Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


pauVI ] (855-1)

koeI inMdku hovY siqgurU kw iPir srix gur AwvY ] (855-1)
ko-ee nindak hovai satguroo kaa fir saran gur aavai.
If someone slanders the True Guru, and then comes seeking the Guru's Protection,

ipCly gunh siqguru bKis ley sqsMgiq nwil rlwvY ] (855-1)
pichhlay gunah satgur bakhas la-ay satsangat naal ralaavai.
the True Guru forgives him for his past sins, and unites him with the Saints' Congregation.

ijau mIih vuTY glIAw nwilAw toiBAw kw jlu jwie pvY ivic sursrI sursrI imlq pivqRü pwvnu hoie jwvY ] (855-2)
ji-o meehi vuthai galee-aa naali-aa tobhi-aa kaa jal jaa-ay pavai vich sursaree sursaree milat pavitar paavan ho-ay jaavai.
When the rain falls, the water in the streams, rivers and ponds flows into the Ganges; flowing into the Ganges, it is made sacred and pure.

eyh vifAweI siqgur inrvYr ivic ijqu imilAY iqsnw BuK auqrY hir sWiq qV AwvY ] (855-3)
ayh vadi-aa-ee satgur nirvair vich jit mili-ai tisnaa bhukh utrai har saaNt tarh aavai.
Such is the glorious greatness of the True Guru, who has no vengeance; meeting with Him, thirst and hunger are quenched, and instantly, one attains celestial peace.

nwnk iehu Acrju dyKhu myry hir scy swh kw ij siqgurU no mMnY su sBnW BwvY ]13]1] suDu ] (855-4)
naanak ih achraj daykhhu mayray har sachay saah kaa je satguroo no mannai so sabhnaaN bhaavai. ||13||1|| suDh.
O Nanak, behold this wonder of the Lord, my True King! Everyone is pleased with one who obeys and believes in the True Guru. ||13||1|| Sudh||

iblwvlu bwxI Bgqw kI ] (855-6)
bilaaval banee bhagtaa kee.
Bilaaval, The Word Of The Devotees.

kbIr jIau kI (855-6)
kabeer jee-o kee
Of Kabeer Jee:

<> siq nwmu krqw purKu gur pRswid ] (855-6)
ik-oaNkaar sat naam kartaa purakh gur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified By Guru's Grace:

AYso iehu sMswru pyKnw rhnu n koaU peIhY ry ] (855-7)
aiso ih sansaar paykhnaa rahan na ko-oo pa-eehai ray.
This world is a drama; no one can remain here.

sUDy sUDy ryig clhu qum nqr kuDkw idveIhY ry ]1] rhwau ] (855-7)
sooDhay sooDhay rayg chalhu tum natar kuDhkaa diva-eehai ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Walk the straight path; otherwise, you will be pushed around. ||1||Pause||

bwry bUFy qruny BeIAw sBhU jmu lY jeIhY ry ] (855-8)
baaray boodhay tarunay bha-ee-aa sabhhoo jam lai ja-eehai ray.
The children, the young and the old, O Siblings of Destiny, will be taken away by the Messenger of Death.

mwnsu bpurw mUsw kIno mIcu ibleIAw KeIhY ry ]1] (855-8)
maanas bapuraa moosaa keeno meech bila-ee-aa kha-eehai ray. ||1||
The Lord has made the poor man a mouse, and the cat of Death is eating him up. ||1||

DnvMqw Aru inrDn mneI qw kI kCU n kwnI ry ] (855-9)
Dhanvantaa ar nirDhan man-ee taa kee kachhoo na kaanee ray.
It gives no special consideration to either the rich or the poor.

rwjw prjw sm kir mwrY AYso kwlu bfwnI ry ]2] (855-9)
raajaa parjaa sam kar maarai aiso kaal badaanee ray. ||2||
The king and his subjects are equally killed; such is the power of Death. ||2||

hir ky syvk jo hir Bwey iqn@ kI kQw inrwrI ry ] (855-10)
har kay sayvak jo har bhaa-ay tinH kee kathaa niraaree ray.
Those who are pleasing to the Lord are the servants of the Lord; their story is unique and singular.

