Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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99 jIie smwlI qw sBu duKu lQw ] (99-1)jee-ay samaalee taa sabh dukh lathaa. When I dwell upon Him in my soul, all my sorrows depart. icMqw rogu geI hau pIVw Awip kry pRiqpwlw jIau ]2] (99-1)chintaa rog ga-ee ha-o peerhaa aap karay partipaalaa jee-o. ||2|| The sickness of anxiety and the disease of ego are cured; He Himself cherishes me. ||2|| bwirk vWgI hau sB ikCu mMgw ] (99-2)baarik vaaNgee ha-o sabh kichh mangaa. Like a child, I ask for everything. dydy qoit nwhI pRB rMgw ] (99-2)dayday tot naahee parabh rangaa. God is Bountiful and Beautiful; He never comes up empty. pYrI pY pY bhuqu mnweI dIn dieAwl gopwlw jIau ]3] (99-2)pairee pai pai bahut manaa-ee deen da-i-aal gopaalaa jee-o. ||3|| Again and again, I fall at His Feet. He is Merciful to the meek, the Sustainer of the World. ||3|| hau bilhwrI siqgur pUry ] (99-3)ha-o balihaaree satgur pooray. I am a sacrifice to the Perfect True Guru, ijin bMDn kwty sgly myry ] (99-3)jin banDhan kaatay saglay mayray. who has shattered all my bonds. ihrdY nwmu dy inrml kIey nwnk rMig rswlw jIau ]4]8]15] (99-4)hirdai naam day nirmal kee-ay naanak rang rasaalaa jee-o. ||4||8||15|| With the Naam, the Name of the Lord, in my heart, I have been purified. O Nanak, His Love has imbued me with nectar. ||4||8||15|| mwJ mhlw 5 ] (99-4)maajh mehlaa 5. Maajh, Fifth Mehl: lwl gopwl dieAwl rMgIly ] (99-4)laal gopaal da-i-aal rangeelay. O my Love, Sustainer of the World, Merciful, Loving Lord, gihr gMBIr byAMq goivMdy ] (99-5)gahir gambheer bay-ant govinday. Profoundly Deep, Infinite Lord of the Universe, aUc AQwh byAMq suAwmI ismir ismir hau jIvW jIau ]1] (99-5)ooch athaah bay-ant su-aamee simar simar ha-o jeevaaN jee-o. ||1|| Highest of the High, Unfathomable, Infinite Lord and Master: continually remembering You in deep meditation, I live. ||1|| duK BMjn inDwn Amoly ] (99-6)dukh bhanjan niDhaan amolay. O Destroyer of pain, Priceless Treasure, inrBau inrvYr AQwh Aqoly ] (99-6)nirbha-o nirvair athaah atolay. Fearless, free of hate, Unfathomable, Immeasurable, Akwl mUriq AjUnI sMBO mn ismrq TMFw QIvW jIau ]2] (99-6)akaal moorat ajoonee sambhou man simrat thandhaa theevaaN jee-o. ||2|| of Undying Form, Unborn, Self-illumined: remembering You in meditation, my mind is filled with a deep and profound peace. ||2|| sdw sMgI hir rMg gopwlw ] (99-7)sadaa sangee har rang gopaalaa. The Joyous Lord, the Sustainer of the World, is my constant Companion. aUc nIc kry pRiqpwlw ] (99-7)ooch neech karay partipaalaa. He cherishes the high and the low. nwmu rswiexu mnu iqRpqwiexu gurmuiK AMimRqu pIvW jIau ]3] (99-7)naam rasaa-in man tariptaa-in gurmukh amrit peevaaN jee-o. ||3|| The Nectar of the Name satisfies my mind. As Gurmukh, I drink in the Ambrosial Nectar. ||3|| duiK suiK ipAwry quDu iDAweI ] (99-8)dukh sukh pi-aaray tuDh Dhi-aa-ee. In suffering and in comfort, I meditate on You, O Beloved. eyh sumiq gurU qy pweI ] (99-8)ayh sumat guroo tay paa-ee. I have obtained this sublime understanding from the Guru. nwnk kI Dr qUMhY Twkur hir rMig pwir prIvW jIau ]4]9]16] (99-9)naanak kee Dhar tooNhai thaakur har rang paar pareevaaN jee-o. ||4||9||16|| You are Nanak's Support, O my Lord and Master; through Your Love, I swim across to the other side. ||4||9||16|| mwJ mhlw 5 ] (99-10)maajh mehlaa 5. Maajh, Fifth Mehl: DMnu su vylw ijqu mY siqguru imilAw ] (99-10)Dhan