Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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689 siqgur pUCau jwie nwmu iDAwiesw jIau ] (689-1)satgur poochha-o jaa-ay naam Dhi-aa-isaa jee-o. I shall go and ask the True Guru, and meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. scu nwmu iDAweI swcu cvweI gurmuiK swcu pCwxw ] (689-1)sach naam Dhi-aa-ee saach chavaa-ee gurmukh saach pachhaanaa. I meditate on the True Name, chant the True Name, and as Gurmukh, I realize the True Name. dInw nwQu dieAwlu inrMjnu Anidnu nwmu vKwxw ] (689-2)deenaa naath da-i-aal niranjan an-din naam vakhaanaa. Night and day, I chant the Name of the merciful, immaculate Lord, the Master of the poor. krxI kwr Durhu PurmweI Awip muAw mnu mwrI ] (689-2)karnee kaar Dharahu furmaa-ee aap mu-aa man maaree. The Primal Lord has ordained the tasks to be done; self-conceit is overcome, and the mind is subdued. nwnk nwmu mhw rsu mITw iqRsnw nwim invwrI ]5]2] (689-3)naanak naam mahaa ras meethaa tarisnaa naam nivaaree. ||5||2|| O Nanak, the Naam is the sweetest essence; through the Naam, thirst and desire are stilled. ||5||2|| DnwsrI CMq mhlw 1 ] (689-3)Dhanaasree chhant mehlaa 1. Dhanaasaree, Chhant, First Mehl: ipr sMig mUTVIey Kbir n pweIAw jIau ] (689-4)pir sang mooth-rhee-ay khabar na paa-ee-aa jee-o. Your Husband Lord is with you, O deluded soul-bride, but you do are not aware of Him. msqik iliKAVw lyKu purib kmwieAw jIau ] (689-4)mastak likhi-arhaa laykh purab kamaa-i-aa jee-o. Your destiny is written on your forehead, according to your past actions. lyKu n imteI purib kmwieAw ikAw jwxw ikAw hosI ] (689-4)laykh na mit-ee purab kamaa-i-aa ki-aa jaanaa ki-aa hosee. This inscription of past deeds cannot be erased; what do I know about what will happen? guxI Acwir nhI rMig rwqI Avgux bih bih rosI ] (689-5)gunee achaar nahee rang raatee avgun bahi bahi rosee. You have not adopted a virtuous lifestyle, and you are not attuned to the Lord's Love; you sit there, crying over your past misdeeds. Dnu jobnu Awk kI CwieAw ibriD Bey idn puMinAw ] (689-6)Dhan joban aak kee chhaa-i-aa biraDh bha-ay din punni-aa. Wealth and youth are like the shade of the bitter swallow-wort plant; you are growing old, and your days are coming to their end. nwnk nwm ibnw dohwgix CUtI JUiT ivCuMinAw ]1] (689-6)naanak naam binaa dohaagan chhootee jhooth vichhunni-aa. ||1|| O Nanak, without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, you shall end up as a discarded, divorced bride; your own falsehood shall separate you from the Lord. ||1|| bUfI Gru GwilE gur kY Bwie clo ] (689-7)boodee ghar ghaali-o gur kai bhaa-ay chalo. You have drowned, and your house is ruined; walk in the Way of the Guru's Will. swcw nwmu iDAwie pwvih suiK mhlo ] (689-7)saachaa naam Dhi-aa-ay paavahi sukh mahlo. Meditate on the True Name, and you shall find peace in the Mansion of the Lord's Presence. hir nwmu iDAwey qw suKu pwey pyeIAVY idn cwry ] (689-8)har naam Dhi-aa-ay taa sukh paa-ay pay-ee-arhai din chaaray. Meditate on the Lord's Name, and you shall find peace; your stay in this world shall last only four days. inj Gir jwie bhY scu pwey Anidnu nwil ipAwry ] (689-8)nij ghar jaa-ay bahai sach paa-ay an-din naal pi-aaray. Sit in the home of your own being, and you shall find Truth; night and day, be with your Beloved. ivxu BgqI Gir vwsu n hovI suixAhu lok sbwey ] (689-9)vin bhagtee ghar vaas na hovee suni-ahu lok sabaa-ay. Without loving devotion, you cannot dwell in your own home - listen, everyone! nwnk srsI qw ipru pwey rwqI swcY nwey ]2] (689-9)naanak sarsee taa pir paa-ay raatee saachai naa-ay. ||2|| O Nanak, she is happy, and she obtains her Husband Lord, if she is attuned to the True