Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


ndir krih jy AwpxI qW Awpy lYih svwir ] (1421-1)
nadar karahi jay aapnee taaN aapay laihi savaar.
But if the Lord casts His Glance of Grace, then He Himself embellishes us.

nwnk gurmuiK ijn@I iDAwieAw Awey sy prvwxu ]63] (1421-1)
naanak gurmukh jinHee Dhi-aa-i-aa aa-ay say parvaan. ||63||
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs meditate on the Lord; blessed and approved is their coming into the world. ||63||

jogu n BgvI kpVI jogu n mYly vyis ] (1421-2)
jog na bhagvee kaprhee jog na mailay vays.
Yoga is not obtained by wearing saffron robes; Yoga is not obtained by wearing dirty robes.

nwnk Gir bYiTAw jogu pweIAY siqgur kY aupdyis ]64] (1421-2)
naanak ghar baithi-aa jog paa-ee-ai satgur kai updays. ||64||
O Nanak, Yoga is obtained even while sitting in your own home, by following the Teachings of the True Guru. ||64||

cwry kuMfw jy Bvih byd pVih jug cwir ] (1421-3)
chaaray kundaa jay bhaveh bayd parheh jug chaar.
You may wander in all four directions, and read the Vedas throughout the four ages.

nwnk swcw BytY hir min vsY pwvih moK duAwr ]65] (1421-3)
naanak saachaa bhaytai har man vasai paavahi mokh du-aar. ||65||
O Nanak, if you meet with the True Guru, the Lord shall come to dwell within your mind, and you shall find the door of salvation. ||65||

nwnk hukmu vrqY Ksm kw miq BvI iPrih cl icq ] (1421-4)
naanak hukam vartai khasam kaa mat bhavee fireh chal chit.
O Nanak, the Hukam, the Command of your Lord and Master, is prevailing. The intellectually confused person wanders around lost, misled by his fickle consciousness.

mnmuK sau kir dosqI suK ik puCih imq ] (1421-5)
manmukh sa-o kar dostee sukh ke puchheh mit.
If you make friends with the self-willed manmukhs, O friend, who can you ask for peace?

gurmuK sau kir dosqI siqgur sau lwie icqu ] (1421-5)
gurmukh sa-o kar dostee satgur sa-o laa-ay chit.
Make friends with the Gurmukhs, and focus your consciousness on the True Guru.

jMmx mrx kw mUlu ktIAY qW suKu hovI imq ]66] (1421-6)
jaman maran kaa mool katee-ai taaN sukh hovee mit. ||66||
The root of birth and death will be cut away, and then, you shall find peace, O friend. ||66||

BuilAW Awip smJwiesI jw kau ndir kry ] (1421-6)
bhuli-aaN aap samjhaa-isee jaa ka-o nadar karay.
The Lord Himself instructs those who are misguided, when He casts His Glance of Grace.

nwnk ndrI bwhrI krx plwh kry ]67] (1421-7)
naanak nadree baahree karan palaah karay. ||67||
O Nanak, those who are not blessed by His Glance of Grace, cry and weep and wail. ||67||

slok mhlw 4 (1421-8)
salok mehlaa 4
Shalok, Fourth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1421-8)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

vfBwgIAw sohwgxI ijn@w gurmuiK imilAw hir rwie ] (1421-9)
vadbhaagee-aa sohaaganee jinHaa gurmukh mili-aa har raa-ay.
Blessed and very fortunate are those happy soul-brides who, as Gurmukh, meet their Sovereign Lord King.

AMqir joiq prgwsIAw nwnk nwim smwie ]1] (1421-9)
antar jot pargaasee-aa naanak naam samaa-ay. ||1||
The Light of God shines within them; O Nanak, they are absorbed in the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||

vwhu vwhu siqguru purKu hY ijin scu jwqw soie ] (1421-10)
vaahu vaahu satgur purakh hai jin sach jaataa so-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! Blessed and Great is the True Guru, the Primal Being, who has realized the True Lord.

ijqu imilAY iqK auqrY qnu mnu sIqlu hoie ] (1421-10)
jit mili-ai tikh utrai tan man seetal ho-ay.
Meeting Him, thirst is quenched, and the body and mind are cooled and soothed.

