Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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97 moih rYix n ivhwvY nId n AwvY ibnu dyKy gur drbwry jIau ]3] (97-1)mohi rain na vihaavai need na aavai bin daykhay gur darbaaray jee-o. ||3|| I cannot endure the night, and sleep does not come, without the Sight of the Beloved Guru's Court. ||3|| hau GolI jIau Goil GumweI iqsu scy gur drbwry jIau ]1] rhwau ] (97-1)ha-o gholee jee-o ghol ghumaa-ee tis sachay gur darbaaray jee-o. ||1|| rahaa-o. I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to that True Court of the Beloved Guru. ||1||Pause|| Bwgu hoAw guir sMqu imlwieAw ] (97-2)bhaag ho-aa gur sant milaa-i-aa. By good fortune, I have met the Saint Guru. pRBu AibnwsI Gr mih pwieAw ] (97-3)parabh abhinaasee ghar meh paa-i-aa. I have found the Immortal Lord within the home of my own self. syv krI plu csw n ivCuVw jn nwnk dws qumwry jIau ]4] (97-3)sayv karee pal chasaa na vichhurhaa jan naanak daas tumaaray jee-o. ||4|| I will now serve You forever, and I shall never be separated from You, even for an instant. Servant Nanak is Your slave, O Beloved Master. ||4|| hau GolI jIau Goil GumweI jn nwnk dws qumwry jIau ] rhwau ]1]8] (97-4)ha-o gholee jee-o ghol ghumaa-ee jan naanak daas tumaaray jee-o. rahaa-o. ||1||8|| I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice; servant Nanak is Your slave, Lord. ||Pause||1||8|| rwgu mwJ mhlw 5 ] (97-4)raag maajh mehlaa 5. Raag Maajh, Fifth Mehl: sw ruiq suhwvI ijqu quDu smwlI ] (97-4)saa rut suhaavee jit tuDh samaalee. Sweet is that season when I remember You. so kMmu suhylw jo qyrI GwlI ] (97-5)so kamm suhaylaa jo tayree ghaalee. Sublime is that work which is done for You. so irdw suhylw ijqu irdY qUM vuTw sBnw ky dwqwrw jIau ]1] (97-5)so ridaa suhaylaa jit ridai tooN vuthaa sabhnaa kay daataaraa jee-o. ||1|| Blessed is that heart in which You dwell, O Giver of all. ||1|| qUM swJw swihbu bwpu hmwrw ] (97-6)tooN saajhaa saahib baap hamaaraa. You are the Universal Father of all, O my Lord and Master. nau iniD qyrY AKut BMfwrw ] (97-6)na-o niDh tayrai akhut bhandaaraa. Your nine treasures are an inexhaustible storehouse. ijsu qUM dyih su iqRpiq AGwvY soeI Bgqu qumwrw jIau ]2] (97-6)jis tooN deh so taripat aghaavai so-ee bhagat tumaaraa jee-o. ||2|| Those unto whom You give are satisfied and fulfilled; they become Your devotees, Lord. ||2|| sBu ko AwsY qyrI bYTw ] (97-7)sabh ko aasai tayree baithaa. All place their hopes in You. Gt Gt AMqir qUMhY vuTw ] (97-7)ghat ghat antar tooNhai vuthaa. You dwell deep within each and every heart. sBy swJIvwl sdwiein qUM iksY n idsih bwhrw jIau ]3] (97-8)sabhay saajheevaal sadaa-in tooN kisai na diseh baahraa jee-o. ||3|| All share in Your Grace; none are beyond You. ||3|| qUM Awpy gurmuiK mukiq krwieih ] (97-8)tooN aapay gurmukh mukat karaa-ihi. You Yourself liberate the Gurmukhs; qUM Awpy mnmuiK jnim Bvwieih ] (97-9)tooN aapay manmukh janam bhavaa-ihi. You Yourself consign the self-willed manmukhs to wander in reincarnation. nwnk dws qyrY bilhwrY sBu qyrw Kylu dswhrw jIau ]4]2]9] (97-9)naanak daas tayrai balihaarai sabh tayraa khayl dasaahraa jee-o. ||4||2||9|| Slave Nanak is a sacrifice to You; Your Entire Play is self-evident, Lord. ||4||2||9|| mwJ mhlw 5 ] (97-10)maajh mehlaa 5. Maajh, Fifth Mehl: Anhdu vwjY shij suhylw ] (97-10)anhad vaajai sahj suhaylaa. The Unstruck Melody resounds and resonates in peaceful ease. sbid Anµd kry sd kylw ] (97-10)sabad anand karay sad kaylaa. I rejoice in the eternal bliss of