Awvih n jwih n kbhU mrqy pwrbRhm sMgwrI ry ]3] (855-10)
aavahi na jaahi na kabhoo martay paarbarahm sangaaree ray. ||3||
They do not come and go, and they never die; they remain with the Supreme Lord God. ||3||

puqR klqR liCmI mwieAw iehY qjhu jIA jwnI ry ] (855-11)
putar kaltar lachhimee maa-i-aa ihai tajahu jee-a jaanee ray.
Know this in your soul, that by renouncing your children, spouse, wealth and property

khq kbIru sunhu ry sMqhu imilhY swirgpwnI ry ]4]1] (855-12)
kahat kabeer sunhu ray santahu milihai saarigpaanee ray. ||4||1||
- says Kabeer, listen, O Saints - you shall be united with the Lord of the Universe. ||4||1||

iblwvlu ] (855-12)

ibidAw n prau bwdu nhI jwnau ] (855-12)
bidi-aa na para-o baad nahee jaan-o.
I do not read books of knowledge, and I do not understand the debates.

hir gun kQq sunq baurwno ]1] (855-13)
har gun kathat sunat ba-uraano. ||1||
I have gone insane, chanting and hearing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1||

myry bwbw mY baurw sB Klk sYAwnI mY baurw ] (855-13)
mayray baabaa mai ba-uraa sabh khalak sai-aanee mai ba-uraa.
O my father, I have gone insane; the whole world is sane, and I am insane.

mY ibgirE ibgrY miq Aaurw ]1] rhwau ] (855-14)
mai bigri-o bigrai mat a-uraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am spoiled; let no one else be spoiled like me. ||1||Pause||

Awip n baurw rwm kIE baurw ] (855-14)
aap na ba-uraa raam kee-o ba-uraa.
I have not made myself go insane - the Lord made me go insane.

siqguru jwir gieE BRmu morw ]2] (855-14)
satgur jaar ga-i-o bharam moraa. ||2||
The True Guru has burnt away my doubt. ||2||

mY ibgry ApnI miq KoeI ] (855-15)
mai bigray apnee mat kho-ee.
I am spoiled; I have lost my intellect.

myry Brim BUlau miq koeI ]3] (855-15)
mayray bharam bhoola-o mat ko-ee. ||3||
Let no one go astray in doubt like me. ||3||

so baurw jo Awpu n pCwnY ] (855-15)
so ba-uraa jo aap na pachhaanai.
He alone is insane, who does not understand himself.

Awpu pCwnY q eykY jwnY ]4] (855-16)
aap pachhaanai ta aykai jaanai. ||4||
When he understands himself, then he knows the One Lord. ||4||

Abih n mwqw su kbhu n mwqw ] (855-16)
abeh na maataa so kabahu na maataa.
One who is not intoxicated with the Lord now, shall never be intoxicated.

kih kbIr rwmY rMig rwqw ]5]2] (855-16)
kahi kabeer raamai rang raataa. ||5||2||
Says Kabeer, I am imbued with the Lord's Love. ||5||2||

iblwvlu ] (855-17)

igRhu qij bn KMf jweIAY cuin KweIAY kMdw ] (855-17)
garihu taj ban khand jaa-ee-ai chun khaa-ee-ai kandaa.
Abandoning his household, he may go to the forest, and live by eating roots;

Ajhu ibkwr n CofeI pwpI mnu mMdw ]1] (855-17)
ajahu bikaar na chhod-ee paapee man mandaa. ||1||
but even so, his sinful, evil mind does not renounce corruption. ||1||

ikau CUtau kYsy qrau Bvjl iniD BwrI ] (855-18)
ki-o chhoota-o kaisay tara-o bhavjal niDh bhaaree.
How can anyone be saved? How can anyone cross over the terrifying world-ocean?

rwKu rwKu myry bITulw jnu srin qum@wrI ]1] rhwau ] (855-18)
raakh raakh mayray beethulaa jan saran tumHaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Save me, save me, O my Lord! Your humble servant seeks Your Sanctuary. ||1||Pause||

ibKY ibKY kI bwsnw qjIA nh jweI ] (855-19)
bikhai bikhai kee baasnaa tajee-a nah jaa-ee.
I cannot escape my desire for sin and corruption.

Aink jqn kir rwKIAY iPir iPir lptweI ]2] (855-19)
anik jatan kar raakhee-ai fir fir laptaa-ee. ||2||
I make all sorts of efforts to hold back from this desire, but it clings to me, again and again. ||2||