Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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100 rynu sMqn kI myrY muiK lwgI ] (100-1)rayn santan kee mayrai mukh laagee. I applied the dust of the feet of the Saints to my face. durmiq ibnsI kubuiD ABwgI ] (100-1)durmat binsee kubuDh abhaagee. My evil-mindedness disappeared, along with my misfortune and false-mindedness. sc Gir bYis rhy gux gwey nwnk ibnsy kUrw jIau ]4]11]18] (100-1)sach ghar bais rahay gun gaa-ay naanak binsay kooraa jee-o. ||4||11||18|| I sit in the true home of my self; I sing His Glorious Praises. O Nanak, my falsehood has vanished! ||4||11||18|| mwJ mhlw 5 ] (100-2)maajh mehlaa 5. Maajh, Fifth Mehl: ivsru nwhI eyvf dwqy ] (100-2)visar naahee ayvad daatay. I shall never forget You-You are such a Great Giver! kir ikrpw Bgqn sMig rwqy ] (100-2)kar kirpaa bhagtan sang raatay. Please grant Your Grace, and imbue me with the love of devotional worship. idnsu rYix ijau quDu iDAweI eyhu dwnu moih krxw jIau ]1] (100-3)dinas rain ji-o tuDh Dhi-aa-ee ayhu daan mohi karnaa jee-o. ||1|| If it pleases You, let me meditate on You day and night; please, grant me this gift! ||1|| mwtI AMDI suriq smweI ] (100-3)maatee anDhee surat samaa-ee. Into this blind clay, You have infused awareness. sB ikCu dIAw BlIAw jweI ] (100-4)sabh kichh dee-aa bhalee-aa jaa-ee. Everything, everywhere which You have given is good. And ibnod coj qmwsy quDu BwvY so hoxw jIau ]2] (100-4)anad binod choj tamaasay tuDh bhaavai so honaa jee-o. ||2|| Bliss, joyful celebrations, wondrous plays and entertainment-whatever pleases You, comes to pass. ||2|| ijs dw idqw sBu ikCu lYxw ] (100-5)jis daa ditaa sabh kichh lainaa. Everything we receive is a gift from Him CqIh AMimRq Bojnu Kwxw ] (100-5)chhateeh amrit bhojan khaanaa. -the thirty-six delicious foods to eat, syj suKwlI sIqlu pvxw shj kyl rMg krxw jIau ]3] (100-5)sayj sukhaalee seetal pavnaa sahj kayl rang karnaa jee-o. ||3|| cozy beds, cooling breezes, peaceful joy and the experience of pleasure. ||3|| sw buiD dIjY ijqu ivsrih nwhI ] (100-6)saa buDh deejai jit visrahi naahee. Give me that state of mind, by which I may not forget You. sw miq dIjY ijqu quDu iDAweI ] (100-6)saa mat deejai jit tuDh Dhi-aa-ee. Give me that understanding, by which I may meditate on You. sws sws qyry gux gwvw Et nwnk gur crxw jIau ]4]12]19] (100-6)saas saas tayray gun gaavaa ot naanak gur charnaa jee-o. ||4||12||19|| I sing Your Glorious Praises with each and every breath. Nanak takes the Support of the Guru's Feet. ||4||12||19|| mwJ mhlw 5 ] (100-7)maajh mehlaa 5. Maajh, Fifth Mehl: isPiq swlwhxu qyrw hukmu rjweI ] (100-7)sifat saalaahan tayraa hukam rajaa-ee. To praise You is to follow Your Command and Your Will. so igAwnu iDAwnu jo quDu BweI ] (100-8)so gi-aan Dhi-aan jo tuDh bhaa-ee. That which pleases You is spiritual wisdom and meditation. soeI jpu jo pRB jIau BwvY BwxY pUr igAwnw jIau ]1] (100-8)so-ee jap jo parabh jee-o bhaavai bhaanai poor gi-aanaa jee-o. ||1|| That which pleases God is chanting and meditation; to be in harmony with His Will is perfect spiritual wisdom. ||1|| AMimRqu nwmu qyrw soeI gwvY ] jo swihb qyrY min BwvY ] (100-9)amrit naam tayraa so-ee gaavai. jo saahib tayrai man bhaavai. He alone sings Your Ambrosial Naam, who is pleasing to Your Mind, O my Lord and Master. qUM sMqn kw sMq qumwry sMq swihb mnu mwnw jIau ]2] (100-9)tooN santan kaa sant tumaaray sant saahib man maanaa jee-o. ||2|| You belong to the Saints, and the Saints belong to You. The minds of the Saints are attuned to You, O my Lord and Master. ||2|| qUM sMqn kI krih pRiqpwlw ] (100-10)tooN santan kee