Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


aur n BIjY pgu nw iKsY hir drsn kI Awsw ]1] (338-1)
ur na bheejai pag naa khisai har darsan kee aasaa. ||1||
Her heart is not happy, but she does not retrace her steps, in hopes of seeing the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan. ||1||

aufhu n kwgw kwry ] (338-1)
udahu na kaagaa kaaray.
So fly away, black crow,

byig imlIjY Apuny rwm ipAwry ]1] rhwau ] (338-2)
bayg mileejai apunay raam pi-aaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
so that I may quickly meet my Beloved Lord. ||1||Pause||

kih kbIr jIvn pd kwrin hir kI Bgiq krIjY ] (338-2)
kahi kabeer jeevan pad kaaran har kee bhagat kareejai.
Says Kabeer, to obtain the status of eternal life, worship the Lord with devotion.

eyku AwDwru nwmu nwrwien rsnw rwmu rvIjY ]2]1]14]65] (338-3)
ayk aaDhaar naam naaraa-in rasnaa raam raveejai. ||2||1||14||65||
The Name of the Lord is my only Support; with my tongue, I chant the Lord's Name. ||2||1||14||65||

rwgu gauVI 11 ] (338-3)
raag ga-orhee 11.
Raag Gauree 11:

Aws pws Gn qursI kw ibrvw mwJ bnw ris gwaUN ry ] (338-3)
aas paas ghan tursee kaa birvaa maajh banaa ras gaa-ooN ray.
All around, there are thick bushes of sweet basil, and there in the midst of the forest, the Lord is singing with joy.

auAw kw srUpu dyiK mohI guAwrin mo kau Coif n Awau n jwhU ry ]1] (338-4)
u-aa kaa saroop daykh mohee gu-aaran mo ka-o chhod na aa-o na jaahoo ray. ||1||
Beholding His wondrous beauty, the milk-maid was entranced, and said, "Please don't leave me; please don't come and go!"||1||

qoih crn mnu lwgo swirMgDr ] (338-5)
tohi charan man laago saaringDhar.
My mind is attached to Your Feet, O Archer of the Universe;

so imlY jo bfBwgo ]1] rhwau ] (338-5)
so milai jo badbhaago. ||1|| rahaa-o.
he alone meets You, who is blessed by great good fortune. ||1||Pause||

ibMdRwbn mn hrn mnohr ik®sn crwvq gwaU ry ] (338-6)
bindraaban man haran manohar krisan charaavat gaa-oo ray.
In Brindaaban, where Krishna grazes his cows, he entices and fascinates my mind.

jw kw Twkuru quhI swirMgDr moih kbIrw nwaU ry ]2]2]15]66] (338-6)
jaa kaa thaakur tuhee saaringDhar mohi kabeeraa naa-oo ray. ||2||2||15||66||
You are my Lord Master, the Archer of the Universe; my name is Kabeer. ||2||2||15||66||

gauVI pUrbI 12 ] (338-7)
ga-orhee poorbee 12.
Gauree Poorbee 12:

ibpl bsqR kyqy hY pihry ikAw bn mDy bwsw ] (338-7)
bipal bastar kaytay hai pahiray ki-aa ban maDhay baasaa.
Many people wear various robes, but what is the use of living in the forest?

khw BieAw nr dyvw DoKy ikAw jil boirE igAwqw ]1] (338-7)
kahaa bha-i-aa nar dayvaa Dhokhay ki-aa jal bori-o gi-aataa. ||1||
What good does it do if a man burns incense before his gods? What good does it do to dip one's body in water? ||1||

jIAry jwihgw mY jwnW ] (338-8)
jee-aray jaahigaa mai jaanaaN.
O soul, I know that I will have to depart.

Aibgq smJu ieAwnw ] (338-8)
abigat samajh i-aanaa.
You ignorant idiot: understand the Imperishable Lord.

jq jq dyKau bhuir n pyKau sMig mwieAw lptwnw ]1] rhwau ] (338-9)
jat jat daykh-a-u bahur na paykha-o sang maa-i-aa laptaanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whatever you see, you will not see that again, but still, you cling to Maya. ||1||Pause||

igAwnI iDAwnI bhu aupdysI iehu jgu sglo DMDw ] (338-9)
gi-aanee Dhi-aanee baho updaysee ih jag saglo DhanDhaa.
The spiritual teachers, meditators and the great preachers are all engrossed in these worldly affairs.

