Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


sloku mÚ 3 ] (643-1)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

haumY jlqy jil muey BRim Awey dUjY Bwie ] (643-1)
ha-umai jaltay jal mu-ay bharam aa-ay doojai bhaa-ay.
In the flames of egotism, he is burnt to death; he wanders in doubt and the love of duality.

pUrY siqguir rwiK lIey AwpxY pMnY pwie ] (643-1)
poorai satgur raakh lee-ay aapnai pannai paa-ay.
The Perfect True Guru saves him, making him His own.

iehu jgu jlqw ndrI AwieAw gur kY sbid suBwie ] (643-2)
ih jag jaltaa nadree aa-i-aa gur kai sabad subhaa-ay.
This world is burning; through the Sublime Word of the Guru's Shabad, this comes to be seen.

sbid rqy sy sIql Bey nwnk scu kmwie ]1] (643-2)
sabad ratay say seetal bha-ay naanak sach kamaa-ay. ||1||
Those who are attuned to the Shabad are cooled and soothed; O Nanak, they practice Truth. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (643-3)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

sPilE siqguru syivAw DMnu jnmu prvwxu ] (643-3)
safli-o satgur sayvi-aa Dhan janam parvaan.
Service to the True Guru is fruitful and rewarding; blessed and acceptable is such a life.

ijnw siqguru jIvidAw muieAw n ivsrY syeI purK sujwx ] (643-3)
jinaa satgur jeevdi-aa mu-i-aa na visrai say-ee purakh sujaan.
Those who do not forget the True Guru, in life and in death, are truly wise people.

kulu auDwry Awpxw so jnu hovY prvwxu ] (643-4)
kul uDhaaray aapnaa so jan hovai parvaan.
Their families are saved, and they are approved by the Lord.

gurmuiK muey jIvdy prvwxu hih mnmuK jnim mrwih ] (643-4)
gurmukh mu-ay jeevday parvaan heh manmukh janam maraahi.
The Gurmukhs are approved in death as in life, while the self-willed manmukhs continue the cycle of birth and death.

nwnk muey n AwKIAih ij gur kY sbid smwih ]2] (643-5)
naanak mu-ay na aakhee-ahi je gur kai sabad samaahi. ||2||
O Nanak, they are not described as dead, who are absorbed in the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||2||

pauVI ] (643-5)

hir purKu inrMjnu syiv hir nwmu iDAweIAY ] (643-6)
har purakh niranjan sayv har naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai.
Serve the Immaculate Lord God, and meditate on the Lord's Name.

sqsMgiq swDU lig hir nwim smweIAY ] (643-6)
satsangat saaDhoo lag har naam samaa-ee-ai.
Join the Society of the Holy Saints, and be absorbed in the Lord's Name.

hir qyrI vfI kwr mY mUrK lweIAY ] (643-6)
har tayree vadee kaar mai moorakh laa-ee-ai.
O Lord, glorious and great is service to You; I am so foolish

hau golw lwlw quDu mY hukmu PurmweIAY ] (643-7)
ha-o golaa laalaa tuDh mai hukam furmaa-ee-ai.
- please, commit me to it. I am Your servant and slave; command me, according to Your Will.

hau gurmuiK kwr kmwvw ij guir smJweIAY ]2] (643-7)
ha-o gurmukh kaar kamaavaa je gur samjaa-ee-ai. ||2||
As Gurmukh, I shall serve You, as Guru has instructed me. ||2||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (643-8)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

pUrib iliKAw kmwvxw ij krqY Awip iliKAwsu ] (643-8)
poorab likhi-aa kamaavanaa je kartai aap likhi-aas.
He acts according to pre-ordained destiny, written by the Creator Himself.

moh TgaulI pweIAnu ivsirAw guxqwsu ] (643-9)
moh thag-ulee paa-ee-an visri-aa guntaas.
Emotional attachment has drugged him, and he has forgotten the Lord, the treasure of virtue.

mqu jwxhu jgu jIvdw dUjY Bwie muieAwsu ] (643-9)
mat jaanhu jag jeevdaa doojai bhaa-ay mu-i-aas.
Don't think that he is alive in the world - he is dead, through the love of duality.

ijnI gurmuiK nwmu n cyiqE sy bhix n imlnI pwis ] (643-9)
jinee gurmukh naam na chayti-o say bahan na milnee paas.
Those who do not meditate on the Lord, as Gurmukh, are not permitted to sit near the Lord.

