Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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349 kImiq pwie n kihAw jwie ] (349-1)keemat paa-ay na kahi-aa jaa-ay. No one can measure Your Worth, or describe You. khxY vwly qyry rhy smwie ]1] (349-1)kahnai vaalay tayray rahay samaa-ay. ||1|| Those who describe You, remain absorbed in You. ||1|| vfy myry swihbw gihr gMBIrw guxI ghIrw ] (349-1)vaday mayray saahibaa gahir gambheeraa gunee gaheeraa. O my Great Lord and Master of Unfathomable Depth, You are the Ocean of Excellence. koeI n jwxY qyrw kyqw kyvfu cIrw ]1] rhwau ] (349-2)ko-ee na jaanai tayraa kaytaa kayvad cheeraa. ||1|| rahaa-o. No one knows the greatness of Your expanse. ||1||Pause|| siB surqI imil suriq kmweI ] (349-2)sabh surtee mil surat kamaa-ee. All the contemplators met together and practiced contemplation; sB kImiq imil kImiq pweI ] (349-3)sabh keemat mil keemat paa-ee. all the appraisers met together and tried to appraise You. igAwnI iDAwnI gur gur hweI ] (349-3)gi-aanee Dhi-aanee gur gur haa-ee. The theologians, the meditators and the teachers of teachers khxu n jweI qyrI iqlu vifAweI ]2] (349-3)kahan na jaa-ee tayree til vadi-aa-ee. ||2|| could not express even an iota of Your Greatness. ||2|| siB sq siB qp siB cMigAweIAw ] (349-4)sabh sat sabh tap sabh chang-aa-ee-aa. All Truth, all austerities, all goodness, isDw purKw kIAw vifAweIAW ] (349-4)siDhaa purkhaa kee-aa vadi-aa-ee-aaN. and the greatness of the Siddhas, the beings of perfect spiritual powers quDu ivxu isDI iknY n pweIAw ] (349-4)tuDh vin siDhee kinai na paa-ee-aa. - without You, none has attained such spiritual powers. krim imlY nwhI Twik rhweIAw ]3] (349-5)karam milai naahee thaak rahaa-ee-aa. ||3|| They are obtained by Your Grace; their flow cannot be blocked. ||3|| AwKx vwlw ikAw bycwrw ] (349-5)aakhan vaalaa ki-aa baychaaraa. What can the helpless speaker do? isPqI Bry qyry BMfwrw ] (349-5)siftee bharay tayray bhandaaraa. Your bounties are overflowing with Your Praises. ijsu qUM dyih iqsY ikAw cwrw ] (349-6)jis tooN deh tisai ki-aa chaaraa. And the one, unto whom You give - why should he think of any other? nwnk scu svwrxhwrw ]4]1] (349-6)naanak sach savaaranhaaraa. ||4||1|| O Nanak, the True Lord is the Embellisher. ||4||1|| Awsw mhlw 1 ] (349-6)aasaa mehlaa 1. Aasaa, First Mehl: AwKw jIvw ivsrY mir jwau ] (349-7)aakhaa jeevaa visrai mar jaa-o. Chanting the Name, I live; forgetting it, I die. AwKix AauKw swcw nwau ] (349-7)aakhan a-ukhaa saachaa naa-o. It is so difficult to chant the True Name. swcy nwm kI lwgY BUK ] (349-7)saachay naam kee laagai bhookh. If someone feels hunger for the True Name, iqqu BUKY Kwie clIAih dUK ]1] (349-7)tit bhookhai khaa-ay chalee-ahi dookh. ||1|| then that hunger shall consume his pains. ||1|| so ikau ivsrY myrI mwie ] (349-8)so ki-o visrai mayree maa-ay. So how could I ever forget Him, O my Mother? swcw swihbu swcY nwie ]1] rhwau ] (349-8)saachaa saahib saachai naa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. True is the Master, and True is His Name. ||1||Pause|| swcy nwm kI iqlu vifAweI ] AwiK Qky kImiq nhI pweI ] (349-8)saachay naam kee til vadi-aa-ee. aakh thakay keemat nahee paa-ee. People have grown weary of trying to appraise the greatness of the True Name, but they have not been able to appraise even an iota of it. jy siB imil kY AwKx pwih ] (349-9)jay sabh mil kai aakhan paahi. Even if they were all to meet together and recount them, vfw n hovY Gwit n jwie ]2] (349-9)vadaa na hovai ghaat na jaa-ay. ||2|| You would not be made any greater or lesser. ||2|| nw Ehu mrY n hovY sogu ] (349-10)naa oh marai na hovai sog. He does not die - there is no reason to mourn. dyNdw rhY n cUkY Bogu ] (349-10)dayNdaa rahai na chookai bhog. He continues to give, but His Provisions are never exhausted. guxu eyho horu nwhI koie ] (349-10)gun ayho hor naahee ko-ay. This Glorious Virtue is His alone - no one else is like Him; nw ko hoAw nw ko hoie ]3] (349-10)naa ko ho-aa naa ko ho-ay. ||3|| there has never been anyone like Him, and there never shall be. ||3|| jyvfu Awip qyvf qyrI dwiq ] (349-11)jayvad aap tayvad tayree daat. As Great as You Yourself are, so Great are Your Gifts. ijin idnu kir kY kIqI rwiq ] (349-11)jin din kar kai keetee raat. It is You who created day and night as well. Ksmu ivswrih qy kmjwiq ] (349-11)khasam visaareh tay kamjaat. Those who forget their Lord and Master are vile and despicable. nwnk nwvY bwJu snwiq ]4]2] (349-12)naanak naavai baajh sanaat. ||4||2|| O Nanak, without the Name, people are wretched outcasts. ||4||2|| Awsw mhlw 1 ] (349-12)aasaa mehlaa 1. Aasaa, First Mehl: jy dir mWgqu kUk kry mhlI Ksmu suxy ] (349-12)jay dar maaNgat kook karay mahlee khasam sunay. If a beggar cries out at the door, the Master hears it in His Mansion. BwvY DIrk BwvY Dky eyk vfweI dyie ]1] (349-13)bhaavai Dheerak bhaavai Dhakay ayk vadaa-ee day-ay. ||1|| Whether He receives him or pushes him away, it is the Gift of the Lord's Greatness. ||1|| jwxhu joiq n pUChu jwqI AwgY jwiq n hy ]1] rhwau ] (349-13)jaanhu jot na poochhahu jaatee aagai jaat na hay. ||1|| rahaa-o. Recognize the Lord's Light within all, and do not consider social class or status; there are no classes or castes in the world hereafter. ||1||Pause|| Awip krwey Awip kryie ] (349-14)aap karaa-ay aap karay-i. He Himself acts, and He Himself inspires us to act. Awip aulwm@y iciq Dryie ] (349-14)aap ulaamayH chit Dharay-ay. He Himself considers our complaints. jw qUM krxhwru krqwru ] (349-14)jaa tooN karanhaar kartaar. Since You, O Creator Lord, are the Doer, ikAw muhqwjI ikAw sMswru ]2] (349-14)ki-aa muhtaajee ki-aa sansaar. ||2|| why should I submit to the world? ||2|| Awip aupwey Awpy dyie ] (349-15)aap upaa-ay aapay day-ay. You Yourself created and You Yourself give. Awpy durmiq mnih kryie ] (349-15)aapay durmat maneh karay-i. You Yourself eliminate evil-mindedness; gur prswid vsY min Awie ] (349-15)gur parsaad vasai man aa-ay. by Guru's Grace, You come to abide in our minds, duKu An@yrw ivchu jwie ]3] (349-16)dukh anHayraa vichahu jaa-ay. ||3|| and then, pain and darkness are dispelled from within. ||3|| swcu ipAwrw Awip kryie ] (349-16)saach pi-aaraa aap karay-i. He Himself infuses love for the Truth. AvrI kau swcu n dyie ] (349-16)avree ka-o saach na day-ay. Unto others, the Truth is not bestowed. jy iksY dyie vKwxY nwnku AwgY pUC n lyie ]4]3] (349-16)jay kisai day-ay vakhaanai naanak aagai poochh na lay-ay. ||4||3|| If He bestows it upon someone, says Nanak, then, in the world hereafter, that person is not called to account. ||4||3|| Awsw mhlw 1 ] (349-17)aasaa mehlaa 1. Aasaa, First Mehl: qwl mdIry Gt ky Gwt ] (349-17)taal madeeray ghat kay ghaat. The urges of the heart are like cymbals and ankle-bells; dolk dunIAw vwjih vwj ] (349-17)dolak dunee-aa vaajeh vaaj. the drum of the world resounds with the beat. nwrdu nwcY kil kw Bwau ] (349-18)naarad naachai kal kaa bhaa-o. Naarad dances to the tune of the Dark Age of Kali Yuga; jqI sqI kh rwKih pwau ]1] (349-18)jatee satee kah raakhahi paa-o. ||1|| where can the celibates and the men of truth place their feet? ||1|| nwnk nwm ivthu kurbwxu ] (349-18)naanak naam vitahu kurbaan. Nanak is a sacrifice to the Naam, the Name of the Lord. AMDI dunIAw swihbu jwxu ]1] rhwau ] (349-19)anDhee dunee-aa saahib jaan. ||1|| rahaa-o. The world is blind; our Lord and Master is All-seeing. ||1||Pause|| gurU pwshu iPir cylw Kwie ] (349-19)guroo paashu fir chaylaa khaa-ay. The disciple feeds on the Guru; qwim prIiq vsY Gir Awie ] (349-19)taam pareet vasai ghar aa-ay. out of love for bread, he comes to dwell in his home. |
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