jo jo pIvY so iqRpqwvY ] (101-1)
jo jo peevai so tariptaavai.
Whoever drinks this in, is satisfied.
Amru hovY jo nwm rsu pwvY ] (101-1)
amar hovai jo naam ras paavai.
Whoever obtains the Sublime Essence of the Naam becomes immortal.
nwm inDwn iqsih prwpiq ijsu sbdu gurU min vUTw jIau ]2] (101-1)
naam niDhaan tiseh paraapat jis sabad guroo man voothaa jee-o. ||2||
The Treasure of the Naam is obtained by one whose mind is filled with the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||2||
ijin hir rsu pwieAw so iqRpiq AGwnw ] (101-2)
jin har ras paa-i-aa so taripat aghaanaa.
One who obtains the Sublime Essence of the Lord is satisfied and fulfilled.
ijin hir swdu pwieAw so nwih fulwnw ] (101-3)
jin har saad paa-i-aa so naahi dulaanaa.
One who obtains this Flavor of the Lord does not waver.
iqsih prwpiq hir hir nwmw ijsu msqik BwgITw jIau ]3] (101-3)
tiseh paraapat har har naamaa jis mastak bhaageethaa jee-o. ||3||
One who has this destiny written on his forehead obtains the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||3||
hir ieksu hiQ AwieAw vrswxy bhuqyry ] (101-4)
har ikas hath aa-i-aa varsaanay bahutayray.
The Lord has come into the hands of the One, the Guru, who has blessed so many with good fortune.
iqsu lig mukqu Bey Gxyry ] (101-4)
tis lag mukat bha-ay ghanayray.
Attached to Him, a great many have been liberated.
nwmu inDwnw gurmuiK pweIAY khu nwnk ivrlI fITw jIau ]4]15]22] (101-4)
naam niDhaanaa gurmukh paa-ee-ai kaho naanak virlee deethaa jee-o. ||4||15||22||
The Gurmukh obtains the Treasure of the Naam; says Nanak, those who see the Lord are very rare. ||4||15||22||
mwJ mhlw 5 ] (101-5)
maajh mehlaa 5.
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:
iniD isiD iriD hir hir hir myrY ] (101-5)
niDh siDh riDh har har har mayrai.
My Lord, Har, Har, Har, is the nine treasures, the supernatural spiritual powers of the Siddhas, wealth and prosperity.
jnmu pdwrQu gihr gMBIrY ] (101-6)
janam padaarath gahir gambheerai.
He is the Deep and Profound Treasure of Life.
lwK kot KusIAw rMg rwvY jo gur lwgw pweI jIau ]1] (101-6)
laakh kot khusee-aa rang raavai jo gur laagaa paa-ee jee-o. ||1||
Hundreds of thousands, even millions of pleasures and delights are enjoyed by one who falls at the Guru's Feet. ||1||
drsnu pyKq Bey punIqw ] (101-7)
darsan paykhat bha-ay puneetaa.
Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, all are sanctified,
sgl auDwry BweI mIqw ] (101-7)
sagal uDhaaray bhaa-ee meetaa.
and all family and friends are saved.
Agm Agocru suAwmI Apunw gur ikrpw qy scu iDAweI jIau ]2] (101-7)
agam agochar su-aamee apunaa gur kirpaa tay sach Dhi-aa-ee jee-o. ||2||
By Guru's Grace, I meditate on the Inaccessible and Unfathomable True Lord. ||2||
jw kau Kojih srb aupwey ] vfBwgI drsnu ko ivrlw pwey ] (101-8)
jaa ka-o khojeh sarab upaa-ay. vadbhaagee darsan ko virlaa paa-ay.
The One, the Guru, who is sought by all-only a few, by great good fortune, receive His Darshan.
aUc Apwr Agocr Qwnw Ehu mhlu gurU dyKweI jIau ]3] (101-9)
ooch apaar agochar thaanaa oh mahal guroo daykhaa-ee jee-o. ||3||
His Place is lofty, infinite and unfathomable; the Guru has shown me that palace. ||3||
gihr gMBIr AMimRq nwmu qyrw ] (101-9)
gahir gambheer amrit naam tayraa.
Your Ambrosial Name is deep and profound.
mukiq BieAw ijsu irdY vsyrw ] (101-10)
mukat bha-i-aa jis ridai vasayraa.
