Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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340 kih kbIr gur Byit mhw suK BRmq rhy mnu mwnwnW ]4]23]74] (340-1)kahi kabeer gur bhayt mahaa sukh bharmat rahay man maanaanaaN. ||4||23||74|| Says Kabeer, meeting the Guru, I have found absolute peace. My mind has ceased its wanderings; I am happy. ||4||23||74|| rwgu gauVI pUrbI bwvn AKrI kbIr jIau kI (340-2)raag ga-orhee poorbee baavan akhree kabeer jee-o kee Raag Gauree Poorbee, Baawan Akhree Of Kabeer Jee: <> siqnwmu krqw purKu gurpRswid ] (340-2)ik-oaNkaar satnaam kartaa purakh gurparsaad. One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. By Guru's Grace: bwvn ACr lok qRY sBu kCu ien hI mwih ] (340-3)baavan achhar lok tarai sabh kachh in hee maahi. Through these fifty-two letters, the three worlds and all things are described. ey AKr iKir jwihgy Eie AKr ien mih nwih ]1] (340-3)ay akhar khir jaahigay o-ay akhar in meh naahi. ||1|| These letters shall perish; they cannot describe the Imperishable Lord. ||1|| jhw bol qh ACr Awvw ] (340-4)jahaa bol tah achhar aavaa. Wherever there is speech, there are letters. jh Abol qh mnu n rhwvw ] (340-4)jah abol tah man na rahaavaa. Where there is no speech, there, the mind rests on nothing. bol Abol miD hY soeI ] (340-4)bol abol maDh hai so-ee. He is in both speech and silence. js Ehu hY qs lKY n koeI ]2] (340-4)jas oh hai tas lakhai na ko-ee. ||2|| No one can know Him as He is. ||2|| Alh lhau qau ikAw khau khau q ko aupkwr ] (340-5)alah laha-o ta-o ki-aa kaha-o kaha-o ta ko upkaar. If I come to know the Lord, what can I say; what good does it do to speak? btk bIj mih riv rihE jw ko qIin lok ibsQwr ]3] (340-5)batak beej meh rav rahi-o jaa ko teen lok bisthaar. ||3|| He is contained in the seed of the banyan-tree, and yet, His expanse spreads across the three worlds. ||3|| Alh lhMqw Byd CY kCu kCu pwieE Byd ] (340-6)alah lahantaa bhayd chhai kachh kachh paa-i-o bhayd. One who knows the Lord understands His mystery, and bit by bit, the mystery disappears. aulit Byd mnu byiDE pwieE ABMg ACyd ]4] (340-6)ulat bhayd man bayDhi-o paa-i-o abhang achhayd. ||4|| Turning away from the world, one's mind is pierced through with this mystery, and one obtains the Indestructible, Impenetrable Lord. ||4|| qurk qrIkiq jwnIAY ihMdU byd purwn ] (340-7)turak tareekat jaanee-ai hindoo bayd puraan. The Muslim knows the Muslim way of life; the Hindu knows the Vedas and Puraanas. mn smJwvn kwrny kCUAk pVIAY igAwn ]5] (340-7)man samjhaavan kaarnay kachhoo-ak parhee-ai gi-aan. ||5|| To instruct their minds, people ought to study some sort of spiritual wisdom. ||5|| EAMkwr Awid mY jwnw ] (340-8)o-ankaar aad mai jaanaa. I know only the One, the Universal Creator, the Primal Being. iliK Aru mytY qwih n mwnw ] (340-8)likh ar maytai taahi na maanaa. I do not believe in anyone whom the Lord writes and erases. EAMkwr lKY jau koeI ] (340-8)o-ankaar lakhai ja-o ko-ee. If someone knows the One, the Universal Creator, soeI liK mytxw n hoeI ]6] (340-9)so-ee lakh maytnaa na ho-ee. ||6|| he shall not perish, since he knows Him. ||6|| kkw ikrix kml mih pwvw ] (340-9)kakaa kiran kamal meh paavaa. KAKKA: When the rays of Divine Light come into the heart-lotus, sis ibgws sMpt nhI Awvw ] (340-9)sas bigaas sampat nahee aavaa. the moon-light of Maya cannot enter the basket of the mind. Aru jy qhw kusm rsu pwvw ] (340-10)ar jay tahaa kusam ras paavaa. And if one obtains the subtle fragrance of that spiritual flower, Akh khw kih kw smJwvw ]7] (340-10)akah kahaa kahi