Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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992 Bxiq nwnku jno rvY jy hir mno mn pvn isau AMimRqu pIjY ] (992-1)bhanat naanak jano ravai jay har mano man pavan si-o amrit peejai. Nanak humbly prays, if the Lord's humble servant dwells upon Him, in his mind of minds, with his every breath, then he drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar. mIn kI cpl isau jugiq mnu rwKIAY aufY nh hMsu nh kMDu CIjY ]3]9] (992-2)meen kee chapal si-o jugat man raakhee-ai udai nah hans nah kanDh chheejai. ||3||9|| In this way, the fickle fish of the mind will be held steady; the swan-soul shall not fly away, and the body-wall shall not crumble. ||3||9|| mwrU mhlw 1 ] (992-3)maaroo mehlaa 1. Maaroo, First Mehl: mwieAw mueI n mnu muAw sru lhrI mY mqu ] (992-3)maa-i-aa mu-ee na man mu-aa sar lahree mai mat. Maya is not conquered, and the mind is not subdued; the waves of desire in the world-ocean are intoxicating wine. boihQu jl isir qir itkY swcw vKru ijqu ] (992-3)bohith jal sir tar tikai saachaa vakhar jit. The boat crosses over the water, carrying the true merchandise. mwxku mn mih mnu mwrsI sic n lwgY kqu ] (992-4)maanak man meh man maarsee sach na laagai kat. The jewel within the mind subdues the mind; attached to the Truth, it is not broken. rwjw qKiq itkY guxI BY pMcwiex rqu ]1] (992-4)raajaa takhat tikai gunee bhai panchaa-in rat. ||1|| The king is seated upon the throne, imbued with the Fear of God and the five qualities. ||1|| bwbw swcw swihbu dUir n dyKu ] (992-5)baabaa saachaa saahib door na daykh. O Baba, do not see your True Lord and Master as being far away. srb joiq jgjIvnw isir isir swcw lyKu ]1] rhwau ] (992-5)sarab jot jagjeevanaa sir sir saachaa laykh. ||1|| rahaa-o. He is the Light of all, the Life of the world; The True Lord writes His Inscription on each and every head. ||1||Pause|| bRhmw ibsnu irKI munI sMkru ieMdu qpY ByKwrI ] (992-6)barahmaa bisan rikhee munee sankar ind tapai bhaykhaaree. Brahma and Vishnu, the Rishis and the silent sages, Shiva and Indra, penitents and beggars mwnY hukmu sohY dir swcY AwkI mrih APwrI ] (992-6)maanai hukam sohai dar saachai aakee mareh afaaree. - whoever obeys the Hukam of the Lord's Command, looks beautiful in the Court of the True Lord, while the stubborn rebels die. jMgm joD jqI sMinAwsI guir pUrY vIcwrI ] (992-7)jangam joDh jatee sani-aasee gur poorai veechaaree. The wandering beggars, warriors, celibates and Sannyaasee hermits - through the Perfect Guru, consider this: ibnu syvw Plu kbhu n pwvis syvw krxI swrI ]2] (992-7)bin sayvaa fal kabahu na paavas sayvaa karnee saaree. ||2|| without selfless service, no one ever receives the fruits of their rewards. Serving the Lord is the most excellent action. ||2|| inDinAw Dnu inguirAw guru inMmwixAw qU mwxu ] (992-8)niDhni-aa Dhan niguri-aa gur nimaaniaa too maan. You are the wealth of the poor, the Guru of the guru-less, the honor of the dishonored. AMDulY mwxku guru pkiVAw inqwixAw qU qwxu ] (992-8)anDhulai maanak gur pakrhi-aa nitaani-aa too taan. I am blind; I have grasped hold of the jewel, the Guru. You are the strength of the weak. hom jpw nhI jwixAw gurmqI swcu pCwxu ] (992-9)hom japaa nahee jaani-aa gurmatee saach pachhaan. He is not known through burnt offerings and ritual chanting; the True Lord is known through the Guru's Teachings. nwm ibnw nwhI dir FoeI JUTw Awvx jwxu ]3] (992-9)naam binaa naahee dar dho-ee jhoothaa aavan jaan. ||3|| Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, no one finds shelter in the Court of the Lord; the false come and go in reincarnation. ||3|| swcw nwmu slwhIAY swcy qy iqRpiq hoie ] (992-10)saachaa naam salaahee-ai saachay tay taripat ho-ay. So praise the True Name, and through the True Name, you will find satisfaction. igAwn rqin mnu mwjIAY bhuiV n mYlw hoie ] (992-10)gi-aan ratan man maajee-ai bahurh na mailaa ho-ay. When the mind is cleaned with the jewel of spiritual wisdom, it does not become dirty again. jb lgu swihbu min vsY qb lgu ibGnu n hoie ] (992-11)jab lag saahib man vasai tab lag bighan na ho-ay. As long as the Lord and Master dwells in the mind, no obstacles are encountered. nwnk isru dy CutIAY min qin swcw soie ]4]10] (992-11)naanak sir day chhutee-ai man tan saachaa so-ay. ||4||10|| O Nanak, giving one's head, one is emancipated, and the mind and body become true. ||4||10|| mwrU mhlw 1 ] (992-12)maaroo mehlaa 1. Maaroo, First Mehl: jogI jugiq nwmu inrmwielu qw kY mYlu n rwqI ] (992-12)jogee jugat naam nirmaa-il taa kai mail na raatee. The Yogi who is joined to the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is pure; he is not stained by even a particle of dirt. pRIqm nwQu sdw scu sMgy jnm mrx giq bIqI ]1] (992-13)pareetam naath sadaa sach sangay janam maran gat beetee. ||1|| The True Lord, his Beloved, is always with him; the rounds of birth and death are ended for him. ||1|| gusweI qyrw khw nwmu kYsy jwqI ] (992-13)gusaa-ee tayraa kahaa naam kaisay jaatee. O Lord of the Universe, what is Your Name, and what is it like? jw qau BIqir mhil bulwvih pUCau bwq inrMqI ]1] rhwau ] (992-14)jaa ta-o bheetar mahal bulaaveh poochha-o baat nirantee. ||1|| rahaa-o. If You summon me into the Mansion of Your Presence, I will ask You, how I can become one with You. ||1||Pause|| bRhmxu bRhm igAwn iesnwnI hir gux pUjy pwqI ] (992-14)barahman barahm gi-aan isnaanee har gun poojay paatee. He alone is a Brahmin, who takes his cleansing bath in the spiritual wisdom of God, and whose leaf-offerings in worship are the Glorious Praises of the Lord. eyko nwmu eyku nwrwiexu iqRBvx eykw joqI ]2] (992-15)ayko naam ayk naaraa-in taribhavan aykaa jotee. ||2|| The One Name, the One Lord, and His One Light pervade the three worlds. ||2|| ijhvw fMfI iehu Gtu Cwbw qolau nwmu AjwcI ] (992-15)jihvaa dandee ih ghat chhaabaa tola-o naam ajaachee. My tongue is the balance of the scale, and this heart of mine is the pan of the scale; I weigh the immeasurable Naam. eyko hwtu swhu sBnw isir vxjwry iek BwqI ]3] (992-16)ayko haat saahu sabhnaa sir vanjaaray ik bhaatee. ||3|| There is one store, and one banker above all; the merchants deal in the one commodity. ||3|| dovY isry siqgurU inbyVy so bUJY ijsu eyk ilv lwgI jIAhu rhY inBrwqI ] (992-17)dovai siray satguroo nibayrhay so boojhai jis ayk liv laagee jee-ahu rahai nibhraatee. The True Guru saves us at both ends; he alone understands, who is lovingly focused on the One Lord; his inner being remains free of doubt. sbdu vswey Brmu cukwey sdw syvku idnu rwqI ]4] (992-17)sabad vasaa-ay bharam chukaa-ay sadaa sayvak din raatee. ||4|| The Word of the Shabad abides within, and doubt is ended, for those who constantly serve, day and night. ||4|| aUpir ggnu ggn pir gorKu qw kw Agmu gurU puin vwsI ] (992-18)oopar gagan gagan par gorakh taa kaa agam guroo pun vaasee. Above is the sky of the mind, and beyond this sky is the Lord, the Protector of the World; the Inaccessible Lord God; the Guru abides there as well. gur bcnI bwhir Gir eyko nwnku BieAw audwsI ]5]11] (992-19)gur bachnee baahar ghar ayko naanak bha-i-aa udaasee. ||5||11|| According to the Word of the Guru's Teachings, what is outside is the same as what is inside the home of the self. Nanak has become a detached renunciate. ||5||11|| |
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