duKu lwgw bhu Aiq Gxw puqu klqu n swiQ koeI jwis ] (643-10)
dukh laagaa baho at ghanaa put kalat na saath ko-ee jaas.
They suffer the most horrible pain and suffering, and neither their sons nor their wives go along with them.

lokw ivic muhu kwlw hoAw AMdir auBy sws ] (643-11)
lokaa vich muhu kaalaa ho-aa andar ubhay saas.
Their faces are blackened among men, and they sigh in deep regret.

mnmuKw no ko n ivshI cuik gieAw vyswsu ] (643-11)
manmukhaa no ko na vishee chuk ga-i-aa vaysaas.
No one places any reliance in the self-willed manmukhs; trust in them is lost.

nwnk gurmuKw no suKu Aglw ijnw AMqir nwm invwsu ]1] (643-12)
naanak gurmukhaa no sukh aglaa jinaa antar naam nivaas. ||1||
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs live in absolute peace; the Naam, the Name of the Lord, abides within them. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (643-12)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

sy sYx sy sjxw ij gurmuiK imlih suBwie ] (643-12)
say sain say sajnaa je gurmukh mileh subhaa-ay.
They alone are relatives, and they alone are friends, who, as Gurmukh, join together in love.

siqgur kw Bwxw Anidnu krih sy sic rhy smwie ] (643-13)
satgur kaa bhaanaa an-din karahi say sach rahay samaa-ay.
Night and day, they act according to the True Guru's Will; they remain absorbed in the True Name.

dUjY Bwie lgy sjx n AwKIAih ij AiBmwnu krih vykwr ] (643-13)
doojai bhaa-ay lagay sajan na aakhee-ahi je abhimaan karahi vaykaar.
Those who are attached to the love of duality are not called friends; they practice egotism and corruption.

mnmuK Awp suAwrQI kwrju n skih svwir ] (643-14)
manmukh aap su-aarthee kaaraj na sakahi savaar.
The self-willed manmukhs are selfish; they cannot resolve anyone's affairs.

nwnk pUrib iliKAw kmwvxw koie n mytxhwru ]2] (643-15)
naanak poorab likhi-aa kamaavanaa ko-ay na maytanhaar. ||2||
O Nanak, they act according to their pre-ordained destiny; no one can erase it. ||2||

pauVI ] (643-15)

quDu Awpy jgqu aupwie kY Awip Kylu rcwieAw ] (643-15)
tuDh aapay jagat upaa-ay kai aap khayl rachaa-i-aa.
You Yourself created the world, and You Yourself arranged the play of it.

qRY gux Awip isrijAw mwieAw mohu vDwieAw ] (643-16)
tarai gun aap sirji-aa maa-i-aa moh vaDhaa-i-aa.
You Yourself created the three qualities, and fostered emotional attachment to Maya.

ivic haumY lyKw mMgIAY iPir AwvY jwieAw ] (643-16)
vich ha-umai laykhaa mangee-ai fir aavai jaa-i-aa.
He is called to account for his deeds done in egotism; he continues coming and going in reincarnation.

ijnw hir Awip ik®pw kry sy guir smJwieAw ] (643-17)
jinaa har aap kirpaa karay say gur samjhaa-i-aa.
The Guru instructs those whom the Lord Himself blesses with Grace.

bilhwrI gur Awpxy sdw sdw GumwieAw ]3] (643-17)
balihaaree gur aapnay sadaa sadaa ghumaa-i-aa. ||3||
I am a sacrifice to my Guru; forever and ever, I am a sacrifice to Him. ||3||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (643-18)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

mwieAw mmqw mohxI ijin ivxu dMqw jgu KwieAw ] (643-18)
maa-i-aa mamtaa mohnee jin vin dantaa jag khaa-i-aa.
The love of Maya is enticing; without teeth, it has eaten up the world.

mnmuK KwDy gurmuiK aubry ijnI sic nwim icqu lwieAw ] (643-18)
manmukh khaaDhay gurmukh ubray jinee sach naam chit laa-i-aa.
The self-willed manmukhs are eaten away, while the Gurmukhs are saved; they focus their consciousness on the True Name.

ibnu nwvY jgu kmlw iPrY gurmuiK ndrI AwieAw ] (643-19)
bin naavai jag kamlaa firai gurmukh nadree aa-i-aa.
Without the Name, the world wanders around insane; the Gurmukhs come to see this.