Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


ibKY bwcu hir rwcu smJu mn baurw ry ] (336-1)
bikhai baach har raach samajh man ba-uraa ray.
So escape from corruption and immerse yourself in the Lord; take this advice, O crazy mind.

inrBY hoie n hir Bjy mn baurw ry gihE n rwm jhwju ]1] rhwau ] (336-1)
nirbhai ho-ay na har bhajay man ba-uraa ray gahi-o na raam jahaaj. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You have not meditated fearlessly on the Lord, O crazy mind; you have not embarked upon the Lord's Boat. ||1||Pause||

mrkt mustI Anwj kI mn baurw ry lInI hwQu pswir ] (336-2)
markat mustee anaaj kee man ba-uraa ray leenee haath pasaar.
The monkey stretches out its hand, O crazy mind, and takes a handful of corn;

CUtn ko shsw pirAw mn baurw ry nwicE Gr Gr bwir ]2] (336-3)
chhootan ko sahsaa pari-aa man ba-uraa ray naachi-o ghar ghar baar. ||2||
now unable to escape, O crazy mind, it is made to dance door to door. ||2||

ijau nlnI sUAtw gihE mn baurw ry mwXw iehu ibauhwru ] (336-3)
ji-o nalnee soo-ataa gahi-o man ba-uraa ray maa-yaa ih bi-uhaar.
Like the parrot caught in the trap, O crazy mind, you trapped by the affairs of Maya.

jYsw rMgu ksuMB kw mn baurw ry iqau psirE pwswru ]3] (336-4)
jaisaa rang kasumbh kaa man ba-uraa ray ti-o pasri-o paasaar. ||3||
Like the weak dye of the safflower, O crazy mind, so is the expanse of this world of form and substance. ||3||

nwvn kau qIrQ Gny mn baurw ry pUjn kau bhu dyv ] (336-5)
naavan ka-o tirath ghanay man ba-uraa ray poojan ka-o baho dayv.
There are so many holy shrines in which to bathe, O crazy mind, and so many gods to worship.

khu kbIr CUtnu nhI mn baurw ry CUtnu hir kI syv ]4]1]6]57] (336-5)
kaho kabeer chhootan nahee man ba-uraa ray chhootan har kee sayv. ||4||1||6||57||
Says Kabeer, you shall not be saved like this, O crazy mind; only by serving the Lord will you find release. ||4||1||6||57||

gauVI ] (336-6)

Agin n dhY pvnu nhI mgnY qskru nyir n AwvY ] (336-6)
agan na dahai pavan nahee magnai taskar nayr na aavai.
Fire does not burn it, and the wind does not blow it away; thieves cannot get near it.

rwm nwm Dnu kir sMcaunI so Dnu kq hI n jwvY ]1] (336-7)
raam naam Dhan kar sanch-unee so Dhan kat hee na jaavai. ||1||
Accumulate the wealth of the Lord's Name; that wealth does not go anywhere. ||1||

hmrw Dnu mwDau goibMdu DrxIDru iehY swr Dnu khIAY ] (336-7)
hamraa Dhan maaDha-o gobind DharneeDhar ihai saar Dhan kahee-ai.
My wealth is God, the Lord of Wealth, the Lord of the Universe, the Support of the earth: this is called the most excellent wealth.

jo suKu pRB goibMd kI syvw so suKu rwij n lhIAY ]1] rhwau ] (336-8)
jo sukh parabh gobind kee sayvaa so sukh raaj na lahee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The peace which is obtained by serving God, the Lord of the Universe - that peace cannot be found in kingdoms or power. ||1||Pause||

iesu Dn kwrix isv snkwidk Kojq Bey audwsI ] (336-8)
is Dhan kaaran siv sankaadik khojat bha-ay udaasee.
Shiva and Sanak, in their search for this wealth, became Udaasees, and renounced the world.

min mukMdu ijhbw nwrwienu prY n jm kI PwsI ]2] (336-9)
man mukand jihbaa naaraa-in parai na jam kee faasee. ||2||
One whose mind is filled with the Lord of liberation, and whose tongue chants the Name of the Lord, shall not be caught by the noose of Death. ||2||

inj Dnu igAwnu Bgiq guir dInI qwsu sumiq mnu lwgw ] (336-10)
nij Dhan gi-aan bhagat gur deenee taas sumat man laagaa.
My own wealth is the spiritual wisdom and devotion given by the Guru; my mind is held steady in perfect neutral balance.

