Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


sMkit nhI prY join nhI AwvY nwmu inrMjn jw ko ry ] (339-1)
sankat nahee parai jon nahee aavai naam niranjan jaa ko ray.
He does not fall into misfortune, and He does not take birth; His Name is the Immaculate Lord.

kbIr ko suAwmI AYso Twkuru jw kY mweI n bwpo ry ]2]19]70] (339-1)
kabeer ko su-aamee aiso thaakur jaa kai maa-ee na baapo ray. ||2||19||70||
Kabeer's Lord is such a Lord and Master, who has no mother or father. ||2||19||70||

gauVI ] (339-2)

inMdau inMdau mo kau logu inMdau ] (339-2)
ninda-o ninda-o mo ka-o log ninda-o.
Slander me, slander me - go ahead, people, and slander me.

inMdw jn kau KrI ipAwrI ] (339-2)
nindaa jan ka-o kharee pi-aaree.
Slander is pleasing to the Lord's humble servant.

inMdw bwpu inMdw mhqwrI ]1] rhwau ] (339-3)
nindaa baap nindaa mehtaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Slander is my father, slander is my mother. ||1||Pause||

inMdw hoie q bYkuMiT jweIAY ] (339-3)
nindaa ho-ay ta baikunth jaa-ee-ai.
If I am slandered, I go to heaven;

nwmu pdwrQu mnih bsweIAY ] (339-3)
naam padaarath maneh basaa-ee-ai.
the wealth of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, abides within my mind.

irdY suD jau inMdw hoie ] (339-4)
ridai suDh ja-o nindaa ho-ay.
If my heart is pure, and I am slandered,

hmry kpry inMdku Doie ]1] (339-4)
hamray kapray nindak Dho-ay. ||1||
then the slanderer washes my clothes. ||1||

inMdw krY su hmrw mIqu ] (339-4)
nindaa karai so hamraa meet.
One who slanders me is my friend;

inMdk mwih hmwrw cIqu ] (339-5)
nindak maahi hamaaraa cheet.
the slanderer is in my thoughts.

inMdku so jo inMdw horY ] (339-5)
nindak so jo nindaa horai.
The slanderer is the one who prevents me from being slandered.

hmrw jIvnu inMdku lorY ]2] (339-5)
hamraa jeevan nindak lorai. ||2||
The slanderer wishes me long life. ||2||

inMdw hmrI pRym ipAwru ] (339-5)
nindaa hamree paraym pi-aar.
I have love and affection for the slanderer.

inMdw hmrw krY auDwru ] (339-6)
nindaa hamraa karai uDhaar.
Slander is my salvation.

jn kbIr kau inMdw swru ] (339-6)
jan kabeer ka-o nindaa saar.
Slander is the best thing for servant Kabeer.

inMdku fUbw hm auqry pwir ]3]20]71] (339-6)
nindak doobaa ham utray paar. ||3||20||71||
The slanderer is drowned, while I am carried across. ||3||20||71||

rwjw rwm qUM AYsw inrBau qrn qwrn rwm rwieAw ]1] rhwau ] (339-7)
raajaa raam tooN aisaa nirbha-o taran taaran raam raa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O my Sovereign Lord King, You are Fearless; You are the Carrier to carry us across, O my Lord King. ||1||Pause||

jb hm hoqy qb qum nwhI Ab qum hhu hm nwhI ] (339-7)
jab ham hotay tab tum naahee ab tum hahu ham naahee.
When I was, then You were not; now that You are, I am not.

Ab hm qum eyk Bey hih eykY dyKq mnu pqIAwhI ]1] (339-8)
ab ham tum ayk bha-ay heh aykai daykhat man patee-aahee. ||1||
Now, You and I have become one; seeing this, my mind is content. ||1||

jb buiD hoqI qb blu kYsw Ab buiD blu n KtweI ] (339-9)
jab buDh hotee tab bal kaisaa ab buDh bal na khataa-ee.
When there was wisdom, how could there be strength? Now that there is wisdom, strength cannot prevail.

kih kbIr buiD hir leI myrI buiD bdlI isiD pweI ]2]21]72] (339-9)
kahi kabeer buDh har la-ee mayree buDh badlee siDh paa-ee. ||2||21||72||
Says Kabeer, the Lord has taken away my wisdom, and I have attained spiritual perfection. ||2||21||72||

gauVI ] (339-10)

Kt nym kir koTVI bWDI bsqu AnUpu bIc pweI ] (339-10)
khat naym kar koth-rhee baaNDhee basat anoop beech paa-ee.
He fashioned the body chamber with six rings, and placed within it the incomparable thing.

