Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


ijnw gurisKw kau hir sMqustu hY iqnI siqgur kI gl mMnI ] (591-1)
jinaa gursikhaa ka-o har santusat hai tinee satgur kee gal mannee.
Those Gursikhs, with whom the Lord is pleased, accept the Word of the True Guru.

jo gurmuiK nwmu iDAwiedy iqnI cVI cvgix vMnI ]12] (591-1)
jo gurmukh naam Dhi-aa-iday tinee charhee chavgan vannee. ||12||
Those Gurmukhs who meditate on the Naam are imbued with the four-fold color of the Lord's Love. ||12||

slok mÚ 3 ] (591-2)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

mnmuKu kwieru krUpu hY ibnu nwvY nku nwih ] (591-2)
manmukh kaa-ir karoop hai bin naavai nak naahi.
The self-willed manmukh is cowardly and ugly; lacking the Name of the Lord, his nose is cut off in disgrace.

Anidnu DMDY ivAwipAw supnY BI suKu nwih ] (591-3)
an-din DhanDhai vi-aapi-aa supnai bhee sukh naahi.
Night and day, he is engrossed in worldly affairs, and even in his dreams, he finds no peace.

nwnk gurmuiK hovih qw aubrih nwih q bDy duK shwih ]1] (591-3)
naanak gurmukh hoveh taa ubrahi naahi ta baDhay dukh sahaahi. ||1||
O Nanak, if he becomes Gurmukh, then he shall be saved; otherwise, he is held in bondage, and suffers in pain. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (591-4)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

gurmuiK sdw dir sohxy gur kw sbdu kmwih ] (591-4)
gurmukh sadaa dar sohnay gur kaa sabad kamaahi.
The Gurmukhs always look beautiful in the Court of the Lord; they practice the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

AMqir sWiq sdw suKu dir scY soBw pwih ] (591-4)
antar saaNt sadaa sukh dar sachai sobhaa paahi.
There is a lasting peace and happiness deep within them; at the Court of the True Lord, they receive honor.

nwnk gurmuiK hir nwmu pwieAw shjy sic smwih ]2] (591-5)
naanak gurmukh har naam paa-i-aa sehjay sach samaahi. ||2||
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are blessed with the Name of the Lord; they merge imperceptibly into the True Lord. ||2||

pauVI ] (591-6)

gurmuiK pRihlwid jip hir giq pweI ] (591-6)
gurmukh par-hilaad jap har gat paa-ee.
As Gurmukh, Prahlaad meditated on the Lord, and was saved.

gurmuiK jnik hir nwim ilv lweI ] (591-6)
gurmukh janak har naam liv laa-ee.
As Gurmukh, Janak lovingly centered his consciousness on the Lord's Name.

gurmuiK bissit hir aupdysu suxweI ] (591-6)
gurmukh basist har updays sunaa-ee.
As Gurmukh, Vashisht taught the Teachings of the Lord.

ibnu gur hir nwmu n iknY pwieAw myry BweI ] (591-7)
bin gur har naam na kinai paa-i-aa mayray bhaa-ee.
Without the Guru, no one has found the Lord's Name, O my Siblings of Destiny.

gurmuiK hir Bgiq hir Awip lhweI ]13] (591-7)
gurmukh har bhagat har aap lahaa-ee. ||13||
The Lord blesses the Gurmukh with devotion. ||13||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (591-8)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

siqgur kI prqIiq n AweIAw sbid n lwgo Bwau ] (591-8)
satgur kee parteet na aa-ee-aa sabad na laago bhaa-o.
One who has no faith in the True Guru, and who does not love the Word of the Shabad,

Es no suKu n aupjY BwvY sau gyVw Awvau jwau ] (591-9)
os no sukh na upjai bhaavai sa-o gayrhaa aava-o jaa-o.
shall find no peace, even though he may come and go hundreds of times.

nwnk gurmuiK shij imlY scy isau ilv lwau ]1] (591-9)
naanak gurmukh sahj milai sachay si-o liv laa-o. ||1||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh meets the True Lord with natural ease; he is in love with the Lord. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (591-10)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

ey mn AYsw siqguru Koij lhu ijqu syivAY jnm mrx duKu jwie ] (591-10)
ay man aisaa satgur khoj lahu jit sayvi-ai janam maran dukh jaa-ay.
O mind, search for such a True Guru, by serving whom the pains of birth and death are dispelled.

shsw mUil n hoveI haumY sbid jlwie ] (591-10)
sahsaa mool na hova-ee ha-umai sabad jalaa-ay.
Doubt shall never afflict you, and your ego shall be burnt away through the Word of the Shabad.

kUVY kI pwil ivchu inklY scu vsY min Awie ] (591-11)
koorhai kee paal vichahu niklai sach vasai man aa-ay.
The veil of falsehood shall be torn down from within you, and Truth shall come to dwell in the mind.

