Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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647 sloku mÚ 3 ] (647-1)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: prQwie swKI mhw purK boldy swJI sgl jhwnY ] (647-1)parthaa-ay saakhee mahaa purakh bolday saajhee sagal jahaanai. Great men speak the teachings by relating them to individual situations, but the whole world shares in them. gurmuiK hoie su Bau kry Awpxw Awpu pCwxY ] (647-2)gurmukh ho-ay so bha-o karay aapnaa aap pachhaanai. One who becomes Gurmukh knows the Fear of God, and realizes his own self. gur prswdI jIvqu mrY qw mn hI qy mnu mwnY ] (647-2)gur parsaadee jeevat marai taa man hee tay man maanai. If, by Guru's Grace, one remains dead while yet alive, the mind becomes content in itself. ijn kau mn kI prqIiq nwhI nwnk sy ikAw kQih igAwnY ]1] (647-3)jin ka-o man kee parteet naahee naanak say ki-aa katheh gi-aanai. ||1|| Those who have no faith in their own minds, O Nanak - how can they speak of spiritual wisdom? ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (647-3)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: gurmuiK icqu n lwieE AMiq duKu phuqw Awie ] (647-3)gurmukh chit na laa-i-o ant dukh pahutaa aa-ay. Those who do not focus their consciousness on the Lord, as Gurmukh, suffer pain and grief in the end. AMdrhu bwhrhu AMiDAW suiD n kweI pwie ] (647-4)andrahu baahrahu anDhi-aaN suDh na kaa-ee paa-ay. They are blind, inwardly and outwardly, and they do not understand anything. pMifq iqn kI brkqI sBu jgqu Kwie jo rqy hir nwie ] (647-4)pandit tin kee barkatee sabh jagat khaa-ay jo ratay har naa-ay. O Pandit, O religious scholar, the whole world is fed for the sake of those who are attuned to the Lord's Name. ijn gur kY sbid slwihAw hir isau rhy smwie ] (647-5)jin gur kai sabad sahaali-aa har si-o rahay samaa-ay. Those who praise the Word of the Guru's Shabad, remain blended with the Lord. pMifq dUjY Bwie brkiq n hoveI nw Dnu plY pwie ] (647-6)pandit doojai bhaa-ay barkat na hova-ee naa Dhan palai paa-ay. O Pandit, O religious scholar, no one is satisfied, and no one finds true wealth through the love of duality. piV Qky sMqoKu n AwieE Anidnu jlq ivhwie ] (647-6)parh thakay santokh na aa-i-o an-din jalat vihaa-ay. They have grown weary of reading scriptures, but still, they do not find contentment, and they pass their lives burning, night and day. kUk pUkwr n cukeI nw sMsw ivchu jwie ] (647-7)kook pookaar na chuk-ee naa sansaa vichahu jaa-ay. Their cries and complaints never end, and doubt does not depart from within them. nwnk nwm ivhUixAw muih kwlY auiT jwie ]2] (647-7)naanak naam vihooni-aa muhi kaalai uth jaa-ay. ||2|| O Nanak, without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, they rise up and depart with blackened faces. ||2|| pauVI ] (647-8)pa-orhee. Pauree: hir sjx myil ipAwry imil pMQu dsweI ] (647-8)har sajan mayl pi-aaray mil panth dasaa-ee. O Beloved, lead me to meet my True Friend; meeting with Him, I shall ask Him to show me the Path. jo hir dsy imqu iqsu hau bil jweI ] (647-8)jo har dasay mit tis ha-o bal jaa-ee. I am a sacrifice to that Friend, who shows it to me. gux swJI iqn isau krI hir nwmu iDAweI ] (647-9)gun saajhee tin si-o karee har naam Dhi-aa-ee. I share His Virtues with Him, and meditate on the Lord's Name. hir syvI ipAwrw inq syiv hir suKu pweI ] (647-9)har sayvee pi-aaraa nit sayv har sukh paa-ee. I serve my Beloved Lord forever; serving the Lord, I have found peace. bilhwrI siqgur iqsu ijin soJI pweI ]12] (647-9)balihaaree satgur tis jin sojhee paa-ee. ||12|| I am a sacrifice to the True Guru, who has imparted this understanding to me. ||12|| sloku mÚ 3 ] (647-10)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: pMifq mYlu n cukeI jy vyd pVY jug cwir ] (647-10)pandit mail na chuk-ee jay vayd parhai jug chaar. O Pandit, O religious scholar, your filth shall