Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


soriT mhlw 3 ] (639-1)
sorath mehlaa 3.
Sorat'h, Third Mehl:

hir jIau sbdy jwpdw BweI pUrY Bwig imlwie ] (639-1)
har jee-o sabday jaapdaa bhaa-ee poorai bhaag milaa-ay.
The Dear Lord is realized through the Word of His Shabad, O Siblings of Destiny, which is found only by perfect destiny.

sdw suKu sohwgxI BweI Anidnu rqIAw rMgu lwie ]1] (639-1)
sadaa sukh sohaaganee bhaa-ee an-din ratee-aa rang laa-ay. ||1||
The happy soul-brides are forever in peace, O Siblings of Destiny; night and day, they are attuned to the Lord's Love. ||1||

hir jI qU Awpy rMgu cVwie ] (639-2)
har jee too aapay rang charhaa-ay.
O Dear Lord, You Yourself color us in Your Love.

gwvhu gwvhu rMig rwiqho BweI hir syqI rMgu lwie ] rhwau ] (639-2)
gaavhu gaavhu rang raatiho bhaa-ee har saytee rang laa-ay. rahaa-o.
Sing, continually sing His Praises, imbued with His Love, O Siblings of Destiny; be in love with the Lord. ||Pause||

gur kI kwr kmwvxI BweI Awpu Coif icqu lwie ] (639-3)
gur kee kaar kamaavnee bhaa-ee aap chhod chit laa-ay.
Work to serve the Guru, O Siblings of Destiny; abandon self-conceit, and focus your consciousness.

sdw shju iPir duKu n lgeI BweI hir Awip vsY min Awie ]2] (639-4)
sadaa sahj fir dukh na lag-ee bhaa-ee har aap vasai man aa-ay. ||2||
You shall be in peace forever, and you shall not suffer in pain any longer, O Siblings of Destiny; the Lord Himself shall come and abide in your mind. ||2||

ipr kw hukmu n jwxeI BweI sw kulKxI kunwir ] (639-4)
pir kaa hukam na jaan-ee bhaa-ee saa kulkhanee kunaar.
She who does not know the Will of her Husband Lord, O Siblings of Destiny, is an ill-mannered and bitter bride.

mnhiT kwr kmwvxI BweI ivxu nwvY kUiVAwir ]3] (639-5)
manhath kaar kamaavnee bhaa-ee vin naavai koorhi-aar. ||3||
She does things with a stubborn mind, O Siblings of Destiny; without the Name, she is false. ||3||

sy gwvih ijn msqik Bwgu hY BweI Bwie scY bYrwgu ] (639-5)
say gaavahi jin mastak bhaag hai bhaa-ee bhaa-ay sachai bairaag.
They alone sing the Lord's Praises, who have such pre-ordained destiny written upon their foreheads, O Siblings of Destiny; through the Love of the True Lord, they find detachment.

Anidnu rwqy gux rvih BweI inrBau gur ilv lwgu ]4] (639-6)
an-din raatay gun raveh bhaa-ee nirbha-o gur liv laag. ||4||
Night and day, they are imbued with His Love; they utter His Glorious Praises, O Siblings of Destiny, and they lovingly focus their consciousness on the Fearless Guru. ||4||

sBnw mwir jIvwldw BweI so syvhu idnu rwiq ] (639-7)
sabhnaa maar jeevaaldaa bhaa-ee so sayvhu din raat.
He kills and revives all, O Siblings of Destiny; serve Him, day and night.

so ikau mnhu ivswrIAY BweI ijs dI vfI hY dwiq ]5] (639-7)
so ki-o manhu visaaree-ai bhaa-ee jis dee vadee hai daat. ||5||
How can we forget Him from our minds, O Siblings of Destiny? His gifts are glorious and great. ||5||

mnmuiK mYlI fuMmxI BweI drgh nwhI Qwau ] (639-8)
manmukh mailee dummnee bhaa-ee dargeh naahee thaa-o.
The self-willed manmukh is filthy and double-minded, O Siblings of Destiny; the finds no place of rest in the Court of the Lord.

gurmuiK hovY q gux rvY BweI imil pRIqm swic smwau ]6] (639-8)
gurmukh hovai ta gun ravai bhaa-ee mil pareetam saach samaa-o. ||6||
But if she becomes Gurmukh, then she chants the Glorious Praises of the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny; the meets her True Beloved, and merges in Him. ||6||

eyqu jnim hir n cyiqE BweI ikAw muhu dysI jwie ] (639-9)
ayt janam har na chayti-o bhaa-ee ki-aa muhu daysee jaa-ay.
In this life, she has not focused her consciousness on the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny; how can she show her face when she leaves?

