Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


ivxu nwvY siB Brmdy inq jig qotw sYswir ] (646-1)
vin naavai sabh bharamday nit jag totaa saisaar.
Without the Name of the Lord, everyone wanders around the world, losing.

mnmuiK krm kmwvxy haumY AMDu gubwru ] (646-1)
manmukh karam kamaavnay ha-umai anDh gubaar.
The self-willed manmukhs do their deeds in the pitch black darkness of egotism.

gurmuiK AMimRqu pIvxw nwnk sbdu vIcwir ]1] (646-2)
gurmukh amrit peevnaa naanak sabad veechaar. ||1||
The Gurmukhs drink in the Ambrosial Nectar, O Nanak, contemplating the Word of the Shabad. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (646-2)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

shjy jwgY shjy sovY ] (646-2)
sehjay jaagai sehjay sovai.
He wakes in peace, and he sleeps in peace.

gurmuiK Anidnu ausqiq hovY ] (646-2)
gurmukh an-din ustat hovai.
The Gurmukh praises the Lord night and day.

mnmuK BrmY shsw hovY ] (646-3)
manmukh bharmai sahsaa hovai.
The self-willed manmukh remains deluded by his doubts.

AMqir icMqw nId n sovY ] (646-3)
antar chintaa need na sovai.
He is filled with anxiety, and he cannot even sleep.

igAwnI jwgih svih suBwie ] (646-3)
gi-aanee jaageh saveh subhaa-ay.
The spiritually wise wake and sleep in peace.

nwnk nwim riqAw bil jwau ]2] (646-4)
naanak naam rati-aa bal jaa-o. ||2||
Nanak is a sacrifice to those who are imbued with the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2||

pauVI ] (646-4)

sy hir nwmu iDAwvih jo hir riqAw ] (646-4)
say har naam Dhi-aavahi jo har rati-aa.
They alone meditate on the Lord's Name, who are imbued with the Lord.

hir ieku iDAwvih ieku ieko hir siqAw ] (646-4)
har ik Dhi-aavahi ik iko har sati-aa.
They meditate on the One Lord; the One and Only Lord is True.

hir ieko vrqY ieku ieko auqpiqAw ] (646-5)
har iko vartai ik iko utpati-aa.
The One Lord is pervading everywhere; the One Lord created the Universe.

jo hir nwmu iDAwvih iqn fru sit GiqAw ] (646-5)
jo har naam Dhi-aavahi tin dar sat ghati-aa.
Those who meditate on the Lord's Name, cast out their fears.

gurmqI dyvY Awip gurmuiK hir jipAw ]9] (646-6)
gurmatee dayvai aap gurmukh har japi-aa. ||9||
The Lord Himself blesses them with Guru's Instruction; the Gurmukh meditates on the Lord. ||9||

slok mÚ 3 ] (646-6)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

AMqir igAwnu n AwieE ijqu ikCu soJI pwie ] (646-6)
antar gi-aan na aa-i-o jit kichh sojhee paa-ay.
Spiritual wisdom, which would bring understanding, does not enter into his mind.

ivxu ifTw ikAw swlwhIAY AMDw AMDu kmwie ] (646-7)
vin dithaa ki-aa salaahee-ai anDhaa anDh kamaa-ay.
Without seeing, how can he praise the Lord? The blind act in blindness.

nwnk sbdu pCwxIAY nwmu vsY min Awie ]1] (646-7)
naanak sabad pachhaanee-ai naam vasai man aa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, when one realizes the Word of the Shabad, then the Naam comes to abide in the mind. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (646-8)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

iekw bwxI ieku guru ieko sbdu vIcwir ] (646-8)
ikaa banee ik gur iko sabad veechaar.
There is One Bani; there is One Guru; there is one Shabad to contemplate.

scw saudw htu scu rqnI Bry BMfwr ] (646-8)
sachaa sa-udaa hat sach ratnee bharay bhandaar.
True is the merchandise, and true is the shop; the warehouses are overflowing with jewels.

gur ikrpw qy pweIAin jy dyvY dyvxhwru ] (646-9)
gur kirpaa tay paa-ee-an jay dayvai dayvanhaar.
By Guru's Grace, they are obtained, if the Great Giver gives them.

scw saudw lwBu sdw KitAw nwmu Apwru ] (646-9)
sachaa sa-udaa laabh sadaa khati-aa naam apaar.
Dealing in this true merchandise, one earns the profit of the incomparable Naam.

ivKu ivic AMimRqu pRgitAw krim pIAwvxhwru ] (646-10)
vikh vich amrit pargati-aa karam pee-aavanhaar.
In the midst of poison, the Ambrosial Nectar is revealed; by His Mercy, one drinks it in.

