Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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352 siqguru syiv pwey inj Qwau ]1] (352-1)satgur sayv paa-ay nij thaa-o. ||1|| Serving the True Guru, one finds one's own place within the self. ||1|| mn cUry Ktu drsn jwxu ] (352-1)man chooray khat darsan jaan. To conquer the mind is the knowledge of the six Shaastras. srb joiq pUrn Bgvwnu ]1] rhwau ] (352-1)sarab jot pooran bhagvaan. ||1|| rahaa-o. The Divine Light of the Lord God is perfectly pervading. ||1||Pause|| AiDk iqAws ByK bhu krY ] (352-2)aDhik ti-aas bhaykh baho karai. Excessive thirst for Maya makes people wear all sorts of religious robes. duKu ibiKAw suKu qin prhrY ] (352-2)dukh bikhi-aa sukh tan parharai. The pain of corruption destroys the body's peace. kwmu k®oDu AMqir Dnu ihrY ] (352-2)kaam kroDh antar Dhan hirai. Sexual desire and anger steal the wealth of the self within. duibDw Coif nwim insqrY ]2] (352-3)dubiDhaa chhod naam nistarai. ||2|| But by abandoning duality, one is emancipated through the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2|| isPiq slwhxu shj Anµd ] (352-3)sifat salaahan sahj anand. In the Lord's Praise and adoration is intuitive peace, poise and bliss. sKw sYnu pRymu goibMd ] (352-3)sakhaa sain paraym gobind. The Love of the Lord God is one's family and friends. Awpy kry Awpy bKisMdu ] (352-3)aapay karay aapay bakhsind. He Himself is the Doer, and He Himself is the Forgiver. qnu mnu hir pih AwgY ijMdu ]3] (352-4)tan man har peh aagai jind. ||3|| My body and mind belong to the Lord; my life is at His Command. ||3|| JUT ivkwr mhw duKu dyh ] (352-4)jhooth vikaar mahaa dukh dayh. Falsehood and corruption cause terrible suffering. ByK vrn dIsih siB Kyh ] (352-4)bhaykh varan deeseh sabh khayh. All the religious robes and social classes look just like dust. jo aupjY so AwvY jwie ] (352-5)jo upjai so aavai jaa-ay. Whoever is born, continues to come and go. nwnk AsiQru nwmu rjwie ]4]11] (352-5)naanak asthir naam rajaa-ay. ||4||11|| O Nanak, only the Naam and the Lord's Command are eternal and everlasting. ||4||11|| Awsw mhlw 1 ] (352-5)aasaa mehlaa 1. Aasaa, First Mehl: eyko srvru kml AnUp ] (352-5)ayko sarvar kamal anoop. In the pool is the one incomparably beautiful lotus. sdw ibgwsY prml rUp ] (352-6)sadaa bigaasai parmal roop. It blossoms continually; its form is pure and fragrant. aUjl moqI cUgih hMs ] (352-6)oojal motee choogeh hans. The swans pick up the bright jewels. srb klw jgdIsY AMs ]1] (352-6)sarab kalaa jagdeesai aNs. ||1|| They take on the essence of the All-powerful Lord of the Universe. ||1|| jo dIsY so aupjY ibnsY ] (352-7)jo deesai so upjai binsai. Whoever is seen, is subject to birth and death. ibnu jl srvir kmlu n dIsY ]1] rhwau ] (352-7)bin jal sarvar kamal na deesai. ||1|| rahaa-o. In the pool without water, the lotus is not seen. ||1||Pause|| ibrlw bUJY pwvY Bydu ] (352-7)birlaa boojhai paavai bhayd. How rare are those who know and understand this secret. swKw qIin khY inq bydu ] (352-8)saakhaa teen kahai nit bayd. The Vedas continually speak of the three branches. nwd ibMd kI suriq smwie ] (352-8)naad bind kee surat samaa-ay. One who merges into the knowledge of the Lord as absolute and related, siqguru syiv prm pdu pwie ]2] (352-8)satgur sayv param pad paa-ay. ||2|| serves the True Guru and obtains the supreme status. ||2|| mukqo rwqau rMig rvWqau ] (352-9)mukto raata-o rang ravaaNta-o. One who is imbued with the Love of the Lord and dwells continually upon Him is liberated. rwjn rwij sdw ibgsWqau ] (352-9)raajan raaj sadaa bigsaaNta-o. He is the king of kings, and blossoms forth continually. ijsu qUM rwKih ikrpw Dwir ] (352-9)jis tooN raakhahi kirpaa Dhaar. That one whom You preserve, by bestowing Your Mercy, O Lord, bUfq pwhn qwrih qwir ]3] (352-9)boodat paahan taareh