Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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644 DMDw kriqAw inhPlu jnmu gvwieAw suKdwqw min n vswieAw ] (644-1)DhanDhaa karti-aa nihfal janam gavaa-i-aa sukh-daata man na vasaa-i-aa. Involved in worldly affairs, he wastes his life in vain; the peace-giving Lord does not come to abide in his mind. nwnk nwmu iqnw kau imilAw ijn kau Duir iliK pwieAw ]1] (644-1)naanak naam tinaa ka-o mili-aa jin ka-o Dhur likh paa-i-aa. ||1|| O Nanak, they alone obtain the Name, who have such pre-ordained destiny. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (644-2)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: Gr hI mih AMimRqu BrpUru hY mnmuKw swdu n pwieAw ] (644-2)ghar hee meh amrit bharpoor hai manmukhaa saad na paa-i-aa. The home within is filled with Ambrosial Nectar, but the self-willed manmukh does not get to taste it. ijau ksqUrI imrgu n jwxY BRmdw Brim BulwieAw ] (644-3)ji-o kastooree mirag na jaanai bharmadaa bharam bhulaa-i-aa. He is like the deer, who does not recognize its own musk-scent; it wanders around, deluded by doubt. AMimRqu qij ibKu sMgRhY krqY Awip KuAwieAw ] (644-3)amrit taj bikh sangrahai kartai aap khu-aa-i-aa. The manmukh forsakes the Ambrosial Nectar, and instead gathers poison; the Creator Himself has fooled him. gurmuiK ivrly soJI peI iqnw AMdir bRhmu idKwieAw ] (644-4)gurmukh virlay sojhee pa-ee tinaa andar barahm dikhaa-i-aa. How rare are the Gurmukhs, who obtain this understanding; they behold the Lord God within themselves. qnu mnu sIqlu hoieAw rsnw hir swdu AwieAw ] (644-4)tan man seetal ho-i-aa rasnaa har saad aa-i-aa. Their minds and bodies are cooled and soothed, and their tongues enjoy the sublime taste of the Lord. sbdy hI nwau aUpjY sbdy myil imlwieAw ] (644-5)sabday hee naa-o oopjai sabday mayl milaa-i-aa. Through the Word of the Shabad, the Name wells up; through the Shabad, we are united in the Lord's Union. ibnu sbdY sBu jgu baurwnw ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw ] (644-5)bin sabdai sabh jag ba-uraanaa birthaa janam gavaa-i-aa. Without the Shabad, the whole world is insane, and it loses its life in vain. AMimRqu eyko sbdu hY nwnk gurmuiK pwieAw ]2] (644-6)amrit ayko sabad hai naanak gurmukh paa-i-aa. ||2|| The Shabad alone is Ambrosial Nectar; O Nanak, the Gurmukhs obtain it. ||2|| pauVI ] (644-6)pa-orhee. Pauree: so hir purKu AgMmu hY khu ikqu ibiD pweIAY ] (644-7)so har purakh agamm hai kaho kit biDh paa-ee-ai. The Lord God is inaccessible; tell me, how can we find Him? iqsu rUpu n ryK AidRstu khu jn ikau iDAweIAY ] (644-7)tis roop na raykh adrist kaho jan ki-o Dhi-aa-ee-ai. He has no form or feature, and He cannot be seen; tell me, how can we meditate on Him? inrMkwru inrMjnu hir Agmu ikAw kih gux gweIAY ] (644-8)nirankaar niranjan har agam ki-aa kahi gun gaa-ee-ai. The Lord is formless, immaculate and inaccessible; which of His Virtues should we speak of and sing? ijsu Awip buJwey Awip su hir mwrig pweIAY ] (644-8)jis aap bujhaa-ay aap so har maarag paa-ee-ai. They alone walk on the Lord's Path, whom the Lord Himself instructs. guir pUrY vyKwilAw gur syvw pweIAY ]4] (644-9)gur poorai vaykhaali-aa gur sayvaa paa-ee-ai. ||4|| The Perfect Guru has revealed Him to me; serving the Guru, He is found. ||4|| sloku mÚ 3 ] (644-9)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: ijau qnu kolU pIVIAY rqu n BorI fyih ] (644-9)ji-o tan koloo peerhee-ai rat na bhoree dayhi. It is as if my body has been crushed in the oil-press, without yielding even a drop of blood; jIau vM\Y cau KMnIAY scy sMdVY nyih ] (644-10)jee-o vanjai cha-o khannee-ai sachay sand-rhai nayhi. it is as if my soul has been cut apart into pieces for the sake of the Love of the True Lord; nwnk mylu n cukeI rwqI AqY fyh ]1] (644-10)naanak mayl na chuk-ee raatee atai dayh. ||1|| O Nanak, still, night and day, my Union with the Lord is not broken. