Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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342 bMdk hoie bMD suiD lhY ]29] (342-1)bandak ho-ay banDh suDh lahai. ||29|| If you turn your thoughts to the Lord, the Lord will take care of you like a relative. ||29|| BBw Bydih Byd imlwvw ] (342-1)bhabhaa bhaydeh bhayd milaavaa. BHABHA: When doubt is pierced, union is achieved. Ab Bau Bwin Brosau Awvw ] (342-1)ab bha-o bhaan bharosa-o aavaa. I have shattered my fear, and now I have come to have faith. jo bwhir so BIqir jwinAw ] (342-2)jo baahar so bheetar jaani-aa. I thought that He was outside of me, but now I know that He is within me. BieAw Bydu BUpiq pihcwinAw ]30] (342-2)bha-i-aa bhayd bhoopat pehchaani-aa. ||30|| When I came to understand this mystery, then I recognized the Lord. ||30|| mmw mUl gihAw mnu mwnY ] (342-2)mamaa mool gahi-aa man maanai. MAMMA: Clinging to the source, the mind is satisfied. mrmI hoie su mn kau jwnY ] (342-3)marmee ho-ay so man ka-o jaanai. One who knows this mystery understands his own mind. mq koeI mn imlqw iblmwvY ] (342-3)mat ko-ee man miltaa bilmaavai. Let no one delay in uniting his mind. mgn BieAw qy so scu pwvY ]31] (342-3)magan bha-i-aa tay so sach paavai. ||31|| Those who obtain the True Lord are immersed in delight. ||31|| mmw mn isau kwju hY mn swDy isiD hoie ] (342-4)mamaa man si-o kaaj hai man saaDhay siDh ho-ay. MAMMA: The mortal's business is with his own mind; one who disciplines his mind attains perfection. mn hI mn isau khY kbIrw mn sw imilAw n koie ]32] (342-4)man hee man si-o kahai kabeeraa man saa mili-aa na ko-ay. ||32|| Only the mind can deal with the mind; says Kabeer, I have not met anything like the mind. ||32|| iehu mnu skqI iehu mnu sIau ] (342-5)ih man saktee ih man see-o. This mind is Shakti; this mind is Shiva. iehu mnu pMc qq ko jIau ] (342-5)ih man panch tat ko jee-o. This mind is the life of the five elements. iehu mnu ly jau aunmin rhY ] (342-5)ih man lay ja-o unman rahai. When this mind is channeled, and guided to enlightenment, qau qIin lok kI bwqY khY ]33] (342-6)ta-o teen lok kee baatai kahai. ||33|| it can describe the secrets of the three worlds. ||33|| XXw jau jwnih qau durmiq hin kir bis kwieAw gwau ] (342-6)ya-yaa ja-o jaaneh ta-o durmat han kar bas kaa-i-aa gaa-o. YAYYA: If you know anything, then destroy your evil-mindedness, and subjugate the body-village. rix rUqau BwjY nhI sUrau Qwrau nwau ]34] (342-7)ran roota-o bhaajai nahee soora-o thaara-o naa-o. ||34|| When you are engaged in the battle, don't run away; then, you shall be known as a spiritual hero. ||34|| rwrw rsu inrs kir jwinAw ] (342-7)raaraa ras niras kar jaani-aa. RARRA: I have found tastes to be tasteless. hoie inrs su rsu pihcwinAw ] (342-7)ho-ay niras so ras pehchaani-aa. Becoming tasteless, I have realized that taste. ieh rs Cwfy auh rsu Awvw ] (342-8)ih ras chhaaday uh ras aavaa. Abandoning these tastes, I have found that taste. auh rsu pIAw ieh rsu nhI Bwvw ]35] (342-8)uh ras pee-aa ih ras nahee bhaavaa. ||35|| Drinking in that taste, this taste is no longer pleasing. ||35|| llw AYsy ilv mnu lwvY ] (342-9)lalaa aisay liv man laavai. LALLA: Embrace such love for the Lord in your mind, Anq n jwie prm scu pwvY ] (342-9)anat na jaa-ay param sach paavai. that you shall not have to go to any other; you shall attain the supreme truth. Aru jau qhw pRym ilv lwvY ] (342-9)ar ja-o tahaa paraym liv laavai. And if you embrace love and affection for Him there, qau Alh lhY lih crn smwvY ]36] (342-9)ta-o alah lahai leh charan samaavai. ||36|| then you shall obtain the Lord; obtaining Him, you shall be absorbed in His Feet. ||36|| vvw bwr bwr ibsn smHwir ] (342-10)vavaa baar baar bisan samHaar. WAWA: Time and time again, dwell upon the Lord. ibsn sMmHwir n AwvY hwir ] (342-10)bisan sammhaar na aavai haar. Dwelling upon the Lord, defeat