Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


khY nwnku CpY ikau CipAw eykI eykI vMif dIAw ]4]7] (351-1)
kahai naanak chhapai ki-o chhapi-aa aykee aykee vand dee-aa. ||4||7||
Says Nanak, by hiding, how can the Lord be hidden? He has given each their share, one by one. ||4||7||

Awsw mhlw 1 ] (351-2)
aasaa mehlaa 1.
Aasaa, First Mehl:

krm krqUiq byil ibsQwrI rwm nwmu Plu hUAw ] (351-2)
karam kartoot bayl bisthaaree raam naam fal hoo-aa.
The vine of good actions and character has spread out, and it bears the fruit of the Lord's Name.

iqsu rUpu n ryK Anwhdu vwjY sbdu inrMjin kIAw ]1] (351-2)
tis roop na raykh anaahad vaajai sabad niranjan kee-aa. ||1||
The Name has no form or outline; it vibrates with the unstruck Sound Current; through the Word of the Shabad, the Immaculate Lord is revealed. ||1||

kry viKAwxu jwxY jy koeI ] (351-3)
karay vakhi-aan jaanai jay ko-ee.
One can speak on this only when he knows it.

AMimRqu pIvY soeI ]1] rhwau ] (351-3)
amrit peevai so-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He alone drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar. ||1||Pause||

ijn@ pIAw sy msq Bey hY qUty bMDn Pwhy ] (351-4)
jinH pee-aa say masat bha-ay hai tootay banDhan faahay.
Those who drink it in are enraptured; their bonds and shackles are cut away.

joqI joiq smwxI BIqir qw Cofy mwieAw ky lwhy ]2] (351-4)
jotee jot samaanee bheetar taa chhoday maa-i-aa kay laahay. ||2||
When one's light blends into the Divine Light, then the desire for Maya is ended. ||2||

srb joiq rUpu qyrw dyiKAw sgl Bvn qyrI mwieAw ] (351-5)
sarab jot roop tayraa daykhi-aa sagal bhavan tayree maa-i-aa.
Among all lights, I behold Your Form; all the worlds are Your Maya.

rwrY rUip inrwlmu bYTw ndir kry ivic CwieAw ]3] (351-5)
raarai roop niraalam baithaa nadar karay vich chhaa-i-aa. ||3||
Among the tumults and forms, He sits in serene detachment; He bestows His Glance of Grace upon those who are engrossed in the illusion. ||3||

bIxw sbdu vjwvY jogI drsin rUip Apwrw ] (351-6)
beenaa sabad vajaavai jogee darsan roop apaaraa.
The Yogi who plays on the instrument of the Shabad gains the Blessed Vision of the Infinitely Beautiful Lord.

sbid Anwhid so shu rwqw nwnku khY ivcwrw ]4]8] (351-6)
sabad anaahad so saho raataa naanak kahai vichaaraa. ||4||8||
He, the Lord, is immersed in the Unstruck Shabad of the Word, says Nanak, the humble and meek. ||4||8||

Awsw mhlw 1 ] (351-7)
aasaa mehlaa 1.
Aasaa, First Mehl:

mY gux glw ky isir Bwr ] (351-7)
mai gun galaa kay sir bhaar.
My virtue is that I carry the load of my words upon my head.

glI glw isrjxhwr ] (351-7)
galee galaa sirjanhaar.
The real words are the Words of the Creator Lord.

Kwxw pIxw hsxw bwid ] (351-8)
khaanaa peenaa hasnaa baad.
How useless are eating, drinking and laughing,

jb lgu irdY n Awvih Xwid ]1] (351-8)
jab lag ridai na aavahi yaad. ||1||
if the Lord is not cherished in the heart! ||1||

qau prvwh kyhI ikAw kIjY ] (351-8)
ta-o parvaah kayhee ki-aa keejai.
Why should someone care for anything else,

jnim jnim ikCu lIjI lIjY ]1] rhwau ] (351-8)
janam janam kichh leejee leejai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
if throughout his life, he gathers in that which is truly worth gathering? ||1||Pause||

mn kI miq mqwglu mqw ] (351-9)
man kee mat mataagal mataa.
The intellect of the mind is like a drunken elephant.

jo ikCu bolIAY sBu Kqo Kqw ] (351-9)
jo kichh bolee-ai sabh khato khataa.
Whatever one utters is totally false, the most false of the false.

ikAw muhu lY kIcY Ardwis ] (351-10)
ki-aa muhu lai keechai ardaas.
So what face should we put on to offer our prayer,

pwpu puMnu duie swKI pwis ]2] (351-10)
paap punn du-ay saakhee paas. ||2||
when both virtue and vice are close at hand as witnesses? ||2||

jYsw qUM krih qYsw ko hoie ] (351-10)
jaisaa tooN karahi taisaa ko ho-ay.
As You make us, so we become.

