Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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590 nwnk ibnu siqgur syvy jm puir bDy mwrIAin muih kwlY auiT jwih ]1] (590-1)naanak bin satgur sayvay jam pur baDhay maaree-an muhi kaalai uth jaahi. ||1|| O Nanak, without serving the True Guru, they are bound and beaten in the City of Death; they arise and depart with blackened faces. ||1|| mhlw 1 ] (590-2)mehlaa 1. First Mehl: jwlau AYsI rIiq ijqu mY ipAwrw vIsrY ] (590-2)jaala-o aisee reet jit mai pi-aaraa veesrai. Burn away those rituals which lead you to forget the Beloved Lord. nwnk sweI BlI prIiq ijqu swihb syqI piq rhY ]2] (590-2)naanak saa-ee bhalee pareet jit saahib saytee pat rahai. ||2|| O Nanak, sublime is that love, which preserves my honor with my Lord Master. ||2|| pauVI ] (590-3)pa-orhee. Pauree: hir ieko dwqw syvIAY hir ieku iDAweIAY ] (590-3)har iko daataa sayvee-ai har ik Dhi-aa-ee-ai. Serve the One Lord, the Great Giver; meditate on the One Lord. hir ieko dwqw mMgIAY mn icMidAw pweIAY ] (590-4)har iko daataa mangee-ai man chindi-aa paa-ee-ai. Beg from the One Lord, the Great Giver, and you shall obtain your heart's desires. jy dUjy pwshu mMgIAY qw lwj mrweIAY ] (590-4)jay doojay paashu mangee-ai taa laaj maraa-ee-ai. But if you beg from another, then you shall be shamed and destroyed. ijin syivAw iqin Plu pwieAw iqsu jn kI sB BuK gvweIAY ] (590-4)jin sayvi-aa tin fal paa-i-aa tis jan kee sabh bhukh gavaa-ee-ai. One who serves the Lord obtains the fruits of his rewards; all of his hunger is satisfied. nwnku iqn ivthu vwirAw ijn Anidnu ihrdY hir nwmu iDAweIAY ]10] (590-5)naanak tin vitahu vaari-aa jin an-din hirdai har naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai. ||10|| Nanak is a sacrifice to those, who night and day, meditate within their hearts on the Name of the Lord. ||10|| sloku mÚ 3 ] (590-6)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: Bgq jnw kMau Awip quTw myrw ipAwrw Awpy lieAnu jn lwie ] (590-6)bhagat janaa kaN-u aap tuthaa mayraa pi-aaraa aapay la-i-an jan laa-ay. He Himself is pleased with His humble devotees; my Beloved Lord attaches them to Himself. pwiqswhI Bgq jnw kau idqIAnu isir Cqu scw hir bxwie ] (590-7)paatisaahee bhagat janaa ka-o ditee-an sir chhat sachaa har banaa-ay. The Lord blesses His humble devotees with royalty; He fashions the true crown upon their heads. sdw suKIey inrmly siqgur kI kwr kmwie ] (590-7)sadaa sukhee-ay nirmalay satgur kee kaar kamaa-ay. They are always at peace, and immaculately pure; they perform service for the True Guru. rwjy Eie n AwKIAih iBiV mrih iPir jUnI pwih ] (590-8)raajay o-ay na aakhee-ahi bhirh mareh fir joonee paahi. They are not said to be kings, who die in conflict, and then enter again the cycle of reincarnation. nwnk ivxu nwvY nkˆØI vFˆØI iPrih soBw mUil n pwih ]1] (590-9)naanak vin naavai nakeeN vadheeN fireh sobhaa mool na paahi. ||1|| O Nanak, without the Name of the Lord, they wander about with their noses cut off in disgrace; they get no respect at all. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (590-9)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: suix isiKAY swdu n AwieE ijcru gurmuiK sbid n lwgY ] (590-9)sun sikhi-ai saad na aa-i-o jichar gurmukh sabad na laagai. Hearing the teachings, he does not appreciate them, as long as he is not Gurmukh, attached to the Word of the Shabad. siqguir syivAY nwmu min vsY ivchu BRmu Bau BwgY ] (590-10)satgur sayvi-ai naam man vasai vichahu bharam bha-o bhaagai. Serving the True Guru, the Naam comes to abide in the mind, and doubts and fears run away. jyhw siqgur no jwxY qyho hovY qw sic nwim ilv