AMqir sWiq min suKu hoie sc sMjim kwr kmwie ] (591-11)
antar saaNt man sukh ho-ay sach sanjam kaar kamaa-ay.
Peace and happiness shall fill your mind deep within, if you act according to truth and self-discipline.

nwnk pUrY krim siqguru imlY hir jIau ikrpw kry rjwie ]2] (591-12)
naanak poorai karam satgur milai har jee-o kirpaa karay rajaa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, by perfect good karma, you shall meet the True Guru, and then the Dear Lord, by His Sweet Will, shall bless you with His Mercy. ||2||

pauVI ] (591-12)

ijs kY Gir dIbwnu hir hovY iqs kI muTI ivic jgqu sBu AwieAw ] (591-13)
jis kai ghar deebaan har hovai tis kee muthee vich jagat sabh aa-i-aa.
The whole world comes under the control of one whose home is filled with the Lord, the King.

iqs kau qlkI iksY dI nwhI hir dIbwin siB Awix pYrI pwieAw ] (591-13)
tis ka-o talkee kisai dee naahee har deebaan sabh aan pairee paa-i-aa.
He is subject to no one else's rule, and the Lord, the King, causes everyone to fall at his feet.

mwxsw ikAhu dIbwxhu koeI nis Bij inklY hir dIbwxhu koeI ikQY jwieAw ] (591-14)
maansaa ki-ahu deebaanahu ko-ee nas bhaj niklai har deebaanahu ko-ee kithai jaa-i-aa.
One may run away from the courts of other men, but where can one go to escape the Lord's Kingdom?

so AYsw hir dIbwnu visAw Bgqw kY ihrdY iqin rhdy Kuhdy Awix siB Bgqw AgY KlvwieAw ] (591-15)
so aisaa har deebaan vasi-aa bhagtaa kai hirdai tin rahday khuhday aan sabh bhagtaa agai khalvaa-i-aa.
The Lord is such a King, who abides in the hearts of His devotees; He brings the others, and makes them stand before His devotees.

hir nwvY kI vifAweI krim prwpiq hovY gurmuiK ivrlY iknY iDAwieAw ]14] (591-16)
har naavai kee vadi-aa-ee karam paraapat hovai gurmukh virlai kinai Dhi-aa-i-aa. ||14||
The glorious greatness of the Lord's Name is obtained only by His Grace; how few are the Gurmukhs who meditate on Him. ||14||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (591-17)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

ibnu siqgur syvy jgqu muAw ibrQw jnmu gvwie ] (591-17)
bin satgur sayvay jagat mu-aa birthaa janam gavaa-ay.
Without serving the True Guru, the people of the world are dead; they waste their lives away in vain.

dUjY Bwie Aiq duKu lgw mir jMmY AwvY jwie ] (591-17)
doojai bhaa-ay at dukh lagaa mar jammai aavai jaa-ay.
In love with duality, they suffer terrible pain; they die, and are reincarnated, and continue coming and going.

ivstw AMdir vwsu hY iPir iPir jUnI pwie ] (591-18)
vistaa andar vaas hai fir fir joonee paa-ay.
They live in manure, and are reincarnated again and again.

nwnk ibnu nwvY jmu mwrsI AMiq gieAw pCuqwie ]1] (591-18)
naanak bin naavai jam maarsee ant ga-i-aa pachhutaa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, without the Name, the Messenger of Death punishes them; in the end, they depart regretting and repenting. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (591-19)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

iesu jg mih purKu eyku hY hor sglI nwir sbweI ] (591-19)
is jag meh purakh ayk hai hor saglee naar sabaa-ee.
In this world, there is one Husband Lord; all other beings are His brides.