karahi partipaalaa. You cherish and nurture the Saints. sMq Kylih qum sMig gopwlw ] (100-10)sant khayleh tum sang gopaalaa. The Saints play with You, O Sustainer of the World. Apuny sMq quDu Kry ipAwry qU sMqn ky pRwnw jIau ]3] (100-10)apunay sant tuDh kharay pi-aaray too santan kay paraanaa jee-o. ||3|| Your Saints are very dear to You. You are the breath of life of the Saints. ||3|| aun sMqn kY myrw mnu kurbwny ] (100-11)un santan kai mayraa man kurbaanay. My mind is a sacrifice to those Saints who know You, ijn qUM jwqw jo quDu min Bwny ] (100-11)jin tooN jaataa jo tuDh man bhaanay. and are pleasing to Your Mind. iqn kY sMig sdw suKu pwieAw hir rs nwnk iqRpiq AGwnw jIau ]4]13]20] (100-12)tin kai sang sadaa sukh paa-i-aa har ras naanak taripat aghaanaa jee-o. ||4||13||20|| In their company I have found a lasting peace. Nanak is satisfied and fulfilled with the Sublime Essence of the Lord. ||4||13||20|| mwJ mhlw 5 ] (100-13)maajh mehlaa 5. Maajh, Fifth Mehl qUM jliniD hm mIn qumwry ] (100-13)tooN jalniDh ham meen tumaaray. : You are the Ocean of Water, and I am Your fish. qyrw nwmu bUMd hm cwiqRk iqKhwry ] (100-13)tayraa naam boond ham chaatrik tikhhaaray. Your Name is the drop of water, and I am a thirsty rainbird. qumrI Aws ipAwsw qumrI qum hI sMig mnu lInw jIau ]1] (100-13)tumree aas pi-aasaa tumree tum hee sang man leenaa jee-o. ||1|| You are my hope, and You are my thirst. My mind is absorbed in You. ||1|| ijau bwirku pI KIru AGwvY ] (100-14)ji-o baarik pee kheer aghaavai. Just as the baby is satisfied by drinking milk, ijau inrDnu Dnu dyiK suKu pwvY ] (100-14)ji-o nirDhan Dhan daykh sukh paavai. and the poor person is pleased by seeing wealth, iqRKwvMq jlu pIvq TMFw iqau hir sMig iehu mnu BInw jIau ]2] (100-15)tarikhaavaNt jal peevat thandhaa ti-o har sang ih man bheenaa jee-o. ||2|| and the thirsty person is refreshed by drinking cool water, so is this mind drenched with delight in the Lord. ||2|| ijau AMiDAwrY dIpku prgwsw ] (100-15)ji-o anDhi-aarai deepak pargaasaa. Just as the darkness is lit up by the lamp, Brqw icqvq pUrn Awsw ] (100-16)bhartaa chitvat pooran aasaa. and the hopes of the wife are fulfilled by thinking about her husband, imil pRIqm ijau hoq Anµdw iqau hir rMig mnu rMgInw jIau ]3] (100-16)mil pareetam ji-o hot anandaa ti-o har rang man rangeenaa jee-o. ||3|| and people are filled with bliss upon meeting their beloved, so is my mind imbued with the Lord's Love. ||3|| sMqn mo kau hir mwrig pwieAw ] (100-17)santan mo ka-o har maarag paa-i-aa. The Saints have set me upon the Lord's Path. swD ik®pwil hir sMig igJwieAw ] (100-17)saaDh kirpaal har sang gijhaa-i-aa. By the Grace of the Holy Saint, I have been attuned to the Lord. hir hmrw hm hir ky dwsy nwnk sbdu gurU scu dInw jIau ]4]14]21] (100-18)har hamraa ham har kay daasay naanak sabad guroo sach deenaa jee-o. ||4||14||21|| The Lord is mine, and I am the slave of the Lord. O Nanak, the Guru has blessed me with the True Word of the Shabad. ||4||14||21|| mwJ mhlw 5 ] (100-18)maajh mehlaa 5. Maajh, Fifth Mehl: AMimRq nwmu sdw inrmlIAw ] (100-19)amrit naam sadaa nirmalee-aa. The Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord, is eternally pure. suKdweI dUK ibfwrn hrIAw ] (100-19)sukh-daa-ee dookh bidaaran haree-aa. The Lord is the Giver of Peace and the Dispeller of sorrow. Avir swd ciK sgly dyKy mn hir rsu sB qy mITw jIau ]1] (100-19)avar saad chakh saglay daykhay man har ras sabh tay meethaa jee-o. ||1|| I have seen and tasted all other flavors, but to my mind, the Subtle Essence of the Lord is the sweetest of all. ||1|| |
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