Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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341 JJw auriJ suriJ nhI jwnw ] (341-1)jhajhaa urajh surajh nahee jaanaa. JHAJHA: You are entangled in the world, and you do not know how to get untangled. rihE JJik nwhI prvwnw ] (341-1)rahi-o jhajhak naahee parvaanaa. You hold back in fear, and are not approved by the Lord. kq JiK JiK Aaurn smJwvw ] (341-1)kat jhakh jhakh a-uran samjhaavaa. Why do you talk such nonsense, trying to convince others? Jgru kIey Jgrau hI pwvw ]15] (341-2)jhagar kee-ay jhagara-o hee paavaa. ||15|| Stirring up arguments, you shall only obtain more arguments. ||15|| \M\w inkit ju Gt rihE dUir khw qij jwie ] (341-2)njanjaa nikat jo ghat rahi-o door kahaa taj jaa-ay. NYANYA: He dwells near you, deep within your heart; why do you leave Him and go far away? jw kwrix jgu FUiFAau nyrau pwieAau qwih ]16] (341-3)jaa kaaran jag dhoodhi-a-o nayra-o paa-i-a-o taahi. ||16|| I searched the whole world for Him, but I found Him near myself. ||16|| ttw ibkt Gwt Gt mwhI ] (341-3)tataa bikat ghaat ghat maahee. TATTA: It is such a difficult path, to find Him within your own heart. Koil kpwt mhil ik n jwhI ] (341-3)khol kapaat mahal ke na jaahee. Open the doors within, and enter the Mansion of His Presence. dyiK Atl til kqih n jwvw ] (341-4)daykh atal tal kateh na jaavaa. Beholding the Immovable Lord, you shall not slip and go anywhere else. rhY lpit Gt prcau pwvw ]17] (341-4)rahai lapat ghat parcha-o paavaa. ||17|| You shall remain firmly attached to the Lord, and your heart will be happy. ||17|| TTw iehY dUir Tg nIrw ] (341-5)thathaa ihai door thag neeraa. T'HAT'HA: Keep yourself far away from this mirage. nIiT nIiT mnu kIAw DIrw ] (341-5)neeth neeth man kee-aa Dheeraa. With great difficulty, I have calmed my mind. ijin Tig TigAw sgl jgu Kwvw ] (341-5)jin thag thagi-aa sagal jag khaavaa. That cheater, who cheated and devoured the whole world so Tgu TigAw Taur mnu Awvw ]18] (341-5)so thag thagi-aa tha-ur man aavaa. ||18|| - I have cheated that cheater, and my mind is now at peace. ||18|| ffw fr aupjy fru jweI ] (341-6)dadaa dar upjay dar jaa-ee. DADDA: When the Fear of God wells up, other fears depart. qw fr mih fru rihAw smweI ] (341-6)taa dar meh dar rahi-aa samaa-ee. Other fears are absorbed into that Fear. jau fr frY qw iPir fru lwgY ] (341-7)ja-o dar darai taa fir dar laagai. When one rejects the Fear of God, then other fears cling to him. infr hUAw fru aur hoie BwgY ]19] (341-7)nidar hoo-aa dar ur ho-ay bhaagai. ||19|| But if he becomes fearless, the fears of his heart run away. ||19|| FFw iFg FUFih kq Awnw ] (341-7)dhadhaa dhig dhoodheh kat aanaa. DHADHA: Why do you search in other directions? FUFq hI Fih gey prwnw ] (341-8)dhoodhat hee dheh ga-ay paraanaa. Searching for Him like this, the breath of life runs out. ciV sumyir FUiF jb Awvw ] (341-8)charh sumayr dhoodh jab aavaa. When I returned after climbing the mountain, ijh gVu giVE su gV mih pwvw ]20] (341-8)jih garh garhi-o so garh meh paavaa. ||20|| I found Him in the fortress - the fortress which He Himself made. ||20|| xwxw rix rUqau nr nyhI krY ] (341-9)naanaa ran roota-o nar nayhee karai. NANNA: The warrior who fights on the battle-field should keep up and press on. nw invY nw Puin sMcrY ] (341-9)naa nivai naa fun sanchrai. He should not yield, and he should not retreat. DMin jnmu qwhI ko gxY ] (341-9)Dhan janam taahee ko ganai. Blessed is the coming of one mwrY eykih qij jwie GxY ]21] (341-9)maarai aykeh taj jaa-ay ghanai. ||21|| who conquers the one and renounces the many. ||21|| qqw Aqr qirE nh jweI ] (341-10)tataa atar tari-o nah jaa-ee. TATTA: The impassable world-ocean cannot be crossed over; qn iqRBvx mih rihE smweI ] (341-10)tan taribhavan meh