Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


Dnu Dnu hir jn ijin hir pRBu jwqw ] (96-1)
Dhan Dhan har jan jin har parabh jaataa.
Blessed, blessed are the humble servants of the Lord, who know the Lord God.

jwie puCw jn hir kI bwqw ] (96-1)
jaa-ay puchhaa jan har kee baataa.
I go and ask those humble servants about the Mysteries of the Lord.

pwv mlovw mil mil Dovw imil hir jn hir rsu pIcY jIau ]2] (96-2)
paav malovaa mal mal Dhovaa mil har jan har ras peechai jee-o. ||2||
I wash and massage their feet; joining with the humble servants of the Lord, I drink in the Sublime Essence of the Lord. ||2||

siqgur dwqY nwmu idVwieAw ] (96-2)
satgur daatai naam dirhaa-i-aa.
The True Guru, the Giver, has implanted the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within me.

vfBwgI gur drsnu pwieAw ] (96-3)
vadbhaagee gur darsan paa-i-aa.
By great good fortune, I have obtained the Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan.

AMimRq rsu scu AMimRqu bolI guir pUrY AMimRqu lIcY jIau ]3] (96-3)
amrit ras sach amrit bolee gur poorai amrit leechai jee-o. ||3||
The True Essence is Ambrosial Nectar; through the Ambrosial Words of the Perfect Guru, this Amrit is obtained. ||3||

hir sqsMgiq sq purKu imlweIAY ] (96-4)
har satsangat sat purakh milaa-ee-ai.
O Lord, lead me to the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, and the true beings.

imil sqsMgiq hir nwmu iDAweIAY ] (96-4)
mil satsangat har naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai.
Joining the Sat Sangat, I meditate on the Lord's Name.

nwnk hir kQw suxI muiK bolI gurmiq hir nwim prIcY jIau ]4]6] (96-5)
naanak har kathaa sunee mukh bolee gurmat har naam pareechai jee-o. ||4||6||
O Nanak, I listen and chant the Lord's Sermon; through the Guru's Teachings, I am fulfilled by the Name of the Lord. ||4||6||

mwJ mhlw 4 ] (96-5)
maajh mehlaa 4.
Maajh, Fourth Mehl:

Awvhu BYxy qusI imlhu ipAwrIAw ] (96-6)
aavhu bhainay tusee milhu pi-aaree-aa.
Come, dear sisters-let us join together.

jo myrw pRIqmu dsy iqs kY hau vwrIAw ] (96-6)
jo mayraa pareetam dasay tis kai ha-o vaaree-aa.
I am a sacrifice to the one who tells me of my Beloved.

imil sqsMgiq lDw hir sjxu hau siqgur ivthu GumweIAw jIau ]1] (96-6)
mil satsangat laDhaa har sajan ha-o satgur vitahu ghumaa-ee-aa jee-o. ||1||
Joining the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, I have found the Lord, my Best Friend. I am a sacrifice to the True Guru. ||1||

jh jh dyKw qh qh suAwmI ] (96-7)
jah jah daykhaa tah tah su-aamee.
Wherever I look, there I see my Lord and Master.

qU Git Git rivAw AMqrjwmI ] (96-8)
too ghat ghat ravi-aa antarjaamee.
You are permeating each and every heart, O Lord, Inner-knower, Searcher of Hearts.

guir pUrY hir nwil idKwilAw hau siqgur ivthu sd vwirAw jIau ]2] (96-8)
gur poorai har naal dikhaali-aa ha-o satgur vitahu sad vaari-aa jee-o. ||2||
The Perfect Guru has shown me that the Lord is always with me. I am forever a sacrifice to the True Guru. ||2||

eyko pvxu mwtI sB eykw sB eykw joiq sbweIAw ] (96-9)
ayko pavan maatee sabh aykaa sabh aykaa jot sabaa-ee-aa.
There is only one breath; all are made of the same clay; the light within all is the same.

sB iekw joiq vrqY iBin iBin n rleI iksY dI rlweIAw ] (96-9)
sabh ikaa jot vartai bhin bhin na ral-ee kisai dee ralaa-ee-aa.
The One Light pervades all the many and various beings. This Light intermingles with them, but it is not diluted or obscured.

gur prswdI ieku ndrI AwieAw hau siqgur ivthu vqwieAw jIau ]3] (96-10)
gur parsaadee ik nadree aa-i-aa ha-o satgur vitahu vataa-i-aa jee-o. ||3||
By Guru's Grace, I have come to see the One. I am a sacrifice to the True Guru. ||3||

jnu nwnku bolY AMimRq bwxI ] (96-11)
jan naanak bolai amrit banee.
Servant Nanak speaks the Ambrosial Bani of the Word.

gurisKW kY min ipAwrI BwxI ] (96-11)
gursikhaaN kai man pi-aaree bhaanee.
It is dear and pleasing to the minds of the GurSikhs.

aupdysu kry guru siqguru pUrw guru siqguru praupkwrIAw jIau ]4]7] (96-12)
updays karay gur satgur pooraa gur satgur par-upkaaree-aa jee-o. ||4||7||
The Guru, the Perfect True Guru, shares the Teachings. The Guru, the True Guru, is Generous to all. ||4||7||

sq caupdy mhly cauQy ky ] (96-12)
sat cha-upday mahlay cha-uthay kay.
Seven Chau-Padas Of The Fourth Mehl. ||

mwJ mhlw 5 caupdy Gru 1 ] (96-14)
maajh mehlaa 5 cha-upday ghar 1.
Maajh, Fifth Mehl, Chau-Padas, First House:

myrw mnu locY gur drsn qweI ] (96-15)
mayraa man lochai gur darsan taa-ee.
My mind longs for the Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan.

iblp kry cwiqRk kI inAweI ] (96-15)
bilap karay chaatrik kee ni-aa-ee.
It cries out like the thirsty song-bird.

iqRKw n auqrY sWiq n AwvY ibnu drsn sMq ipAwry jIau ]1] (96-15)
tarikhaa na utrai saaNt na aavai bin darsan sant pi-aaray jee-o. ||1||
My thirst is not quenched, and I can find no peace, without the Blessed Vision of the Beloved Saint. ||1||

hau GolI jIau Goil GumweI gur drsn sMq ipAwry jIau ]1] rhwau ] (96-16)
ha-o gholee jee-o ghol ghumaa-ee gur darsan sant pi-aaray jee-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to the Blessed Vision of the Beloved Saint Guru. ||1||Pause||

qyrw muKu suhwvw jIau shj Duin bwxI ] (96-17)
tayraa mukh suhaavaa jee-o sahj Dhun banee.
Your Face is so Beautiful, and the Sound of Your Words imparts intuitive wisdom.

icru hoAw dyKy swirMgpwxI ] (96-17)
chir ho-aa daykhay saaringpaanee.
It is so long since this rainbird has had even a glimpse of water.

DMnu su dysu jhw qUM visAw myry sjx mIq murwry jIau ]2] (96-18)
Dhan so days jahaa tooN vasi-aa mayray sajan meet muraaray jee-o. ||2||
Blessed is that land where You dwell, O my Friend and Intimate Divine Guru. ||2||

hau GolI hau Goil GumweI gur sjx mIq murwry jIau ]1] rhwau ] (96-18)
ha-o gholee ha-o ghol ghumaa-ee gur sajan meet muraaray jee-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am a sacrifice, I am forever a sacrifice, to my Friend and Intimate Divine Guru. ||1||Pause||

iek GVI n imlqy qw kiljugu hoqw ] (96-19)
ik gharhee na miltay taa kalijug hotaa.
When I could not be with You for just one moment, the Dark Age of Kali Yuga dawned for me.

huix kid imlIAY ipRA quDu BgvMqw ] (96-19)
hun kad milee-ai pari-a tuDh bhagvantaa.
When will I meet You, O my Beloved Lord?