Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


sWiq shj sUK min aupijE koit sUr nwnk prgws ]2]5]24] (717-1)
saaNt sahj sookh man upji-o kot soor naanak pargaas. ||2||5||24||
Peace and tranquility, poise and pleasure, have welled up within my mind; millions of suns, O Nanak, illuminate me. ||2||5||24||

tofI mhlw 5 ] (717-1)
todee mehlaa 5.
Todee, Fifth Mehl:

hir hir piqq pwvn ] (717-1)
har har patit paavan.
The Lord, Har, Har, is the Purifier of sinners;

jIA pRwn mwn suKdwqw AMqrjwmI mn ko Bwvn ] rhwau ] (717-2)
jee-a paraan maan sukh-daata antarjaamee man ko bhaavan. rahaa-o.
He is the soul, the breath of life, the Giver of peace and honor, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts; He is pleasing to my mind. ||Pause||

suMdru suGVu cquru sB byqw ird dws invws Bgq gun gwvn ] (717-2)
sundar sugharh chatur sabh baytaa rid daas nivaas bhagat gun gaavan.
He is beautiful and wise, clever and all-knowing. He dwells within the hearts of His slaves; His devotees sing His Glorious Praises.

inrml rUp AnUp suAwmI krm BUim bIjn so Kwvn ]1] (717-3)
nirmal roop anoop su-aamee karam bhoom beejan so khaavan. ||1||
His form is immaculate and pure; He is the incomparable Lord and Master. Upon the field of actions and karma, whatever one plants, one eats. ||1||

ibsmn ibsm Bey ibsmwdw Awn n bIE dUsr lwvn ] (717-4)
bisman bisam bha-ay bismaadaa aan na bee-o doosar laavan.
I am amazed, and wonder-struck by His wonder. There is none other than Him.

rsnw ismir ismir jsu jIvw nwnk dws sdw bil jwvn ]2]6]25] (717-4)
rasnaa simar simar jas jeevaa naanak daas sadaa bal jaavan. ||2||6||25||
Meditating in remembrance on His Praises with my tongue, I live; slave Nanak is forever a sacrifice to Him. ||2||6||25||

tofI mhlw 5 ] (717-5)
todee mehlaa 5.
Todee, Fifth Mehl:

mweI mwieAw Clu ] (717-5)
maa-ee maa-i-aa chhal.
O my mother, Maya is so misleading and deceptive.

iqRx kI Agin myG kI CwieAw goibd Bjn ibnu hV kw jlu ] rhwau ] (717-5)
tarin kee agan maygh kee chhaa-i-aa gobid bhajan bin harh kaa jal. rahaa-o.
Without meditating on the Lord of the Universe, it is like straw on fire, or the shadow of a cloud, or the running of the flood-waters. ||Pause||

Coif isAwnp bhu cqurweI duie kr joiV swD mig clu ] (717-6)
chhod si-aanap baho chaturaa-ee du-ay kar jorh saaDh mag chal.
Renounce your cleverness and all your mental tricks; with your palms pressed together, walk on the Path of the Holy Saints.

ismir suAwmI AMqrjwmI mwnuK dyh kw iehu aUqm Plu ]1] (717-7)
simar su-aamee antarjaamee maanukh dayh kaa ih ootam fal. ||1||
Remember the Lord, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts; this is the most sublime reward of this human incarnation. ||1||

byd biKAwn krq swDU jn BwghIn smJq nhI Klu ] (717-7)
bayd bakhi-aan karat saaDhoo jan bhaagheen samjhat nahee khal.
The Holy Saints preach the teachings of the Vedas, but the unfortunate fools do not understand them.

pRym Bgiq rwcy jn nwnk hir ismrin dhn Bey ml ]2]7]26] (717-8)
paraym bhagat raachay jan naanak har simran dahan bha-ay mal. ||2||7||26||
Servant Nanak is absorbed in loving devotional worship; meditating in remembrance on the Lord, one's dirt is burnt away. ||2||7||26||

tofI mhlw 5 ] (717-9)
todee mehlaa 5.
Todee, Fifth Mehl:

mweI crn gur mITy ] (717-9)
maa-ee charan gur meethay.
O mother, the Guru's feet are so sweet.

vfY Bwig dyvY prmysru koit Plw drsn gur fITy ] rhwau ] (717-9)
vadai bhaag dayvai parmaysar kot falaa darsan gur deethay. rahaa-o.
By great good fortune, the Transcendent Lord has blessed me with them. Millions of rewards come from the Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan. ||Pause||

gun gwvq Acuq AibnwsI kwm k®oD ibnsy md FITy ] (717-10)
gun gaavat achut abhinaasee kaam kroDh binsay mad dheethay.
Singing the Glorious Praises of the imperishable, indestructible Lord, sexual desire, anger and stubborn pride vanish.