quJ ibnu dUjw nwhI koie ] (351-10)
tujh bin doojaa naahee ko-ay.
Without You, there is no other at all.

jyhI qUM miq dyih qyhI ko pwvY ] (351-11)
jayhee tooN mat deh tayhee ko paavai.
As is the understanding which You bestow, so do we receive.

quDu Awpy BwvY iqvY clwvY ]3] (351-11)
tuDh aapay bhaavai tivai chalaavai. ||3||
As it pleases Your Will, so do You lead us. ||3||

rwg rqn prIAw prvwr ] (351-11)
raag ratan paree-aa parvaar.
The divine crystalline harmonies, their consorts, and their celestial families

iqsu ivic aupjY AMimRqu swr ] (351-12)
tis vich upjai amrit saar.
- from them, the essence of Ambrosial Nectar is produced.

nwnk krqy kw iehu Dnu mwlu ] (351-12)
naanak kartay kaa ih Dhan maal.
O Nanak, this is the wealth and property of the Creator Lord.

jy ko bUJY eyhu bIcwru ]4]9] (351-12)
jay ko boojhai ayhu beechaar. ||4||9||
If only this essential reality were understood! ||4||9||

Awsw mhlw 1 ] (351-13)
aasaa mehlaa 1.
Aasaa, First Mehl:

kir ikrpw ApnY Gir AwieAw qw imil sKIAw kwju rcwieAw ] (351-13)
kar kirpaa apnai ghar aa-i-aa taa mil sakhee-aa kaaj rachaa-i-aa.
When by His Grace He came to my home, then my companions met together to celebrate my marriage.

Kylu dyiK min Andu BieAw shu vIAwhx AwieAw ]1] (351-14)
khayl daykh man anad bha-i-aa saho vee-aahan aa-i-aa. ||1||
Beholding this play, my mind became blissful; my Husband Lord has come to marry me. ||1||

gwvhu gwvhu kwmxI ibbyk bIcwru ] (351-14)
gaavhu gaavhu kaamnee bibayk beechaar.
So sing - yes, sing the songs of wisdom and reflection, O brides.

hmrY Gir AwieAw jgjIvnu Bqwru ]1] rhwau ] (351-15)
hamrai ghar aa-i-aa jagjeevan bhataar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My spouse, the Life of the world, has come into my home. ||1||Pause||

gurU duAwrY hmrw vIAwhu ij hoAw jW shu imilAw qW jwinAw ] (351-15)
guroo du-aarai hamraa vee-aahu je ho-aa jaaN saho mili-aa taaN jaani-aa.
When I was married within the Gurdwara, the Guru's Gate, I met my Husband Lord, and I came to know Him.

iqhu lokw mih sbdu rivAw hY Awpu gieAw mnu mwinAw ]2] (351-16)
tihu lokaa meh sabad ravi-aa hai aap ga-i-aa man maani-aa. ||2||
The Word of His Shabad is pervading the three worlds; when my ego was quieted, my mind became happy. ||2||

Awpxw kwrju Awip svwry horin kwrju n hoeI ] (351-16)
aapnaa kaaraj aap savaaray horan kaaraj na ho-ee.
He Himself arranges His own affairs; His affairs cannot be arranged by anyone else.

ijqu kwrij squ sMqoKu dieAw Drmu hY gurmuiK bUJY koeI ]3] (351-17)
jit kaaraj sat santokh da-i-aa Dharam hai gurmukh boojhai ko-ee. ||3||
By the affair of this marriage, truth, contentment, mercy and faith are produced; but how rare is that Gurmukh who understands it! ||3||

Bniq nwnku sBnw kw ipru eyko soie ] (351-18)
bhanat naanak sabhnaa kaa pir ayko so-ay.
Says Nanak, that Lord alone is the Husband of all.

ijs no ndir kry sw sohwgix hoie ]4]10] (351-18)
jis no nadar karay saa sohagan ho-ay. ||4||10||
She, upon whom He casts His Glance of Grace, becomes the happy soul-bride. ||4||10||

Awsw mhlw 1 ] (351-18)
aasaa mehlaa 1.
Aasaa, First Mehl:

igRhu bnu smsir shij suBwie ] (351-19)
garihu ban samsar sahj subhaa-ay.
Home and forest are the same, for one who dwells in the balance of intuitive peace and poise.

durmiq gqu BeI kIriq Twie ] (351-19)
durmat gat bha-ee keerat thaa-ay.
His evil-mindedness departs, and the Praises of God take its place.

sc pauVI swcau muiK nWau ] (351-19)
sach pa-orhee saacha-o mukh naaN-o.
To chant the True Name with one's mouth is the true ladder.