gwvY gwvxhwru sbid suhwvxo ] (688-1)
gaavai gaavanhaar sabad suhaavano.
The singer who sings the Lord's Praises is adorned with the Word of the Shabad.
swlwih swcy mMin siqguru puMn dwn dieAw mqy ] (688-1)
saalaahi saachay man satgur punn daan da-i-aa matay.
Worship the True Lord, and believe in the True Guru; this brings the merit of making donations to charity, kindness and compassion.
ipr sMig BwvY shij nwvY byxI q sMgmu sq sqy ] (688-2)
pir sang bhaavai sahj naavai baynee ta sangam sat satay.
The soul-bride who loves to be with her Husband Lord bathes at the Triveni, the sacred place where the Ganges, Jamuna and Saraswaati Rivers converge, the Truest of the True.
AwrwiD eykMkwru swcw inq dyie cVY svwieAw ] (688-2)
aaraaDh aykankaar saachaa nit day-ay charhai savaa-i-aa.
Worship and adore the One Creator, the True Lord, who constantly gives, whose gifts continually increase.
giq sMig mIqw sMqsMgiq kir ndir myil imlwieAw ]3] (688-3)
gat sang meetaa santsangat kar nadar mayl milaa-i-aa. ||3||
Salvation is attained by associating with the Society of the Saints, O friend; granting His Grace, God unites us in His Union. ||3||
khxu khY sBu koie kyvfu AwKIAY ] (688-3)
kahan kahai sabh ko-ay kayvad aakhee-ai.
Everyone speaks and talks; how great should I say He is?
hau mUrKu nIcu Ajwxu smJw swKIAY ] (688-4)
ha-o moorakh neech ajaan samjhaa saakhee-ai.
I am foolish, lowly and ignorant; it is only through the Guru's Teachings that I understand.
scu gur kI swKI AMimRq BwKI iqqu mnu mwinAw myrw ] (688-4)
sach gur kee saakhee amrit bhaakhee tit man maani-aa mayraa.
True are the Teachings of the Guru. His Words are Ambrosial Nectar; my mind is pleased and appeased by them.
kUcu krih Awvih ibKu lwdy sbid scY guru myrw ] (688-5)
kooch karahi aavahi bikh laaday sabad sachai gur mayraa.
Loaded down with corruption and sin, people depart, and then come back again; the True Shabad is found through my Guru.
AwKix qoit n Bgiq BMfwrI Birpuir rihAw soeI ] (688-5)
aakhan tot na bhagat bhandaaree bharipur rahi-aa so-ee.
There is no end to the treasure of devotion; the Lord is pervading everywhere.
nwnk swcu khY bynµqI mnu mWjY scu soeI ]4]1] (688-6)
naanak saach kahai baynantee man maaNjai sach so-ee. ||4||1||
Nanak utters this true prayer; one who purifies his mind is True. ||4||1||
DnwsrI mhlw 1 ] (688-6)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 1.
Dhanaasaree, First Mehl:
jIvw qyrY nwie min Awnµdu hY jIau ] (688-7)
jeevaa tayrai naa-ay man aanand hai jee-o.
I live by Your Name; my mind is in ecstasy, Lord.
swco swcw nwau gux goivMdu hY jIau ] (688-7)
saacho saachaa naa-o gun govind hai jee-o.
True is the Name of the True Lord. Glorious are the Praises of the Lord of the Universe.
gur igAwnu Apwrw isrjxhwrw ijin isrjI iqin goeI ] (688-7)
gur gi-aan apaaraa sirjanhaaraa jin sirjee tin go-ee.
Infinite is the spiritual wisdom imparted by the Guru. The Creator Lord who created, shall also destroy.
prvwxw AwieAw hukim pTwieAw Pyir n skY koeI ] (688-8)
parvaanaa aa-i-aa hukam pathaa-i-aa fayr na sakai ko-ee.
The call of death is sent out by the Lord's Command; no one can challenge it.
Awpy kir vyKY isir isir lyKY Awpy suriq buJweI ] (688-9)
aapay kar vaykhai sir sir laykhai aapay surat bujhaa-ee.
He Himself creates, and watches; His written command is above each and every head. He Himself imparts understanding and awareness.
nwnk swihbu Agm Agocru jIvw scI nweI ]1] (688-9)
naanak saahib agam agochar jeevaa sachee naa-ee. ||1||
O Nanak, the Lord Master is inaccessible and unfathomable; I live by His True Name. ||1||
qum sir Avru n koie AwieAw jwiesI jIau ] (688-10)
tum sar avar na ko-ay aa-i-aa jaa-isee jee-o.
