Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


hau jIau krI iqs ivtau cau KMnIAY jo mY iprI idKwvey ] (1422-1)
ha-o jee-o karee tis vita-o cha-o khannee-ai jo mai piree dikhaava-ay.
I would cut my living body into four pieces for anyone who shows me my Beloved.

nwnk hir hoie dieAwlu qW guru pUrw mylwvey ]5] (1422-1)
naanak har ho-ay da-i-aal taaN gur pooraa maylaava-ay. ||5||
O Nanak, when the Lord becomes merciful, then He leads us to meet the Perfect Guru. ||5||

AMqir joru haumY qin mwieAw kUVI AwvY jwie ] (1422-2)
antar jor ha-umai tan maa-i-aa koorhee aavai jaa-ay.
The power of egotism prevails within, and the body is controlled by Maya; the false ones come and go in reincarnation.

siqgur kw PurmwieAw mMin n skI duqru qirAw n jwie ] (1422-2)
satgur kaa furmaa-i-aa man na sakee dutar tari-aa na jaa-ay.
If someone does not obey the Command of the True Guru, he cannot cross over the treacherous world-ocean.

ndir kry ijsu AwpxI so clY siqgur Bwie ] (1422-3)
nadar karay jis aapnee so chalai satgur bhaa-ay.
Whoever is blessed with the Lord's Glance of Grace, walks in harmony with the Will of the True Guru.

siqgur kw drsnu sPlu hY jo ieCY so Plu pwie ] (1422-4)
satgur kaa darsan safal hai jo ichhai so fal paa-ay.
The Blessed Vision of the True Guru's Darshan is fruitful; through it, one obtains the fruits of his desires.

ijnI siqguru mMinAW hau iqn ky lwgau pwie ] (1422-4)
jinee satgur manni-aaN ha-o tin kay laaga-o paa-ay.
I touch the feet of those who believe in and obey the True Guru.

nwnku qw kw dwsu hY ij Anidnu rhY ilv lwie ]6] (1422-5)
naanak taa kaa daas hai je an-din rahai liv laa-ay. ||6||
Nanak is the slave of those who, night and day, remain lovingly attuned to the Lord. ||6||

ijnw iprI ipAwru ibnu drsn ikau iqRpqIAY ] (1422-5)
jinaa piree pi-aar bin darsan ki-o taripat-ee-ai.
Those who are in love with their Beloved - how can they find satisfaction without His Darshan?

nwnk imly suBwie gurmuiK iehu mnu rhsIAY ]7] (1422-6)
naanak milay subhaa-ay gurmukh ih man rehsee-ai. ||7||
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs meet Him with ease, and this mind blossoms forth in joy. ||7||

ijnw iprI ipAwru ikau jIvin ipr bwhry ] (1422-6)
jinaa piree pi-aar ki-o jeevan pir baahray.
Those who are in love with their Beloved - how can they live without Him?

jW shu dyKin Awpxw nwnk QIvin BI hry ]8] (1422-7)
jaaN saho daykhan aapnaa naanak theevan bhee haray. ||8||
When they see their Husband Lord, O Nanak, they are rejuvenated. ||8||

ijnw gurmuiK AMdir nyhu qY pRIqm scY lwieAw ] (1422-7)
jinaa gurmukh andar nayhu tai pareetam sachai laa-i-aa.
Those Gurmukhs who are filled with love for You, my True Beloved,

rwqI AqY fyhu nwnk pRyim smwieAw ]9] (1422-8)
raatee atai dayhu naanak paraym samaa-i-aa. ||9||
O Nanak, remain immersed in the Lord's Love, night and day. ||9||

gurmuiK scI AwskI ijqu pRIqmu scw pweIAY ] (1422-8)
gurmukh sachee aaskee jit pareetam sachaa paa-ee-ai.
The love of the Gurmukh is true; through it, the True Beloved is attained.

Anidnu rhih Anµid nwnk shij smweIAY ]10] (1422-9)
an-din raheh anand naanak sahj samaa-ee-ai. ||10||
Night and day, remain in bliss, O Nanak, immersed in intuitive peace and poise. ||10||

scw pRym ipAwru gur pUry qy pweIAY ] (1422-9)
sachaa paraym pi-aar gur pooray tay paa-ee-ai.
True love and affection are obtained from the Perfect Guru.

kbhU n hovY BMgu nwnk hir gux gweIAY ]11] (1422-10)
kabhoo na hovai bhang naanak har gun gaa-ee-ai. ||11||
They never break, O Nanak, if one sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||11||

ijn@w AMdir scw nyhu ikau jIvin@ iprI ivhUixAw ] (1422-10)
jinHaa andar sachaa nayhu ki-o jeevniH piree vihooni-aa.
How can those who have true love within them live without their Husband Lord?