kuMjI kulPu pRwn kir rwKy krqy bwr n lweI ]1] (339-11)
kunjee kulaf paraan kar raakhay kartay baar na laa-ee. ||1||
He made the breath of life the watchman, with lock and key to protect it; the Creator did this in no time at all. ||1||

Ab mn jwgq rhu ry BweI ] (339-11)
ab man jaagat rahu ray bhaa-ee.
Keep your mind awake and aware now, O Sibling of Destiny.

gwPlu hoie kY jnmu gvwieE coru musY Gru jweI ]1] rhwau ] (339-11)
gaafal ho-ay kai janam gavaa-i-o chor musai ghar jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You were careless, and you have wasted your life; your home is being plundered by thieves. ||1||Pause||

pMc phrUAw dr mih rhqy iqn kw nhI pqIAwrw ] (339-12)
panch pahroo-aa dar meh rahtay tin kaa nahee patee-aaraa.
The five senses stand as guards at the gate, but now can they be trusted?

cyiq sucyq icq hoie rhu qau lY prgwsu aujwrw ]2] (339-13)
chayt suchayt chit ho-ay rahu ta-o lai pargaas ujaaraa. ||2||
When you are conscious in your consciousness, you shall be enlightened and illuminated. ||2||

nau Gr dyiK ju kwmin BUlI bsqu AnUp n pweI ] (339-13)
na-o ghar daykh jo kaaman bhoolee basat anoop na paa-ee.
Seeing the nine openings of the body, the soul-bride is led astray; she does not obtain that incomparable thing.

khqu kbIr nvY Gr mUsy dsvYN qqu smweI ]3]22]73] (339-14)
kahat kabeer navai ghar moosay dasvaiN tat samaa-ee. ||3||22||73||
Says Kabeer, the nine openings of the body are being plundered; rise up to the Tenth Gate, and discover the true essence. ||3||22||73||

gauVI ] (339-14)

mweI moih Avru n jwinE AwnwnW ] (339-14)
maa-ee mohi avar na jaani-o aanaanaaN.
O mother, I do not know any other, except Him.

isv snkwid jwsu gun gwvih qwsu bsih mory pRwnwnW ] rhwau ] (339-15)
siv sankaad jaas gun gaavahi taas baseh moray paraanaanaaN. rahaa-o.
My breath of life resides in Him, whose praises are sung by Shiva and Sanak and so many others. ||Pause||

ihrdy pRgwsu igAwn gur gMimq ggn mMfl mih iDAwnwnW ] (339-16)
hirday pargaas gi-aan gur gammit gagan mandal meh Dhi-aanaanaaN.
My heart is illuminated by spiritual wisdom; meeting the Guru, I meditate in the Sky of the Tenth Gate.

ibKY rog BY bMDn Bwgy mn inj Gir suKu jwnwnw ]1] (339-16)
bikhai rog bhai banDhan bhaagay man nij ghar sukh jaanaanaa. ||1||
The diseases of corruption, fear and bondage have run away; my mind has come to know peace in its own true home. ||1||

eyk sumiq riq jwin mwin pRB dUsr mnih n Awnwnw ] (339-17)
ayk sumat rat jaan maan parabh doosar maneh na aanaanaa.
Imbued with a balanced single-mindedness, I know and obey God; nothing else enters my mind.

cMdn bwsu Bey mn bwsn iqAwig GitE AiBmwnwnw ]2] (339-17)
chandan baas bha-ay man baasan ti-aag ghati-o abhimaanaanaa. ||2||
My mind has become fragrant with the scent of sandalwood; I have renounced egotistical selfishness and conceit. ||2||

jo jn gwie iDAwie jsu Twkur qwsu pRBU hY QwnwnW ] (339-18)
jo jan gaa-ay Dhi-aa-ay jas thaakur taas parabhoo hai thaanaanaaN.
That humble being, who sings and meditates on the Praises of his Lord and Master, is the dwelling-place of God.

iqh bf Bwg bisE min jw kY krm pRDwn mQwnwnw ]3] (339-19)
tih bad bhaag basi-o man jaa kai karam parDhaan mathaanaanaa. ||3||
He is blessed with great good fortune; the Lord abides in his mind. Good karma radiates from his forehead. ||3||

kwit skiq isv shju pRgwisE eykY eyk smwnwnw ] (339-19)
kaat sakat siv sahj pargaasi-o aykai ayk samaanaanaa.
I have broken the bonds of Maya; the intuitive peace and poise of Shiva has dawned within me, and I am merged in oneness with the One.