Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


tofI mhlw 5 Gru 5 dupdy (716-1)
todee mehlaa 5 ghar 5 dupday
Todee, Fifth Mehl, Fifth House, Du-Padas:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (716-2)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

AYso gunu myro pRB jI kIn ] (716-2)
aiso gun mayro parabh jee keen.
Such is the blessing my God has bestowed upon me.

pMc doK Aru AhM rog ieh qn qy sgl dUir kIn ] rhwau ] (716-2)
panch dokh ar ahaN rog ih tan tay sagal door keen. rahaa-o.
He has totally banished the five evils and the illness of egotism from my body. ||Pause||

bMDn qoir Coir ibiKAw qy gur ko sbdu myrY hIArY dIn ] (716-3)
banDhan tor chhor bikhi-aa tay gur ko sabad mayrai hee-arai deen.
Breaking my bonds, and releasing me from vice and corruption, He has enshrined the Word of the Guru's Shabad within my heart.

rUpu AnrUpu moro kCu n bIcwirE pRym gihE moih hir rMg BIn ]1] (716-3)
roop anroop moro kachh na beechaari-o paraym gahi-o mohi har rang bheen. ||1||
The Lord has not considered my beauty or ugliness; instead, He has held me with love. I am drenched with His Love. ||1||

pyiKE lwlnu pwt bIc Koey And icqw hrKy pqIn ] (716-4)
paykhi-o laalan paat beech kho-ay anad chitaa harkhay pateen.
I behold my Beloved, now that the curtain has been torn away. My mind is happy, pleased and satisfied.

iqs hI ko igRhu soeI pRBu nwnk so Twkuru iqs hI ko DIn ]2]1]20] (716-5)
tis hee ko garihu so-ee parabh naanak so thaakur tis hee ko Dheen. ||2||1||20||
My house is His; He is my God. Nanak is obedient to His Lord and Master. ||2||1||20||

tofI mhlw 5 ] (716-5)
todee mehlaa 5.
Todee, Fifth Mehl:

mweI myry mn kI pRIiq ] (716-6)
maa-ee mayray man kee pareet.
O my mother, my mind is in love.

eyhI krm Drm jp eyhI rwm nwm inrml hY rIiq ] rhwau ] (716-6)
ayhee karam Dharam jap ayhee raam naam nirmal hai reet. rahaa-o.
This is my karma and my Dharma; this is my meditation. The Lord's Name is my immaculate, unstained way of life. ||Pause||

pRwn ADwr jIvn Dn morY dyKn kau drsn pRB nIiq ] (716-6)
paraan aDhaar jeevan Dhan morai daykhan ka-o darsan parabh neet.
The Support of my breath of life, the wealth of my life, is to gaze upon the Blessed Vision of God's Darshan.

bwt Gwt qosw sMig morY mn Apuny kau mY hir sKw kIq ]1] (716-7)
baat ghaat tosaa sang morai man apunay ka-o mai har sakhaa keet. ||1||
On the road, and on the river, these supplies are always with me. I have made my mind the Lord's companion. ||1||

sMq pRswid Bey mn inrml kir ikrpw Apuny kir lIq ] (716-8)
sant parsaad bha-ay man nirmal kar kirpaa apunay kar leet.
By the Grace of the Saints, my mind has become immaculate and pure. In His mercy, He has made me His own.

ismir ismir nwnk suKu pwieAw Awid jugwid Bgqn ky mIq ]2]2]21] (716-8)
simar simar naanak sukh paa-i-aa aad jugaad bhagtan kay meet. ||2||2||21||
Remembering, remembering Him in meditation, Nanak has found peace. From the very beginning, and throughout the ages, He is the friend of His devotees. ||2||2||21||

tofI mhlw 5 ] (716-9)
todee mehlaa 5.
Todee, Fifth Mehl:

pRB jI imlu myry pRwn ] (716-9)
parabh jee mil mayray paraan.
Dear God, please meet me; You are my breath of life.

ibsru nhI inmK hIAry qy Apny Bgq kau pUrn dwn ] rhwau ] (716-10)
bisar nahee nimakh hee-aray tay apnay bhagat ka-o pooran daan. rahaa-o.
Do not let me forget You from my heart, even for an instant; please, bless Your devotee with Your gift of perfection. ||Pause||

Kovhu Brmu rwKu myry pRIqm AMqrjwmI suGV sujwn ] (716-10)
khovhu bharam raakh mayray pareetam antarjaamee sugharh sujaan.
Dispel my doubt, and save me, O my Beloved, all-knowing Lord, O Inner-knower, O Searcher of hearts.