so vaylaa jit mai satgur mili-aa. Blessed is that time when I meet the True Guru. sPlu drsnu nyqR pyKq qirAw ] (99-10)safal darsan naytar paykhat tari-aa. Gazing upon the Fruitful Vision of His Darshan, I have been saved. DMnu mUrq csy pl GVIAw DMin su Eie sMjogw jIau ]1] (99-10)Dhan moorat chasay pal gharhee-aa Dhan so o-ay sanjogaa jee-o. ||1|| Blessed are the hours, the minutes and the seconds-blessed is that Union with Him. ||1|| audmu krq mnu inrmlu hoAw ] (99-11)udam karat man nirmal ho-aa. Making the effort, my mind has become pure. hir mwrig clq BRmu sglw KoieAw ] (99-11)har maarag chalat bharam saglaa kho-i-aa. Walking on the Lord's Path, my doubts have all been cast out. nwmu inDwnu siqgurU suxwieAw imit gey sgly rogw jIau ]2] (99-12)naam niDhaan satguroo sunaa-i-aa mit ga-ay saglay rogaa jee-o. ||2|| The True Guru has inspired me to hear the Treasure of the Naam; all my illness has been dispelled. ||2|| AMqir bwhir qyrI bwxI ] (99-13)antar baahar tayree banee. The Word of Your Bani is inside and outside as well. quDu Awip kQI qY Awip vKwxI ] (99-13)tuDh aap kathee tai aap vakhaanee. You Yourself chant it, and You Yourself speak it. guir kihAw sBu eyko eyko Avru n koeI hoiegw jIau ]3] (99-13)gur kahi-aa sabh ayko ayko avar na ko-ee ho-igaa jee-o. ||3|| The Guru has said that He is One-All is the One. There shall never be any other. ||3|| AMimRq rsu hir gur qy pIAw ] (99-14)amrit ras har gur tay pee-aa. I drink in the Lord's Ambrosial Essence from the Guru; hir pYnxu nwmu Bojnu QIAw ] (99-14)har painan naam bhojan thee-aa. the Lord's Name has become my clothing and food. nwim rMg nwim coj qmwsy nwau nwnk kIny Bogw jIau ]4]10]17] (99-14)naam rang naam choj tamaasay naa-o naanak keenay bhogaa jee-o. ||4||10||17|| The Name is my delight, the Name is my play and entertainment. O Nanak, I have made the Name my enjoyment. ||4||10||17|| mwJ mhlw 5 ] (99-15)maajh mehlaa 5. Maajh, Fifth Mehl: sgl sMqn pih vsqu iek mWgau ] (99-15)sagal santan peh vasat ik maaNga-o. I beg of all the Saints: please, give me the merchandise. krau ibnµqI mwnu iqAwgau ] (99-16)kara-o binantee maan ti-aaga-o. I offer my prayers-I have forsaken my pride. vwir vwir jweI lK vrIAw dyhu sMqn kI DUrw jIau ]1] (99-16)vaar vaar jaa-ee lakh varee-aa dayh santan kee Dhooraa jee-o. ||1|| I am a sacrifice, hundreds of thousands of times a sacrifice, and I pray: please, give me the dust of the feet of the Saints. ||1|| qum dwqy qum purK ibDwqy ] (99-17)tum daatay tum purakh biDhaatay. You are the Giver, You are the Architect of Destiny. qum smrQ sdw suKdwqy ] (99-17)tum samrath sadaa sukh-daatay. You are All-powerful, the Giver of Eternal Peace. sB ko qum hI qy vrswvY Aausru krhu hmwrw pUrw jIau ]2] (99-17)sabh ko tum hee tay varsaavai a-osar karahu hamaaraa pooraa jee-o. ||2|| You bless everyone. Please bring my life to fulfillment. ||2|| drsin qyrY Bvn punIqw ] (99-18)darsan tayrai bhavan puneetaa. The body-temple is sanctified by the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, Awqm gVu ibKmu iqnw hI jIqw ] (99-18)aatam garh bikham tinaa hee jeetaa. and thus, the impregnable fort of the soul is conquered. qum dwqy qum purK ibDwqy quDu jyvfu Avru n sUrw jIau ]3] (99-19)tum daatay tum purakh biDhaatay tuDh jayvad avar na sooraa jee-o. ||3|| You are the Giver, You are the Architect of Destiny. There is no other warrior as great as You. ||3|| |
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