nwnk scu slwhIAY DMnu svwrxhwru ]2] (646-10)
naanak sach salaahee-ai Dhan savaaranhaar. ||2||
O Nanak, praise the True Lord; blessed is the Creator, the Embellisher. ||2||

pauVI ] (646-11)

ijnw AMdir kUVu vrqY scu n BwveI ] (646-11)
jinaa andar koorh vartai sach na bhaav-ee.
Those who are permeated by falsehood, do not love the Truth.

jy ko bolY scu kUVw jil jwveI ] (646-11)
jay ko bolai sach koorhaa jal jaav-ee.
If someone speaks the Truth, falsehood is burnt away.

kUiVAwrI rjY kUiV ijau ivstw kwgu KwveI ] (646-12)
khoorhi-aaree rajai koorh ji-o vistaa kaag khaav-ee.
The false are satisfied by falsehood, like the crows who eat manure.

ijsu hir hoie ik®pwlu so nwmu iDAwveI ] (646-12)
jis har ho-ay kirpaal so naam Dhi-aava-ee.
When the Lord grants His Grace, then one meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

hir gurmuiK nwmu ArwiD kUVu pwpu lih jwveI ]10] (646-13)
har gurmukh naam araaDh koorh paap leh jaav-ee. ||10||
As Gurmukh, worship the Lord's Name in adoration; fraud and sin shall disappear. ||10||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (646-13)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

syKw caucikAw cauvwieAw eyhu mnu iekqu Gir Awix ] (646-13)
saykhaa cha-uchaki-aa cha-uvaa-i-aa ayhu man ikat ghar aan.
O Shaykh, you wander in the four directions, blown by the four winds; bring your mind back to the home of the One Lord.

eyhV qyhV Cif qU gur kw sbdu pCwxu ] (646-14)
ayharh tayharh chhad too gur kaa sabad pachhaan.
Renounce your petty arguments, and realize the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

siqgur AgY Fih pau sBu ikCu jwxY jwxu ] (646-14)
satgur agai dheh pa-o sabh kichh jaanai jaan.
Bow in humble respect before the True Guru; He is the Knower who knows everything.

Awsw mnsw jlwie qU hoie rhu imhmwxu ] (646-15)
aasaa mansaa jalaa-ay too ho-ay rahu mihmaan.
Burn away your hopes and desires, and live like a guest in this world.

siqgur kY BwxY BI clih qw drgh pwvih mwxu ] (646-15)
satgur kai bhaanai bhee chaleh taa dargeh paavahi maan.
If you walk in harmony with the True Guru's Will, then you shall be honored in the Court of the Lord.

nwnk ij nwmu n cyqnI iqn iDgu pYnxu iDgu Kwxu ]1] (646-16)
naanak je naam na chaytnee tin Dhig painan Dhig khaan. ||1||
O Nanak, those who do not contemplate the Naam, the Name of the Lord - cursed are their clothes, and cursed is their food. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (646-16)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

hir gux qoit n AwveI kImiq khxu n jwie ] (646-16)
har gun tot na aavee keemat kahan na jaa-ay.
There is no end to the Lord's Glorious Praises; His worth cannot be described.

nwnk gurmuiK hir gux rvih gux mih rhY smwie ]2] (646-17)
naanak gurmukh har gun raveh gun meh rahai samaa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs chant the Glorious Praises of the Lord; they are absorbed in His Glorious Virtues. ||2||

pauVI ] (646-17)

hir colI dyh svwrI kiF pYDI Bgiq kir ] (646-18)
har cholee dayh savaaree kadh paiDhee bhagat kar.
The Lord has adorned the coat of the body; He has embroidered it with devotional worship.

hir pwtu lgw AiDkweI bhu bhu ibiD Bwiq kir ] (646-18)
har paat lagaa aDhikaa-ee baho baho biDh bhaat kar.
The Lord has woven His silk into it, in so many ways and fashions.

koeI bUJY bUJxhwrw AMqir ibbyku kir ] (646-19)
ko-ee boojhai boojhanhaaraa antar bibayk kar.
How rare is that man of understanding, who understands, and deliberates within.

so bUJY eyhu ibbyku ijsu buJwey Awip hir ] (646-19)
so boojhai ayhu bibayk jis bujhaa-ay aap har.
He alone understands these deliberations, whom the Lord Himself inspires to understand.

jnu nwnku khY ivcwrw gurmuiK hir siq hir ]11] (646-19)
jan naanak kahai vichaaraa gurmukh har sat har. ||11||
Poor servant Nanak speaks: the Gurmukhs know the Lord, the Lord is True. ||11||