vwhu vwhu siqguru siq purKu hY ijs no smqu sB koie ] (1421-11)
vaahu vaahu satgur sat purakh hai jis no samat sabh ko-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! Blessed and Great is the True Guru, the True Primal Being, who looks upon all alike.

vwhu vwhu siqguru inrvYru hY ijsu inMdw ausqiq quil hoie ] (1421-11)
vaahu vaahu satgur nirvair hai jis nindaa ustat tul ho-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! Blessed and Great is the True Guru, who has no hatred; slander and praise are all the same to Him.

vwhu vwhu siqguru sujwxu hY ijsu AMqir bRhmu vIcwru ] (1421-12)
vaahu vaahu satgur sujaan hai jis antar barahm veechaar.
Waaho! Waaho! Blessed and Great is the All-knowing True Guru, who has realized God within.

vwhu vwhu siqguru inrMkwru hY ijsu AMqu n pwrwvwru ] (1421-12)
vaahu vaahu satgur nirankaar hai jis ant na paaraavaar.
Waaho! Waaho! Blessed and Great is the Formless True Guru, who has no end or limitation.

vwhu vwhu siqgurU hY ij scu idRVwey soie ] (1421-13)
vaahu vaahu satguroo hai je sach drirh-aa-ay so-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! Blessed and Great is the True Guru, who implants the Truth within.

nwnk siqgur vwhu vwhu ijs qy nwmu prwpiq hoie ]2] (1421-13)
naanak satgur vaahu vaahu jis tay naam paraapat ho-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, Blessed and Great is the True Guru, through whom the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is received. ||2||

hir pRB scw soihlw gurmuiK nwmu goivMdu ] (1421-14)
har parabh sachaa sohilaa gurmukh naam govind.
For the Gurmukh, the true Song of Praise is to chant the Name of the Lord God.

Anidnu nwmu slwhxw hir jipAw min Awnµdu ] (1421-15)
an-din naam salaahnaa har japi-aa man aanand.
Chanting the Praises of the Lord, their minds are in ecstasy.

vfBwgI hir pwieAw pUrn prmwnµdu ] (1421-15)
vadbhaagee har paa-i-aa pooran parmaanand.
By great good fortune, they find the Lord, the Embodiment of perfect, supreme bliss.

jn nwnk nwmu slwihAw bhuiV n min qin BMgu ]3] (1421-16)
jan naanak naam sahaali-aa bahurh na man tan bhang. ||3||
Servant Nanak praises the Naam, the Name of the Lord; no obstacle will block his mind or body. ||3||

mUM iprIAw sau nyhu ikau sjx imlih ipAwirAw ] (1421-16)
mooN piree-aa sa-o nayhu ki-o sajan mileh pi-aari-aa.
I am in love with my Beloved; how can I meet my Dear Friend?

hau FUFydI iqn sjx sic svwirAw ] (1421-17)
ha-o dhoodhaydee tin sajan sach savaari-aa.
I seek that friend, who is embellished with Truth.

siqguru mYfw imqu hY jy imlY q iehu mnu vwirAw ] (1421-17)
satgur maidaa mit hai jay milai ta ih man vaari-aa.
The True Guru is my Friend; if I meet Him, I will offer this mind as a sacrifice to Him.

dyNdw mUM ipru dis hir sjxu isrjxhwirAw ] (1421-18)
dayNdaa mooN pir das har sajan sirjanhaari-aa.
He has shown me my Beloved Lord, my Friend, the Creator.

nwnk hau ipru BwlI Awpxw siqgur nwil idKwilAw ]4] (1421-18)
naanak ha-o pir bhaalee aapnaa satgur naal dikhaali-aa. ||4||
O Nanak, I was searching for my Beloved; the True Guru has shown me that He has been with me all the time. ||4||

hau KVI inhwlI pMDu mqu mUM sjxu Awvey ] (1421-19)
ha-o kharhee nihaalee panDh mat mooN sajan aav-ay.
I stand by the side of the road, waiting for You; O my Friend, I hope that You will come.

ko Awix imlwvY Aju mY ipru myil imlwvey ] (1421-19)
ko aan milaavai aj mai pir mayl milaava-ay.
If only someone would come today and unite me in Union with my Beloved.