Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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490 rwgu gUjrI mhlw 3 Gru 1 (490-1)raag goojree mehlaa 3 ghar 1 Raag Goojaree, Third Mehl, First House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (490-2)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: iDRgu ievyhw jIvxw ijqu hir pRIiq n pwie ] (490-2)Dharig ivayhaa jeevnaa jit har pareet na paa-ay. Cursed is that life, in which the Lord's Love is not obtained. ijqu kMim hir vIsrY dUjY lgY jwie ]1] (490-2)jit kamm har veesrai doojai lagai jaa-ay. ||1|| Cursed is that occupation, in which the Lord is forgotten, and one becomes attached to duality. ||1|| AYsw siqguru syvIAY mnw ijqu syivAY goivd pRIiq aUpjY Avr ivsir sB jwie ] (490-3)aisaa satgur sayvee-ai manaa jit sayvi-ai govid pareet oopjai avar visar sabh jaa-ay. Serve such a True Guru, O my mind, that by serving Him, God's Love may be produced, and all others may be forgotten. hir syqI icqu gih rhY jrw kw Bau n hoveI jIvn pdvI pwie ]1] rhwau ] (490-4)har saytee chit geh rahai jaraa kaa bha-o na hova-ee jeevan padvee paa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. Your consciousness shall remain attached to the Lord; there shall be no fear of old age, and the supreme status shall be obtained. ||1||Pause|| goibMd pRIiq isau ieku shju aupijAw vyKu jYsI Bgiq bnI ] (490-4)gobind pareet si-o ik sahj upji-aa vaykh jaisee bhagat banee. A divine peace wells up from God's Love; behold, it comes from devotional worship. Awp syqI Awpu KwieAw qw mnu inrmlu hoAw joqI joiq smeI ]2] (490-5)aap saytee aap khaa-i-aa taa man nirmal ho-aa jotee jot sam-ee. ||2|| When my identity consumed my identical identity, then my mind became immaculately pure, and my light was blended with the Divine Light. ||2|| ibnu Bwgw AYsw siqguru n pweIAY jy locY sBu koie ] (490-6)bin bhaagaa aisaa satgur na paa-ee-ai jay lochai sabh ko-ay. Without good fortune, such a True Guru cannot be found, no matter how much all may yearn for Him. kUVY kI pwil ivchu inklY qw sdw suKu hoie ]3] (490-6)koorhai kee paal vichahu niklai taa sadaa sukh ho-ay. ||3|| If the veil of falsehood is removed from within, then lasting peace is obtained. ||3|| nwnk AYsy siqgur kI ikAw Ehu syvku syvw kry gur AwgY jIau Dryie ] (490-7)naanak aisay satgur kee ki-aa oh sayvak sayvaa karay gur aagai jee-o Dharay-ay. O Nanak, what service can the servant perform for such a True Guru? He should offer his life, his very soul, to the Guru. siqgur kw Bwxw iciq kry siqguru Awpy ik®pw kryie ]4]1]3] (490-8)satgur kaa bhaanaa chit karay satgur aapay kirpaa karay-i. ||4||1||3|| If he focuses his consciousness on the Will of the True Guru, then the True Guru Himself will bless him. ||4||1||3|| gUjrI mhlw 3 ] (490-8)goojree mehlaa 3. Goojaree, Third Mehl: hir kI qum syvw krhu dUjI syvw krhu n koie jI ] (490-8)har kee tum sayvaa karahu doojee sayvaa karahu na ko-ay jee. Serve the Lord; do not serve anyone else. hir kI syvw qy mnhu icMidAw Plu pweIAY dUjI syvw jnmu ibrQw jwie jI ]1] (490-9)har kee sayvaa tay manhu chindi-aa fal paa-ee-ai doojee sayvaa janam birthaa jaa-ay jee. ||1|| Serving the Lord, you shall obtain the fruits of your heart's desires; serving another, your life shall pass away in vain. ||1|| hir myrI pRIiq rIiq hY hir myrI hir myrI kQw khwnI jI ] (490-10)har mayree pareet reet hai har mayree har mayree kathaa kahaanee jee. The Lord is my Love, the Lord is my way of life, the Lord is my speech and conversation. gur pRswid myrw