Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


jobnu Dnu pRBqw kY md mY Aihinis rhY idvwnw ]1] (685-1)
joban Dhan parabh-taa kai mad mai ahinis rahai divaanaa. ||1||
In the pride of youth, wealth and glory, day and night, he remains intoxicated. ||1||

dIn dieAwl sdw duK BMjn qw isau mnu n lgwnw ] (685-1)
deen da-i-aal sadaa dukh bhanjan taa si-o man na lagaanaa.
God is merciful to the meek, and forever the Destroyer of pain, but the mortal does not center his mind on Him.

jn nwnk kotn mY iknhU gurmuiK hoie pCwnw ]2]2] (685-2)
jan naanak kotan mai kinhoo gurmukh ho-ay pachhaanaa. ||2||2||
O servant Nanak, among millions, only a rare few, as Gurmukh, realize God. ||2||2||

DnwsrI mhlw 9 ] (685-3)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 9.
Dhanaasaree, Ninth Mehl:

iqh jogI kau jugiq n jwnau ] (685-3)
tih jogee ka-o jugat na jaan-o.
That Yogi does not know the way.

loB moh mwieAw mmqw Puin ijh Git mwih pCwnau ]1] rhwau ] (685-3)
lobh moh maa-i-aa mamtaa fun jih ghat maahi pachhaana-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Understand that his heart is filled with greed, emotional attachment, Maya and egotism. ||1||Pause||

pr inMdw ausqiq nh jw kY kMcn loh smwno ] (685-4)
par nindaa ustat nah jaa kai kanchan loh samaano.
One who does not slander or praise others, who looks upon gold and iron alike,

hrK sog qy rhY AqIqw jogI qwih bKwno ]1] (685-4)
harakh sog tay rahai ateetaa jogee taahi bakhaano. ||1||
who is free from pleasure and pain - he alone is called a true Yogi. ||1||

cMcl mnu dh idis kau Dwvq Acl jwih Thrwno ] (685-5)
chanchal man dah dis ka-o Dhaavat achal jaahi thehraano.
The restless mind wanders in the ten directions - it needs to be pacified and restrained.

khu nwnk ieh ibiD ko jo nru mukiq qwih qum mwno ]2]3] (685-5)
kaho naanak ih biDh ko jo nar mukat taahi tum maano. ||2||3||
Says Nanak, whoever knows this technique is judged to be liberated. ||2||3||

DnwsrI mhlw 9 ] (685-6)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 9.
Dhanaasaree, Ninth Mehl:

Ab mY kaunu aupwau krau ] (685-6)
ab mai ka-un upaa-o kara-o.
Now, what efforts should I make?

ijh ibiD mn ko sMsw cUkY Bau iniD pwir prau ]1] rhwau ] (685-7)
jih biDh man ko sansaa chookai bha-o niDh paar para-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
How can I dispel the anxieties of my mind? How can I cross over the terrifying world-ocean? ||1||Pause||

jnmu pwie kCu Blo n kIno qw qy AiDk frau ] (685-7)
janam paa-ay kachh bhalo na keeno taa tay aDhik dara-o.
Obtaining this human incarnation, I have done no good deeds; this makes me very afraid!

mn bc k®m hir gun nhI gwey Xh jIA soc Drau ]1] (685-8)
man bach karam har gun nahee gaa-ay yeh jee-a soch Dhara-o. ||1||
In thought, word and deed, I have not sung the Lord's Praises; this thought worries my mind. ||1||

gurmiq suin kCu igAwnu n aupijE psu ijau audru Brau ] (685-8)
gurmat sun kachh gi-aan na upji-o pas ji-o udar bhara-o.
I listened to the Guru's Teachings, but spiritual wisdom did not well up within me; like a beast, I fill my belly.

khu nwnk pRB ibrdu pCwnau qb hau piqq qrau ]2]4]9]9]13]58]4]93] (685-9)
kaho naanak parabh birad pachhaana-o tab ha-o patit tara-o. ||2||4||9||9||13||58||4||93||
Says Nanak, O God, please confirm Your Law of Grace; for only then can I, the sinner, be saved. ||2||4||9||9||13||58||4||93||

DnwsrI mhlw 1 Gru 2 AstpdIAw (685-11)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 1 ghar 2 asatpadee-aa
Dhanaasaree, First Mehl, Second House, Ashtapadees:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (685-11)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

guru swgru rqnI BrpUry ] (685-12)
gur saagar ratnee bharpooray.
The Guru is the ocean, filled with pearls.