AsiQr Bey swc rMig rwqy jnm mrn bwhuir nhI pITy ]1] (717-10)
asthir bha-ay saach rang raatay janam maran baahur nahee peethay. ||1||
Those who are imbued with the Love of the True Lord become permanent and eternal; birth and death do not grind them down any more. ||1||

ibnu hir Bjn rMg rs jyqy sMq dieAwl jwny siB JUTy ] (717-11)
bin har bhajan rang ras jaytay sant da-i-aal jaanay sabh jhoothay.
Without the Lord's meditation, all joys and pleasures are totally false and worthless; by the Kind Mercy of the Saints, I know this.

nwm rqnu pwieE jn nwnk nwm ibhUn cly siB mUTy ]2]8]27] (717-12)
naam ratan paa-i-o jan naanak naam bihoon chalay sabh moothay. ||2||8||27||
Servant Nanak has found the jewel of the Naam; without the Naam, all must depart, cheated and plundered. ||2||8||27||

tofI mhlw 5 ] (717-12)
todee mehlaa 5.
Todee, Fifth Mehl:

swDsMig hir hir nwmu icqwrw ] (717-13)
saaDhsang har har naam chitaaraa.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I contemplate the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

shij Anµdu hovY idnu rwqI AMkuru Blo hmwrw ] rhwau ] (717-13)
sahj anand hovai din raatee ankur bhalo hamaaraa. rahaa-o.
I am in peaceful poise and bliss, day and night; the seed of my destiny has sprouted. ||Pause||

guru pUrw ByitE bfBwgI jw ko AMqu n pwrwvwrw ] (717-13)
gur pooraa bhayti-o badbhaagee jaa ko ant na paaraavaaraa.
I have met the True Guru, by great good fortune; He has no end or limitation.

kru gih kwiF lIE jnu Apunw ibKu swgr sMswrw ]1] (717-14)
kar geh kaadh lee-o jan apunaa bikh saagar sansaaraa. ||1||
Taking His humble servant by the hand, He pulls him out of the poisonous world-ocean. ||1||

jnm mrn kwty gur bcnI bhuiV n sMkt duAwrw ] (717-15)
janam maran kaatay gur bachnee bahurh na sankat du-aaraa.
Birth and death are ended for me, by the Word of the Guru's Teachings; I shall no longer pass through the door of pain and suffering.

nwnk srin ghI suAwmI kI punh punh nmskwrw ]2]9]28] (717-15)
naanak saran gahee su-aamee kee punah punah namaskaaraa. ||2||9||28||
Nanak holds tight to the Sanctuary of his Lord and Master; again and again, he bows in humility and reverence to Him. ||2||9||28||

tofI mhlw 5 ] (717-16)
todee mehlaa 5.
Todee, Fifth Mehl:

mweI myry mn ko suKu ] (717-16)
maa-ee mayray man ko sukh.
O my mother, my mind is at peace.

koit Anµd rwj suKu BugvY hir ismrq ibnsY sB duKu ]1] rhwau ] (717-16)
kot anand raaj sukh bhugvai har simrat binsai sabh dukh. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I enjoy the ecstasy of millions of princely pleasures; remembering the Lord in meditation, all pains have been dispelled. ||1||Pause||

koit jnm ky iklibK nwsih ismrq pwvn qn mn suK ] (717-17)
kot janam kay kilbikh naaseh simrat paavan tan man sukh.
The sins of millions of lifetimes are erased, by meditating on the Lord; becoming pure, my mind and body have found peace.

dyiK srUpu pUrnu BeI Awsw drsnu Bytq auqrI BuK ]1] (717-18)
daykh saroop pooran bha-ee aasaa darsan bhaytat utree bhukh. ||1||
Gazing upon the Lord's form of perfect beauty, my hopes have been fulfilled; attaining the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, my hunger has been appeased. ||1||

cwir pdwrQ Ast mhw isiD kwmDynu pwrjwq hir hir ruKu ] (717-18)
chaar padaarath asat mahaa siDh kaamDhayn paarjaat har har rukh.
The four great blessings, the eight supernatural spiritual powers of the Siddhas, the wish-fulfilling Elysian cow, and the wish-fulfilling tree of life - all these come from the Lord, Har, Har.

nwnk srin ghI suK swgr jnm mrn iPir grB n DuKu ]2]10]29] (717-19)
naanak saran gahee sukh saagar janam maran fir garabh na Dhukh. ||2||10||29||
O Nanak, holding tight to the Sanctuary of the Lord, the ocean of peace, you shall not suffer the pains of birth and death, or fall into the womb of reincarnation again. ||2||10||29||