kaa samjhaavaa. ||7|| he cannot describe the indescribable; he could speak, but who would understand? ||7|| KKw iehY KoiV mn Awvw ] (340-10)khakhaa ihai khorh man aavaa. KHAKHA: The mind has entered this cave. KoVy Cwif n dh ids Dwvw ] (340-10)khorhay chhaad na dah dis Dhaavaa. It does not leave this cave to wander in the ten directions. Ksmih jwix iKmw kir rhY ] (340-11)khasmahi jaan khimaa kar rahai. Knowing their Lord and Master, people show compassion; qau hoie iniKAau AKY pdu lhY ]8] (340-11)ta-o ho-ay nikhi-a-o akhai pad lahai. ||8|| then, they become immortal, and attain the state of eternal dignity. ||8|| ggw gur ky bcn pCwnw ] (340-11)gagaa gur kay bachan pachhaanaa. GAGGA: One who understands the Guru's Word dUjI bwq n DreI kwnw ] (340-12)doojee baat na Dhar-ee kaanaa. does not listen to anything else. rhY ibhMgm kqih n jweI ] (340-12)rahai bihamgam kateh na jaa-ee. He remains like a hermit and does not go anywhere, Agh ghY gih ggn rhweI ]9] (340-12)agah gahai geh gagan rahaa-ee. ||9|| when he grasps the Ungraspable Lord and dwells in the sky of the Tenth Gate. ||9|| GGw Git Git inmsY soeI ] (340-13)ghaghaa ghat ghat nimsai so-ee. GHAGHA: He dwells in each and every heart. Gt PUty Git kbih n hoeI ] (340-13)ghat footay ghat kabeh na ho-ee. Even when the body-pitcher bursts, he does not diminish. qw Gt mwih Gwt jau pwvw ] (340-13)taa ghat maahi ghaat ja-o paavaa. When someone finds the Path to the Lord within his own heart, so Gtu Cwif AvGt kq Dwvw ]10] (340-14)so ghat chhaad avghat kat Dhaavaa. ||10|| why should he abandon that Path to follow some other path? ||10|| |M|w ingRih snyhu kir inrvwro sMdyh ] (340-14)nyanyaa nigrahi sanayhu kar nirvaaro sandayh. NGANGA: Restrain yourself, love the Lord, and dismiss your doubts. nwhI dyiK n BwjIAY prm isAwnp eyh ]11] (340-14)naahee daykh na bhaajee-ai param si-aanap ayh. ||11|| Even if you do not see the Path, do not run away; this is the highest wisdom. ||11|| ccw ricq icqR hY BwrI ] (340-15)chachaa rachit chitar hai bhaaree. CHACHA: He painted the great picture of the world. qij icqRY cyqhu icqkwrI ] (340-15)taj chitrai chaytahu chitkaaree. Forget this picture, and remember the Painter. icqR bicqR iehY AvJyrw ] (340-16)chitar bachitar ihai avjhayraa. This wondrous painting is now the problem. qij icqRY icqu rwiK icqyrw ]12] (340-16)taj chitrai chit raakh chitayraa. ||12|| Forget this picture and focus your consciousness on the Painter. ||12|| CCw iehY CqRpiq pwsw ] (340-16)chhachhaa ihai chhatarpat paasaa. CHHACHHA: The Sovereign Lord of the Universe is here with you. Cik ik n rhhu Cwif ik n Awsw ] (340-16)chhak ke na rahhu chhaad ke na aasaa. Why are you so unhappy? Why don't you abandon your desires? ry mn mY qau iCn iCn smJwvw ] (340-17)ray man mai ta-o chhin chhin samjhaavaa. O my mind, each and every moment I try to instruct you, qwih Cwif kq Awpu bDwvw ]13] (340-17)taahi chhaad kat aap baDhaavaa. ||13|| but you forsake Him, and entangle yourself with others. ||13|| jjw jau qn jIvq jrwvY ] (340-17)jajaa ja-o tan jeevat jaraavai. JAJJA: If someone burns his body while he is still alive, jobn jwir jugiq so pwvY ] (340-18)joban jaar jugat so paavai. and burns away the desires of his youth, then he finds the right way. As jir pr jir jir jb rhY ] (340-18)as jar par jar jar jab rahai. When he burns his desire for his own wealth, and that of others, qb jwie joiq aujwrau lhY ]14] (340-18)tab jaa-ay jot ujaara-o lahai. ||14|| then he finds the Divine Light. ||14|| |
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