Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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854 jn nwnk kY vil hoAw myrw suAwmI hir sjx purKu sujwnu ] (854-1)jan naanak kai val ho-aa mayraa su-aamee har sajan purakh sujaan. My Lord and Master is on the side of servant Nanak. The All-powerful and All-knowing Lord God is my Best Friend. paudI iBiq dyiK kY siB Awie pey siqgur kI pYrI lwihEnu sBnw ikAhu mnhu gumwnu ]10] (854-1)pa-udee bhit daykh kai sabh aa-ay pa-ay satgur kee pairee laahi-on sabhnaa ki-ahu manhu gumaan. ||10|| Seeing the food being distributed, everyone came and fell at the feet of the True Guru, who cleansed the minds of all of their egotistical pride. ||10|| slok mÚ 1 ] (854-2)salok mehlaa 1. Shalok, First Mehl: koeI vwhy ko luxY ko pwey Kilhwin ] (854-2)ko-ee vaahay ko lunai ko paa-ay khalihaan. One plants the seed, another harvests the crop, and still another beats the grain from the chaff. nwnk eyv n jwpeI koeI Kwie indwin ]1] (854-3)naanak ayv na jaap-ee ko-ee khaa-ay nidaan. ||1|| O Nanak, it is not known, who will ultimately eat the grain. ||1|| mÚ 1 ] (854-3)mehlaa 1. First Mehl: ijsu min visAw qirAw soie ] (854-3)jis man vasi-aa tari-aa so-ay. He alone is carried across, within whose mind the Lord abides. nwnk jo BwvY so hoie ]2] (854-4)naanak jo bhaavai so ho-ay. ||2|| O Nanak, that alone happens, which is pleasing to His Will. ||2|| pauVI ] (854-4)pa-orhee. Pauree: pwrbRhim dieAwil swgru qwirAw ] (854-4)paarbarahm da-i-aal saagar taari-aa. The Merciful Supreme Lord God has carried me across the world-ocean. guir pUrY imhrvwin Brmu Bau mwirAw ] (854-4)gur poorai miharvaan bharam bha-o maari-aa. The compassionate perfect Guru has eradicated my doubts and fears. kwm k®oDu ibkrwlu dUq siB hwirAw ] (854-5)kaam kroDh bikraal doot sabh haari-aa. Unsatisfied sexual desire and unresolved anger, the horrible demons, have been totally destroyed. AMimRq nwmu inDwnu kMiT auir DwirAw ] (854-5)amrit naam niDhaan kanth ur Dhaari-aa. I have enshrined the treasure of the Ambrosial Naam within my throat and heart. nwnk swDU sMig jnmu mrxu svwirAw ]11] (854-6)naanak saaDhoo sang janam maran savaari-aa. ||11|| O Nanak, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, my birth and death have been adorned and redeemed. ||11|| slok mÚ 3 ] (854-6)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: ijn@I nwmu ivswirAw kUVy khx khMin@ ] (854-6)jinHee naam visaari-aa koorhay kahan kahaNniH. Those who forget the Naam, the Name of the Lord, are said to be false. pMc cor iqnw Gru muhin@ haumY AMdir sMin@ ] (854-7)panch chor tinaa ghar muhniH ha-umai andar saNniH. The five thieves plunder their homes, and egotism breaks in. swkq muTy durmqI hir rsu n jwxMin@ ] (854-7)saakat muthay durmatee har ras na jaanaNniH. The faithless cynics are defrauded by their own evil-mindedness; they do not know the sublime essence of the Lord. ijn@I AMimRqu Brim lutwieAw ibKu isau rcih rcMin@ ] (854-8)jinHee amrit bharam lutaa-i-aa bikh si-o racheh rachaNniH. Those who lose the Ambrosial Nectar through doubt, remain engrossed and entangled in corruption. dustw syqI iprhVI jn isau vwdu krMin@ ] (854-8)dustaa saytee pirharhee jan si-o vaad karaNniH. They make friends with the wicked, and argue with the humble servants of the Lord. nwnk swkq nrk mih jim bDy duK shMin@ ] (854-9)naanak saakat narak meh jam baDhay dukh sahaNniH. O Nanak, the faithless cynics are bound and gagged by the Messenger of Death, and suffer agony in hell. pieAY ikriq kmwvdy ijv rwKih iqvY rhMin@ ]1] (854-9)pa-i-ai kirat kamaavday jiv raakhahi tivai rahaNniH. ||1|| They act according to the karma of the actions they committed before; as the Lord keeps them, so do they live. