Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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993 rwgu mwrU mhlw 1 Gru 5 (993-1)raag maaroo mehlaa 1 ghar 5 Raag Maaroo, First Mehl, Fifth House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (993-1)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: Aihinis jwgY nId n sovY ] (993-2)ahinis jaagai need na sovai. Day and night, he remains awake and aware; he never sleeps or dreams. so jwxY ijsu vydn hovY ] (993-2)so jaanai jis vaydan hovai. He alone knows this, who feels the pain of separation from God. pRym ky kwn lgy qn BIqir vYdu ik jwxY kwrI jIau ]1] (993-2)paraym kay kaan lagay tan bheetar vaid ke jaanai kaaree jee-o. ||1|| My body is pierced through with the arrow of love. How can any physician know the cure? ||1|| ijs no swcw isPqI lwey ] gurmuiK ivrly iksY buJwey ] (993-3)jis no saachaa siftee laa-ay. gurmukh virlay kisai bujhaa-ay. Rare is that one, who as Gurmukh, understands, and whom the True Lord links to His Praise. AMimRq kI swr soeI jwxY ij AMimRq kw vwpwrI jIau ]1] rhwau ] (993-3)amrit kee saar so-ee jaanai je amrit kaa vaapaaree jee-o. ||1|| rahaa-o. He alone appreciates the value of the Ambsosial Nectar, who deals in this Ambrosia. ||1||Pause|| ipr syqI Dn pRymu rcwey ] (993-4)pir saytee Dhan paraym rachaa-ay. The soul-bride is in love with her Husband Lord; gur kY sbid qQw icqu lwey ] (993-4)gur kai sabad tathaa chit laa-ay. the focuses her consciousness on the Word of the Guru's Shabad. shj syqI Dn KrI suhylI iqRsnw iqKw invwrI jIau ]2] (993-5)sahj saytee Dhan kharee suhaylee tarisnaa tikhaa nivaaree jee-o. ||2|| The soul-bride is joyously embellished with intuitive ease; her hunger and thirst are taken away. ||2|| shsw qoVy Brmu cukwey ] (993-5)sahsaa torhay bharam chukaa-ay. Tear down skepticism and dispel your doubt; shjy isPqI DxKu cVwey ] (993-6)sehjay siftee Dhanakh charhaa-ay. with your intuition, draw the bow of the Praise of the Lord. gur kY sbid mrY mnu mwry suMdir jogwDwrI jIau ]3] (993-6)gur kai sabad marai man maaray sundar jogaaDhaaree jee-o. ||3|| Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, conquer and subdue your mind; take the support of Yoga - Union with the beautiful Lord. ||3|| haumY jilAw mnhu ivswry ] (993-6)ha-umai jali-aa manhu visaaray. Burnt by egotism, one forgets the Lord from his mind. jm puir vjih KVg krwry ] (993-7)jam pur vajeh kharhag karaaray. In the City of Death, he is attacked with massive swords. Ab kY kihAY nwmu n imleI qU shu jIAVy BwrI jIau ]4] (993-7)ab kai kahi-ai naam na mil-ee too saho jee-arhay bhaaree jee-o. ||4|| Then, even if he asks for it, he will not receive the Lord's Name; O soul, you shall suffer terrible punishment. ||4|| mwieAw mmqw pvih iKAwlI ] (993-8)maa-i-aa mamtaa paveh khi-aalee. You are distracted by thoughts of Maya and worldly attachment. jm puir Pwsihgw jm jwlI ] (993-8)jam pur faashigaa jam jaalee. In the City of Death, you will be caught by the noose of the Messenger of Death. hyq ky bMDn qoiV n swkih qw jmu kry KuAwrI jIau ]5] (993-8)hayt kay banDhan torh na saakeh taa jam karay khu-aaree jee-o. ||5|| You cannot break free from the bondage of loving attachment, and so the Messenger of Death will torture you. ||5|| nw hau krqw nw mY kIAw ] (993-9)naa ha-o kartaa naa mai kee-aa. I have done nothing; I am doing nothing now. AMimRqu nwmu siqguir dIAw ] (993-9)amrit naam satgur