Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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653 nwnk Bey punIq hir qIriQ nwieAw ]26] (653-1)naanak bha-ay puneet har tirath naa-i-aa. ||26|| O Nanak, they are purified, bathing in the sacred shrine of the Lord. ||26|| sloku mÚ 4 ] (653-1)salok mehlaa 4. Shalok, Fourth Mehl: gurmuiK AMqir sWiq hY min qin nwim smwie ] (653-1)gurmukh antar saaNt hai man tan naam samaa-ay. Within the Gurmukh is peace and tranquility; his mind and body are absorbed in the Naam, the Name of the Lord. nwmo icqvY nwmu pVY nwim rhY ilv lwie ] (653-2)naamo chitvai naam parhai naam rahai liv laa-ay. He contemplates the Naam, he studies the Naam, and he remains lovingly absorbed in the Naam. nwmu pdwrQu pwieAw icMqw geI iblwie ] (653-2)naam padaarath paa-i-aa chintaa ga-ee bilaa-ay. He obtains the treasure of the Naam, and his anxiety is dispelled. siqguir imilAY nwmu aUpjY iqsnw BuK sB jwie ] (653-3)satgur mili-ai naam oopjai tisnaa bhukh sabh jaa-ay. Meeting with the Guru, the Naam wells up, and his thirst and hunger are completely relieved. nwnk nwmy riqAw nwmo plY pwie ]1] (653-3)naanak naamay rati-aa naamo palai paa-ay. ||1|| O Nanak, imbued with the Naam, he gathers in the Naam. ||1|| mÚ 4 ] (653-4)mehlaa 4. Fourth Mehl: siqgur puriK ij mwirAw BRim BRimAw Gru Coif gieAw ] (653-4)satgur purakh je maari-aa bharam bharmi-aa ghar chhod ga-i-aa. One who is cursed by the True Guru, abandons his home, and wanders around aimlessly. Esu ipCY vjY PkVI muhu kwlw AwgY BieAw ] (653-4)os pichhai vajai fakrhee muhu kaalaa aagai bha-i-aa. He is jeered at, and his face is blackened in the world hereafter. Esu Arlu brlu muhhu inklY inq JgU sutdw muAw ] (653-5)os aral baral muhhu niklai nit jhagoo sutdaa mu-aa. He babbles incoherently, and foaming at the mouth, he dies. ikAw hovY iksY hI dY kIqY jW Duir ikrqu Es dw eyho jyhw pieAw ] (653-5)ki-aa hovai kisai hee dai keetai jaaN Dhur kirat os daa ayho jayhaa pa-i-aa. What can anyone do? Such is his destiny, according to his past deeds. ijQY Ehu jwie iqQY Ehu JUTw kUVu boly iksY n BwvY ] (653-6)jithai oh jaa-ay tithai oh jhoothaa koorh bolay kisai na bhaavai. Wherever he goes, he is a liar, and by telling lies, he not liked by anyone. vyKhu BweI vifAweI hir sMqhu suAwmI Apuny kI jYsw koeI krY qYsw koeI pwvY ] (653-7)vaykhhu bhaa-ee vadi-aa-ee har santahu su-aamee apunay kee jaisaa ko-ee karai taisaa ko-ee paavai. O Siblings of Destiny, behold this, the glorious greatness of our Lord and Master, O Saints; as one behaves, so does he receive. eyhu bRhm bIcwru hovY dir swcY Ago dy jnu nwnku AwiK suxwvY ]2] (653-7)ayhu barahm beechaar hovai dar saachai ago day jan naanak aakh sunaavai. ||2|| This shall be God's determination in His True Court; servant Nanak predicts and proclaims this. ||2|| pauVI ] (653-8)pa-orhee. Pauree: guir scY bDw Qyhu rKvwly guir idqy ] (653-8)gur sachai baDhaa thayhu rakhvaalay gur ditay. The True Guru has established the village; the Guru has appointed its guards and protectors. pUrn hoeI Aws gur crxI mn rqy ] (653-9)pooran ho-ee aas gur charnee man ratay. My hopes are fulfilled, and my mind is imbued with the love of the Guru's Feet. guir ik®pwil byAMiq Avgux siB hqy ] (653-9)gur kirpaal bay-ant avgun sabh hatay. The Guru is infinitely merciful; He has erased all my sins. guir ApxI ikrpw Dwir Apxy kir ilqy ] (653-9)gur apnee kirpaa Dhaar apnay kar litay. The Guru has showered me with His Mercy, and He has made me His own. nwnk sd bilhwr ijsu gur ky gux ieqy ]27] (653-10)naanak sad balihaar jis gur kay gun itay. ||27|| Nanak is forever a sacrifice to the Guru, who has countless