Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1381 sweI jwie sm@wil ijQY hI qau vM\xw ]58] (1381-1)saa-ee jaa-ay samHaal jithai hee ta-o vanjnaa. ||58|| Remember that place where you must go. ||58|| PrIdw ijn@I kMmI nwih gux qy kMmVy ivswir ] (1381-1)fareedaa jinHee kammee naahi gun tay kammrhay visaar. Fareed, those deeds which do not bring merit - forget about those deeds. mqu srimMdw QIvhI sWeI dY drbwir ]59] (1381-2)mat sarmindaa theevhee saaN-ee dai darbaar. ||59|| Otherwise, you shall be put to shame, in the Court of the Lord. ||59|| PrIdw swihb dI kir cwkrI idl dI lwih BrWid ] (1381-2)fareedaa saahib dee kar chaakree dil dee laahi bharaaNd. Fareed, work for your Lord and Master; dispel the doubts of your heart. drvysW no loVIAY ruKW dI jIrWid ]60] (1381-3)darvaysaaN no lorhee-ai rukhaaN dee jeeraaNd. ||60|| The dervishes, the humble devotees, have the patient endurance of trees. ||60|| PrIdw kwly mYfy kpVy kwlw mYfw vysu ] (1381-3)fareedaa kaalay maiday kaprhay kaalaa maidaa vays. Fareed, my clothes are black, and my outfit is black. gunhI BirAw mY iPrw loku khY drvysu ]61] (1381-4)gunhee bhari-aa mai firaa lok kahai darvays. ||61|| I wander around full of sins, and yet people call me a dervish - a holy man. ||61|| qqI qoie n plvY jy jil tubI dyie ] (1381-4)tatee to-ay na palvai jay jal tubee day-ay. The crop which is burnt will not bloom, even if it is soaked in water. PrIdw jo fohwgix rb dI JUrydI JUryie ]62] (1381-5)fareedaa jo dohaagan rab dee jhooraydee jooray-ay. ||62|| Fareed, she who is forsaken by her Husband Lord, grieves and laments. ||62|| jW kuAwrI qw cwau vIvwhI qW mwmly ] (1381-5)jaaN ku-aaree taa chaa-o veevaahee taaN maamlay. When she is a virgin, she is full of desire; but when she is married, then her troubles begin. PrIdw eyho pCoqwau viq kuAwrI n QIAY ]63] (1381-6)fareedaa ayho pachhotaa-o vat ku-aaree na thee-ai. ||63|| Fareed, she has this one regret, that she cannot be a virgin again. ||63|| klr kyrI CpVI Awie aulQy hMJ ] (1381-6)kalar kayree chhaprhee aa-ay ulthay hanjh. The swans have landed in a small pond of salt water. icMjU boVin@ nw pIvih aufx sMdI fMJ ]64] (1381-6)chinjoo borhniH naa peeveh udan sandee danjh. ||64|| They dip in their bills, but do not drink; they fly away, still thirsty. ||64|| hMsu aufir koDRY pieAw loku ivfwrix jwie ] (1381-7)hans udar koDhrai pa-i-aa lok vidaaran jaa-ay. The swans fly away, and land in the fields of grain. The people go to chase them away. gihlw loku n jwxdw hMsu n koDRw Kwie ]65] (1381-7)gahilaa lok na jaandaa hans na koDhraa khaa-ay. ||65|| The thoughtless people do not know, that the swans do not eat the grain. ||65|| cil cil geIAW pMKIAW ijn@I vswey ql ] (1381-8)chal chal ga-ee-aa pankhee-aaN jinHee vasaa-ay tal. The birds which lived in the pools have flown away and left. PrIdw sru BirAw BI clsI Qky kvl iekl ]66] (1381-8)fareedaa sar bhari-aa bhee chalsee thakay kaval ikal. ||66|| Fareed, the overflowing pool shall also pass away, and only the lotus flowers shall remain. ||66|| PrIdw iet isrwxy Buie svxu kIVw liVE mwis ] (1381-9)fareedaa it siraanay bhu-ay savan keerhaa larhi-o maas. Fareed, a stone will be your pillow, and the earth will be your bed. The worms shall eat into your flesh. kyqiVAw jug vwpry iekqu pieAw pwis ]67] (1381-9)kayt-rhi-aa jug vaapray ikat pa-i-aa paas. ||67|| Countless ages will pass, and you will still be lying on one side. ||67|| PrIdw BMnI GVI svMnvI tutI nwgr lju ] (1381-10)fareedaa bhannee gharhee savannvee tutee naagar laj. Fareed, your beautiful body shall break apart, and