That person is liberated, in whose heart You dwell.
guir bMDn iqn ky sgly kwty jn nwnk shij smweI jIau ]4]16]23] (101-10)
gur banDhan tin kay saglay kaatay jan naanak sahj samaa-ee jee-o. ||4||16||23||
The Guru cuts away all his bonds; O Servant Nanak, he is absorbed in the poise of intuitive peace. ||4||16||23||
mwJ mhlw 5 ] (101-11)
maajh mehlaa 5.
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:
pRB ikrpw qy hir hir iDAwvau ] (101-11)
parabh kirpaa tay har har Dhi-aava-o.
By God's Grace, I meditate on the Lord, Har, Har.
pRBU dieAw qy mMglu gwvau ] (101-11)
parabhoo da-i-aa tay mangal gaava-o.
By God's Kindness, I sing the songs of joy.
aUTq bYTq sovq jwgq hir iDAweIAY sgl Avrdw jIau ]1] (101-12)
oothat baithat sovat jaagat har Dhi-aa-ee-ai sagal avradaa jee-o. ||1||
While standing and sitting, while sleeping and while awake, meditate on the Lord, all your life. ||1||
nwmu AauKDu mo kau swDU dIAw ] (101-12)
naam a-ukhaDh mo ka-o saaDhoo dee-aa.
The Holy Saint has given me the Medicine of the Naam.
iklibK kwty inrmlu QIAw ] (101-13)
kilbikh kaatay nirmal thee-aa.
My sins have been cut out, and I have become pure.
Andu BieAw inksI sB pIrw sgl ibnwsy drdw jIau ]2] (101-13)
anad bha-i-aa niksee sabh peeraa sagal binaasay dardaa jee-o. ||2||
I am filled with bliss, and all my pains have been taken away. All my suffering has been dispelled. ||2||
ijs kw AMgu kry myrw ipAwrw ] so mukqw swgr sMswrw ] (101-14)
jis kaa ang karay mayraa pi-aaraa. so muktaa saagar sansaaraa.
One who has my Beloved on his side, is liberated from the world-ocean.
siq kry ijin gurU pCwqw so kwhy kau frdw jIau ]3] (101-14)
sat karay jin guroo pachhaataa so kaahay ka-o dardaa jee-o. ||3||
One who recognizes the Guru practices Truth; why should he be afraid? ||3||
jb qy swDU sMgiq pwey ] gur Bytq hau geI blwey ] (101-15)
jab tay saaDhoo sangat paa-ay. gur bhaytat ha-o ga-ee balaa-ay.
Since I found the Company of the Holy and met the Guru, the demon of pride has departed.
swis swis hir gwvY nwnku siqgur Fwik lIAw myrw pVdw jIau ]4]17]24] (101-15)
saas saas har gaavai naanak satgur dhaak lee-aa mayraa parh-daa jee-o. ||4||17||24||
With each and every breath, Nanak sings the Lord's Praises. The True Guru has covered my sins. ||4||17||24||
mwJ mhlw 5 ] (101-16)
maajh mehlaa 5.
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:
Eiq poiq syvk sMig rwqw ] (101-16)
ot pot sayvak sang raataa.
Through and through, the Lord is intermingled with His servant.
pRB pRiqpwly syvk suKdwqw ] (101-17)
parabh partipaalay sayvak sukh-daata.
God, the Giver of Peace, cherishes His servant.
pwxI pKw pIsau syvk kY Twkur hI kw Awhru jIau ]1] (101-17)
paanee pakhaa peesa-o sayvak kai thaakur hee kaa aahar jee-o. ||1||
I carry the water, wave the fan, and grind the grain for the servant of my Lord and Master. ||1||
kwit islk pRiB syvw lwieAw ] (101-18)
kaat silak parabh sayvaa laa-i-aa.
God has cut the noose from around my neck; He has placed me in His Service.
hukmu swihb kw syvk min BwieAw ] (101-18)
hukam saahib kaa sayvak man bhaa-i-aa.
The Lord and Master's Command is pleasing to the mind of His servant.
soeI kmwvY jo swihb BwvY syvku AMqir bwhir mwhru jIau ]2] (101-18)
so-ee kamaavai jo saahib bhaavai sayvak antar baahar maahar jee-o. ||2||
He does that which pleases his Lord and Master. Inwardly and outwardly, the servant knows his Lord. ||2||
qUM dwnw Twkuru sB ibiD jwnih ] (101-19)
tooN daanaa thaakur sabh biDh jaaneh.
You are the All-knowing Lord and Master; You know all ways and means.