mn kI swr n jwxnI haumY Brim Bulwie ] (645-1)
man kee saar na jaannee ha-umai bharam bhulaa-ay.
They do not know the state of their own minds; they are deluded by doubt and egotism.
gur prswdI Bau pieAw vfBwig visAw min Awie ] (645-1)
gur parsaadee bha-o pa-i-aa vadbhaag vasi-aa man aa-ay.
By Guru's Grace, the Fear of God is obtained; by great good fortune, the Lord comes to abide in the mind.
BY pieAY mnu vis hoAw haumY sbid jlwie ] (645-2)
bhai pa-i-ai man vas ho-aa ha-umai sabad jalaa-ay.
When the Fear of God comes, the mind is restrained, and through the Word of the Shabad, the ego is burnt away.
sic rqy sy inrmly joqI joiq imlwie ] (645-2)
sach ratay say nirmalay jotee jot milaa-ay.
Those who are imbued with Truth are immaculate; their light merges in the Light.
siqguir imilAY nwau pwieAw nwnk suiK smwie ]2] (645-3)
satgur mili-ai naa-o paa-i-aa naanak sukh samaa-ay. ||2||
Meeting the True Guru, one obtains the Name; O Nanak, he is absorbed in peace. ||2||
pauVI ] (645-3)
eyh BUpiq rwxy rMg idn cwir suhwvxw ] (645-3)
ayh bhoopat raanay rang din chaar suhaavanaa.
The pleasures of kings and emperors are pleasing, but they last for only a few days.
eyhu mwieAw rMgu ksuMB iKn mih lih jwvxw ] (645-4)
ayhu maa-i-aa rang kasumbh khin meh leh jaavnaa.
These pleasures of Maya are like the color of the safflower, which wears off in a moment.
clidAw nwil n clY isir pwp lY jwvxw ] (645-4)
chaldi-aa naal na chalai sir paap lai jaavnaa.
They do not go with him when he departs; instead, he carries the load of sins upon his head.
jW pkiV clwieAw kwil qW Krw frwvxw ] (645-5)
jaaN pakarh chalaa-i-aa kaal taaN kharaa daraavanaa.
When death seizes him, and marches him away, then he looks absolutely hideous.
Eh vylw hiQ n AwvY iPir pCuqwvxw ]6] (645-5)
oh vaylaa hath na aavai fir pachhutaavnaa. ||6||
That lost opportunity will not come into his hands again, and in the end, he regrets and repents. ||6||
sloku mÚ 3 ] (645-6)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:
siqgur qy jo muh iPry sy bDy duK shwih ] (645-6)
satgur tay jo muh firay say baDhay dukh sahaahi.
Those who turn their faces away from the True Guru, suffer in sorrow and bondage.
iPir iPir imlxu n pwienI jMmih qY mir jwih ] (645-6)
fir fir milan na paa-inee jameh tai mar jaahi.
Again and again, they are born only to die; they cannot meet their Lord.
shsw rogu n CofeI duK hI mih duK pwih ] (645-7)
sahsaa rog na chhod-ee dukh hee meh dukh paahi.
The disease of doubt does not depart, and they find only pain and more pain.
nwnk ndrI bKis lyih sbdy myil imlwih ]1] (645-7)
naanak nadree bakhas layhi sabday mayl milaahi. ||1||
O Nanak, if the Gracious Lord forgives, then one is united in Union with the Word of the Shabad. ||1||
mÚ 3 ] (645-8)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:
jo siqgur qy muh iPry iqnw Taur n Twau ] (645-8)
jo satgur tay muh firay tinaa tha-ur na thaa-o.
Those who turn their faces away from the True Guru, shall find no place of rest or shelter.
ijau CutiV Gir Gir iPrY duhcwrix bdnwau ] (645-8)
ji-o chhutarh ghar ghar firai duhchaaran badnaa-o.
They wander around from door to door, like a woman forsaken, with a bad character and a bad reputation.
nwnk gurmuiK bKsIAih sy siqgur myil imlwau ]2] (645-9)
naanak gurmukh bakhsee-ah say satgur mayl milaa-o. ||2||
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are forgiven, and united in Union with the True Guru. ||2||
pauVI ] (645-9)
jo syvih siq murwir sy Bvjl qir gieAw ] (645-9)
jo sayveh sat muraar say bhavjal tar ga-i-aa.
Those who serve the True Lord, the Destroyer of ego, cross over the terrifying world-ocean.
jo bolih hir hir nwau iqn jmu Cif gieAw ] (645-10)
jo boleh har har naa-o tin jam chhad ga-i-aa.
