siB Gt BogvY Ailpqu rhY AlKu n lKxw jweI ] (592-1)
sabh ghat bhogvai alipat rahai alakh na lakh-naa jaa-ee.
He enjoys the hearts of all, and yet He remains detached; He is unseen; He cannot be described.
pUrY guir vyKwilAw sbdy soJI pweI ] (592-1)
poorai gur vaykhaali-aa sabday sojhee paa-ee.
The Perfect Guru reveals Him, and through the Word of His Shabad, we come to understand Him.
purKY syvih sy purK hovih ijnI haumY sbid jlweI ] (592-2)
purkhai sayveh say purakh hoveh jinee ha-umai sabad jalaa-ee.
Those who serve their Husband Lord, become like Him; their egos are burnt away by His Shabad.
iqs kw srIku ko nhI nw ko kMtku vYrweI ] (592-2)
tis kaa sareek ko nahee naa ko kantak vairaa-ee.
He has no rival, no attacker, no enemy.
inhcl rwju hY sdw iqsu kyrw nw AwvY nw jweI ] (592-3)
nihchal raaj hai sadaa tis kayraa naa aavai naa jaa-ee.
His rule is unchanging and eternal; He does not come or go.
Anidnu syvku syvw kry hir scy ky gux gweI ] (592-3)
an-din sayvak sayvaa karay har sachay kay gun gaa-ee.
Night and day, His servant serves Him, singing the Glorious Praises of the True Lord.
nwnku vyiK ivgisAw hir scy kI vifAweI ]2] (592-4)
naanak vaykh vigsi-aa har sachay kee vadi-aa-ee. ||2||
Beholding the Glorious Greatness of the True Lord, Nanak blossoms forth. ||2||
pauVI ] (592-4)
ijn kY hir nwmu visAw sd ihrdY hir nwmo iqn kMau rKxhwrw ] (592-4)
jin kai har naam vasi-aa sad hirdai har naamo tin kaN-u rakhanhaaraa.
Those whose hearts are forever filled with the Name of the Lord, have the Name of the Lord as their Protector.
hir nwmu ipqw hir nwmo mwqw hir nwmu sKweI imqRü hmwrw ] (592-5)
har naam pitaa har naamo maataa har naam sakhaa-ee mitar hamaaraa.
The Lord's Name is my father, the Lord's Name is my mother; the Lord's Name is my helper and friend.
hir nwvY nwil glw hir nwvY nwil msliq hir nwmu hmwrI krdw inq swrw ] (592-5)
har naavai naal galaa har naavai naal maslat har naam hamaaree kardaa nit saaraa.
My conversation is with the Lord's Name, and my counseling is with the Lord's Name; the Lord's Name always takes care of me.
hir nwmu hmwrI sMgiq Aiq ipAwrI hir nwmu kulu hir nwmu prvwrw ] (592-6)
har naam hamaaree sangat at pi-aaree har naam kul har naam parvaaraa.
The Lord's Name is my most beloved society, the Lord's Name is my ancestry, and the Lord's Name is my family.
jn nwnk kMau hir nwmu hir guir dIAw hir hliq pliq sdw kry insqwrw ]15] (592-7)
jan naanak kaN-u har naam har gur dee-aa har halat palat sadaa karay nistaaraa. ||15||
The Guru, the Lord Incarnate, has bestowed upon servant Nanak the Name of the Lord; in this world, and in the next, the Lord ever saves me. ||15||
sloku mÚ 3 ] (592-8)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:
ijn kMau siqguru ByitAw sy hir kIriq sdw kmwih ] (592-8)
jin kaN-u satgur bhayti-aa say har keerat sadaa kamaahi.
Those who meet the True Guru, ever sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises.
AicMqu hir nwmu iqn kY min visAw scY sbid smwih ] (592-9)
achint har naam tin kai man vasi-aa sachai sabad samaahi.
The Lord's Name naturally fills their minds, and they are absorbed in the Shabad, the Word of the True Lord.
kulu auDwrih Awpxw moK pdvI Awpy pwih ] (592-9)
kul uDhaareh aapnaa mokh padvee aapay paahi.
They redeem their generations, and they themselves obtain the state of liberation.
pwrbRhmu iqn kMau sMqustu BieAw jo gur crnI jn pwih ] (592-10)
paarbarahm tin kaN-u santusat bha-i-aa jo gur charnee jan paahi.
The Supreme Lord God is pleased with those who fall at the Guru's Feet.
jnu nwnku hir kw dwsu hY kir ikrpw hir lwj rKwih ]1] (592-10)
jan naanak har kaa daas hai kar kirpaa har laaj rakhaahi. ||1||
Servant Nanak is the Lord's slave; by His Grace, the Lord preserves his honor. ||1||
mÚ 3 ] (592-11)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:
hMaumY AMdir KVku hY KVky KVik ivhwie ] (592-11)
haN-umai andar kharhak hai kharhkay kharhak vihaa-ay.
In egotism, one is assailed by fear; he passes his life totally troubled by fear.
hMaumY vfw rogu hY mir jMmY AwvY jwie ] (592-12)
haN-umai vadaa rog hai mar jammai aavai jaa-ay.
Egotism is such a terrible disease; he dies, to be reincarnated - he continues coming and going.
ijn kau pUrib iliKAw iqnw sqguru imilAw pRBu Awie ] (592-12)
jin ka-o poorab likhi-aa tinaa satgur mili-aa parabh aa-ay.
Those who have such pre-ordained destiny meet with the True Guru, God Incarnate.
nwnk gur prswdI aubry haumY sbid jlwie ]2] (592-13)
naanak gur parsaadee ubray ha-umai sabad jalaa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, by Guru's Grace, they are redeemed; their egos are burnt away through the Word of the Shabad. ||2||
pauVI ] (592-13)
hir nwmu hmwrw pRBu Aibgqu Agocru AibnwsI purKu ibDwqw ] (592-13)
har naam hamaaraa parabh abigat agochar abhinaasee purakh biDhaataa.
The Lord's Name is my immortal, unfathomable, imperishable Creator Lord, the Architect of Destiny.
hir nwmu hm sRyvh hir nwmu hm pUjh hir nwmy hI mnu rwqw ] (592-14)
har naam ham sarayveh har naam ham poojah har naamay hee man raataa.
I serve the Lord's Name, I worship the Lord's Name, and my soul is imbued with the Lord's Name.
hir nwmY jyvfu koeI Avru n sUJY hir nwmo AMiq Cfwqw ] (592-15)
har naamai jayvad ko-ee avar na soojhai har naamo ant chhadaataa.
I know of no other as great as the Lord's Name; the Lord's Name shall deliver me in the end.
hir nwmu dIAw guir praupkwrI Dnu DMnu gurU kw ipqw mwqw ] (592-15)
har naam dee-aa gur par-upkaaree Dhan Dhan guroo kaa pitaa maataa.
The Generous Guru has given me the Lord's Name; blessed, blessed are the Guru's mother and father.
hMau siqgur Apuxy kMau sdw nmskwrI ijqu imilAY hir nwmu mY jwqw ]16] (592-16)
haN-u satgur apunay kaN-u sadaa namaskaaree jit mili-ai har naam mai jaataa. ||16||
I ever bow in humble reverence to my True Guru; meeting Him, I have come to know the Lord's Name. ||16||
sloku mÚ 3 ] (592-17)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:
gurmuiK syv n kInIAw hir nwim n lgo ipAwru ] (592-17)
gurmukh sayv na keenee-aa har naam na lago pi-aar.
One who does not serve the Guru as Gurmukh, who does not love the Lord's Name,
sbdY swdu n AwieE mir jnmY vwro vwr ] (592-17)
sabdai saad na aa-i-o mar janmai vaaro vaar.
and who does not savor the taste of the Shabad, shall die, and be reborn, over and over again.
mnmuiK AMDu n cyqeI ikqu AwieAw sYswir ] (592-18)
manmukh anDh na chayt-ee kit aa-i-aa saisaar.
The blind, self-willed manmukh does not think of the Lord; why did he even come into the world?
nwnk ijn kau ndir kry sy gurmuiK lµGy pwir ]1] (592-18)
naanak jin ka-o nadar karay say gurmukh langhay paar. ||1||
O Nanak, that Gurmukh, upon whom the Lord casts His Glance of Grace, crosses over the world-ocean. ||1||
mÚ 3 ] (592-19)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:
ieko siqguru jwgqw horu jgu sUqw moih ipAwis ] (592-19)
iko satgur jaagtaa hor jag sootaa mohi pi-aas.
Only the Guru is awake; the rest of the world is asleep in emotional attachment and desire.
siqguru syvin jwgMin sy jo rqy sic nwim guxqwis ] (592-19)
satgur sayvan jaagann say jo ratay sach naam guntaas.
Those who serve the True Guru and remain wakeful, are imbued with the True Name, the treasure of virtue.