virtues. ||27|| slok mÚ 1 ] (653-11)salok mehlaa 1. Shalok, First Mehl: qw kI rjwie lyiKAw pwie Ab ikAw kIjY pWfy ] (653-11)taa kee rajaa-ay laykhi-aa paa-ay ab ki-aa keejai paaNday. By His Command, we receive our pre-ordained rewards; so what can we do now, O Pandit? hukmu hoAw hwslu qdy hoie inbiVAw hMFih jIA kmWdy ]1] (653-11)hukam ho-aa haasal taday ho-ay nibrhi-aa handheh jee-a kamaaNday. ||1|| When His Command is received, then it is decided; all beings move and act accordingly. ||1|| mÚ 2 ] (653-12)mehlaa 2. Second Mehl: nik nQ Ksm hQ ikrqu Dky dy ] (653-12)nak nath khasam hath kirat Dhakay day. The string through the nose is in the hands of the Lord Master; one's own actions drive him on. jhw dwxy qhW Kwxy nwnkw scu hy ]2] (653-12)jahaa daanay tahaaN khaanay naankaa sach hay. ||2|| Wherever his food is, there he eats it; O Nanak, this is the Truth. ||2|| pauVI ] (653-13)pa-orhee. Pauree: sBy glw Awip Qwit bhwlIEnu ] (653-13)sabhay galaa aap thaat bahaalee-on. The Lord Himself puts everything in its proper place. Awpy rcnu rcwie Awpy hI GwilEnu ] (653-13)aapay rachan rachaa-ay aapay hee ghaali-on. He Himself created the creation, and He Himself destroys it. Awpy jMq aupwie Awip pRiqpwilEnu ] (653-14)aapay jant upaa-ay aap partipaali-on. He Himself fashions His creatures, and He Himself nourishes them. dws rKy kMiT lwie ndir inhwilEnu ] (653-14)daas rakhay kanth laa-ay nadar nihaali-on. He hugs His slaves close in His embrace, and blesses them with His Glance of Grace. nwnk Bgqw sdw Anµdu Bwau dUjw jwilEnu ]28] (653-15)naanak bhagtaa sadaa anand bhaa-o doojaa jaali-on. ||28|| O Nanak, His devotees are forever in bliss; they have burnt away the love of duality. ||28|| sloku mÚ 3 ] (653-15)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: ey mn hir jI iDAwie qU iek min iek iciq Bwie ] (653-15)ay man har jee Dhi-aa-ay too ik man ik chit bhaa-ay. O mind, meditate on the Dear Lord, with single-minded conscious concentration. hir kIAw sdw sdw vifAweIAw dyie n pCoqwie ] (653-16)har kee-aa sadaa sadaa vadi-aa-ee-aa day-ay na pachhotaa-ay. The glorious greatness of the Lord shall last forever and ever; He never regrets what He gives. hau hir kY sd bilhwrxY ijqu syivAY suKu pwie ] (653-16)ha-o har kai sad balihaarnai jit sayvi-ai sukh paa-ay. I am forever a sacrifice to the Lord; serving Him, peace is obtained. nwnk gurmuiK imil rhY haumY sbid jlwie ]1] (653-17)naanak gurmukh mil rahai ha-umai sabad jalaa-ay. ||1|| O Nanak, the Gurmukh remains merged with the Lord; he burns away his ego through the Word of the Shabad. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (653-17)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: Awpy syvw lwieAnu Awpy bKs kryie ] (653-18)aapay sayvaa laa-i-an aapay bakhas karay-i. He Himself enjoins us to serve Him, and He Himself blesses us with forgiveness. sBnw kw mw ipau Awip hY Awpy swr kryie ] (653-18)sabhnaa kaa maa pi-o aap hai aapay saar karay-i. He Himself is the father and mother of all; He Himself cares for us. nwnk nwmu iDAwiein iqn inj Gir vwsu hY jugu jugu soBw hoie ]2] (653-18)naanak naam Dhi-aa-in tin nij ghar vaas hai jug jug sobhaa ho-ay. ||2|| O Nanak, those who meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, abide in the home of their inner being; they are honored throughout the ages. ||2|| pauVI ] (653-19)pa-orhee. Pauree: qU krx kwrx smrQu hih krqy mY quJ ibnu Avru n koeI ] (653-19)too karan kaaran samrath heh kartay mai tujh bin avar na ko-ee. You are the Creator, all-powerful, able to do anything. Without You, there is no other at all. |
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