not be erased, even if you read the Vedas for four ages. qRY gux mwieAw mUlu hY ivic haumY nwmu ivswir ] (647-11)tarai gun maa-i-aa mool hai vich ha-umai naam visaar. The three qualities are the roots of Maya; in egotism, one forgets the Naam, the Name of the Lord. pMifq BUly dUjY lwgy mwieAw kY vwpwir ] (647-11)pandit bhoolay doojai laagay maa-i-aa kai vaapaar. The Pandits are deluded, attached to duality, and they deal only in Maya. AMqir iqRsnw BuK hY mUrK BuiKAw muey gvwr ] (647-11)antar tarisnaa bhukh hai moorakh bhukhi-aa mu-ay gavaar. They are filled with thirst and hunger; the ignorant fools starve to death. siqguir syivAY suKu pwieAw scY sbid vIcwir ] (647-12)satgur sayvi-ai sukh paa-i-aa sachai sabad veechaar. Serving the True Guru, peace is obtained, contemplating the True Word of the Shabad. AMdrhu iqRsnw BuK geI scY nwie ipAwir ] (647-12)andrahu tarisnaa bhukh ga-ee sachai naa-ay pi-aar. Hunger and thirst have departed from within me; I am in love with the True Name. nwnk nwim rqy shjy rjy ijnw hir riKAw auir Dwir ]1] (647-13)naanak naam ratay sehjay rajay jinaa har rakhi-aa ur Dhaar. ||1|| O Nanak, those who are imbued with the Naam, who keep the Lord clasped tightly to their hearts, are automatically satisfied. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (647-14)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: mnmuK hir nwmu n syivAw duKu lgw bhuqw Awie ] (647-14)manmukh har naam na sayvi-aa dukh lagaa bahutaa aa-ay. The self-willed manmukh does not serve the Lord's Name, and so he suffers in horrible pain. AMqir AigAwnu AMDyru hY suiD n kweI pwie ] (647-14)antar agi-aan anDhayr hai suDh na kaa-ee paa-ay. He is filled with the darkness of ignorance, and he does not understand anything. mnhiT shij n bIijE BuKw ik AgY Kwie ] (647-15)manhath sahj na beeji-o bhukhaa ke agai khaa-ay. Because of his stubborn mind, he does not plant the seeds of intuitive peace; what will he eat in the world hereafter, to satisfy his hunger? nwmu inDwnu ivswirAw dUjY lgw jwie ] (647-15)naam niDhaan visaari-aa doojai lagaa jaa-ay. He has forgotten the treasure of the Naam; he is caught in the love of duality. nwnk gurmuiK imlih vifAweIAw jy Awpy myil imlwie ]2] (647-16)naanak gurmukh mileh vadi-aa-ee-aa jay aapay mayl milaa-ay. ||2|| O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are honored with glory, when the Lord Himself unites them in His Union. ||2|| pauVI ] (647-16)pa-orhee. Pauree: hir rsnw hir jsu gwvY KrI suhwvxI ] (647-16)har rasnaa har jas gaavai kharee suhaavanee. The tongue which sings the Lord's Praises, is so very beautiful. jo min qin muiK hir bolY sw hir BwvxI ] (647-17)jo man tan mukh har bolai saa har bhaavnee. One who speaks the Lord's Name, with mind, body and mouth, is pleasing to the Lord. jo gurmuiK cKY swdu sw iqRpqwvxI ] (647-17)jo gurmukh chakhai saad saa tariptaavnee. That Gurmukh tastes the the sublime taste of the Lord, and is satisfied. gux gwvY ipAwry inq gux gwie guxI smJwvxI ] (647-18)gun gaavai pi-aaray nit gun gaa-ay gunee samjhaavanee. She sings continually the Glorious Praises of her Beloved; singing His Glorious Praises, she is uplifted. ijsu hovY Awip dieAwlu sw siqgurU gurU bulwvxI ]13] (647-18)jis hovai aap da-i-aal saa satguroo guroo bulaavanee. ||13|| She is blessed with the Lord's Mercy, and she chants the Words of the Guru, the True Guru. ||13|| sloku mÚ 3 ] (647-19)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: hsqI isir ijau AMksu hY Ahrix ijau isru dyie ] (647-19)hastee sir ji-o ankas hai ahran ji-o sir day-ay. The elephant offers its head to the reins, and the anvil offers itself to the hammer; mnu qnu AwgY rwiK kY aUBI syv kryie ] (647-19)man tan aagai raakh kai oobhee sayv karay-i. just so, we offer our minds and bodies to our Guru; we stand before Him, and serve Him. |
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