy great peace.

kbIrY so Dnu pwieAw ] (655-17)
kabeerai so Dhan paa-i-aa.
Kabeer has found that wealth;

hir Bytq Awpu imtwieAw ]4]6] (655-17)
har bhaytat aap mitaa-i-aa. ||4||6||
meeting with the Lord, he has erased his self-conceit. ||4||6||

ikAw pVIAY ikAw gunIAY ] (655-17)
ki-aa parhee-ai ki-aa gunee-ai.
What use is it to read, and what use is it to study?

ikAw byd purwnW sunIAY ] (655-18)
ki-aa bayd puraanaaN sunee-ai.
What use is it to listen to the Vedas and the Puraanas?

pVy suny ikAw hoeI ] (655-18)
parhay sunay ki-aa ho-ee.
What use is reading and listening,

jau shj n imilE soeI ]1] (655-18)
ja-o sahj na mili-o so-ee. ||1||
if celestial peace is not attained? ||1||

hir kw nwmu n jpis gvwrw ] (655-19)
har kaa naam na japas gavaaraa.
The fool does not chant the Name of the Lord.

ikAw socih bwrM bwrw ]1] rhwau ] (655-19)
ki-aa socheh baaraN baaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
So what does he think of, over and over again? ||1||Pause||

AMiDAwry dIpku chIAY ] (655-19)
anDhi-aaray deepak chahee-ai.
In the darkness, we need a lamp