AMimRqu sMq cugih nhI dUry ] (685-12)
amrit sant chugeh nahee dooray.
The Saints gather in the Ambrosial Nectar; they do not go far away from there.

hir rsu cog cugih pRB BwvY ] (685-12)
har ras chog chugeh parabh bhaavai.
They taste the subtle essence of the Lord; they are loved by God.

srvr mih hMsu pRwnpiq pwvY ]1] (685-12)
sarvar meh hans paraanpat paavai. ||1||
Within this pool, the swans find their Lord, the Lord of their souls. ||1||

ikAw bgu bpuVw CpVI nwie ] (685-13)
ki-aa bag bapurhaa chhaprhee naa-ay.
What can the poor crane accomplish by bathing in the mud puddle?

kIciV fUbY mYlu n jwie ]1] rhwau ] (685-13)
keecharh doobai mail na jaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
It sinks into the mire, and its filth is not washed away. ||1||Pause||

riK riK crn Dry vIcwrI ] (685-14)
rakh rakh charan Dharay veechaaree.
After careful deliberation, the thoughtful person takes a step.

duibDw Coif Bey inrMkwrI ] (685-14)
dubiDhaa chhod bha-ay nirankaaree.
Forsaking duality, he becomes a devotee of the Formless Lord.

mukiq pdwrQu hir rs cwKy ] (685-14)
mukat padaarath har ras chaakhay.
He obtains the treasure of liberation, and enjoys the sublime essence of the Lord.

Awvx jwx rhy guir rwKy ]2] (685-15)
aavan jaan rahay gur raakhay. ||2||
His comings and goings end, and the Guru protects him. ||2||

srvr hMsw Coif n jwie ] (685-15)
sarvar hansaa chhod na jaa-ay.
The swan do not leave this pool.

pRym Bgiq kir shij smwie ] (685-15)
paraym bhagat kar sahj samaa-ay.
In loving devotional worship, they merge in the Celestial Lord.

srvr mih hMsu hMs mih swgru ] (685-16)
sarvar meh hans hans meh saagar.
The swans are in the pool, and the pool is in the swans.

AkQ kQw gur bcnI Awdru ]3] (685-16)
akath kathaa gur bachnee aadar. ||3||
They speak the Unspoken Speech, and they honor and revere the Guru's Word. ||3||

suMn mMfl ieku jogI bYsy ] (685-16)
sunn mandal ik jogee baisay.
The Yogi, the Primal Lord, sits within the celestial sphere of deepest Samaadhi.

nwir n purKu khhu koaU kYsy ] (685-17)
naar na purakh kahhu ko-oo kaisay.
He is not male, and He is not female; how can anyone describe Him?

iqRBvx joiq rhy ilv lweI ] (685-17)
taribhavan jot rahay liv laa-ee.
The three worlds continue to center their attention on His Light.

suir nr nwQ scy srxweI ]4] (685-17)
sur nar naath sachay sarnaa-ee. ||4||
The silent sages and the Yogic masters seek the Sanctuary of the True Lord. ||4||

Awnµd mUlu AnwQ ADwrI ] (685-18)
aanand mool anaath aDhaaree.
The Lord is the source of bliss, the support of the helpless.

gurmuiK Bgiq shij bIcwrI ] (685-18)
gurmukh bhagat sahj beechaaree.
The Gurmukhs worship and contemplate the Celestial Lord.

Bgiq vCl BY kwtxhwry ] (685-18)
bhagat vachhal bhai kaatanhaaray.
God is the Lover of His devotees, the Destroyer of fear.

haumY mwir imly pgu Dwry ]5] (685-18)
ha-umai maar milay pag Dhaaray. ||5||
Subduing ego, one meets the Lord, and places his feet on the Path. ||5||

Aink jqn kir kwlu sMqwey ] (685-19)
anik jatan kar kaal santaa-ay.
He makes many efforts, but still, the Messenger of Death tortures him.

mrxu ilKwie mMfl mih Awey ] (685-19)
maran likhaa-ay mandal meh aa-ay.
Destined only to die, he comes into the world.