Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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491 iehu kwrxu krqw kry joqI joiq smwie ]4]3]5] (491-1)ih kaaran kartaa karay jotee jot samaa-ay. ||4||3||5|| This deed was done by the Creator Lord; one's light merges into the Light. ||4||3||5|| gUjrI mhlw 3 ] (491-1)goojree mehlaa 3. Goojaree, Third Mehl: rwm rwm sBu ko khY kihAY rwmu n hoie ] (491-1)raam raam sabh ko kahai kahi-ai raam na ho-ay. Everyone chants the Lord's Name, Raam, Raam; but by such chanting, the Lord is not obtained. gur prswdI rwmu min vsY qw Plu pwvY koie ]1] (491-2)gur parsaadee raam man vasai taa fal paavai ko-ay. ||1|| By Guru's Grace, the Lord comes to dwell in the mind, and then, the fruits are obtained. ||1|| AMqir goivMd ijsu lwgY pRIiq ] (491-2)antar govind jis laagai pareet. One who enshrines love for God within his mind, hir iqsu kdy n vIsrY hir hir krih sdw min cIiq ]1] rhwau ] (491-3)har tis kaday na veesrai har har karahi sadaa man cheet. ||1|| rahaa-o. never forgets the Lord; he continually chants the Lord's Name, Har, Har, in his conscious mind. ||1||Pause|| ihrdY ijn@ kY kptu vsY bwhrhu sMq khwih ] (491-3)hirdai jinH kai kapat vasai baahrahu sant kahaahi. Those whose hearts are filled with hypocrisy, who are called saints only for their outward show iqRsnw mUil n cukeI AMiq gey pCuqwih ]2] (491-4)tarisnaa mool na chuk-ee ant ga-ay pachhutaahi. ||2|| - their desires are never satisfied, and they depart grieving in the end. ||2|| Anyk qIrQ jy jqn krY qw AMqr kI haumY kdy n jwie ] (491-4)anayk tirath jay jatan karai taa antar kee ha-umai kaday na jaa-ay. Although one may bathe at many places of pilgrimage, still, his ego never departs. ijsu nr kI duibDw n jwie Drm rwie iqsu dyie sjwie ]3] (491-5)jis nar kee dubiDhaa na jaa-ay Dharam raa-ay tis day-ay sajaa-ay. ||3|| That man, whose sense of duality does not depart - the Righteous Judge of Dharma shall punish him. ||3|| krmu hovY soeI jnu pwey gurmuiK bUJY koeI ] (491-6)karam hovai so-ee jan paa-ay gurmukh boojhai ko-ee. That humble being, unto whom God showers His Mercy, obtains Him; how few are the Gurmukhs who understand Him. nwnk ivchu haumY mwry qW hir BytY soeI ]4]4]6] (491-6)naanak vichahu ha-umai maaray taaN har bhaytai so-ee. ||4||4||6|| O Nanak, if one conquers his ego within, then he comes to meet the Lord. ||4||4||6|| gUjrI mhlw 3 ] (491-7)goojree mehlaa 3. Goojaree, Third Mehl: iqsu jn sWiq sdw miq inhcl ijs kw AiBmwnu gvwey ] (491-7)tis jan saaNt sadaa mat nihchal jis kaa abhimaan gavaa-ay. That humble being who eliminates his ego is at peace; he is blessed with an ever-stable intellect. so jnu inrmlu ij gurmuiK bUJY hir crxI icqu lwey ]1] (491-7)so jan nirmal je gurmukh boojhai har charnee chit laa-ay. ||1|| That humble being is immaculately pure, who, as Gurmukh, understands the Lord, and focuses his consciousness on the Lord's Feet. ||1|| hir cyiq Acyq mnw jo ieCih so Plu hoeI ] (491-8)har chayt achayt manaa jo ichheh so fal ho-ee. O my unconscious mind, remain conscious of the Lord, and you shall obtain the fruits of your desires. gur prswdI hir rsu pwvih pIvq rhih sdw suKu hoeI ]1] rhwau ] (491-9)gur parsaadee har ras paavahi peevat raheh sadaa sukh ho-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o. By Guru's Grace, you shall obtain the sublime elixir of the Lord; by continually drinking it in, you shall have eternal peace. ||1||Pause|| siqguru Byty qw pwrsu hovY pwrsu hoie q pUj krwey ] (491-9)satgur bhaytay taa paaras hovai paaras ho-ay ta pooj karaa-ay. When one meets the True Guru, he becomes the philosopher's stone, with the ability to transform others, inspiring them to worship the Lord. jo ausu pUjy so Plu pwey dIiKAw dyvY swcu buJwey ]2] (491-10)jo us poojay so fal paa-ay deekhi-aa dayvai