koit rwj nwm Dnu myrY AMimRq idRsit Dwrhu pRB mwn ]1] (716-11)
kot raaj naam Dhan mayrai amrit darisat Dhaarahu parabh maan. ||1||
The wealth of the Naam is worth millions of kingdoms to me; O God, please bless me with Your Ambrosial Glance of Grace. ||1||

AwT phr rsnw gun gwvY jsu pUir AGwvih smrQ kwn ] (716-11)
aath pahar rasnaa gun gaavai jas poor aghaaveh samrath kaan.
Twenty-four hours a day, I sing Your Glorious Praises. They totally satisfy my ears, O my all-powerful Lord.

qyrI srix jIAn ky dwqy sdw sdw nwnk kurbwn ]2]3]22] (716-12)
tayree saran jee-an kay daatay sadaa sadaa naanak kurbaan. ||2||3||22||
I seek Your Sanctuary, O Lord, O Giver of life to the soul; forever and ever, Nanak is a sacrifice to You. ||2||3||22||

tofI mhlw 5 ] (716-13)
todee mehlaa 5.
Todee, Fifth Mehl:

pRB qyry pg kI DUir ] (716-13)
parabh tayray pag kee Dhoor.
O God, I am the dust of Your feet.

dIn dieAwl pRIqm mnmohn kir ikrpw myrI locw pUir ] rhwau ] (716-13)
deen da-i-aal pareetam manmohan kar kirpaa mayree lochaa poor. rahaa-o.
O merciful to the meek, Beloved mind-enticing Lord, by Your Kind Mercy, please fulfill my yearning. ||Pause||

dh ids riv rihAw jsu qumrw AMqrjwmI sdw hjUir ] (716-14)
dah dis rav rahi-aa jas tumraa antarjaamee sadaa hajoor.
In the ten directions, Your Praises are permeating and pervading, O Inner-knower, Searcher of hearts, O Lord ever-present.

jo qumrw jsu gwvih krqy sy jn kbhu n mrqy JUir ]1] (716-14)
jo tumraa jas gaavahi kartay say jan kabahu na martay jhoor. ||1||
Those who sing Your Praises, O Creator Lord, those humble beings never die or grieve. ||1||

DMD bMD ibnsy mwieAw ky swDU sMgiq imty ibsUr ] (716-15)
DhanDh banDh binsay maa-i-aa kay saaDhoo sangat mitay bisoor.
The worldly affairs and entanglements of Maya disappear, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; all sorrows are taken away.

suK sMpiq Bog iesu jIA ky ibnu hir nwnk jwny kUr ]2]4]23] (716-16)
sukh sampat bhog is jee-a kay bin har naanak jaanay koor. ||2||4||23||
The comforts of wealth and the enjoyments of the soul - O Nanak, without the Lord, know them to be false. ||2||4||23||

tofI mÚ 5 ] (716-16)
todee mehlaa 5.
Todee, Fifth Mehl:

mweI myry mn kI ipAws ] (716-17)
maa-ee mayray man kee pi-aas.
O my mother, my mind is so thirsty.

ieku iKnu rih n skau ibnu pRIqm drsn dyKn kau DwrI min Aws ] rhwau ] (716-17)
ik khin reh na saka-o bin pareetam darsan daykhan ka-o Dhaaree man aas. rahaa-o.
I cannot survive, even for an instant, without my Beloved. My mind is filled with the desire to behold the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. ||Pause||

ismrau nwmu inrMjn krqy mn qn qy siB iklivK nws ] (716-18)
simra-o naam niranjan kartay man tan tay sabh kilvikh naas.
I meditate in remembrance on the Naam, the Name of the immaculate Creator Lord; all the sins and errors of my mind and body are washed away.

pUrn pwrbRhm suKdwqy AibnwsI ibml jw ko jws ]1] (716-18)
pooran paarbarahm sukh-daatay abhinaasee bimal jaa ko jaas. ||1||
The Perfect Supreme Lord God, the eternal, imperishable Giver of peace - spotless and pure are His Praises. ||1||

sMq pRswid myry pUr mnorQ kir ikrpw Byty guxqws ] (716-19)
sant parsaad mayray poor manorath kar kirpaa bhaytay guntaas.
By the Grace of the Saints, my desires have been fulfilled; in His Mercy, the Lord, the treasure of virtue, has met me.