dee-aa. The True Guru has blessed me with the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam. ijsu qU dyih iqsY ikAw cwrw nwnk srix qumwrI jIau ]6]1]12] (993-10)jis too deh tisai ki-aa chaaraa naanak saran tumaaree jee-o. ||6||1||12|| What other efforts can anyone make, when You bestow Your blessing? Nanak seeks Your Sanctuary. ||6||1||12|| mwrU mhlw 3 Gru 1 (993-11)maaroo mehlaa 3 ghar 1 Maaroo, Third Mehl, First House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (993-11)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: jh bYswlih qh bYsw suAwmI jh Byjih qh jwvw ] (993-12)jah baisaaleh tah baisaa su-aamee jah bhayjeh tah jaavaa. Wherever You seat me, there I sit, O my Lord and Master; wherever You send me, there I go. sB ngrI mih eyko rwjw sBy pivqu hih Qwvw ]1] (993-12)sabh nagree meh ayko raajaa sabhay pavit heh thaavaa. ||1|| In the entire village, there is only One King; all places are sacred. ||1|| bwbw dyih vsw sc gwvw ] (993-13)baabaa deh vasaa sach gaavaa. O Baba, while I dwell in this body, let me sing Your True Praises, jw qy shjy shij smwvw ]1] rhwau ] (993-13)jaa tay sehjay sahj samaavaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. that I may intuitively merge with You. ||1||Pause|| burw Blw ikCu Awps qy jwinAw eyeI sgl ivkwrw ] (993-13)buraa bhalaa kichh aapas tay jaani-aa ay-ee sagal vikaaraa. He thinks that good and bad deeds come from himself; this is the source of all evil. iehu PurmwieAw Ksm kw hoAw vrqY iehu sMswrw ]2] (993-14)ih furmaa-i-aa khasam kaa ho-aa vartai ih sansaaraa. ||2|| Whatever happens in this world is only by the Order of our Lord and Master. ||2|| ieMdRI Dwqu sbl khIAq hY ieMdRI iks qy hoeI ] (993-15)indree Dhaat sabal kahee-at hai indree kis tay ho-ee. Sexual desires are so strong and compelling; where has this sexual desire come from? Awpy Kyl krY siB krqw AYsw bUJY koeI ]3] (993-15)aapay khayl karai sabh kartaa aisaa boojhai ko-ee. ||3|| The Creator Himself stages all the plays; how rare are those who realize this. ||3|| gur prswdI eyk ilv lwgI duibDw qdy ibnwsI ] (993-16)gur parsaadee ayk liv laagee dubiDhaa taday binaasee. By Guru's Grace, one is lovingly focused on the One Lord, and then, duality is ended. jo iqsu Bwxw so siq kir mwinAw kwtI jm kI PwsI ]4] (993-16)jo tis bhaanaa so sat kar maani-aa kaatee jam kee faasee. ||4|| Whatever is in harmony with His Will, he accepts as True; the noose of Death is loosened from around his neck. ||4|| Bxiq nwnku lyKw mwgY kvnw jw cUkw min AiBmwnw ] (993-17)bhanat naanak laykhaa maagai kavnaa jaa chookaa man abhimaanaa. Prays Nanak, who can call him to account, when the egotistical pride of his mind has been silenced? qwsu qwsu Drm rwie jpqu hY pey scy kI srnw ]5]1] (993-17)taas taas Dharam raa-ay japat hai pa-ay sachay kee sarnaa. ||5||1|| Even the Righteous Judge of Dharma is intimidated and afraid of him; he has entered the Sanctuary of the True Lord. ||5||1|| mwrU mhlw 3 ] (993-18)maaroo mehlaa 3. Maaroo, Third Mehl: Awvx jwxw nw QIAY inj Gir vwsw hoie ] (993-18)aavan jaanaa naa thee-ai nij ghar vaasaa ho-ay. Coming and going in reincarnation no longer exist, when one dwells in the home of the self within. scu Kjwnw bKisAw Awpy jwxY soie ]1] (993-18)sach khajaanaa bakhsi-aa aapay jaanai so-ay. ||1|| He bestowed the Blessing of His treasure of truth; only He Himself knows. ||1|| |
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