mnu BIjY eyhw syv bnI jIau ]1] rhwau ] (490-10)gur parsaad mayraa man bheejai ayhaa sayv banee jee-o. ||1|| rahaa-o. By Guru's Grace, my mind is saturated with the Lord's Love; this is what makes up my service. ||1||Pause|| hir myrw isimRiq hir myrw swsqR hir myrw bMDpu hir myrw BweI ] (490-11)har mayraa simrit har mayraa saastar har mayraa banDhap har mayraa bhaa-ee. The Lord is my Simritees, the Lord is my Shaastras; the Lord is my relative and the Lord is my brother. hir kI mY BUK lwgY hir nwim myrw mnu iqRpqY hir myrw swku AMiq hoie sKweI ]2] (490-12)har kee mai bhookh laagai har naam mayraa man tariptai har mayraa saak ant ho-ay sakhaa-ee. ||2|| I am hungry for the Lord; my mind is satisfied with the Name of the Lord. The Lord is my relation, my helper in the end. ||2|| hir ibnu hor rwis kUVI hY clidAw nwil n jweI ] (490-13)har bin hor raas koorhee hai chaldi-aa naal na jaa-ee. Without the Lord, other assets are false. They do not go with the mortal when he departs. hir myrw Dnu myrY swiQ cwlY jhw hau jwau qh jweI ]3] (490-13)har mayraa Dhan mayrai saath chaalai jahaa ha-o jaa-o tah jaa-ee. ||3|| The Lord is my wealth, which shall go with me; wherever I go, it will go. ||3|| so JUTw jo JUTy lwgY JUTy krm kmweI ] (490-14)so jhoothaa jo jhoothay laagai jhoothay karam kamaa-ee. One who is attached to falsehood is false; false are the deeds he does. khY nwnku hir kw Bwxw hoAw khxw kCU n jweI ]4]2]4] (490-14)kahai naanak har kaa bhaanaa ho-aa kahnaa kachhoo na jaa-ee. ||4||2||4|| Says Nanak, everything happens according to the Will of the Lord; no one has any say in this at all. ||4||2||4|| gUjrI mhlw 3 ] (490-15)goojree mehlaa 3. Goojaree, Third Mehl: jug mwih nwmu dulµBu hY gurmuiK pwieAw jwie ] (490-15)jug maahi naam dulambh hai gurmukh paa-i-aa jaa-ay. It is so difficult to obtain the Naam, the Name of the Lord, in this age; only the Gurmukh obtains it. ibnu nwvY mukiq n hoveI vyKhu ko ivaupwie ]1] (490-15)bin naavai mukat na hova-ee vaykhhu ko vi-upaa-ay. ||1|| Without the Name, no one is liberated; let anyone make other efforts, and see. ||1|| bilhwrI gur Awpxy sd bilhwrY jwau ] (490-16)balihaaree gur aapnay sad balihaarai jaa-o. I am a sacrifice to my Guru; I am forever a sacrifice to Him. siqgur imilAY hir min vsY shjy rhY smwie ]1] rhwau ] (490-16)satgur mili-ai har man vasai sehjay rahai samaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. Meeting the True Guru, the Lord comes to dwell in the mind, and one remains absorbed in Him. ||1||Pause|| jW Bau pwey Awpxw bYrwgu aupjY min Awie ] (490-17)jaaN bha-o paa-ay aapnaa bairaag upjai man aa-ay. When God instills His fear, a balanced detachment springs up in the mind. bYrwgY qy hir pweIAY hir isau rhY smwie ]2] (490-18)bairaagai tay har paa-ee-ai har si-o rahai samaa-ay. ||2|| Through this detachment, the Lord is obtained, and one remains absorbed in the Lord. ||2|| syie mukq ij mnu ijxih iPir Dwqu n lwgY Awie ] (490-18)say-ay mukat je man jineh fir Dhaat na laagai aa-ay. He alone is liberated, who conquers his mind; Maya does not stick to him again. dsvY duAwir rhq kry iqRBvx soJI pwie ]3] (490-19)dasvai du-aar rahat karay taribhavan sojhee paa-ay. ||3|| He dwells in the Tenth Gate, and obtains the understanding of the three worlds. ||3|| nwnk gur qy guru hoieAw vyKhu iqs kI rjwie ] (490-19)naanak gur tay gur ho-i-aa vaykhhu tis kee rajaa-ay. O Nanak, through the Guru, one becomes the Guru; behold, His Wondrous Will. |
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