Those who chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, are passed over by the Messenger of Death.
sy drgh pYDy jwih ijnw hir jip lieAw ] (645-10)
say dargeh paiDhay jaahi jinaa har jap la-i-aa.
Those who meditate on the Lord, go to His Court in robes of honor.
hir syvih syeI purK ijnw hir quDu mieAw ] (645-11)
har sayveh say-ee purakh jinaa har tuDh ma-i-aa.
They alone serve You, O Lord, whom You bless with Grace.
gux gwvw ipAwry inq gurmuiK BRm Bau gieAw ]7] (645-11)
gun gaavaa pi-aaray nit gurmukh bharam bha-o ga-i-aa. ||7||
I sing continually Your Glorious Praises, O Beloved; as Gurmukh, my doubts and fears have been dispelled. ||7||
sloku mÚ 3 ] (645-12)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:
QwlY ivic qY vsqU peIE hir Bojnu AMimRqu swru ] (645-12)
thaalai vich tai vastoo pa-ee-o har bhojan amrit saar.
Upon the plate, three things have been placed; this is the sublime, ambrosial food of the Lord.
ijqu KwDY mnu iqRpqIAY pweIAY moK duAwru ] (645-13)
jit khaaDhai man taripat-ee-ai paa-ee-ai mokh du-aar.
Eating this, the mind is satisfied, and the Door of Salvation is found.
iehu Bojnu AlBu hY sMqhu lBY gur vIcwir ] (645-13)
ih bhojan alabh hai santahu labhai gur veechaar.
It is so difficult to obtain this food, O Saints; it is obtained only by contemplating the Guru.
eyh mudwvxI ikau ivchu kFIAY sdw rKIAY auir Dwir ] (645-14)
ayh mudaavanee ki-o vichahu kadhee-ai sadaa rakhee-ai ur Dhaar.
Why should we cast this riddle out of our minds? We should keep it ever enshrined in our hearts.
eyh mudwvxI siqgurU pweI gurisKw lDI Bwil ] (645-14)
ayh mudaavanee satguroo paa-ee gursikhaa laDhee bhaal.
The True Guru has posed this riddle. The Guru's Sikhs have found its solution.
nwnk ijsu buJwey su buJsI hir pwieAw gurmuiK Gwil ]1] (645-15)
naanak jis bujhaa-ay so bujhsee har paa-i-aa gurmukh ghaal. ||1||
O Nanak, he alone understands this, whom the Lord inspires to understand. The Gurmukhs work hard, and find the Lord. ||1||
mÚ 3 ] (645-15)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:
jo Duir myly sy imil rhy siqgur isau icqu lwie ] (645-15)
jo Dhur maylay say mil rahay satgur si-o chit laa-ay.
Those whom the Primal Lord unites, remain in Union with Him; they focus their consciousness on the True Guru.
Awip ivCoVynu sy ivCuVy dUjY Bwie KuAwie ] (645-16)
aap vichhorhayn say vichhurhay doojai bhaa-ay khu-aa-ay.
Those whom the Lord Himself separates, remain separated; in the love of duality, they are ruined.
nwnk ivxu krmw ikAw pweIAY pUrib iliKAw kmwie ]2] (645-16)
naanak vin karmaa ki-aa paa-ee-ai poorab likhi-aa kamaa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, without good karma, what can anyone obtain? He earns what he is pre-destined to receive. ||2||
pauVI ] (645-17)
bih sKIAw jsu gwvih gwvxhwrIAw ] (645-17)
bahi sakhee-aa jas gaavahi gavanhaaree-aa.
Sitting together, the companions sing the Songs of the Lord's Praises.
hir nwmu slwihhu inq hir kau bilhwrIAw ] (645-18)
har naam salaahihu nit har ka-o balihaaree-aa.
They praise the Lord's Name continually; they are a sacrifice to the Lord.
ijnI suix mMinAw hir nwau iqnw hau vwrIAw ] (645-18)
jinee sun mani-aa har naa-o tinaa ha-o vaaree-aa.
Those who hear, and believe in the Lord's Name, to them I am a sacrifice.
gurmuKIAw hir mylu imlwvxhwrIAw ] (645-19)
gurmukhee-aa har mayl milaavanhaaree-aa.
O Lord, let me unite with the Gurmukhs, who are united with You.
hau bil jwvw idnu rwiq gur dyKxhwrIAw ]8] (645-19)
ha-o bal jaavaa din raat gur daikhanhaaree-aa. ||8||
I am a sacrifice to those who, day and night, behold their Guru. ||8||
sloku mÚ 3 ] (645-19)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl: