mwJ mhlw 4 ] (95-1)
maajh mehlaa 4.
Maajh, Fourth Mehl:
hir gux pVIAY hir gux guxIAY ] (95-1)
har gun parhee-ai har gun gunee-ai.
Read of the Lord's Glories and reflect upon the Lord's Glories.
hir hir nwm kQw inq suxIAY ] (95-1)
har har naam kathaa nit sunee-ai.
Listen continually to the Sermon of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.
imil sqsMgiq hir gux gwey jgu Baujlu duqru qrIAY jIau ]1] (95-1)
mil satsangat har gun gaa-ay jag bha-ojal dutar taree-ai jee-o. ||1||
Joining the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, and singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, you shall cross over the treacherous and terrifying world-ocean. ||1||
Awau sKI hir mylu kryhw ] (95-2)
aa-o sakhee har mayl karayhaa.
Come, friends, let us meet our Lord.
myry pRIqm kw mY dyie snyhw ] (95-2)
mayray pareetam kaa mai day-ay sanayhaa.
Bring me a message from my Beloved.
myrw imqRü sKw so pRIqmu BweI mY dsy hir nrhrIAY jIau ]2] (95-3)
mayraa mitar sakhaa so pareetam bhaa-ee mai dasay har narharee-ai jee-o. ||2||
He alone is a friend, companion, beloved and brother of mine, who shows me the way to the Lord, the Lord of all. ||2||
myrI bydn hir guru pUrw jwxY ] (95-3)
mayree baydan har gur pooraa jaanai.
My illness is known only to the Lord and the Perfect Guru.
hau rih n skw ibnu nwm vKwxy ] (95-4)
ha-o reh na sakaa bin naam vakhaanay.
I cannot continue living without chanting the Naam.
mY AauKDu mMqRü dIjY gur pUry mY hir hir nwim auDrIAY jIau ]3] (95-4)
mai a-ukhaDh mantar deejai gur pooray mai har har naam uDhree-ai jee-o. ||3||
So give me the medicine, the Mantra of the Perfect Guru. Through the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, I am saved. ||3||
hm cwiqRk dIn siqgur srxweI ] (95-5)
ham chaatrik deen satgur sarnaa-ee.
I am just a poor song-bird, in the Sanctuary of the True Guru,
hir hir nwmu bUMd muiK pweI ] (95-5)
har har naam boond mukh paa-ee.
who has placed the Drop of Water, the Lord's Name, Har, Har, in my mouth.
hir jliniD hm jl ky mIny jn nwnk jl ibnu mrIAY jIau ]4]3] (95-5)
har jalniDh ham jal kay meenay jan naanak jal bin maree-ai jee-o. ||4||3||
The Lord is the Treasure of Water; I am just a fish in that water. Without this Water, servant Nanak would die. ||4||3||
mwJ mhlw 4 ] (95-6)
maajh mehlaa 4.
Maajh, Fourth Mehl:
hir jn sMq imlhu myry BweI ] (95-6)
har jan sant milhu mayray bhaa-ee.
O servants of the Lord, O Saints, O my Siblings of Destiny, let us join together!
myrw hir pRBu dshu mY BuK lgweI ] (95-7)
mayraa har parabh dashu mai bhukh lagaa-ee.
Show me the way to my Lord God-I am so hungry for Him!
myrI srDw pUir jgjIvn dwqy imil hir drsin mnu BIjY jIau ]1] (95-7)
mayree sarDhaa poor jagjeevan daatay mil har darsan man bheejai jee-o. ||1||
Please reward my faith, O Life of the World, O Great Giver. Obtaining the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, my mind is fulfilled. ||1||
imil sqsMig bolI hir bwxI ] (95-8)
mil satsang bolee har banee.
Joining the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, I chant the Bani of the Lord's Word.
hir hir kQw myrY min BwxI ] (95-8)
har har kathaa mayrai man bhaanee.
The Sermon of the Lord, Har, Har, is pleasing to my mind.
hir hir AMimRqu hir min BwvY imil siqgur AMimRqu pIjY jIau ]2] (95-9)
har har amrit har man bhaavai mil satgur amrit peejai jee-o. ||2||
The Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord's Name, Har, Har, is so sweet to my mind. Meeting the True Guru, I drink in this Ambrosial Nectar. ||2||
vfBwgI hir sMgiq pwvih ] (95-9)
vadbhaagee har sangat paavahi.
By great good fortune, the Lord's Congregation is found,
BwghIn BRim cotw Kwvih ] (95-10)
bhaagheen bharam chotaa khaaveh.
while the unfortunate ones wander around in doubt, enduring painful beatings.
ibnu Bwgw sqsMgu n lBY ibnu sMgiq mYlu BrIjY jIau ]3] (95-10)
bin bhaagaa satsang na labhai bin sangat mail bhareejai jee-o. ||3||
Without good fortune, the Sat Sangat is not found; without this Sangat, people are stained with filth and pollution. ||3||
mY Awie imlhu jgjIvn ipAwry ] (95-11)
mai aa-ay milhu jagjeevan pi-aaray.
Come and meet me, O Life of the World, my Beloved.
hir hir nwmu dieAw min Dwry ] (95-11)
har har naam da-i-aa man Dhaaray.
Please bless me with Your Mercy, and enshrine Your Name, Har, Har, within my mind.
gurmiq nwmu mITw min BwieAw jn nwnk nwim mnu BIjY jIau ]4]4] (95-11)
gurmat naam meethaa man bhaa-i-aa jan naanak naam man bheejai jee-o. ||4||4||
Through the Guru's Teachings, the Sweet Name has become pleasing to my mind. Servant Nanak's mind is drenched and delighted with the Naam. ||4||4||
mwJ mhlw 4 ] (95-12)
maajh mehlaa 4.
Maajh, Fourth Mehl:
hir gur igAwnu hir rsu hir pwieAw ] (95-12)
har gur gi-aan har ras har paa-i-aa.
Through the Guru, I have obtained the Lord's spiritual wisdom. I have obtained the Sublime Essence of the Lord.
mnu hir rMig rwqw hir rsu pIAwieAw ] (95-13)
man har rang raataa har ras pee-aa-i-aa.
My mind is imbued with the Love of the Lord; I drink in the Sublime Essence of the Lord.
hir hir nwmu muiK hir hir bolI mnu hir ris tuil tuil paudw jIau ]1] (95-13)
har har naam mukh har har bolee man har ras tul tul pa-udaa jee-o. ||1||
With my mouth, I chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har; my mind is filled to overflowing with the Sublime Essence of the Lord. ||1||
Awvhu sMq mY gil mylweIAY ] (95-14)
aavhu sant mai gal maylaa-ee-ai.
Come, O Saints, and lead me to my Lord's Embrace.
myry pRIqm kI mY kQw suxweIAY ] (95-14)
mayray pareetam kee mai kathaa sunaa-ee-ai.
Recite to me the Sermon of my Beloved.
hir ky sMq imlhu mnu dyvw jo gurbwxI muiK caudw jIau ]2] (95-15)
har kay sant milhu man dayvaa jo gurbaanee mukh cha-udaa jee-o. ||2||
I dedicate my mind to those Saints of the Lord, who chant the Word of the Guru's Bani with their mouths. ||2||
vfBwgI hir sMqu imlwieAw ] (95-15)
vadbhaagee har sant milaa-i-aa.
By great good fortune, the Lord has led me to meet His Saint.
guir pUrY hir rsu muiK pwieAw ] (95-16)
gur poorai har ras mukh paa-i-aa.
The Perfect Guru has placed the Sublime Essence of the Lord into my mouth.
BwghIn siqguru nhI pwieAw mnmuKu grB jUnI iniq paudw jIau ]3] (95-16)
bhaagheen satgur nahee paa-i-aa manmukh garabh joonee nit pa-udaa jee-o. ||3||
The unfortunate ones do not find the True Guru; the self-willed manmukhs continually endure reincarnation through the womb. ||3||
Awip dieAwil dieAw pRiB DwrI ] (95-17)
aap da-i-aal da-i-aa parabh Dhaaree.
God, the Merciful, has Himself bestowed His Mercy.
mlu haumY ibiKAw sB invwrI ] (95-17)
mal ha-umai bikhi-aa sabh nivaaree.
He has totally removed the poisonous pollution of egotism.
nwnk ht ptx ivic kWieAw hir lYNdy gurmuiK saudw jIau ]4]5] (95-18)
naanak hat patan vich kaaN-i-aa har laiNday gurmukh sa-udaa jee-o. ||4||5||
O Nanak, in the shops of the city of the human body, the Gurmukhs buy the merchandise of the Lord's Name. ||4||5||
mwJ mhlw 4 ] (95-18)
maajh mehlaa 4.
Maajh, Fourth Mehl:
hau gux goivMd hir nwmu iDAweI ] (95-18)
ha-o gun govind har naam Dhi-aa-ee.
I meditate on the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, and the Name of the Lord.
imil sMgiq min nwmu vsweI ] (95-19)
mil sangat man naam vasaa-ee.
Joining the Sangat, the Holy Congregation, the Name comes to dwell in the mind.
hir pRB Agm Agocr suAwmI imil siqgur hir rsu kIcY jIau ]1] (95-19)
har parabh agam agochar su-aamee mil satgur har ras keechai jee-o. ||1||
The Lord God is our Lord and Master, Inaccessible and Unfathomable. Meeting the True Guru, I enjoy the Sublime Essence of the Lord. ||1||