the subtle thread of the breath shall be snapped. AjrweIlu Prysqw kY Gir nwTI Aju ]68] (1381-10)ajraa-eel faraystaa kai ghar naathee aj. ||68|| In which house will the Messenger of Death be a guest today? ||68|| PrIdw BMnI GVI svMnvI tUtI nwgr lju ] (1381-11)fareedaa bhannee gharhee savannvee tootee naagar laj. Fareed, your beautiful body shall break apart, and the subtle thread of the breath shall be snapped. jo sjx Buie Bwru Qy sy ikau Awvih Aju ]69] (1381-11)jo sajan bhu-ay bhaar thay say ki-o aavahi aj. ||69|| Those friends who were a burden on the earth - how can they come today? ||69|| PrIdw by invwjw kuiqAw eyh n BlI rIiq ] (1381-12)fareedaa bay nivaajaa kuti-aa ayh na bhalee reet. Fareed: O faithless dog, this is not a good way of life. kbhI cil n AwieAw pMjy vKq msIiq ]70] (1381-12)kabhee chal na aa-i-aa panjay vakhat maseet. ||70|| You never come to the mosque for your five daily prayers. ||70|| auTu PrIdw aujU swij subh invwj gujwir ] (1381-13)uth fareedaa ujoo saaj subah nivaaj gujaar. Rise up, Fareed, and cleanse yourself; chant your morning prayer. jo isru sWeI nw invY so isru kip auqwir ]71] (1381-13)jo sir saaN-ee naa nivai so sir kap utaar. ||71|| The head which does not bow to the Lord - chop off and remove that head. ||71|| jo isru sweI nw invY so isru kIjY kWie ] (1381-14)jo sir saa-ee naa nivai so sir keejai kaaN-ay. That head which does not bow to the Lord - what is to be done with that head? kuMny hyiT jlweIAY bwlx sMdY Qwie ]72] (1381-14)kunnay hayth jalaa-ee-ai baalan sandai thaa-ay. ||72|| Put it in the fireplace, instead of firewood. ||72|| PrIdw ikQY qYfy mwipAw ijn@I qU jixEih ] (1381-15)fareedaa kithai taiday maapi-aa jinHee too jani-ohi. Fareed, where are your mother and father, who gave birth to you? qY pwshu Eie lid gey qUM AjY n pqIxoih ]73] (1381-15)tai paashu o-ay lad ga-ay tooN ajai na pateenohi. ||73|| They have left you, but even so, you are not convinced that you shall also have to go. ||73|| PrIdw mnu mYdwnu kir toey itby lwih ] (1381-16)fareedaa man maidaan kar to-ay tibay laahi. Fareed, flatten out your mind; smooth out the hills and valleys. AgY mUil n AwvsI dojk sMdI Bwih ]74] (1381-16)agai mool na aavsee dojak sandee bhaahi. ||74|| Hereafter, the fires of hell shall not even approach you. ||74|| mhlw 5 ] (1381-17)mehlaa 5. Fifth Mehl: PrIdw Kwlku Klk mih Klk vsY rb mwih ] (1381-17)fareedaa khaalak khalak meh khalak vasai rab maahi. Fareed, the Creator is in the Creation, and the Creation abides in God. mMdw iks no AwKIAY jW iqsu ibnu koeI nwih ]75] (1381-17)mandaa kis no aakhee-ai jaaN tis bin ko-ee naahi. ||75|| Whom can we call bad? There is none without Him. ||75|| PrIdw ij idih nwlw kipAw jy glu kpih cuK ] (1381-18)fareedaa je dihi naalaa kapi-aa jay gal kapeh chukh. Fareed, if on that day when my umbilical cord was cut, my throat had been cut instead, pvin n ieqI mwmly shW n ieqI duK ]76] (1381-18)pavan na itee maamlay sahaaN na itee dukh. ||76|| I would not have fallen into so many troubles, or undergone so many hardships. ||76|| cbx clx rqMn sy suxIAr bih gey ] (1381-19)chaban chalan ratann say sunee-ar bahi ga-ay. My teeth, feet, eyes and ears have stopped working. hyVy muqI Dwh sy jwnI cil gey ]77] (1381-19)hayrhay mutee Dhaah say jaanee chal ga-ay. ||77|| My body cries out, "Those whom I knew have left me!"||77|| PrIdw bury dw Blw kir gusw min n hFwie ] (1381-19)fareedaa buray daa bhalaa kar gusaa man na hadhaa-ay. Fareed, answer evil with goodness; do not fill your mind with anger. |
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