Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


so siqguru iqn kau ByitAw ijn kY muiK msqik Bwgu iliK pwieAw ]7] (589-1)
so satgur tin ka-o bhayti-aa jin kai mukh mastak bhaag likh paa-i-aa. ||7||
The True Guru meets with those upon whose foreheads such blessed destiny is recorded. ||7||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (589-2)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

Bgiq krih mrjIvVy gurmuiK Bgiq sdw hoie ] (589-2)
bhagat karahi marjeevrhay gurmukh bhagat sadaa ho-ay.
They alone worship the Lord, who remain dead while yet alive; the Gurmukhs worship the Lord continually.

Enw kau Duir Bgiq Kjwnw bKisAw myit n skY koie ] (589-2)
onaa ka-o Dhur bhagat khajaanaa bakhsi-aa mayt na sakai ko-ay.
The Lord blesses them with the treasure of devotional worship, which no one can destroy.

gux inDwnu min pwieAw eyko scw soie ] (589-3)
gun niDhaan man paa-i-aa ayko sachaa so-ay.
They obtain the treasure of virtue, the One True Lord, within their minds.

nwnk gurmuiK imil rhy iPir ivCoVw kdy n hoie ]1] (589-3)
naanak gurmukh mil rahay fir vichhorhaa kaday na ho-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs remain united with the Lord; they shall never be separated again. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (589-4)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

siqgur kI syv n kInIAw ikAw Ehu kry vIcwru ] (589-4)
satgur kee sayv na keenee-aa ki-aa oh karay veechaar.
He does not serve the True Guru; how can he reflect upon the Lord?

sbdY swr n jwxeI ibKu BUlw gwvwru ] (589-5)
sabdai saar na jaan-ee bikh bhoolaa gaavaar.
He does not appreciate the value of the Shabad; the fool wanders in corruption and sin.

AigAwnI AMDu bhu krm kmwvY dUjY Bwie ipAwru ] (589-5)
agi-aanee anDh baho karam kamaavai doojai bhaa-ay pi-aar.
The blind and ignorant perform all sorts of ritualistic actions; they are in love with duality.

Axhodw Awpu gxwiedy jmu mwir kry iqn KuAwru ] (589-6)
anhodaa aap ganaa-iday jam maar karay tin khu-aar.
Those who take unjustified pride in themselves, are punished and humiliated by the Messenger of Death.

nwnk iks no AwKIAY jw Awpy bKsxhwru ]2] (589-6)
naanak kis no aakhee-ai jaa aapay bakhsanhaar. ||2||
O Nanak, who else is there to ask? The Lord Himself is the Forgiver. ||2||

pauVI ] (589-7)

qU krqw sBu ikCu jwxdw siB jIA qumwry ] (589-7)
too kartaa sabh kichh jaandaa sabh jee-a tumaaray.
You, O Creator, know all things; all beings belong to You.

ijsu qU BwvY iqsu qU myil lYih ikAw jMq ivcwry ] (589-7)
jis too bhaavai tis too mayl laihi ki-aa jant vichaaray.
Those who are pleasing to You, You unite with Yourself; what can the poor creatures do?

qU krx kwrx smrQu hY scu isrjxhwry ] (589-8)
too karan kaaran samrath hai sach sirjanhaaray.
You are all-powerful, the Cause of causes, the True Creator Lord.

ijsu qU mylih ipAwirAw so quDu imlY gurmuiK vIcwry ] (589-8)
jis too mayleh pi-aari-aa so tuDh milai gurmukh veechaaray.
Only those unite with you, Beloved Lord, whom you approve and who meditate on Guru's Word.

hau bilhwrI siqgur Awpxy ijin myrw hir AlKu lKwry ]8] (589-9)
ha-o balihaaree satgur aapnay jin mayraa har alakh lakhaaray. ||8||
I am a sacrifice to my True Guru, who has allowed me to see my unseen Lord. ||8||

slok mÚ 3 ] (589-10)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

rqnw pwrKu jo hovY su rqnw kry vIcwru ] (589-10)
ratnaa paarakh jo hovai so ratnaa karay veechaar.
He is the Assayer of jewels; He contemplates the jewel.

rqnw swr n jwxeI AigAwnI AMDu AMDwru ] (589-10)
ratnaa saar na jaan-ee agi-aanee anDh anDhaar.
He is ignorant and totally blind - he does not appreciate the value of the jewel.

