Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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681 DMin su Qwnu DMin Eie Bvnw jw mih sMq bswry ] (681-1)Dhan so thaan Dhan o-ay bhavnaa jaa meh sant basaaray. Blessed is that place, and blessed is that house, in which the Saints dwell. jn nwnk kI srDw pUrhu Twkur Bgq qyry nmskwry ]2]9]40] (681-1)jan naanak kee sarDhaa poorahu thaakur bhagat tayray namaskaaray. ||2||9||40|| Fulfill this desire of servant Nanak, O Lord Master, that he may bow in reverence to Your devotees. ||2||9||40|| DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (681-2)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: Cfwie lIE mhw blI qy Apny crn prwiq ] (681-2)chhadaa-ay lee-o mahaa balee tay apnay charan paraat. He has saved me from the awful power of Maya, by attaching me to His feet. eyku nwmu dIE mn mMqw ibnis n kqhU jwiq ]1] (681-3)ayk naam dee-o man manntaa binas na kathoo jaat. ||1|| He gave my mind the Mantra of the Naam, the Name of the One Lord, which shall never perish or leave me. ||1|| siqguir pUrY kInI dwiq ] (681-3)satgur poorai keenee daat. The Perfect True Guru has given this gift. hir hir nwmu dIE kIrqn kau BeI hmwrI gwiq ] rhwau ] (681-3)har har naam dee-o keertan ka-o bha-ee hamaaree gaat. rahaa-o. He has blessed me with the Kirtan of the Praises of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, and I am emancipated. ||Pause|| AMgIkwru kIE pRiB ApunY Bgqn kI rwKI pwiq ] (681-4)angeekaar kee-o parabh apunai bhagtan kee raakhee paat. My God has made me His own, and saved the honor of His devotee. nwnk crn ghy pRB Apny suKu pwieE idn rwiq ]2]10]41] (681-5)naanak charan gahay parabh apnay sukh paa-i-o din raat. ||2||10||41|| Nanak has grasped the feet of his God, and has found peace, day and night. ||2||10||41|| DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (681-5)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: pr hrnw loBu JUT inMd iev hI krq gudwrI ] (681-6)par harnaa lobh jhooth nind iv hee karat gudaaree. Stealing the property of others, acting in greed, lying and slandering - in these ways, he passes his life. imRg iqRsnw Aws imiQAw mITI ieh tyk mnih swDwrI ]1] (681-6)marig tarisnaa aas mithi-aa meethee ih tayk maneh saaDhaaree. ||1|| He places his hopes in false mirages, believing them to be sweet; this is the support he installs in his mind. ||1|| swkq kI Awvrdw jwie ibRQwrI ] (681-7)saakat kee aavradaa jaa-ay barithaaree. The faithless cynic passes his life uselessly. jYsy kwgd ky Bwr mUsw tUik gvwvq kwim nhI gwvwrI ] rhwau ] (681-7)jaisay kaagad kay bhaar moosaa took gavaavat kaam nahee gaavaaree. rahaa-o. He is like the mouse, gnawing away at the pile of paper, making it useless to the poor wretch. ||Pause|| kir ikrpw pwrbRhm suAwmI ieh bMDn CutkwrI ] (681-8)kar kirpaa paarbarahm su-aamee ih banDhan chhutkaaree. Have mercy on me, O Supreme Lord God, and release me from these bonds. bUfq AMD nwnk pRB kwFq swD jnw sMgwrI ]2]11]42] (681-8)boodat anDh naanak parabh kaadhat saaDh janaa sangaaree. ||2||11||42|| The blind are sinking, O Nanak; God saves them, uniting them with the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||2||11||42|| DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (681-9)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: ismir ismir suAwmI pRBu Apnw sIql qnu mnu CwqI ] (681-9)simar simar su-aamee parabh apnaa seetal tan man chhaatee. Remembering, remembering God, the Lord Master in meditation, my body, mind and heart are cooled