taar. ||3|| even the sinking stone - You float that one across. ||3|| iqRBvx mih joiq iqRBvx mih jwixAw ] (352-10)taribhavan meh jot taribhavan meh jaani-aa. Your Light is pervading the three worlds; I know that You are permeating the three worlds. ault BeI Gru Gr mih AwixAw ] (352-10)ulat bha-ee ghar ghar meh aani-aa. When my mind turned away from Maya, I came to dwell in my own home. Aihinis Bgiq kry ilv lwie ] nwnku iqn kY lwgY pwie ]4]12] (352-11)ahinis bhagat karay liv laa-ay. naanak tin kai laagai paa-ay. ||4||12|| Nanak falls at the feet of that person who immerses himself in the Lord's Love, and performs devotional worship night and day. ||4||12|| Awsw mhlw 1 ] (352-11)aasaa mehlaa 1. Aasaa, First Mehl: gurmiq swcI hujiq dUir ] (352-12)gurmat saachee hujat door. Receiving the True Teachings from the Guru, arguments depart. bhuqu isAwxp lwgY DUir ] (352-12)bahut si-aanap laagai Dhoor. But through excessive cleverness, one is only plastered with dirt. lwgI mYlu imtY sc nwie ] (352-12)laagee mail mitai sach naa-ay. The filth of attachment is removed by the True Name of the Lord. gur prswid rhY ilv lwie ]1] (352-12)gur parsaad rahai liv laa-ay. ||1|| By Guru's Grace, one remains lovingly attached to the Lord. ||1|| hY hjUir hwjru Ardwis ] (352-13)hai hajoor haajar ardaas. He is the Presence Ever-present; offer your prayers to Him. duKu suKu swcu krqy pRB pwis ]1] rhwau ] (352-13)dukh sukh saach kartay parabh paas. ||1|| rahaa-o. Pain and pleasure are in the Hands of God, the True Creator. ||1||Pause|| kUVu kmwvY AwvY jwvY ] (352-13)koorh kamaavai aavai jaavai. One who practices falsehood comes and goes. khix kQin vwrw nhI AwvY ] (352-14)kahan kathan vaaraa nahee aavai. By speaking and talking, His limits cannot be found. ikAw dyKw sUJ bUJ n pwvY ] (352-14)ki-aa daykhaa soojh boojh na paavai. Whatever one sees, is not understood. ibnu nwvY min iqRpiq n AwvY ]2] (352-14)bin naavai man taripat na aavai. ||2|| Without the Name, satisfaction does not enter into the mind. ||2|| jo jnmy sy roig ivAwpy ] (352-15)jo janmay say rog vi-aapay. Whoever is born is afflicted by disease, haumY mwieAw dUiK sMqwpy ] (352-15)ha-umai maa-i-aa dookh santaapay. tortured by the pain of egotism and Maya. sy jn bwcy jo pRiB rwKy ] (352-15)say jan baachay jo parabh raakhay. They alone are saved, who are protected by God. siqguru syiv AMimRq rsu cwKy ]3] (352-16)satgur sayv amrit ras chaakhay. ||3|| Serving the True Guru, they drink in the Amrit, the Ambrosial Nectar. ||3|| clqau mnu rwKY AMimRqu cwKY ] (352-16)chalta-o man raakhai amrit chaakhai. The unstable mind is restrained by tasting this Nectar. siqgur syiv AMimRq sbdu BwKY ] (352-16)satgur sayv amrit sabad bhaakhai. Serving the True Guru, one comes to cherish the Ambrosial Nectar of the Shabad. swcY sbid mukiq giq pwey ] (352-17)saachai sabad mukat gat paa-ay. Through the True Word of the Shabad, the state of liberation is obtained. nwnk ivchu Awpu gvwey ]4]13] (352-17)naanak vichahu aap gavaa-ay. ||4||13|| O Nanak, self-conceit is eradicated from within. ||4||13|| Awsw mhlw 1 ] (352-18)aasaa mehlaa 1. Aasaa, First Mehl: jo iqin kIAw so scu QIAw ] (352-18)jo tin kee-aa so sach thee-aa. Whatever He has done, has proved to be true. AMimRq nwmu siqguir dIAw ] (352-18)amrit naam satgur dee-aa. The True Guru bestows the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord. ihrdY nwmu nwhI min BMgu ] (352-18)hirdai naam naahee man bhang. With the Naam in the heart, the mind is not separated from the Lord. Anidnu nwil ipAwry sMgu ]1] (352-19)an-din naal pi-aaray sang. ||1|| Night and day, one dwells with the Beloved. ||1|| hir jIau rwKhu ApnI srxweI ] (352-19)har jee-o raakho apnee sarnaa-ee. O Lord, please keep me in the Protection of Your Sanctuary. |
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