rqnu gurU kw sbdu hY bUJY bUJxhwru ] (589-11)
ratan guroo kaa sabad hai boojhai boojhanhaar.
The Jewel is the Word of the Guru's Shabad; the Knower alone knows it.

mUrK Awpu gxwiedy mir jMmih hoie KuAwru ] (589-11)
moorakh aap ganaa-iday mar jameh ho-ay khu-aar.
The fools take pride in themselves, and are ruined in birth and death.

nwnk rqnw so lhY ijsu gurmuiK lgY ipAwru ] (589-12)
naanak ratnaa so lahai jis gurmukh lagai pi-aar.
O Nanak, he alone obtains the jewel, who, as Gurmukh, enshrines love for it.

sdw sdw nwmu aucrY hir nwmo inq ibauhwru ] (589-12)
sadaa sadaa naam uchrai har naamo nit bi-uhaar.
Chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, forever and ever, make the Name of the Lord your daily occupation.

ik®pw kry jy AwpxI qw hir rKw aur Dwir ]1] (589-13)
kirpaa karay jay aapnee taa har rakhaa ur Dhaar. ||1||
If the Lord shows His Mercy, then I keep Him enshrined within my heart. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (589-13)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

siqgur kI syv n kInIAw hir nwim n lgo ipAwru ] (589-13)
satgur kee sayv na keenee-aa har naam na lago pi-aar.
They do not serve the True Guru, and they do not embrace love for the Lord's Name.

mq qum jwxhu Eie jIvdy Eie Awip mwry krqwir ] (589-14)
mat tum jaanhu o-ay jeevday o-ay aap maaray kartaar.
Do not even think that they are alive - the Creator Lord Himself has killed them.

haumY vfw rogu hY Bwie dUjY krm kmwie ] (589-14)
ha-umai vadaa rog hai bhaa-ay doojai karam kamaa-ay.
Egotism is such a terrible disease; in the love of duality, they do their deeds.

nwnk mnmuiK jIvidAw muey hir ivsirAw duKu pwie ]2] (589-15)
naanak manmukh jeevdi-aa mu-ay har visri-aa dukh paa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, the self-willed manmukhs are in a living death; forgetting the Lord, they suffer in pain. ||2||

pauVI ] (589-15)

ijsu AMqru ihrdw suDu hY iqsu jn kau siB nmskwrI ] (589-15)
jis antar hirdaa suDh hai tis jan ka-o sabh namaskaaree.
Let all bow in reverence, to that humble being whose heart is pure within.

ijsu AMdir nwmu inDwnu hY iqsu jn kau hau bilhwrI ] (589-16)
jis andar naam niDhaan hai tis jan ka-o ha-o balihaaree.
I am a sacrifice to that humble being whose mind is filled with the treasure of the Naam.

ijsu AMdir buiD ibbyku hY hir nwmu murwrI ] (589-17)
jis andar buDh bibayk hai har naam muraaree.
He has a discriminating intellect; he meditates on the Name of the Lord.

so siqguru sBnw kw imqu hY sB iqsih ipAwrI ] (589-17)
so satgur sabhnaa kaa mit hai sabh tiseh pi-aaree.
That True Guru is a friend to all; everyone is dear to Him.

sBu Awqm rwmu pswirAw gur buiD bIcwrI ]9] (589-18)
sabh aatam raam pasaari-aa gur buDh beechaaree. ||9||
The Lord, the Supreme Soul, is pervading everywhere; reflect upon the wisdom of the Guru's Teachings. ||9||

slok mÚ 3 ] (589-18)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

ibnu siqgur syvy jIA ky bMDnw ivic haumY krm kmwih ] (589-18)
bin satgur sayvay jee-a kay banDhnaa vich ha-umai karam kamaahi.
Without serving the True Guru, the soul is in the bondage of deeds done in ego.

ibnu siqgur syvy Taur n pwvhI mir jMmih Awvih jwih ] (589-19)
bin satgur sayvay tha-ur na paavhee mar jameh aavahi jaahi.
Without serving the True Guru, one finds no place of rest; he dies, and is reincarnated, and continues coming and going.

ibnu siqgur syvy iPkw bolxw nwmu n vsY mn mwih ] (589-19)
bin satgur sayvay fikaa bolnaa naam na vasai man maahi.
Without serving the True Guru, one's speech is vapid and insipid; the Naam, the Name of the Lord, does not abide in his mind.