the Word of the Shabad. shj guPw mih qwVI lweI Awsxu aUc svwirAw jIau ]1] (97-10)sahj gufaa meh taarhee laa-ee aasan ooch savaari-aa jee-o. ||1|| In the cave of intuitive wisdom I sit, absorbed in the silent trance of the Primal Void. I have obtained my seat in the heavens. ||1|| iPir iGir Apuny igRh mih AwieAw ] (97-11)fir ghir apunay garih meh aa-i-aa. After wandering through many other homes and houses, I have returned to my own home, jo loVIdw soeI pwieAw ] (97-11)jo lorheedaa so-ee paa-i-aa. and I have found what I was longing for. iqRpiq AGwie rihAw hY sMqhu guir AnBau purKu idKwirAw jIau ]2] (97-12)taripat aghaa-ay rahi-aa hai santahu gur anbha-o purakh dikhaari-aa jee-o. ||2|| I am satisfied and fulfilled; O Saints, the Guru has shown me the Fearless Lord God. ||2|| Awpy rwjnu Awpy logw ] (97-12)aapay raajan aapay logaa. He Himself is the King, and He Himself is the people. Awip inrbwxI Awpy Bogw ] (97-13)aap nirbaanee aapay bhogaa. He Himself is in Nirvaanaa, and He Himself indulges in pleasures. Awpy qKiq bhY scu inAweI sB cUkI kUk pukwirAw jIau ]3] (97-13)aapay takhat bahai sach ni-aa-ee sabh chookee kook pukaari-aa jee-o. ||3|| He Himself sits on the throne of true justice, answering the cries and prayers of all. ||3|| jyhw ifTw mY qyho kihAw ] (97-14)jayhaa dithaa mai tayho kahi-aa. As I have seen Him, so have I described Him. iqsu rsu AwieAw ijin Bydu lihAw ] (97-14)tis ras aa-i-aa jin bhayd lahi-aa. This Sublime Essence comes only to one who knows the Mystery of the Lord. joqI joiq imlI suKu pwieAw jn nwnk ieku pswirAw jIau ]4]3]10] (97-14)jotee jot milee sukh paa-i-aa jan naanak ik pasaari-aa jee-o. ||4||3||10|| His light merges into the Light, and he finds peace. O servant Nanak, this is all the Extension of the One. ||4||3||10|| mwJ mhlw 5 ] (97-15)maajh mehlaa 5. Maajh, Fifth Mehl: ijqu Gir ipir sohwgu bxwieAw ] (97-15)jit ghar pir sohaag banaa-i-aa. That house, in which the soul-bride has married her Husband Lord iqqu Gir sKIey mMglu gwieAw ] (97-16)tit ghar sakhee-ay mangal gaa-i-aa. -in that house, O my companions, sing the songs of rejoicing. And ibnod iqqY Gir sohih jo Dn kMiq isgwrI jIau ]1] (97-16)anad binod titai ghar soheh jo Dhan kant sigaaree jee-o. ||1|| Joy and celebrations decorate that house, in which the Husband Lord has adorned His soul-bride. ||1|| sw guxvMqI sw vfBwgix ] (97-17)saa gunvantee saa vadbhaagan. She is virtuous, and she is very fortunate; puqRvMqI sIlvMiq sohwgix ] (97-17)putarvantee seelvant sohagan. she is blessed with sons and tender-hearted. The happy soul-bride is loved by her Husband. rUpvMiq sw suGiV ibcKix jo Dn kMq ipAwrI jIau ]2] (97-17)roopvant saa sugharh bichkhan jo Dhan kant pi-aaree jee-o. ||2|| She is beautiful, wise, and clever. That soul-bride is the beloved of her Husband Lord. ||2|| AcwrvMiq sweI prDwny ] (97-18)achaarvant saa-ee parDhaanay. She is well-mannered, noble and distinguished. sB isMgwr bxy iqsu igAwny ] (97-18)sabh singaar banay tis gi-aanay. She is decorated and adorned with wisdom. sw kulvMqI sw sBrweI jo ipir kY rMig svwrI jIau ]3] (97-18)saa kulvantee saa sabhraa-ee jo pir kai rang savaaree jee-o. ||3|| She is from a most respected family; she is the queen, adorned with the Love of her Husband Lord. ||3|| mihmw iqs kI khxu n jwey ] (97-19)mahimaa tis kee kahan na jaa-ay. Her glory cannot be described; jo ipir myil leI AMig lwey ] (97-19)jo pir mayl la-ee ang laa-ay. she melts in the Embrace of her Husband Lord. |
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