No one can compare to You, Lord; all come and go.
hukmI hoie inbyVu Brmu cukwiesI jIau ] (688-10)
hukmee ho-ay nibayrh bharam chukaa-isee jee-o.
By Your Command, the account is settled, and doubt is dispelled.
guru Brmu cukwey AkQu khwey sc mih swcu smwxw ] (688-11)
gur bharam chukaa-ay akath kahaa-ay sach meh saach samaanaa.
The Guru dispels doubt, and makes us speak the Unspoken Speech; the true ones are absorbed into Truth.
Awip aupwey Awip smwey hukmI hukmu pCwxw ] (688-11)
aap upaa-ay aap samaa-ay hukmee hukam pachhaanaa.
He Himself creates, and He Himself destroys; I accept the Command of the Commander Lord.
scI vifAweI gur qy pweI qU min AMiq sKweI ] (688-12)
sachee vadi-aa-ee gur tay paa-ee too man ant sakhaa-ee.
True greatness comes from the Guru; You alone are the mind's companion in the end.
nwnk swihbu Avru n dUjw nwim qyrY vifAweI ]2] (688-12)
naanak saahib avar na doojaa naam tayrai vadi-aa-ee. ||2||
O Nanak, there is no other than the Lord and Master; greatness comes from Your Name. ||2||
qU scw isrjxhwru AlK isrMidAw jIau ] (688-13)
too sachaa sirjanhaar alakh sirandi-aa jee-o.
You are the True Creator Lord, the unknowable Maker.
eyku swihbu duie rwh vwd vDMidAw jIau ] (688-13)
ayk saahib du-ay raah vaad vaDhandi-aa jee-o.
There is only the One Lord and Master, but there are two paths, by which conflict increases.
duie rwh clwey hukim sbwey jnim muAw sMswrw ] (688-14)
du-ay raah chalaa-ay hukam sabaa-ay janam mu-aa sansaaraa.
All follow these two paths, by the Hukam of the Lord's Command; the world is born, only to die.
nwm ibnw nwhI ko bylI ibKu lwdI isir Bwrw ] (688-14)
naam binaa naahee ko baylee bikh laadee sir bhaaraa.
Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the mortal has no friend at all; he carries loads of sin on his head.
hukmI AwieAw hukmu n bUJY hukim svwrxhwrw ] (688-15)
hukmee aa-i-aa hukam na boojhai hukam savaaranhaaraa.
By the Hukam of the Lord's Command, he comes, but he does not understand this Hukam; the Lord's Hukam is the Embellisher.
nwnk swihbu sbid is\wpY swcw isrjxhwrw ]3] (688-15)
naanak saahib sabad sinjaapai saachaa sirjanhaaraa. ||3||
O Nanak, through the Shabad, the Word of the Lord and Master, the True Creator Lord is realized. ||3||
Bgq sohih drvwir sbid suhwieAw jIau ] (688-16)
bhagat soheh darvaar sabad suhaa-i-aa jee-o.
Your devotees look beautiful in Your Court, embellished with the Shabad.
bolih AMimRq bwix rsn rswieAw jIau ] (688-16)
boleh amrit baan rasan rasaa-i-aa jee-o.
They chant the Ambrosial Word of His Bani, savoring it with their tongues.
rsn rswey nwim iqswey gur kY sbid ivkwxy ] (688-17)
rasan rasaa-ay naam tisaa-ay gur kai sabad vikaanay.
Savoring it with their tongues, they thirst for the Naam; they are a sacrifice to the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
pwris prisAY pwrsu hoey jw qyrY min Bwxy ] (688-17)
paaras parsi-ai paaras ho-ay jaa tayrai man bhaanay.
Touching the philosopher's stone, they become the philosopher's stone, which transforms lead into gold; O Lord, they become pleasing to your mind.
Amrw pdu pwieAw Awpu gvwieAw ivrlw igAwn vIcwrI ] (688-18)
amraa pad paa-i-aa aap gavaa-i-aa virlaa gi-aan veechaaree.
They attain the immortal status and eradicate their self-conceit; how rare is that person, who contemplates spiritual wisdom.
nwnk Bgq sohin dir swcY swcy ky vwpwrI ]4] (688-19)
naanak bhagat sohan dar saachai saachay kay vaapaaree. ||4||
O Nanak, the devotees look beautiful in the Court of the True Lord; they are dealers in the Truth. ||4||
BUK ipAwso AwiQ ikau dir jwiesw jIau ] (688-19)
bhookh pi-aaso aath ki-o dar jaa-isaa jee-o.
I am hungry and thirsty for wealth; how will I be able to go to the Lord's Court?