Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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350 jy sau virHAw jIvx Kwxu ] (350-1)jay sa-o var-hi-aa jeevan khaan. If one were to live and eat for hundreds of years, Ksm pCwxY so idnu prvwxu ]2] (350-1)khasam pachhaanai so din parvaan. ||2|| that day alone would be auspicious, when he recognizes his Lord and Master. ||2|| drsin dyiKAY dieAw n hoie ] (350-1)darsan daykhi-ai da-i-aa na ho-ay. Beholding the sight of the petitioner, compassion is not aroused. ley idqy ivxu rhY n koie ] (350-2)la-ay ditay vin rahai na ko-ay. No one lives without give and take. rwjw inAwau kry hiQ hoie ] (350-2)raajaa ni-aa-o karay hath ho-ay. The king administers justice only if his palm is greased. khY Kudwie n mwnY koie ]3] (350-2)kahai khudaa-ay na maanai ko-ay. ||3|| No one is moved by the Name of God. ||3|| mwxs mUriq nwnku nwmu ] (350-3)maanas moorat naanak naam. O Nanak, they are human beings in form and name only; krxI kuqw dir Purmwnu ] (350-3)karnee kutaa dar furmaan. by their deeds they are dogs - this is the Command of the Lord's Court. gur prswid jwxY imhmwnu ] (350-3)gur parsaad jaanai mihmaan. By Guru's Grace, if one sees himself as a guest in this world, qw ikCu drgh pwvY mwnu ]4]4] (350-3)taa kichh dargeh paavai maan. ||4||4|| then he gains honor in the Court of the Lord. ||4||4|| Awsw mhlw 1 ] (350-4)aasaa mehlaa 1. Aasaa, First Mehl: jyqw sbdu suriq Duin qyqI jyqw rUpu kwieAw qyrI ] (350-4)jaytaa sabad surat Dhun taytee jaytaa roop kaa-i-aa tayree. As much as the Shabad is in the mind, so much is Your melody; as much as the form of the universe is, so much is Your body, Lord. qUM Awpy rsnw Awpy bsnw Avru n dUjw khau mweI ]1] (350-4)tooN aapay rasnaa aapay basnaa avar na doojaa kaha-o maa-ee. ||1|| You Yourself are the tongue, and You Yourself are the nose. Do not speak of any other, O my mother. ||1|| swihbu myrw eyko hY ] (350-5)saahib mayraa ayko hai. My Lord and Master is One; eyko hY BweI eyko hY ]1] rhwau ] (350-5)ayko hai bhaa-ee ayko hai. ||1|| rahaa-o. He is the One and Only; O Siblings of Destiny, He is the One alone. ||1||Pause|| Awpy mwry Awpy CofY Awpy lyvY dyie ] (350-6)aapay maaray aapay chhodai aapay layvai day-ay. He Himself kills, and He Himself emancipates; He Himself gives and takes. Awpy vyKY Awpy ivgsY Awpy ndir kryie ]2] (350-6)aapay vaykhai aapay vigsai aapay nadar karay-i. ||2|| He Himself beholds, and He Himself rejoices; He Himself bestows His Glance of Grace. ||2|| jo ikCu krxw so kir rihAw Avru n krxw jweI ] (350-6)jo kichh karnaa so kar rahi-aa avar na karnaa jaa-ee. Whatever He is to do, that is what He is doing. No one else can do anything. jYsw vrqY qYso khIAY sB qyrI vifAweI ]3] (350-7)jaisaa vartai taiso kahee-ai sabh tayree vadi-aa-ee. ||3|| As He projects Himself, so do we describe Him; this is all Your Glorious Greatness, Lord. ||3|| kil klvwlI mwieAw mdu mITw mnu mqvwlw pIvqu rhY ] (350-7)kal kalvaalee maa-i-aa mad meethaa man matvaalaa peevat rahai. The Dark Age of Kali Yuga is the bottle of wine; Maya is the sweet wine, and the intoxicated mind continues to drink it in. Awpy rUp kry bhu BWqIN nwnku bpuVw eyv khY ]4]5] (350-8)aapay roop karay baho bhaaNteeN naanak bapurhaa ayv kahai. ||4||5|| He Himself assumes all sorts of forms; thus poor Nanak speaks. ||4||5|| Awsw mhlw 1 ] (350-9)aasaa mehlaa 1. Aasaa, First Mehl: vwjw miq pKwvju Bwau ] (350-9)vaajaa mat pakhaavaj bhaa-o. Make your intellect your instrument, and love your tambourine; hoie Anµdu sdw min cwau ] (350-9)ho-ay anand sadaa man chaa-o. thus bliss and lasting pleasure shall be produced in your mind. eyhw Bgiq eyho qp qwau ] (350-9)ayhaa bhagat ayho tap taa-o. This is devotional worship, and this is the practice of penance. iequ rMig nwchu riK riK pwau ]1] (350-10)it rang naachahu rakh rakh paa-o. ||1|| So dance in this love, and keep the beat with your feet. ||1|| pUry