lwgY ] (590-10)jayhaa satgur no jaanai tayho hovai taa sach naam liv laagai. As he knows the True Guru, so he is transformed, and then, he lovingly focuses his consciousness on the Naam. nwnk nwim imlY vifAweI hir dir sohin AwgY ]2] (590-11)naanak naam milai vadi-aa-ee har dar sohan aagai. ||2|| O Nanak, through the Naam, the Name of the Lord, greatness is obtained; he shall be resplendent in the Court of the Lord hereafter. ||2|| pauVI ] (590-12)pa-orhee. Pauree: gurisKW min hir pRIiq hY guru pUjx Awvih ] (590-12)gursikhaaN man har pareet hai gur poojan aavahi. The minds of the Gursikhs are filled with the love of the Lord; they come and worship the Guru. hir nwmu vxMjih rMg isau lwhw hir nwmu lY jwvih ] (590-12)har naam vanaNjahi rang si-o laahaa har naam lai jaaveh. They trade lovingly in the Lord's Name, and depart after earning the profit of the Lord's Name. gurisKw ky muK aujly hir drgh Bwvih ] (590-13)gursikhaa kay mukh ujlay har dargeh bhaaveh. The faces of the Gursikhs are radiant; in the Court of the Lord, they are approved. guru siqguru bohlu hir nwm kw vfBwgI isK gux sWJ krwvih ] (590-13)gur satgur bohal har naam kaa vadbhaagee sikh gun saaNjh karaaveh. The Guru, the True Guru, is the treasure of the Lord's Name; how very fortunate are the Sikhs who share in this treasure of virtue. iqnw gurisKw kMau hau vwirAw jo bhidAw auTidAw hir nwmu iDAwvih ]11] (590-14)tinaa gursikhaa kaN-u ha-o vaari-aa jo bahdi-aa uth-di-aa har naam Dhi-aavahi. ||11|| I am a sacrifice to those Gursikhs who, sitting and standing, meditate on the Lord's Name. ||11|| slok mÚ 3 ] (590-15)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: nwnk nwmu inDwnu hY gurmuiK pwieAw jwie ] (590-15)naanak naam niDhaan hai gurmukh paa-i-aa jaa-ay. O Nanak, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the treasure, which the Gurmukhs obtain. mnmuK Gir hodI vQu n jwxnI AMDy Bauik muey ibllwie ]1] (590-15)manmukh ghar hodee vath na jaannee anDhay bha-uk mu-ay billaa-ay. ||1|| The self-willed manmukhs are blind; they do not realize that it is within their own home. They die barking and crying. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (590-16)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: kMcn kwieAw inrmlI jo sic nwim sic lwgI ] (590-16)kanchan kaa-i-aa nirmalee jo sach naam sach laagee. That body is golden and immaculate, which is attached to the True Name of the True Lord. inrml joiq inrMjnu pwieAw gurmuiK BRmu Bau BwgI ] (590-17)nirmal jot niranjan paa-i-aa gurmukh bharam bha-o bhaagee. The Gurmukh obtains the Pure Light of the Luminous Lord, and his doubts and fears run away. nwnk gurmuiK sdw suKu pwvih Anidnu hir bYrwgI ]2] (590-17)naanak gurmukh sadaa sukh paavahi an-din har bairaagee. ||2|| O Nanak, the Gurmukhs find lasting peace; night and day, they remain detached, while in the Love of the Lord. ||2|| pauVI ] (590-18)pa-orhee. Pauree: sy gurisK Dnu DMnu hY ijnI gur aupdysu suixAw hir kMnI ] (590-18)say gursikh Dhan Dhan hai jinee gur updays suni-aa har kannee. Blessed, blessed are those Gursikhs, who, with their ears, listen to the Guru's Teachings about the Lord. guir siqguir nwmu idRVwieAw iqin hMaumY duibDw BMnI ] (590-19)gur satgur naam drirh-aa-i-aa tin haN-umai dubiDhaa bhannee. The Guru, the True Guru, implants the Naam within them, and their egotism and duality are silenced. ibnu hir nwvY ko imqRü nwhI vIcwir ifTw hir jMnI ] (590-19)bin har naavai ko mitar naahee veechaar dithaa har jannee. There is no friend, other than the Name of the Lord; the Lord's humble servants reflect upon this and see. |
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