saach bujhaa-ay. ||2|| One who worships the Lord in adoration, obtains his rewards; instructing others, he reveals the Truth. ||2|| ivxu pwrsY pUj n hoveI ivxu mn prcy Avrw smJwey ] (491-10)vin paarsai pooj na hova-ee vin man parchay avraa samjhaa-ay. Without becoming the philosopher's stone, he does not inspire others to worship the Lord; without instructing his own mind, how can he instruct others? gurU sdwey AigAwnI AMDw iksu Ehu mwrig pwey ]3] (491-11)guroo sadaa-ay agi-aanee anDhaa kis oh maarag paa-ay. ||3|| The ignorant, blind man calls himself the guru, but to whom can he show the way? ||3|| nwnk ivxu ndrI ikCU n pweIAY ijsu ndir kry so pwey ] (491-12)naanak vin nadree kichhoo na paa-ee-ai jis nadar karay so paa-ay. O Nanak, without His Mercy, nothing can be obtained. One upon whom He casts His Glance of Grace, obtains Him. gur prswdI dy vifAweI Apxw sbdu vrqwey ]4]5]7] (491-12)gur parsaadee day vadi-aa-ee apnaa sabad vartaa-ay. ||4||5||7|| By Guru's Grace, God bestows greatness, and projects the Word of His Shabad. ||4||5||7|| gUjrI mhlw 3 pMcpdy ] (491-13)goojree mehlaa 3 panchpaday. Goojaree, Third Mehl, Panch-Padas: nw kwsI miq aUpjY nw kwsI miq jwie ] (491-13)naa kaasee mat oopjai naa kaasee mat jaa-ay. Wisdom is not produced in Benares, nor is wisdom lost in Benares. siqgur imilAY miq aUpjY qw ieh soJI pwie ]1] (491-14)satgur mili-ai mat oopjai taa ih sojhee paa-ay. ||1|| Meeting the True Guru, wisdom is produced, and then, one obtains this understanding. ||1|| hir kQw qUM suix ry mn sbdu mMin vswie ] (491-14)har kathaa tooN sun ray man sabad man vasaa-ay. Listen to the sermon of the Lord, O mind, and enshrine the Shabad of His Word within your mind. ieh miq qyrI iQru rhY qW Brmu ivchu jwie ]1] rhwau ] (491-15)ih mat tayree thir rahai taaN bharam vichahu jaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. If your intellect remains stable and steady, then doubt shall depart from within you. ||1||Pause|| hir crx irdY vswie qU iklivK hovih nwsu ] (491-15)har charan ridai vasaa-ay too kilvikh hoveh naas. Enshrine the Lord's lotus feet within your heart, and your sins shall be erased. pMc BU Awqmw vis krih qw qIrQ krih invwsu ]2] (491-16)panch bhoo aatmaa vas karahi taa tirath karahi nivaas. ||2|| If your soul overcomes the five elements, then you shall come to have a home at the true place of pilgrimage. ||2|| mnmuiK iehu mnu mugDu hY soJI ikCU n pwie ] (491-16)manmukh ih man mugaDh hai sojhee kichhoo na paa-ay. This mind of the self-centered manmukh is so stupid; it does not obtain any understanding at all. hir kw nwmu n buJeI AMiq gieAw pCuqwie ]3] (491-17)har kaa naam na bujh-ee ant ga-i-aa pachhutaa-ay. ||3|| It does not understand the Name of the Lord; it departs repenting in the end. ||3|| iehu mnu kwsI siB qIrQ isimRiq siqgur dIAw buJwie ] (491-17)ih man kaasee sabh tirath simrit satgur dee-aa bujhaa-ay. In this mind are found Benares, all sacred shrines of pilgrimage and the Shaastras; the True Guru has explained this. ATsiT qIrQ iqsu sMig rhih ijn hir ihrdY rihAw smwie ]4] (491-18)athsath tirath tis sang raheh jin har hirdai rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||4|| The sixty-eight places of pilgrimage remain with one, whose heart is filled with the Lord. ||4|| nwnk siqgur imilAY hukmu buiJAw eyku visAw min Awie ] (491-19)naanak satgur mili-ai hukam bujhi-aa ayk vasi-aa man aa-ay. O Nanak, upon meeting the True Guru, the Order of the Lord's Will is understood, and the One Lord comes to dwell in the mind. jo quDu BwvY sBu scu hY scy rhY smwie ]5]6]8] (491-19)jo tuDh bhaavai sabh sach hai sachay rahai samaa-ay. ||5||6||8|| Those who are pleasing to You, O True Lord, are true. They remain absorbed in You. ||5||6||8|| |
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