qwl jwxY swlwh ] (350-10)pooray taal jaanai saalaah. Know that the perfect beat is the Praise of the Lord; horu ncxw KusIAw mn mwh ]1] rhwau ] (350-10)hor nachnaa khusee-aa man maah. ||1|| rahaa-o. other dances produce only temporary pleasure in the mind. ||1||Pause|| squ sMqoKu vjih duie qwl ] (350-11)sat santokh vajeh du-ay taal. Play the two cymbals of truth and contentment. pYrI vwjw sdw inhwl ] (350-11)pairee vaajaa sadaa nihaal. Let your ankle bells be the lasting Vision of the Lord. rwgu nwdu nhI dUjw Bwau ] (350-11)raag naad nahee doojaa bhaa-o. Let your harmony and music be the elimination of duality. iequ rMig nwchu riK riK pwau ]2] (350-12)it rang naachahu rakh rakh paa-o. ||2|| So dance in this love, and keep the beat with your feet. ||2|| Bau PyrI hovY mn cIiq ] (350-12)bha-o fayree hovai man cheet. Let the fear of God within your heart and mind be your spinning dance, bhidAw auTidAw nIqw nIiq ] (350-12)bahdi-aa uth-di-aa neetaa neet. and keep up, whether sitting or standing. lytix lyit jwxY qnu suAwhu ] (350-13)laytan layt jaanai tan su-aahu. To roll around in the dust is to know that the body is only ashes. iequ rMig nwchu riK riK pwau ]3] (350-13)it rang naachahu rakh rakh paa-o. ||3|| So dance in this love, and keep the beat with your feet. ||3|| isK sBw dIiKAw kw Bwau ] (350-13)sikh sabhaa deekhi-aa kaa bhaa-o. Keep the company of the disciples, the students who love the teachings. gurmuiK suxxw swcw nwau ] (350-14)gurmukh sun-naa saachaa naa-o. As Gurmukh, listen to the True Name. nwnk AwKxu vyrw vyr ] (350-14)naanak aakhan vayraa vayr. O Nanak, chant it, over and over again. iequ rMig nwchu riK riK pYr ]4]6] (350-14)it rang naachahu rakh rakh pair. ||4||6|| So dance in this love, and keep the beat with your feet. ||4||6|| Awsw mhlw 1 ] (350-15)aasaa mehlaa 1. Aasaa, First Mehl: pauxu aupwie DrI sB DrqI jl AgnI kw bMDu kIAw ] (350-15)pa-un upaa-ay Dharee sabh Dhartee jal agnee kaa banDh kee-aa. He created the air, and He supports the whole world; he bound water and fire together. AMDulY dhisir mUMfu ktwieAw rwvxu mwir ikAw vfw BieAw ]1] (350-15)anDhulai dehsir moond kataa-i-aa raavan maar ki-aa vadaa bha-i-aa. ||1|| The blind, ten-headed Raavan had his heads cut off, but what greatness was obtained by killing him? ||1|| ikAw aupmw qyrI AwKI jwie ] (350-16)ki-aa upmaa tayree aakhee jaa-ay. What Glories of Yours can be chanted? qUM srby pUir rihAw ilv lwie ]1] rhwau ] (350-16)tooN sarbay poor rahi-aa liv laa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. You are totally pervading everywhere; You love and cherish all. ||1||Pause|| jIA aupwie jugiq hiQ kInI kwlI niQ ikAw vfw BieAw ] (350-17)jee-a upaa-ay jugat hath keenee kaalee nath ki-aa vadaa bha-i-aa. You created all beings, and You hold the world in Your Hands; what greatness is it to put a ring in the nose of the black cobra, as Krishna did? iksu qUM purKu jorU kaux khIAY srb inrMqir riv rihAw ]2] (350-17)kis tooN purakh joroo ka-un kahee-ai sarab nirantar rav rahi-aa. ||2|| Whose Husband are You? Who is Your wife? You are subtly diffused and pervading in all. ||2|| nwil kutMbu swiQ vrdwqw bRhmw Bwlx isRsit gieAw ] (350-18)naal kutamb saath vardaataa barahmaa bhaalan sarisat ga-i-aa. Brahma, the bestower of blessings, entered the stem of the lotus, with his relatives, to find the extent of the universe. AwgY AMqu n pwieE qw kw kMsu Cyid ikAw vfw BieAw ]3] (350-19)aagai ant na paa-i-o taa kaa kans chhayd ki-aa vadaa bha-i-aa. ||3|| Proceeding on, he could not find its limits; what glory was obtained by killing Kansa, the king? ||3|| rqn aupwie Dry KIru miQAw hoir BKlwey ij AsI kIAw ] (350-19)ratan upaa-ay Dharay kheer mathi-aa hor bhakhlaa-ay je asee kee-aa. The jewels were produced and brought forth by churning the ocean of milk. The other gods proclaimed "We are the ones who did this!" |
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