Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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489 <> siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ] (489-1)ik-oaNkaar sat naam kartaa purakh nirbha-o nirvair akaal moorat ajoonee saibhaN gur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying. Beyond Birth. Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace: rwgu gUjrI mhlw 1 caupdy Gru 1 ] (489-3)raag goojree mehlaa 1 cha-upday ghar 1. Raag Goojaree, First Mehl, Chau-Padas, First House: qyrw nwmu krI cnxwTIAw jy mnu aursw hoie ] (489-4)tayraa naam karee channaathee-aa jay man ursaa ho-ay. I would make Your Name the sandalwood, and my mind the stone to rub it on; krxI kuMgU jy rlY Gt AMqir pUjw hoie ]1] (489-4)karnee kungoo jay ralai ghat antar poojaa ho-ay. ||1|| for saffron, I would offer good deeds; thus, I perform worship and adoration within my heart. ||1|| pUjw kIcY nwmu iDAweIAY ibnu nwvY pUj n hoie ]1] rhwau ] (489-5)poojaa keechai naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai bin naavai pooj na ho-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. Perform worship and adoration by meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord; without the Name, there is no worship and adoration. ||1||Pause|| bwhir dyv pKwlIAih jy mnu DovY koie ] (489-5)baahar dayv pakhaalee-ah jay man Dhovai ko-ay. If one were to wash his heart inwardly, like the stone idol which is washed on the outside, jUiT lhY jIau mwjIAY moK pieAwxw hoie ]2] (489-6)jooth lahai jee-o maajee-ai mokh pa-i-aanaa ho-ay. ||2|| his filth would be removed, his soul would be cleansed, and he would be liberated when he departs. ||2|| psU imlih cMigAweIAw KVu Kwvih AMimRqu dyih ] (489-6)pasoo mileh chang-aa-ee-aa kharh khaaveh amrit deh. Even beasts have value, as they eat grass and give milk. nwm ivhUxy AwdmI iDRgu jIvx krm kryih ]3] (489-7)naam vihoonay aadmee Dharig jeevan karam karayhi. ||3|| Without the Naam, the mortal's life is cursed, as are the actions he performs. ||3|| nyVw hY dUir n jwixAhu inq swry sMm@wly ] (489-7)nayrhaa hai door na jaani-ahu nit saaray samHaalay. The Lord is hear at hand - do not think that He is far away. He always cherishes us, and remembers us. jo dyvY so Kwvxw khu nwnk swcw hy ]4]1] (489-8)jo dayvai so khaavnaa kaho naanak saachaa hay. ||4||1|| Whatever He gives us, we eat; says Nanak, He is the True Lord. ||4||1|| gUjrI mhlw 1 ] (489-8)goojree mehlaa 1. Goojaree, First Mehl: nwiB kml qy bRhmw aupjy byd pVih muiK kMiT svwir ] (489-8)naabh kamal tay barahmaa upjay bayd parheh mukh kanth savaar. From the lotus of Vishnu's navel, Brahma was born; He chanted the Vedas with a melodious voice. qw ko AMqu n jweI lKxw Awvq jwq rhY gubwir ]1] (489-9)taa ko ant na jaa-ee lakh-naa aavat jaat rahai gubaar. ||1|| He could not find the Lord's limits, and he remained in the darkness of coming and going. ||1|| pRIqm ikau ibsrih myry pRwx ADwr ] (489-10)pareetam ki-o bisrahi mayray paraan aDhaar. Why should I forget my Beloved? He is the support of my very breath of life. jw kI Bgiq krih jn pUry muin jn syvih gur vIcwir ]1] rhwau ] (489-10)jaa kee bhagat karahi jan pooray mun jan sayveh gur veechaar. ||1|| rahaa-o. The perfect beings perform devotional worship to Him. The silent sages serve Him through the Guru's Teachings. ||1||Pause|| riv sis dIpk jw ky iqRBvix eykw joiq murwir ] (489-11)rav sas deepak jaa kay taribhavan aykaa jot muraar. His lamps are the sun and the moon; the One Light of the Destroyer of ego fills the three worlds. gurmuiK hoie su Aihinis inrmlu mnmuiK rYix AMDwir ]2] (489-11)gurmukh ho-ay so ahinis nirmal manmukh rain anDhaar. ||2|| One who becomes Gurmukh remains immaculately pure, day and night, while the self-willed manmukh is enveloped by the darkness of night. ||2|| isD smwiD krih inq Jgrw duhu locn ikAw hyrY ] (489-12)siDh samaaDh karahi nit jhagraa duhu lochan ki-aa hayrai. The Siddhas in Samaadhi are continually in conflict; what can they see with their two eyes? AMqir joiq sbdu Duin jwgY siqguru Jgru inbyrY ]3] (489-12)antar jot sabad Dhun jaagai satgur jhagar nibayray. ||3|| One who has the Divine Light within his heart, and is awakened to the melody of the Word of the Shabad - the True Guru settles his conflicts. ||3|| suir nr nwQ byAMq AjonI swcY mhil Apwrw ] (489-13)sur nar naath bay-ant ajonee saachai mahal apaaraa. O Lord of angels and men, infinite and unborn, Your True Mansion is incomparable. nwnk shij imly jgjIvn ndir krhu insqwrw ]4]2] (489-14)naanak sahj milay jagjeevan nadar karahu nistaaraa. ||4||2|| Nanak merges imperceptibly into the Life of the world; shower Your mercy upon him, and save him. ||4||2|| |
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