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (644-11)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: sjxu mYfw rMgulw rMgu lwey mnu lyie ] (644-11)sajan maidaa rangulaa rang laa-ay man lay-ay. My Friend is so full of joy and love; He colors my mind with the color of His Love, ijau mwjITY kpVy rMgy BI pwhyih ] (644-11)ji-o maajeethai kaprhay rangay bhee paahayhi. like the fabric which is treated to retain the color of the dye. nwnk rMgu n auqrY ibAw n lgY kyh ]2] (644-11)naanak rang na utrai bi-aa na lagai kayh. ||2|| O Nanak, this color does not depart, and no other color can be imparted to this fabric. ||2|| pauVI ] (644-12)pa-orhee. Pauree: hir Awip vrqY Awip hir Awip bulwiedw ] (644-12)har aap vartai aap har aap bulaa-idaa. The Lord Himself is pervading everywhere; the Lord Himself causes us to chant His Name. hir Awpy isRsit svwir isir DMDY lwiedw ] (644-12)har aapay sarisat savaar sir DhanDhai laa-idaa. The Lord Himself created the creation; He commits all to their tasks. ieknw BgqI lwie ieik Awip KuAwiedw ] (644-13)iknaa bhagtee laa-ay ik aap khu-aa-idaa. He engages some in devotional worship, and others, He causes to stray. ieknw mwrig pwie ieik auJiV pwiedw ] (644-13)iknaa maarag paa-ay ik ujharh paa-idaa. He places some on the Path, while He leads others into the wilderness. jnu nwnku nwmu iDAwey gurmuiK gux gwiedw ]5] (644-14)jan naanak naam Dhi-aa-ay gurmukh gun gaa-idaa. ||5|| Servant Nanak meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord; as Gurmukh, he sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||5|| sloku mÚ 3 ] (644-14)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: siqgur kI syvw sPlu hY jy ko kry icqu lwie ] (644-15)satgur kee sayvaa safal hai jay ko karay chit laa-ay. Service to the True Guru is fruitful and rewarding, if one performs it with his mind focused on it. min icMidAw Plu pwvxw haumY ivchu jwie ] (644-15)man chindi-aa fal paavnaa ha-umai vichahu jaa-ay. The fruits of the mind's desires are obtained, and egotism departs from within. bMDn qoVY mukiq hoie scy rhY smwie ] (644-16)banDhan torhai mukat ho-ay sachay rahai samaa-ay. His bonds are broken, and he is liberated; he remains absorbed in the True Lord. iesu jg mih nwmu AlBu hY gurmuiK vsY min Awie ] (644-16)is jag meh naam alabh hai gurmukh vasai man aa-ay. It is so difficult to obtain the Naam in this world; it comes to dwell in the mind of the Gurmukh. nwnk jo guru syvih Awpxw hau iqn bilhwrY jwau ]1] (644-17)naanak jo gur sayveh aapnaa ha-o tin balihaarai jaa-o. ||1|| O Nanak, I am a sacrifice to one who serves his True Guru. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (644-17)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: mnmuK mMnu Aijqu hY dUjY lgY jwie ] (644-17)manmukh man ajit hai doojai lagai jaa-ay. The mind of the self-willed manmukh is so very stubborn; it is stuck in the love of duality. iqs no suKu supnY nhI duKy duiK ivhwie ] (644-18)tis no sukh supnai nahee dukhay dukh vihaa-ay. He does not find peace, even in dreams; he passes his life in misery and suffering. Gir Gir piV piV pMifq Qky isD smwiD lgwie ] (644-18)ghar ghar parh parh pandit thakay siDh samaaDh lagaa-ay. The Pandits have grown weary of going door to door, reading and reciting their scriptures; the Siddhas have gone into their trances of Samaadhi. iehu mnu vis n AwveI Qky krm kmwie ] (644-19)ih man vas na aavee thakay karam kamaa-ay. This mind cannot be controlled; they are tired of performing religious rituals. ByKDwrI ByK kir Qky AiTsiT qIrQ nwie ] (644-19)bhaykh-Dhaaree bhaykh kar thakay athisath tirath naa-ay. The impersonators have grown weary of wearing false costumes, and bathing at the sixty-eight sacred shrines. |
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