ikVI pvMdI muhwieEnu BweI ibiKAw no loBwie ]7] (639-9)
kirhee pavandee muhaa-i-on bhaa-ee bikhi-aa no lobhaa-ay. ||7||
In spite of the warning calls which were sounded, she has been plundered, O Siblings of Destiny; she yearned only for corruption. ||7||

nwmu smwlih suiK vsih BweI sdw suKu sWiq srIr ] (639-10)
naam samaaleh sukh vaseh bhaa-ee sadaa sukh saaNt sareer.
Those who dwell upon the Naam, O Siblings of Destiny, their bodies are ever peaceful and tranquil.

nwnk nwmu smwil qU BweI AprMpr guxI ghIr ]8]3] (639-11)
naanak naam samaal too bhaa-ee aprampar gunee gaheer. ||8||3||
O Nanak, dwell upon the Naam; the Lord is infinite, virtuous and unfathomable, O Siblings of Destiny. ||8||3||

soriT mhlw 5 Gru 1 AstpdIAw (639-12)
sorath mehlaa 5 ghar 1 asatpadee-aa
Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl, First House, Ashtapadees:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (639-12)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

sBu jgu ijnih aupwieAw BweI krx kwrx smrQu ] (639-13)
sabh jag jineh upaa-i-aa bhaa-ee karan kaaran samrath.
The One who created the whole world, O Siblings of Destiny, is the Almighty Lord, the Cause of causes.

jIau ipMfu ijin swijAw BweI dy kir ApxI vQu ] (639-13)
jee-o pind jin saaji-aa bhaa-ee day kar apnee vath.
He fashioned the soul and the body, O Siblings of Destiny, by His own power.

ikin khIAY ikau dyKIAY BweI krqw eyku AkQu ] (639-14)
kin kahee-ai ki-o daykhee-ai bhaa-ee kartaa ayk akath.
How can He be described? How can He be seen, O Siblings of Destiny? The Creator is One; He is indescribable.

guru goivMdu slwhIAY BweI ijs qy jwpY qQu ]1] (639-14)
gur govind salaahee-ai bhaa-ee jis tay jaapai tath. ||1||
Praise the Guru, the Lord of the Universe, O Siblings of Destiny; through Him, the essence is known. ||1||

myry mn jpIAY hir BgvMqw ] (639-15)
mayray man japee-ai har bhagvantaa.
O my mind, meditate on the Lord, the Lord God.

nwm dwnu dyie jn Apny dUK drd kw hMqw ] rhwau ] (639-15)
naam daan day-ay jan apnay dookh darad kaa hantaa. rahaa-o.
He blesses His servant with the gift of the Naam; He is the Destroyer of pain and suffering. ||Pause||

jw kY Gir sBu ikCu hY BweI nau iniD Bry BMfwr ] (639-16)
jaa kai ghar sabh kichh hai bhaa-ee na-o niDh bharay bhandaar.
Everything is in His home, O Siblings of Destiny; His warehouse is overflowing with the nine treasures.

iqs kI kImiq nw pvY BweI aUcw Agm Apwr ] (639-16)
tis kee keemat naa pavai bhaa-ee oochaa agam apaar.
His worth cannot be estimated, O Siblings of Destiny; He is lofty, inaccessible and infinite.

jIA jMq pRiqpwldw BweI inq inq krdw swr ] (639-17)
jee-a jant partipaaldaa bhaa-ee nit nit kardaa saar.
He cherishes all beings and creatures, O Siblings of Destiny; he continually takes care of them.

siqguru pUrw BytIAY BweI sbid imlwvxhwr ]2] (639-17)
satgur pooraa bhaytee-ai bhaa-ee sabad milaavanhaar. ||2||
So meet with the Perfect True Guru, O Siblings of Destiny, and merge in the Word of the Shabad. ||2||

scy crx sryvIAih BweI BRmu Bau hovY nwsu ] (639-18)
sachay charan sarayvee-ah bhaa-ee bharam bha-o hovai naas.
Adoring the feet of the True Guru, O Siblings of Destiny, doubt and fear are dispelled.

imil sMq sBw mnu mWjIAY BweI hir kY nwim invwsu ] (639-18)
mil sant sabhaa man maaNjee-ai bhaa-ee har kai naam nivaas.
Joining the Society of the Saints, cleanse your mind, O Siblings of Destiny, and dwell in the Name of the Lord.

imtY AMDyrw AigAwnqw BweI kml hovY prgwsu ] (639-19)
mitai anDhayraa agi-aantaa bhaa-ee kamal hovai pargaas.
The darkness of ignorance shall be dispelled, O Siblings of Destiny, and the lotus of your heart shall blossom forth.

gur bcnI suKu aUpjY BweI siB Pl siqgur pwis ]3] (639-19)
gur bachnee sukh oopjai bhaa-ee sabh fal satgur paas. ||3||
By the Guru's Word, peace wells up, O Siblings of Destiny; all fruits are with the True Guru. ||3||