Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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640 myrw qyrw CofIAY BweI hoeIAY sB kI DUir ] (640-1)mayraa tayraa chhodee-ai bhaa-ee ho-ee-ai sabh kee Dhoor. Give up your sense of mine and yours, O Siblings of Destiny, and become the dust of the feet of all. Git Git bRhmu pswirAw BweI pyKY suxY hjUir ] (640-1)ghat ghat barahm pasaari-aa bhaa-ee paykhai sunai hajoor. In each and every heart, God is contained, O Siblings of Destiny; He sees, and hears, and is ever-present with us. ijqu idin ivsrY pwrbRhmu BweI iqqu idin mrIAY JUir ] (640-2)jit din visrai paarbarahm bhaa-ee tit din maree-ai jhoor. On that day when one forgets the Supreme Lord God, O Siblings of Destiny, on that day, one ought to die crying out in pain. krn krwvn smrQo BweI srb klw BrpUir ]4] (640-3)karan karaavan samratho bhaa-ee sarab kalaa bharpoor. ||4|| He is the all-powerful Cause of Causes, O Siblings of Destiny; he is totally filled with all powers. ||4|| pRym pdwrQu nwmu hY BweI mwieAw moh ibnwsu ] (640-3)paraym padaarath naam hai bhaa-ee maa-i-aa moh binaas. The Love of the Name is the greatest treasure, O Siblings of Destiny; through it, emotional attachment to Maya is dispelled. iqsu BwvY qw myil ley BweI ihrdY nwm invwsu ] (640-4)tis bhaavai taa mayl la-ay bhaa-ee hirdai naam nivaas. If it is pleasing to His Will, then He unites us in His Union, O Siblings of Destiny; the Naam, the Name of the Lord, comes to abide in the mind. gurmuiK kmlu pRgwsIAY BweI irdY hovY prgwsu ] (640-4)gurmukh kamal pargaasee-ai bhaa-ee ridai hovai pargaas. The heart-lotus of the Gurmukh blossoms forth, O Siblings of Destiny, and the heart is illumined. pRgtu BieAw prqwpu pRB BweI mauilAw Driq Akwsu ]5] (640-5)pargat bha-i-aa partaap parabh bhaa-ee ma-oli-aa Dharat akaas. ||5|| The Glory of God has been revealed, O Siblings of Destiny, and the earth and sky have blossomed forth. ||5|| guir pUrY sMqoiKAw BweI Aihinis lwgw Bwau ] (640-5)gur poorai santokhi-aa bhaa-ee ahinis laagaa bhaa-o. The Perfect Guru has blessed me with contentment, O Siblings of Destiny; day and night, I remain attached to the Lord's Love. rsnw rwmu rvY sdw BweI swcw swdu suAwau ] (640-6)rasnaa raam ravai sadaa bhaa-ee saachaa saad su-aa-o. My tongue continually chants the Lord's Name, O Siblings of Destiny; this is the true taste, and the object of human life. krnI suix suix jIivAw BweI inhclu pwieAw Qwau ] (640-6)karnee sun sun jeevi-aa bhaa-ee nihchal paa-i-aa thaa-o. Listening with my ears, I hear and so I live, O Siblings of Destiny; I have obtained the unchanging, unmoving state. ijsu prqIiq n AwveI BweI so jIAVw jil jwau ]6] (640-7)jis parteet na aavee bhaa-ee so jee-arhaa jal jaa-o. ||6|| That soul,which does not place its faith in the Lord shall burn, O Siblings of Destiny. ||6|| bhu gux myry swihbY BweI hau iqs kY bil jwau ] (640-7)baho gun mayray saahibai bhaa-ee ha-o tis kai bal jaa-o. My Lord and Master has so many virtues, O Siblings of Destiny; I am a sacrifice to Him. Ehu inrguxIAwry pwldw BweI dyie inQwvy Qwau ] (640-8)oh nirgunee-aaray paaldaa bhaa-ee day-ay nithaavay thaa-o. He nurtures even the most worthless, O Siblings of Destiny, and gives home to the homeless. irjku sMbwhy swis swis BweI gUVw jw kw nwau ] (640-9)rijak sambaahay saas saas bhaa-ee goorhaa jaa kaa naa-o. He gives us nourishment with each and every breath, O Siblings of Destiny; His Name is everlasting. ijsu guru swcw BytIAY BweI pUrw iqsu krmwau ]7] (640-9)jis gur saachaa bhaytee-ai bhaa-ee pooraa tis karmaa-o. ||7|| One who meets with the True Guru, O Siblings of Destiny, does so only by perfect destiny. ||7|| iqsu ibnu GVI n jIvIAY BweI srb klw BrpUir ] (640-10)tis bin gharhee na jeevee-ai bhaa-ee sarab kalaa bharpoor. Without Him, I cannot live, even for an instant, O Siblings