Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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683 mhw klol buJih mwieAw ky kir ikrpw myry dIn dieAwl ] (683-1)mahaa kalol bujheh maa-i-aa kay kar kirpaa mayray deen da-i-aal. Please shower Your Mercy upon me, and permit me to ignore the great enticements of Maya, O Lord, Merciful to the meek. Apxw nwmu dyih jip jIvw pUrn hoie dws kI Gwl ]1] (683-1)apnaa naam deh jap jeevaa pooran ho-ay daas kee ghaal. ||1|| Give me Your Name - chanting it, I live; please bring the efforts of Your slave to fruition. ||1|| srb mnorQ rwj sUK rs sd KusIAw kIrqnu jip nwm ] (683-2)sarab manorath raaj sookh ras sad khusee-aa keertan jap naam. All desires, power, pleasure, joy and lasting bliss, are found by chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and singing the Kirtan of His Praises. ijs kY krim iliKAw Duir krqY nwnk jn ky pUrn kwm ]2]20]51] (683-3)jis kai karam likhi-aa Dhur kartai naanak jan kay pooran kaam. ||2||20||51|| That humble servant of the Lord, who has such karma pre-ordained by the Creator Lord, O Nanak - his efforts are brought to perfect fruition. ||2||20||51|| DnwsrI mÚ 5 ] (683-4)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: jn kI kInI pwrbRhim swr ] (683-4)jan kee keenee paarbarahm saar. The Supreme Lord God takes care of His humble servant. inMdk itknu n pwvin mUly aUif gey bykwr ]1] rhwau ] (683-4)nindak tikan na paavan moolay ood ga-ay baykaar. ||1|| rahaa-o. The slanderers are not allowed to stay; they are pulled out by their roots, like useless weeds. ||1||Pause|| jh jh dyKau qh qh suAwmI koie n phucnhwr ] (683-5)jah jah daykh-a-u tah tah su-aamee ko-ay na pahuchanhaar. Wherever I look, there I see my Lord and Master; no one can harm me. jo jo krY AvigAw jn kI hoie gieAw qq Cwr ]1] (683-5)jo jo karai avgi-aa jan kee ho-ay ga-i-aa tat chhaar. ||1|| Whoever shows disrespect to the Lord's humble servant, is instantly reduced to ashes. ||1|| krnhwru rKvwlw hoAw jw kw AMqu n pwrwvwr ] (683-6)karanhaar rakhvaalaa ho-aa jaa kaa ant na paaraavaar. The Creator Lord has become my protector; He has no end or limitation. nwnk dws rKy pRiB ApunY inMdk kwFy mwir ]2]21]52] (683-6)naanak daas rakhay parabh apunai nindak kaadhay maar. ||2||21||52|| O Nanak, God has protected and saved His slaves; He has driven out and destroyed the slanderers. ||2||21||52|| DnwsrI mhlw 5 Gru 9 pVqwl (683-8)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5 ghar 9 parh-taal Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl, Ninth House, Partaal: <> siqgur pRswid ] (683-8)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: hir crn srn goibMd duK BMjnw dws Apuny kau nwmu dyvhu ] (683-9)har charan saran gobind dukh bhanjnaa daas apunay ka-o naam dayvhu. O Lord, I seek the Sanctuary of Your feet; Lord of the Universe, Destroyer of pain, please bless Your slave with Your Name. idRsit pRB Dwrhu ik®pw kir qwrhu Bujw gih kUp qy kwiF lyvhu ] rhwau ] (683-9)darisat parabh Dhaarahu kirpaa kar taarahu bhujaa geh koop tay kaadh layvhu. rahaa-o. Be Merciful, God, and bless me with Your Glance of Grace; take my arm and save me - pull me up out of this pit! ||Pause|| kwm k®oD kir AMD mwieAw ky bMD Aink doKw qin Cwid pUry ] (683-10)kaam kroDh kar anDh maa-i-aa kay banDh anik dokhaa tan chhaad pooray. He is blinded by sexual desire and anger, bound by Maya; his body and clothes are filled with countless sins. pRB ibnw Awn n rwKnhwrw nwmu ismrwvhu srin sUry ]1] (683-11)parabh binaa aan na raakhanhaaraa naam simraavahu saran sooray. ||1|| Without God, there is no other protector; help me to chant Your Name, Almighty Warrior, Sheltering Lord. ||1|| piqq auDwrxw jIA jMq qwrxw byd aucwr nhI AMqu pwieE ] (683-11)patit uDhaaranaa jee-a jant taarnaa bayd uchaar nahee ant paa-i-o. Redeemer of sinners, Saving Grace of all beings and creatures, even those who recite the Vedas have not found Your limit. guxh suK swgrw bRhm rqnwgrw Bgiq vClu nwnk gwieE ]2]1]53] (683-12)gunah sukh saagraa barahm ratnaagaraa bhagat vachhal naanak gaa-i-o. ||2||1||53|| God is the ocean of virtue and peace, the source of jewels; Nanak sings the Praises of the Lover of His devotees. ||2||1||53|| DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (683-13)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: hliq suKu pliq suKu inq suKu ismrno nwmu goibMd kw sdw lIjY ] (683-13)halat sukh palat sukh nit sukh simrano naam gobind kaa sadaa leejai. Peace in this world, peace in the next world and peace forever, remembering Him in meditation. Chant forever the Name of the Lord of the Universe. imtih kmwxy pwp icrwxy swDsMgiq imil muAw jIjY ]1] rhwau ] (683-14)miteh kamaanay paap chiraanay saaDhsangat mil mu-aa jeejai. ||1|| rahaa-o. The sins of past lives are erased, by joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; new life is infused into the dead. ||1||Pause|| rwj jobn ibsrMq hir mwieAw mhw duKu eyhu mhWq khY ] (683-14)raaj joban bisrant har maa-i-aa mahaa dukh ayhu mahaaNt kahai. In power, youth and Maya, the Lord is forgotten; this is the greatest tragedy - so say the spiritual sages. Aws ipAws rmx hir kIrqn eyhu pdwrQu BwgvMqu lhY ]1] (683-15)aas pi-aas raman har keertan ayhu padaarath bhaagvant lahai. ||1|| Hope and desire to sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises - this is the treasure of the most fortunate devotees. ||1|| srix smrQ AkQ Agocrw piqq auDwrx nwmu qyrw ] (683-16)saran samrath akath agocharaa patit uDhaaran naam tayraa. O Lord of Sanctuary, all-powerful, imperceptible and unfathomable - Your Name is the Purifier of sinners. AMqrjwmI nwnk ky suAwmI srbq pUrn Twkuru myrw ]2]2]54] (683-16)antarjaamee naanak kay su-aamee sarbat pooran thaakur mayraa. ||2||2||54|| The Inner-knower, the Lord and Master of Nanak is totally pervading and permeating everywhere; He is my Lord and Master. ||2||2||54|| DnwsrI mhlw 5 Gru 12 (683-18)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5 ghar 12 Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl, Twelfth House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (683-18)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: bMdnw hir bMdnw gux gwvhu gopwl rwie ] rhwau ] (683-19)bandnaa har bandnaa gun gaavhu gopaal raa-ay. rahaa-o. I bow in reverence to the Lord, I bow in reverence. I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, my King. ||Pause|| vfY Bwig Byty gurdyvw ] (683-19)vadai bhaag bhaytay gurdayvaa. By great good fortune, one meets the Divine Guru. koit prwD imty hir syvw ]1] (683-19)kot paraaDh mitay har sayvaa. ||1|| Millions of sins are erased by serving the Lord. ||1|| |
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