jlq AMB QMiB mnu Dwvq Brm bMDn Bau Bwgw ]3] (336-10)
jalat ambh thambh man Dhaavat bharam banDhan bha-o bhaagaa. ||3||
It is like water for the burning soul, like an anchoring support for the wandering mind; the bondage of doubt and fear is dispelled. ||3||

khY kbIru mdn ky mwqy ihrdY dyKu bIcwrI ] (336-11)
kahai kabeer madan kay maatay hirdai daykh beechaaree.
Says Kabeer: O you who are intoxicated with sexual desire, reflect upon this in your heart, and see.

qum Gir lwK koit AsÍ hsqI hm Gir eyku murwrI ]4]1]7]58] (336-11)
tum ghar laakh kot asav hastee ham ghar ayk muraaree. ||4||1||7||58||
Within your home there are hundreds of thousands, millions of horses and elephants; but within my home is the One Lord. ||4||1||7||58||

gauVI ] (336-12)

ijau kip ky kr musit cnn kI lubiD n iqAwgu dieE ] (336-12)
ji-o kap kay kar musat chanan kee lubaDh na ti-aag da-i-o.
Like the monkey with a handful of grain, who will not let go because of greed

jo jo krm kIey lwlc isau qy iPir grih pirE ]1] (336-13)
jo jo karam kee-ay laalach si-o tay fir gareh pari-o. ||1||
- just so, all the deeds committed in greed ultimately become a noose around one's neck. ||1||

Bgiq ibnu ibrQy jnmu gieE ] (336-13)
bhagat bin birthay janam ga-i-o.
Without devotional worship, human life passes away in vain.

swDsMgiq Bgvwn Bjn ibnu khI n scu rihE ]1] rhwau ] (336-14)
saaDhsangat bhagvaan bhajan bin kahee na sach rahi-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, without vibrating and meditating on the Lord God, one does not abide in Truth. ||1||Pause||

ijau auidAwn kusm prPuilq iknih n GRwau lieE ] (336-14)
ji-o udi-aan kusam parfulit kineh na gharaa-o la-i-o.
Like the flower which blossoms in the wilderness with no one to enjoy its fragrance,

qYsy BRmq Anyk join mih iPir iPir kwl hieE ]2] (336-15)
taisay bharmat anayk jon meh fir fir kaal ha-i-o. ||2||
so do people wander in reincarnation; over and over again, they are destroyed by Death. ||2||

ieAw Dn jobn Aru suq dwrw pyKn kau ju dieE ] (336-16)
i-aa Dhan joban ar sut daaraa paykhan ka-o jo da-i-o.
This wealth, youth, children and spouse which the Lord has given you - this is all just a passing show.

iqn hI mwih Atik jo aurJy ieMdRI pRyir lieE ]3] (336-16)
tin hee maahi atak jo urjhay indree parayr la-i-o. ||3||
Those who are caught and entangled in these are carried away by sensual desire. ||3||

AauD Anl qnu iqn ko mMdru chu ids Twtu TieE ] (336-17)
a-oDh anal tan tin ko mandar chahu dis thaat tha-i-o.
Age is the fire, and the body is the house of straw; on all four sides, this play is being played out.

kih kbIr BY swgr qrn kau mY siqgur Et lieE ]4]1]8]59] (336-17)
kahi kabeer bhai saagar taran ka-o mai satgur ot la-i-o. ||4||1||8||59||
Says Kabeer, to cross over the terriffying world-ocean, I have taken to the Shelter of the True Guru. ||4||1||8||59||

gauVI ] (336-18)

pwnI mYlw mwtI gorI ] (336-18)
paanee mailaa maatee goree.
The water of the sperm is cloudy, and the egg of the ovary is crimson.

ies mwtI kI puqrI jorI ]1] (336-18)
is maatee kee putree joree. ||1||
From this clay, the puppet is fashioned. ||1||

mY nwhI kCu Awih n morw ] (336-19)
mai naahee kachh aahi na moraa.
I am nothing, and nothing is mine.

qnu Dnu sBu rsu goibMd qorw ]1] rhwau ] (336-19)
tan Dhan sabh ras gobind toraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This body, wealth, and all delicacies are Yours, O Lord of the Universe. ||1||Pause||

ies mwtI mih pvnu smwieAw ] (336-19)
is maatee meh pavan samaa-i-aa.
Into this clay, the breath is infused.