shall not come to you. bil bil jy ibsnqnw jsu gwvY ] (342-10)bal bal jay bisantanaa jas gaavai. I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to those, who sing the praises of the Saints, the sons of the Lord. ivsn imly sB hI scu pwvY ]37] (342-11)visan milay sabh hee sach paavai. ||37|| Meeting the Lord, total Truth is obtained. ||37|| vwvw vwhI jwnIAY vw jwny iehu hoie ] (342-11)vaavaa vaahee jaanee-ai vaa jaanay ih ho-ay. WAWA: Know Him. By knowing Him, this mortal becomes Him. iehu Aru Ehu jb imlY qb imlq n jwnY koie ]38] (342-12)ih ar oh jab milai tab milat na jaanai ko-ay. ||38|| When this soul and that Lord are blended, then, having been blended, they cannot be known separately. ||38|| ssw so nIkw kir soDhu ] (342-12)sasaa so neekaa kar soDhhu. SASSA: Discipline your mind with sublime perfection. Gt prcw kI bwq inroDhu ] (342-12)ghat parchaa kee baat niroDhahu. Refrain from that talk which attracts the heart. Gt prcY jau aupjY Bwau ] (342-13)ghat parchai ja-o upjai bhaa-o. The heart is attracted, when love wells up. pUir rihAw qh iqRBvx rwau ]39] (342-13)poor rahi-aa tah taribhavan raa-o. ||39|| The King of the three worlds is perfectly pervading and permeating there. ||39|| KKw Koij prY jau koeI ] jo KojY so bhuir n hoeI ] (342-13)khakhaa khoj parai ja-o ko-ee. jo khojai so bahur na ho-ee. KHAKHA: Anyone who seeks Him, and by seeking Him, finds Him, shall not be born again. Koj bUiJ jau krY bIcwrw ] (342-14)khoj boojh ja-o karai beechaaraa. When someone seeks Him, and comes to understand and contemplate Him, qau Bvjl qrq n lwvY bwrw ]40] (342-14)ta-o bhavjal tarat na laavai baaraa. ||40|| then he crosses over the terrifying world-ocean in an instant. ||40|| ssw so sh syj svwrY ] (342-15)sasaa so sah sayj savaarai. SASSA: The bed of the soul-bride is adorned by her Husband Lord; soeI shI sMdyh invwrY ] (342-15)so-ee sahee sandayh nivaarai. her skepticism is dispelled. Alp suK Cwif prm suK pwvw ] (342-15)alap sukh chhaad param sukh paavaa. Renouncing the shallow pleasures of the world, she obtains the supreme delight. qb ieh qRIA Euhu kMqu khwvw ]41] (342-16)tab ih taree-a ohu kant kahaavaa. ||41|| Then, she is the soul-bride; He is called her Husband Lord. ||41|| hwhw hoq hoie nhI jwnw ] (342-16)haahaa hot ho-ay nahee jaanaa. HAHA: He exists, but He is not known to exist. jb hI hoie qbih mnu mwnw ] (342-16)jab hee ho-ay tabeh man maanaa. When He is known to exist, then the mind is pleased and appeased. hY qau shI lKY jau koeI ] (342-17)hai ta-o sahee lakhai ja-o ko-ee. Of course the Lord exists, if one could only understand Him. qb EhI auhu eyhu n hoeI ]42] (342-17)tab ohee uho ayhu na ho-ee. ||42|| Then, He alone exists, and not this mortal being. ||42|| ilµau ilµau krq iPrY sBu logu ] (342-17)liN-o liN-o karat firai sabh log. Everyone goes around saying, "I'll take this, and I'll take that." qw kwrix ibAwpY bhu sogu ] (342-18)taa kaaran bi-aapai baho sog. Because of that, they suffer in terrible pain. liKmI br isau jau ilau lwvY ] (342-18)lakhimee bar si-o ja-o li-o laavai. When someone comes to love the Lord of Lakhshmi, sogu imtY sB hI suK pwvY ]43] (342-18)sog mitai sabh hee sukh paavai. ||43|| his sorrow departs, and he obtains total peace. ||43|| KKw iKrq Kpq gey kyqy ] (342-19)khakhaa khirat khapat ga-ay kaytay. KHAKHA: Many have wasted their lives, and then perished. iKrq Kpq AjhUM nh cyqy ] (342-19)khirat khapat ajahooN nah chaytay. Wasting away, they do not remember the Lord, even now. Ab jgu jwin jau mnw rhY ] (342-19)ab jag jaan ja-o manaa rahai. But if someone, even now, comes to know the transitory nature of the world and restrains his mind, jh kw ibCurw qh iQru lhY ]44] (342-19)jah kaa bichhuraa tah thir lahai. ||44|| he shall find his permanent home, from which he was separated. ||44|| |
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