Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


iQru suhwgu vru Agmu Agocru jn nwnk pRym swDwrI jIau ]4]4]11] (98-1)
thir suhaag var agam agochar jan naanak paraym saaDhaaree jee-o. ||4||4||11||
Her marriage is eternal; her Husband is Inaccessible and Incomprehensible. O Servant Nanak, His Love is her only Support. ||4||4||11||

mwJ mhlw 5 ] (98-1)
maajh mehlaa 5.
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

Kojq Kojq drsn cwhy ] (98-2)
khojat khojat darsan chaahay.
I have searched and searched, seeking the Blessed Vision of His Darshan.

Bwiq Bwiq bn bn Avgwhy ] (98-2)
bhaat bhaat ban ban avgaahay.
I travelled through all sorts of woods and forests.

inrguxu srguxu hir hir myrw koeI hY jIau Awix imlwvY jIau ]1] (98-2)
nirgun sargun har har mayraa ko-ee hai jee-o aan milaavai jee-o. ||1||
My Lord, Har, Har, is both absolute and related, unmanifest and manifest; is there anyone who can come and unite me with Him? ||1||

Ktu swsq ibcrq muiK igAwnw ] (98-3)
khat saasat bichrat mukh gi-aanaa.
People recite from memory the wisdom of the six schools of philosophy;

pUjw iqlku qIrQ iesnwnw ] (98-3)
poojaa tilak tirath isnaanaa.
they perform worship services, wear ceremonial religious marks on their foreheads, and take ritual cleansing baths at sacred shrines of pilgrimage.

invlI krm Awsn caurwsIh ien mih sWiq n AwvY jIau ]2] (98-4)
nivlee karam aasan cha-oraaseeh in meh saaNt na aavai jee-o. ||2||
They perform the inner cleansing practice with water and adopt the eighty-four Yogic postures; but still, they find no peace in any of these. ||2||

Aink brK kIey jp qwpw ] (98-4)
anik barakh kee-ay jap taapaa.
They chant and meditate, practicing austere self-discipline for years and years;

gvnu kIAw DrqI Brmwqw ] (98-5)
gavan kee-aa Dhartee bharmaataa.
they wander on journeys all over the earth;

ieku iKnu ihrdY sWiq n AwvY jogI bhuiV bhuiV auiT DwvY jIau ]3] (98-5)
ik khin hirdai saaNt na aavai jogee bahurh bahurh uth Dhaavai jee-o. ||3||
and yet, their hearts are not at peace, even for an instant. The Yogi rises up and goes out, over and over again. ||3||

kir ikrpw moih swDu imlwieAw ] (98-6)
kar kirpaa mohi saaDh milaa-i-aa.
By His Mercy, I have met the Holy Saint.

mnu qnu sIqlu DIrju pwieAw ] (98-6)
man tan seetal Dheeraj paa-i-aa.
My mind and body have been cooled and soothed; I have been blessed with patience and composure.

pRBu AibnwsI bisAw Gt BIqir hir mMglu nwnku gwvY jIau ]4]5]12] (98-6)
parabh abhinaasee basi-aa ghat bheetar har mangal naanak gaavai jee-o. ||4||5||12||
The Immortal Lord God has come to dwell within my heart. Nanak sings the songs of joy to the Lord. ||4||5||12||

mwJ mhlw 5 ] (98-7)
maajh mehlaa 5.
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

pwrbRhm AprMpr dyvw ] (98-7)
paarbarahm aprampar dayvaa.
The Supreme Lord God is Infinite and Divine;

Agm Agocr AlK AByvw ] (98-8)
agam agochar alakh abhayvaa.
He is Inaccessible, Incomprehensible, Invisible and Inscrutable.

dIn dieAwl gopwl goibMdw hir iDAwvhu gurmuiK gwqI jIau ]1] (98-8)
deen da-i-aal gopaal gobindaa har Dhi-aavahu gurmukh gaatee jee-o. ||1||
Merciful to the meek, Sustainer of the World, Lord of the Universe-meditating on the Lord, the Gurmukhs find salvation. ||1||

gurmuiK mDusUdnu insqwry ] (98-9)
gurmukh maDhusoodan nistaaray.
The Gurmukhs are emancipated by the Lord.

gurmuiK sMgI ik®sn murwry ] (98-9)
gurmukh sangee krisan muraaray.
The Lord Krishna becomes the Gurmukh's Companion.

dieAwl dmodru gurmuiK pweIAY horqu ikqY n BwqI jIau ]2] (98-9)
da-i-aal damodar gurmukh paa-ee-ai horat kitai na bhaatee jee-o. ||2||
The Gurmukh finds the Merciful Lord. He is not found any other way. ||2||

inrhwrI kysv inrvYrw ] (98-10)
nirhaaree kaysav nirvairaa.
He does not need to eat; His Hair is Wondrous and Beautiful; He is free of hate.