rahi-o samaa-ee. the body remains embroiled in the three worlds. jau iqRBvx qn mwih smwvw ] (341-10)ja-o taribhavan tan maahi samaavaa. But when the Lord of the three worlds enters into the body, qau qqih qq imilAw scu pwvw ]22] (341-11)ta-o tateh tat mili-aa sach paavaa. ||22|| then one's essence merges with the essence of reality, and the True Lord is attained. ||22|| QQw AQwh Qwh nhI pwvw ] (341-11)thathaa athaah thaah nahee paavaa. T'HAT'HA: He is Unfathomable; His depths cannot be fathomed. Ehu AQwh iehu iQru n rhwvw ] (341-11)oh athaah ih thir na rahaavaa. He is Unfathomable; this body is impermanent, and unstable. QoVY Qil Qwnk AwrMBY ] (341-12)thorhai thal thaanak aarambhai. The mortal builds his dwelling upon this tiny space; ibnu hI QwBh mMidru QMBY ]23] (341-12)bin hee thaabhah mandir thambhai. ||23|| without any pillars, he wishes to support a mansion. ||23|| ddw dyiK ju ibnsnhwrw ] (341-12)dadaa daykh jo binsanhaaraa. DADDA: Whatever is seen shall perish. js AdyiK qs rwiK ibcwrw ] (341-13)jas adaykh tas raakh bichaaraa. Contemplate the One who is unseen. dsvY duAwir kuMcI jb dIjY ] (341-13)dasvai du-aar kunchee jab deejai. When the key is inserted in the Tenth Gate, qau dieAwl ko drsnu kIjY ]24] (341-13)ta-o da-i-aal ko darsan keejai. ||24|| then the Blessed Vision of the Merciful Lord's Darshan is seen. ||24|| DDw ArDih aurD inbyrw ] (341-14)DhaDhaa arDhahi uraDh nibayraa. DHADHA: When one ascends from the lower realms of the earth to the higher realms of the heavens, then everything is resolved. ArDih aurDh mMiJ bsyrw ] (341-14)arDhahi urDhah manjh basayraa. The Lord dwells in both the lower and higher worlds. ArDh Cwif aurD jau Awvw ] (341-14)arDhah chhaad uraDh ja-o aavaa. Leaving the earth, the soul ascends to the heavens; qau ArDih aurD imilAw suK pwvw ]25] (341-15)ta-o arDhahi uraDh mili-aa sukh paavaa. ||25|| then, the lower and higher join together, and peace is obtained. ||25|| nµnw inis idnu inrKq jweI ] (341-15)nannaa nis din nirkhat jaa-ee. NANNA: The days and nights go by; I am looking for the Lord. inrKq nYn rhy rqvweI ] (341-15)nirkhat nain rahay ratvaa-ee. Looking for Him, my eyes have become blood-shot. inrKq inrKq jb jwie pwvw ] (341-16)nirkhat nirkhat jab jaa-ay paavaa. After looking and looking,when He is finally found, qb ly inrKih inrK imlwvw ]26] (341-16)tab lay nirkhahi nirakh milaavaa. ||26|| then the one who was looking merges into the One who was looked for. ||26|| ppw Apr pwru nhI pwvw ] (341-16)papaa apar paar nahee paavaa. PAPPA: He is limitless; His limits cannot be found. prm joiq isau prcau lwvw ] (341-17)param jot si-o parcha-o laavaa. I have attuned myself to the Supreme Light. pWcau ieMdRI ingRh kreI ] (341-17)paaNcha-o indree nigreh kar-ee. One who controls his five senses pwpu puMnu doaU inrvreI ]27] (341-17)paap punn do-oo nirvar-ee. ||27|| rises above both sin and virtue. ||27|| PPw ibnu PUlh Plu hoeI ] (341-18)fafaa bin foolah fal ho-ee. FAFFA: Even without the flower, the fruit is produced. qw Pl PMk lKY jau koeI ] (341-18)taa fal fank lakhai ja-o ko-ee. One who looks at a slice of that fruit dUix n preI PMk ibcwrY ] (341-18)doon na par-ee fank bichaarai. and reflects on it, will not be consigned to reincarnation. qw Pl PMk sBY qn PwrY ]28] (341-18)taa fal fank sabhai tan faarai. ||28|| A slice of that fruit slices all bodies. ||28|| bbw ibMdih ibMd imlwvw ] (341-19)babaa bindeh bind milaavaa. BABBA: When one drop blends with another drop, ibMdih ibMid n ibCurn pwvw ] (341-19)bindeh bind na bichhuran paavaa. then these drops cannot be separated again. bMdau hoie bMdgI ghY ] (341-19)banda-o ho-ay bandagee gahai. Become the Lord's slave, and hold tight to His meditation. |
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