and soothed. rUp rMg sUK Dnu jIA kw pwrbRhm morY jwqI ]1] (681-10)roop rang sookh Dhan jee-a kaa paarbarahm morai jaatee. ||1|| The Supreme Lord God is my beauty, pleasure, peace, wealth, soul and social status. ||1|| rsnw rwm rswiein mwqI ] (681-11)rasnaa raam rasaa-in maatee. My tongue is intoxicated with the Lord, the source of nectar. rMg rMgI rwm Apny kY crn kml iniD QwqI ] rhwau ] (681-11)rang rangee raam apnay kai charan kamal niDh thaatee. rahaa-o. I am in love, in love with the Lord's lotus feet, the treasure of riches. ||Pause|| ijs kw sw iqn hI riK lIAw pUrn pRB kI BwqI ] (681-11)jis kaa saa tin hee rakh lee-aa pooran parabh kee bhaatee. I am His - He has saved me; this is God's perfect way. myil lIE Awpy suKdwqY nwnk hir rwKI pwqI ]2]12]43] (681-12)mayl lee-o aapay sukh-daatai naanak har raakhee paatee. ||2||12||43|| The Giver of peace has blended Nanak with Himself; the Lord has preserved his honor. ||2||12||43|| DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (681-13)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: dUq dusmn siB quJ qy invrih pRgt pRqwpu qumwrw ] (681-13)doot dusman sabh tujh tay nivrahi pargat partaap tumaaraa. All demons and enemies are eradicated by You, Lord; Your glory is manifest and radiant. jo jo qyry Bgq duKwey Ehu qqkwl qum mwrw ]1] (681-14)jo jo tayray bhagat dukhaa-ay oh tatkaal tum maaraa. ||1|| Whoever harms Your devotees, You destroy in an instant. ||1|| inrKau qumrI Eir hir nIq ] (681-14)nirkha-o tumree or har neet. I look to You continually, Lord. murwir shwie hohu dws kau kru gih auDrhu mIq ] rhwau ] (681-14)muraar sahaa-ay hohu daas ka-o kar geh uDhrahu meet. rahaa-o. O Lord, Destroyer of ego, please, be the helper and companion of Your slaves; take my hand, and save me, O my Friend! ||Pause|| suxI bynqI Twkuir myrY Ksmwnw kir Awip ] (681-15)sunee bayntee thaakur mayrai khasmaanaa kar aap. My Lord and Master has heard my prayer, and given me His protection. nwnk And Bey duK Bwgy sdw sdw hir jwip ]2]13]44] (681-16)naanak anad bha-ay dukh bhaagay sadaa sadaa har jaap. ||2||13||44|| Nanak is in ecstasy, and his pains are gone; he meditates on the Lord, forever and ever. ||2||13||44|| DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (681-16)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: cqur idsw kIno blu Apnw isr aUpir kru DwirE ] (681-16)chatur disaa keeno bal apnaa sir oopar kar Dhaari-o. He has extended His power in all four directions, and placed His hand upon my head. ik®pw ktwK´ Avloknu kIno dws kw dUKu ibdwirE ]1] (681-17)kirpaa kataakh-y avlokan keeno daas kaa dookh bidaari-o. ||1|| Gazing upon me with his Eye of Mercy, He has dispelled the pains of His slave. ||1|| hir jn rwKy gur goivMd ] (681-18)har jan raakhay gur govind. The Guru, the Lord of the Universe, has saved the Lord's humble servant. kMiT lwie Avgux siB myty dieAwl purK bKsMd ] rhwau ] (681-18)kanth laa-ay avgun sabh maytay da-i-aal purakh bakhsand. rahaa-o. Hugging me close in His embrace, the merciful, forgiving Lord has erased all my sins. ||Pause|| jo mwgih Twkur Apuny qy soeI soeI dyvY ] (681-18)jo maageh thaakur apunay tay so-ee so-ee dayvai. Whatever I ask for from my Lord and Master, he gives that to me. nwnk dwsu muK qy jo bolY eIhw aUhw scu hovY ]2]14]45] (681-19)naanak daas mukh tay jo bolai eehaa oohaa sach hovai. ||2||14||45|| Whatever the Lord's slave Nanak utters with his mouth, proves to be true, here and hereafter. ||2||14||45|| |
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