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (854-10)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: ijn@I siqguru syivAw qwxu inqwxy iqsu ] (854-10)jinHee satgur sayvi-aa taan nitaanay tis. Those who serve the True Guru, are transformed from powerless into powerful. swis igrwis sdw min vsY jmu joih n skY iqsu ] (854-10)saas giraas sadaa man vasai jam johi na sakai tis. With every breath and morsel of food, the Lord abides in their minds forever, and the Messenger of Death cannot even see them. ihrdY hir hir nwm rsu kvlw syvik iqsu ] (854-11)hirdai har har naam ras kavlaa sayvak tis. The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, fills their hearts, and Maya is their servant. hir dwsw kw dwsu hoie prm pdwrQu iqsu ] (854-11)har daasaa kaa daas ho-ay param padaarath tis. One who becomes the slave of the Lord's slaves, obtains the greatest treasure. nwnk min qin ijsu pRBu vsY hau sd kurbwxY iqsu ] (854-12)naanak man tan jis parabh vasai ha-o sad kurbaanai tis. O Nanak, I am forever a sacrifice to that one, within whose mind and body God dwells. ijn@ kau pUrib iliKAw rsu sMq jnw isau iqsu ]2] (854-12)jinH ka-o poorab likhi-aa ras sant janaa si-o tis. ||2|| One who has such pre-ordained destiny, he alone is in love with the humble Saints. ||2|| pauVI ] (854-13)pa-orhee. Pauree: jo boly pUrw siqgurU so prmysir suixAw ] (854-13)jo bolay pooraa satguroo so parmaysar suni-aa. Whatever the Perfect True Guru says, the Transcendent Lord hears. soeI vriqAw jgq mih Git Git muiK BixAw ] (854-13)so-ee varti-aa jagat meh ghat ghat mukh bhani-aa. It pervades and permeates the whole world, and it is on the mouth of each and every being. bhuqu vifAweIAw swihbY nh jwhI gxIAw ] (854-14)bahut vadi-aa-ee-aa saahibai nah jaahee ganee-aa. So numerous are the great glories of the Lord, they cannot even be counted. scu shju Andu siqgurU pwis scI gur mxIAw ] (854-14)sach sahj anad satguroo paas sachee gur manee-aa. Truth, poise and bliss rest in the True Guru; the Guru bestows the jewel of Truth. nwnk sMq svwry pwrbRhim scy ijau bixAw ]12] (854-15)naanak sant savaaray paarbarahm sachay ji-o bani-aa. ||12|| O Nanak, the Supreme Lord God embellishes the Saints, who become like the True Lord. ||12|| slok mÚ 3 ] (854-15)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: Apxw Awpu n pCwxeI hir pRBu jwqw dUir ] (854-16)apnaa aap na pachhaan-ee har parabh jaataa door. He does not understand himself; he believes the Lord God to be far away. gur kI syvw ivsrI ikau mnu rhY hjUir ] (854-16)gur kee sayvaa visree ki-o man rahai hajoor. He forgets to serve the Guru; how can his mind remain in the Lord's Presence? mnmuiK jnmu gvwieAw JUTY lwlic kUir ] (854-16)manmukh janam gavaa-i-aa jhoothai laalach koor. The self-willed manmukh wastes away his life in worthless greed and falsehood. nwnk bKis imlwieAnu scY sbid hdUir ]1] (854-17)naanak bakhas milaa-i-an sachai sabad hadoor. ||1|| O Nanak, the Lord forgives, and blends them with Himself; through the True Word of the Shabad, He is ever-present. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (854-17)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: hir pRBu scw soihlw gurmuiK nwmu goivMdu ] (854-17)har parabh sachaa sohilaa gurmukh naam govind. True is the Praise of the Lord God; the Gurmukh chants the Name of the Lord of the Universe. Anidnu nwmu slwhxw hir jipAw min Awnµdu ] (854-18)an-din naam salaahnaa har japi-aa man aanand. Praising the Naam night and day, and meditating on the Lord, the mind becomes blissful. vfBwgI hir pwieAw pUrnu prmwnµdu ] (854-19)vadbhaagee har paa-i-aa pooran parmaanand. By great good fortune, I have found the Lord, the perfect embodiment of supreme bliss. jn nwnk nwmu slwihAw bhuiV n min qin BMgu ]2] (854-19)jan naanak naam sahaali-aa bahurh na man tan bhang. ||2|| Servant Nanak praises the Naam; his mind and body shall never again be shattered. ||2|| |
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