Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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804 kwim k®oiD loiB moih mnu lInw ] (804-1)kaam kroDh lobh mohi man leenaa. The mind is engrossed in sexual desire, anger, greed and emotional attachment. bMDn kwit mukiq guir kInw ]2] (804-1)banDhan kaat mukat gur keenaa. ||2|| Breaking my bonds, the Guru has liberated me. ||2|| duK suK krq jnim Puin mUAw ] (804-2)dukh sukh karat janam fun moo-aa. Experiencing pain and pleasure, one is born, only to die again. crn kml guir AwsRmu dIAw ]3] (804-2)charan kamal gur aasram dee-aa. ||3|| The Lotus Feet of the Guru bring peace and shelter. ||3|| Agin swgr bUfq sMswrw ] (804-2)agan saagar boodat sansaaraa. The world is drowning in the ocean of fire. nwnk bwh pkir siqguir insqwrw ]4]3]8] (804-3)naanak baah pakar satgur nistaaraa. ||4||3||8|| O Nanak, holding me by the arm, the True Guru has saved me. ||4||3||8|| iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (804-3)bilaaval mehlaa 5. Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: qnu mnu Dnu Arpau sBu Apnw ] (804-3)tan man Dhan arpa-o sabh apnaa. Body, mind, wealth and everything, I surrender to my Lord. kvn su miq ijqu hir hir jpnw ]1] (804-4)kavan so mat jit har har japnaa. ||1|| What is that wisdom, by which I may come to chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har? ||1|| kir Awsw AwieE pRB mwgin ] (804-4)kar aasaa aa-i-o parabh maagan. Nurturing hope, I have come to beg from God. qum@ pyKq soBw myrY Awgin ]1] rhwau ] (804-5)tumH paykhat sobhaa mayrai aagan. ||1|| rahaa-o. Gazing upon You, the courtyard of my heart is embellished. ||1||Pause|| Aink jugiq kir bhuqu bIcwrau ] (804-5)anik jugat kar bahut beechaara-o. Trying several methods, I reflect deeply upon the Lord. swDsMig iesu mnih auDwrau ]2] (804-5)saaDhsang is maneh uDhaara-o. ||2|| In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, this mind is saved. ||2|| miq buiD suriq nwhI cqurweI ] (804-6)mat buDh surat naahee chaturaa-ee. I have neither intelligence, wisdom, common sense nor cleverness. qw imlIAY jw ley imlweI ]3] (804-6)taa milee-ai jaa la-ay milaa-ee. ||3|| I meet You, only if You lead me to meet You. ||3|| nYn sMqoKy pRB drsnu pwieAw ] (804-6)nain santokhay parabh darsan paa-i-aa. My eyes are content, gazing upon the Blessed Vision of God's Darshan. khu nwnk sPlu so AwieAw ]4]4]9] (804-7)kaho naanak safal so aa-i-aa. ||4||4||9|| Says Nanak, such a life is fruitful and rewarding. ||4||4||9|| iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (804-7)bilaaval mehlaa 5. Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: mwq ipqw suq swiQ n mwieAw ] (804-7)maat pitaa sut saath na maa-i-aa. Mother, father, children and the wealth of Maya, will not go along with you. swDsMig sBu dUKu imtwieAw ]1] (804-8)saaDhsang sabh dookh mitaa-i-aa. ||1|| In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, all pain is dispelled. ||1|| riv rihAw pRBu sB mih Awpy ] (804-8)rav rahi-aa parabh sabh meh aapay. God Himself is pervading, and permeating all. hir jpu rsnw duKu n ivAwpy ]1] rhwau ] (804-8)har jap rasnaa dukh na vi-aapay. ||1|| rahaa-o. Chant the Name of the Lord with your tongue, and pain will not afflict you. ||1||Pause|| iqKw BUK bhu qpiq ivAwipAw ] (804-9)tikhaa bhookh baho tapat vi-aapi-aa. One who is afflicted by the terrible fire of thirst and desire, sIql Bey hir hir jsu jwipAw ]2] (804-9)seetal bha-ay har har jas jaapi-aa. ||2|| becomes cool, chanting the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har. ||2|| koit jqn sMqoKu n pwieAw ] (804-10)kot jatan santokh na paa-i-aa. By millions of efforts, peace is not obtained; mnu iqRpqwnw hir gux gwieAw ]3] (804-10)man tariptaanaa har gun gaa-i-aa. ||3|| the mind is satisfied only by singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||3|| dyhu Bgiq pRB AMqrjwmI ] (804-10)dayh bhagat parabh antarjaamee. Please bless me with devotion, O God, O Searcher of hearts. nwnk kI bynµqI suAwmI ]4]5]10] (804-11)naanak kee baynantee su-aamee. ||4||5||10|| This is Nanak's prayer, O Lord and Master. ||4||5||10|| iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (804-11)bilaaval mehlaa 5. Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: guru pUrw vfBwgI pweIAY ] (804-11)gur pooraa vadbhaagee paa-ee-ai. By great good fortune, the Perfect Guru is found. imil swDU hir nwmu iDAweIAY ]1] (804-12)mil saaDhoo har naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai. ||1|| Meeting with the Holy Saints, meditate on the Name of the Lord. ||1|| pwrbRhm pRB qyrI srnw ] (804-12)paarbarahm parabh tayree sarnaa. O Supreme Lord God, I seek Your Sanctuary. iklibK kwtY Bju gur ky crnw ]1] rhwau ] (804-12)kilbikh kaatai bhaj gur kay charnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. Meditating on the Guru's Feet, sinful mistakes are erased. ||1||Pause|| Avir krm siB lokwcwr ] (804-13)avar karam sabh lokaachaar. All other rituals are just worldly affairs; imil swDU sMig hoie auDwr ]2] (804-13)mil saaDhoo sang ho-ay uDhaar. ||2|| joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, one is saved. ||2|| isMimRiq swsq byd bIcwry ] (804-14)simrit saasat bayd beechaaray. One may contemplate the Simritees, Shaastras and Vedas, jpIAY nwmu ijqu pwir auqwry ]3] (804-14)japee-ai naam jit paar utaaray. ||3|| but only by chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is one saved and carried across. ||3|| jn nwnk kau pRB ikrpw krIAY ] (804-14)jan naanak ka-o parabh kirpaa karee-ai. Have Mercy upon servant Nanak, O God, swDU DUir imlY insqrIAY ]4]6]11] (804-15)saaDhoo Dhoor milai nistaree-ai. ||4||6||11|| and bless him with the dust of the feet of the Holy, that he may be emancipated. ||4||6||11|| iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (804-15)bilaaval mehlaa 5. Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: gur kw sbdu irdy mih cInw ] (804-15)gur kaa sabad riday meh cheenaa. I contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad within my heart; sgl mnorQ pUrn AwsInw ]1] (804-16)sagal manorath pooran aaseenaa. ||1|| all my hopes and desires are fulfilled. ||1|| sMq jnw kw muKu aUjlu kInw ] (804-16)sant janaa kaa mukh oojal keenaa. The faces of the humble Saints are radiant and bright; kir ikrpw Apunw nwmu dInw ]1] rhwau ] (804-16)kar kirpaa apunaa naam deenaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. the Lord has mercifully blessed them with the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause|| AMD kUp qy kru gih lInw ] (804-17)anDh koop tay kar geh leenaa. Holding them by the hand, He has lifted them up out of the deep, dark pit, jY jY kwru jgiq pRgtInw ]2] (804-17)jai jai kaar jagat pargateenaa. ||2|| and their victory is celebrated throughout the world. ||2|| nIcw qy aUc aUn pUrInw ] (804-17)neechaa tay ooch oon pooreenaa. He elevates and exalts the lowly, and fills the empty. AMimRq nwmu mhw rsu lInw ]3] (804-18)amrit naam mahaa ras leenaa. ||3|| They receive the supreme, sublime essence of the Ambrosial Naam. ||3|| mn qn inrml pwp jil KInw ] (804-18)man tan nirmal paap jal kheenaa. The mind and body are made immaculate and pure, and sins are burnt to ashes. khu nwnk pRB Bey pRsInw ]4]7]12] (804-18)kaho naanak parabh bha-ay parseenaa. ||4||7||12|| Says Nanak, God is pleased with me. ||4||7||12|| iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (804-19)bilaaval mehlaa 5. Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: sgl mnorQ pweIAih mIqw ] (804-19)sagal manorath paa-ee-ah meetaa. All desires are fulfilled, O my friend, |
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