of Destiny; He is totally filled with all powers. swis igrwis n ivsrY BweI pyKau sdw hjUir ] (640-10)saas giraas na visrai bhaa-ee paykha-o sadaa hajoor. With every breath and morsel of food, I will not forget Him, O Siblings of Destiny; I behold Him ever-present. swDU sMig imlwieAw BweI srb rihAw BrpUir ] (640-11)saaDhoo sang milaa-i-aa bhaa-ee sarab rahi-aa bharpoor. In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I meet Him, O Siblings of Destiny; He is totally pervading and permeating everywhere. ijnw pRIiq n lgIAw BweI sy inq inq mrdy JUir ]8] (640-11)jinaa pareet na lagee-aa bhaa-ee say nit nit marday jhoor. ||8|| Those who do not embrace love for the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny, always die crying out in pain. ||8|| AMcil lwie qrwieAw BweI Baujlu duKu sMswru ] (640-12)anchal laa-ay taraa-i-aa bhaa-ee bha-ojal dukh sansaar. Grasping hold of the hem of His robe, O Siblings of Destiny, we are carried across the world-ocean of fear and pain. kir ikrpw ndir inhwilAw BweI kIqonu AMgu Apwru ] (640-12)kar kirpaa nadar nihaali-aa bhaa-ee keeton ang apaar. By His Glance of Grace, He has blessed us, O Siblings of Destiny; He shall be with us until the very end. mnu qnu sIqlu hoieAw BweI Bojnu nwm ADwru ] (640-13)man tan seetal ho-i-aa bhaa-ee bhojan naam aDhaar. My mind and body are soothed and calmed, O Siblings of Destiny, nourished by the food of the Naam. nwnk iqsu srxwgqI BweI ij iklibK kwtxhwru ]9]1] (640-13)naanak tis sarnaagatee bhaa-ee je kilbikh kaatanhaar. ||9||1|| Nanak has entered His Sanctuary, O Siblings of Destiny; the Lord is the Destroyer of sins. ||9||1|| soriT mhlw 5 ] (640-14)sorath mehlaa 5. Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl: mwq grB duK swgro ipAwry qh Apxw nwmu jpwieAw ] (640-14)maat garabh dukh saagro pi-aaray tah apnaa naam japaa-i-aa. The womb of the mother is an ocean of pain, O Beloved; even there, the Lord causes His Name to be chanted. bwhir kwiF ibKu psrIAw ipAwry mwieAw mohu vDwieAw ] (640-15)baahar kaadh bikh pasree-aa pi-aaray maa-i-aa moh vaDhaa-i-aa. When he emerges, he finds corruption pervading everywhere, O Beloved, and he becomes increasingly attached to Maya. ijs no kIqo krmu Awip ipAwry iqsu pUrw gurU imlwieAw ] (640-16)jis no keeto karam aap pi-aaray tis pooraa guroo milaa-i-aa. One whom the Lord blesses with His kind favor, O Beloved, meets the Perfect Guru. so AwrwDy swis swis ipAwry rwm nwm ilv lwieAw ]1] (640-16)so aaraaDhay saas saas pi-aaray raam naam liv laa-i-aa. ||1|| He worships the Lord in adoration with each and every breath, O Beloved; he is lovingly attached to the Lord's Name. ||1|| min qin qyrI tyk hY ipAwry min qin qyrI tyk ] (640-17)man tan tayree tayk hai pi-aaray man tan tayree tayk. You are the support of my mind and body, O Beloved; You are the support of my mind and body. quDu ibnu Avru n krnhwru ipAwry AMqrjwmI eyk ] rhwau ] (640-17)tuDh bin avar na karanhaar pi-aaray antarjaamee ayk. rahaa-o. There is no other Creator except for You, O Beloved; You alone are the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. ||Pause|| koit jnm BRim AwieAw ipAwry Aink join duKu pwie ] (640-18)kot janam bharam aa-i-aa pi-aaray anik jon dukh paa-ay. After wandering in doubt for millions of incarnations, he comes into the world, O Beloved; for uncounted lifetimes, he has suffered in pain. swcw swihbu ivsirAw ipAwry bhuqI imlY sjwie ] (640-19)saachaa saahib visri-aa pi-aaray bahutee milai sajaa-ay. He has forgotten his True Lord and Master, O Beloved, and so he suffers terrible punishment. ijn BytY pUrw siqgurU ipAwry sy lwgy swcY nwie ] (640-19)jin bhaytai pooraa satguroo pi-aaray say laagay saachai naa-ay. Those who meet with the Perfect True Guru, O Beloved, are attached to the True Name. |
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