koit jnw jw ky pUjih pYrw ] (98-10)
kot janaa jaa kay poojeh pairaa.
Millions of people worship His Feet.

gurmuiK ihrdY jw kY hir hir soeI Bgqu iekwqI jIau ]3] (98-10)
gurmukh hirdai jaa kai har har so-ee bhagat ikaatee jee-o. ||3||
He alone is a devotee, who becomes Gurmukh, whose heart is filled with the Lord, Har, Har. ||3||

AmoG drsn byAMq Apwrw ] (98-11)
amogh darsan bay-ant apaaraa.
Forever fruitful is the Blessed Vision of His Darshan; He is Infinite and Incomparable.

vf smrQu sdw dwqwrw ] (98-11)
vad samrath sadaa daataaraa.
He is Awesome and All-powerful; He is forever the Great Giver.

gurmuiK nwmu jpIAY iqqu qrIAY giq nwnk ivrlI jwqI jIau ]4]6]13] (98-12)
gurmukh naam japee-ai tit taree-ai gat naanak virlee jaatee jee-o. ||4||6||13||
As Gurmukh, chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and you shall be carried across. O Nanak, rare are those who know this state! ||4||6||13||

mwJ mhlw 5 ] (98-13)
maajh mehlaa 5.
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

kihAw krxw idqw lYxw ] (98-13)
kahi-aa karnaa ditaa lainaa.
As You command, I obey; as You give, I receive.

grIbw AnwQw qyrw mwxw ] (98-13)
gareebaa anaathaa tayraa maanaa.
You are the Pride of the meek and the poor.

sB ikCu qUMhY qUMhY myry ipAwry qyrI kudriq kau bil jweI jIau ]1] (98-13)
sabh kichh tooNhai tooNhai mayray pi-aaray tayree kudrat ka-o bal jaa-ee jee-o. ||1||
You are everything; You are my Beloved. I am a sacrifice to Your Creative Power. ||1||

BwxY auJV BwxY rwhw ] (98-14)
bhaanai ujharh bhaanai raahaa.
By Your Will, we wander in the wilderness; by Your Will, we find the path.

BwxY hir gux gurmuiK gwvwhw ] (98-14)
bhaanai har gun gurmukh gaavaahaa.
By Your Will, we become Gurmukh and sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

BwxY Brim BvY bhu jUnI sB ikCu iqsY rjweI jIau ]2] (98-15)
bhaanai bharam bhavai baho joonee sabh kichh tisai rajaa-ee jee-o. ||2||
By Your Will, we wander in doubt through countless lifetimes. Everything happens by Your Will. ||2||

nw ko mUrKu nw ko isAwxw ] (98-15)
naa ko moorakh naa ko si-aanaa.
No one is foolish, and no one is clever.

vrqY sB ikCu qyrw Bwxw ] (98-16)
vartai sabh kichh tayraa bhaanaa.
Your Will determines everything;

Agm Agocr byAMq AQwhw qyrI kImiq khxu n jweI jIau ]3] (98-16)
agam agochar bay-ant athaahaa tayree keemat kahan na jaa-ee jee-o. ||3||
You are Inaccessible, Incomprehensible, Infinite and Unfathomable. Your Value cannot be expressed. ||3||

Kwku sMqn kI dyhu ipAwry ] (98-17)
khaak santan kee dayh pi-aaray.
Please bless me with the dust of the Saints, O my Beloved.

Awie pieAw hir qyrY duAwrY ] (98-17)
aa-ay pa-i-aa har tayrai du-aarai.
I have come and fallen at Your Door, O Lord.

drsnu pyKq mnu AwGwvY nwnk imlxu suBweI jIau ]4]7]14] (98-17)
darsan paykhat man aaghaavai naanak milan subhaa-ee jee-o. ||4||7||14||
Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, my mind is fulfilled. O Nanak, with natural ease, I merge into Him. ||4||7||14||

mwJ mhlw 5 ] (98-18)
maajh mehlaa 5.
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

duKu qdy jw ivsir jwvY ] (98-18)
dukh taday jaa visar jaavai.
They forget the Lord, and they suffer in pain.

BuK ivAwpY bhu ibiD DwvY ] (98-18)
bhukh vi-aapai baho biDh Dhaavai.
Afflicted with hunger, they run around in all directions.

ismrq nwmu sdw suhylw ijsu dyvY dIn dieAwlw jIau ]1] (98-19)
simrat naam sadaa suhaylaa jis dayvai deen da-i-aalaa jee-o. ||1||
Meditating in remembrance on the Naam, they are happy forever. The Lord, Merciful to the meek, bestows it upon them. ||1||

siqguru myrw vf smrQw ] (98-19)
satgur mayraa vad samrathaa.
My True Guru is absolutely All-powerful.