kih kbIr iek rwm nwm ibnu ieAw jgu mwieAw AMDw ]2]1]16]67] (338-10)
kahi kabeer ik raam naam bin i-aa jag maa-i-aa anDhaa. ||2||1||16||67||
Says Kabeer, without the Name of the One Lord, this world is blinded by Maya. ||2||1||16||67||

gauVI 12 ] (338-11)
ga-orhee 12.
Gauree 12:

mn ry Cwfhu Brmu pRgt hoie nwchu ieAw mwieAw ky fWfy ] (338-11)
man ray chhaadahu bharam pargat ho-ay naachahu i-aa maa-i-aa kay daaNday.
O people, O victims of this Maya, abandon your doubts and dance out in the open.

sUru ik snmuK rn qy frpY sqI ik sWcY BWfy ]1] (338-11)
soor ke sanmukh ran tay darpai satee ke saaNchai bhaaNday. ||1||
What sort of a hero is one who is afraid to face the battle? What sort of satee is she who, when her time comes, starts collecting her pots and pans? ||1||

fgmg Cwif ry mn baurw ] (338-12)
dagmag chhaad ray man ba-uraa.
Stop your wavering, O crazy people!

Ab qau jry mry isiD pweIAY lIno hwiQ sMDaurw ]1] rhwau ] (338-12)
ab ta-o jaray maray siDh paa-ee-ai leeno haath sanDh-uraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Now that you have taken up the challenge of death, let yourself burn and die, and attain perfection. ||1||Pause||

kwm k®oD mwieAw ky lIny ieAw ibiD jgqu ibgUqw ] (338-13)
kaam kroDh maa-i-aa kay leenay i-aa biDh jagat bigootaa.
The world is engrossed in sexual desire, anger and Maya; in this way it is plundered and ruined.

kih kbIr rwjw rwm n Cofau sgl aUc qy aUcw ]2]2]17]68] (338-14)
kahi kabeer raajaa raam na chhoda-o sagal ooch tay oochaa. ||2||2||17||68||
Says Kabeer, do not forsake the Lord, your Sovereign King, the Highest of the High. ||2||2||17||68||

gauVI 13 ] (338-14)
ga-orhee 13.
Gauree 13:

Purmwnu qyrw isrY aUpir iPir n krq bIcwr ] (338-14)
furmaan tayraa sirai oopar fir na karat beechaar.
Your Command is upon my head, and I no longer question it.

quhI drIAw quhI krIAw quJY qy insqwr ]1] (338-15)
tuhee daree-aa tuhee karee-aa tujhai tay nistaar. ||1||
You are the river, and You are the boatman; salvation comes from You. ||1||

bMdy bMdgI iekqIAwr ] (338-15)
banday bandagee iktee-aar.
O human being, embrace the Lord's meditation,

swihbu rosu Drau ik ipAwru ]1] rhwau ] (338-16)
saahib ros Dhara-o ke pi-aar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
whether your Lord and Master is angry with you or in love with you. ||1||Pause||

nwmu qyrw AwDwru myrw ijau PUlu jeI hY nwir ] (338-16)
naam tayraa aaDhaar mayraa ji-o fool ja-ee hai naar.
Your Name is my Support, like the flower blossoming in the water.

kih kbIr gulwmu Gr kw jIAwie BwvY mwir ]2]18]69] (338-16)
kahi kabeer gulaam ghar kaa jee-aa-ay bhaavai maar. ||2||18||69||
Says Kabeer, I am the slave of Your home; I live or die as You will. ||2||18||69||

gauVI ] (338-17)

lK caurwsIh jIA join mih BRmq nµdu bhu Qwko ry ] (338-17)
lakh cha-oraaseeh jee-a jon meh bharmat nand baho thaako ray.
Wandering through 8.4 million incarnations, Krishna's father Nand was totally exhausted.

Bgiq hyiq Avqwru lIE hY Bwgu bfo bpurw ko ry ]1] (338-18)
bhagat hayt avtaar lee-o hai bhaag bado bapuraa ko ray. ||1||
Because of his devotion, Krishna was incarnated in his home; how great was the good fortune of this poor man! ||1||

qum@ ju khq hau nµd ko nµdnu nµd su nµdnu kw ko ry ] (338-18)
tumH jo kahat ha-o nand ko nandan nand so nandan kaa ko ray.
You say that Krishna was Nand's son, but whose son was Nand himself?

Drin Akwsu dso ids nwhI qb iehu nµdu khw Qo ry ]1] rhwau ] (338-19)
Dharan akaas daso dis naahee tab ih nand kahaa tho ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
When there was no earth or ether or the ten directions, where was this Nand then? ||1||Pause||