gurmuiK myly Awip nwnk icrI ivCuMinAw ]12] (1422-11)
gurmukh maylay aap naanak chiree vichhunni-aa. ||12||
The Lord unites the Gurmukhs with Himself, O Nanak; they were separated from Him for such a long time. ||12||

ijn kau pRym ipAwru qau Awpy lwieAw krmu kir ] (1422-11)
jin ka-o paraym pi-aar ta-o aapay laa-i-aa karam kar.
You grant Your Grace to those whom You Yourself bless with love and affection.

nwnk lyhu imlwie mY jwick dIjY nwmu hir ]13] (1422-12)
naanak layho milaa-ay mai jaachik deejai naam har. ||13||
O Lord, please let Nanak meet with You; please bless this beggar with Your Name. ||13||

gurmuiK hsY gurmuiK rovY ] (1422-12)
gurmukh hasai gurmukh rovai.
The Gurmukh laughs, and the Gurmukh cries.

ij gurmuiK kry sweI Bgiq hovY ] (1422-13)
je gurmukh karay saa-ee bhagat hovai.
Whatever the Gurmukh does, is devotional worship.

gurmuiK hovY su kry vIcwru ] (1422-13)
gurmukh hovai so karay veechaar.
Whoever becomes Gurmukh contemplates the Lord.

gurmuiK nwnk pwvY pwru ]14] (1422-13)
gurmukh naanak paavai paar. ||14||
The Gurmukh, O Nanak, crosses over to the other shore. ||14||

ijnw AMdir nwmu inDwnu hY gurbwxI vIcwir ] (1422-14)
jinaa andar naam niDhaan hai gurbaanee veechaar.
Those who have the Naam within, contemplate the Word of the Guru's Bani.

iqn ky muK sd aujly iqqu scY drbwir ] (1422-14)
tin kay mukh sad ujlay tit sachai darbaar.
Their faces are always radiant in the Court of the True Lord.

iqn bhidAw auTidAw kdy n ivsrY ij Awip bKsy krqwir ] (1422-14)
tin bahdi-aa uth-di-aa kaday na visrai je aap bakhsay kartaar.
Sitting down and standing up, they never forget the Creator, who forgives them.

nwnk gurmuiK imly n ivCuVih ij myly isrjxhwir ]15] (1422-15)
naanak gurmukh milay na vichhurheh je maylay sirjanhaar. ||15||
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are united with the Lord. Those united by the Creator Lord, shall never be separated again. ||15||

gur pIrW kI cwkrI mhW krVI suK swru ] (1422-16)
gur peeraaN kee chaakree mahaaN karrhee sukh saar.
To work for the Guru, or a spiritual teacher, is terribly difficult, but it brings the most excellent peace.

ndir kry ijsu AwpxI iqsu lwey hyq ipAwru ] (1422-16)
nadar karay jis aapnee tis laa-ay hayt pi-aar.
The Lord casts His Glance of Grace, and inspires love and affection.

siqgur kI syvY ligAw Baujlu qrY sMswru ] (1422-17)
satgur kee sayvai lagi-aa bha-ojal tarai sansaar.
Joined to the service of the True Guru, the mortal being crosses over the terrifying world-ocean.

mn icMidAw Plu pwiesI AMqir ibbyk bIcwru ] (1422-17)
man chindi-aa fal paa-isee antar bibayk beechaar.
The fruits of the mind's desires are obtained, with clear contemplation and discriminating understanding within.

nwnk siqguir imilAY pRBu pweIAY sBu dUK invwrxhwru ]16] (1422-18)
naanak satgur mili-ai parabh paa-ee-ai sabh dookh nivaaranhaar. ||16||
O Nanak, meeting the True Guru, God is found; He is the Eradicator of all sorrow. ||16||

mnmuK syvw jo kry dUjY Bwie icqu lwie ] (1422-18)
manmukh sayvaa jo karay doojai bhaa-ay chit laa-ay.
The self-willed manmukh may perform service, but his consciousness is attached to the love of duality.

puqu klqu kutMbu hY mwieAw mohu vDwie ] (1422-19)
put kalat kutamb hai maa-i-aa moh vaDhaa-ay.
Through Maya, his emotional attachment to children, spouse and relatives increases.

drgih lyKw mMgIAY koeI AMiq n skI Cfwie ] (1422-19)
dargahi laykhaa mangee-ai ko-ee ant na sakee chhadaa-ay.
He shall be called to account in the Court of the Lord, and in the end, no one will be able to save him.