Name. ||2|| ipru Dn BwvY qw ipr BwvY nwrI jIau ] (689-10)pir Dhan bhaavai taa pir bhaavai naaree jee-o. If the soul-bride is pleasing to her Husband Lord, then the Husband Lord will love His bride. rMig pRIqm rwqI gur kY sbid vIcwrI jIau ] (689-10)rang pareetam raatee gur kai sabad veechaaree jee-o. Imbued with the love of her Beloved, she contemplates the Word of the Guru's Shabad. gur sbid vIcwrI nwh ipAwrI iniv iniv Bgiq kryeI ] (689-11)gur sabad veechaaree naah pi-aaree niv niv bhagat karay-ee. She contemplates the Guru's Shabads, and her Husband Lord loves her; in deep humility, she worships Him in loving devotion. mwieAw mohu jlwey pRIqmu rs mih rMgu kryeI ] (689-11)maa-i-aa moh jalaa-ay pareetam ras meh rang karay-ee. She burns away her emotional attachment to Maya, and in love, she loves her Beloved. pRB swcy syqI rMig rMgyqI lwl BeI mnu mwrI ] (689-12)parabh saachay saytee rang rangaytee laal bha-ee man maaree. She is imbued and drenched with the Love of the True Lord; she has become beautiful, by conquering her mind. nwnk swic vsI sohwgix ipr isau pRIiq ipAwrI ]3] (689-12)naanak saach vasee sohagan pir si-o pareet pi-aaree. ||3|| O Nanak, the happy soul-bride abides in Truth; she loves to love her Husband Lord. ||3|| ipr Gir sohY nwir jy ipr Bwvey jIau ] (689-13)pir ghar sohai naar jay pir bhaav-ay jee-o. The soul-bride looks so beautiful in the home of her Husband Lord, if she is pleasing to Him. JUTy vYx cvy kwim n Awvey jIau ] (689-13)jhoothay vain chavay kaam na aav-ay jee-o. It is of no use at all to speak false words. JUTu AlwvY kwim n AwvY nw ipru dyKY nYxI ] (689-14)jhooth alaavai kaam na aavai naa pir daykhai nainee. If she speaks false, it is of no use to her, and she does not see her Husband Lord with her eyes. AvguixAwrI kMiq ivswrI CUtI ivDx rYxI ] (689-14)avguni-aaree kant visaaree chhootee viDhan rainee. Worthless, forgotten and abandoned by her Husband Lord, she passes her life-night without her Lord and Master. gur sbdu n mwnY PwhI PwQI sw Dn mhlu n pwey ] (689-15)gur sabad na maanai faahee faathee saa Dhan mahal na paa-ay. Such a wife does not believe in the Word of the Guru's Shabad; she is caught in the net of the world, and does not obtain the Mansion of the Lord's Presence. nwnk Awpy Awpu pCwxY gurmuiK shij smwey ]4] (689-15)naanak aapay aap pachhaanai gurmukh sahj samaa-ay. ||4|| O Nanak, if she understands her own self, then, as Gurmukh, she merges in celestial peace. ||4|| Dn sohwgix nwir ijin ipru jwixAw jIau ] (689-16)Dhan sohagan naar jin pir jaani-aa jee-o. Blessed is that soul-bride, who knows her Husband Lord. nwm ibnw kUiVAwir kUVu kmwixAw jIau ] (689-16)naam binaa koorhi-aar koorh kamaani-aa jee-o. Without the Naam, she is false, and her actions are false as well. hir Bgiq suhwvI swcy BwvI Bwie Bgiq pRB rwqI ] (689-17)har bhagat suhaavee saachay bhaavee bhaa-ay bhagat parabh raatee. Devotional worship of the Lord is beautiful; the True Lord loves it. So immerse yourself in loving devotional worship of God. ipru rlIAwlw jobin bwlw iqsu rwvy rMig rwqI ] (689-17)pir ralee-aalaa joban baalaa tis raavay rang raatee. My Husband Lord is playful and innocent; imbued with His Love, I enjoy Him. gur sbid ivgwsI shu rwvwsI Plu pwieAw guxkwrI ] (689-18)gur sabad vigaasee saho raavaasee fal paa-i-aa gunkaaree. She blossoms forth through the Word of the Guru's Shabad; she ravishes her Husband Lord, and obtains the most noble reward. nwnk swcu imlY vifAweI ipr Gir sohY nwrI ]5]3] (689-18)naanak saach milai vadi-aa-ee pir ghar sohai naaree. ||5||3|| O Nanak, in Truth, she obtains glory; in her Husband's home, the soul-bride looks beautiful. ||5||3|| |
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