Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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680 Twkuru gweIAY Awqm rMig ] (680-1)thaakur gaa-ee-ai aatam rang. Sing the Praises of the Lord and Master, with the love of your soul. srxI pwvn nwm iDAwvn shij smwvn sMig ]1] rhwau ] (680-1)sarnee paavan naam Dhi-aavan sahj samaavan sang. ||1|| rahaa-o. Those who seek His Sanctuary, and meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, are blended with the Lord in celestial peace. ||1||Pause|| jn ky crn vsih myrY hIArY sMig punIqw dyhI ] (680-2)jan kay charan vaseh mayrai hee-arai sang puneetaa dayhee. The feet of the Lord's humble servant abide in my heart; with them, my body is made pure. jn kI DUir dyhu ikrpw iniD nwnk kY suKu eyhI ]2]4]35] (680-2)jan kee Dhoor dayh kirpaa niDh naanak kai sukh ayhee. ||2||4||35|| O treasure of mercy, please bless Nanak with the dust of the feet of Your humble servants; this alone brings peace. ||2||4||35|| DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (680-3)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: jqn krY mwnuK fhkwvY Ehu AMqrjwmI jwnY ] (680-3)jatan karai maanukh dehkaavai oh antarjaamee jaanai. People try to deceive others, but the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, knows everything. pwp kry kir mUkir pwvY ByK krY inrbwnY ]1] (680-4)paap karay kar mookar paavai bhaykh karai nirbaanai. ||1|| They commit sins, and then deny them, while they pretend to be in Nirvaanaa. ||1|| jwnq dUir qumih pRB nyir ] (680-4)jaanat door tumeh parabh nayr. They believe that You are far away, but You, O God, are near at hand. auq qwkY auq qy auq pyKY AwvY loBI Pyir ] rhwau ] (680-5)ut taakai ut tay ut paykhai aavai lobhee fayr. rahaa-o. Looking around, this way and that, the greedy people come and go. ||Pause|| jb lgu qutY nwhI mn Brmw qb lgu mukqu n koeI ] (680-5)jab lag tutai naahee man bharmaa tab lag mukat na ko-ee. As long as the doubts of the mind are not removed, liberation is not found. khu nwnk dieAwl suAwmI sMqu Bgqu jnu soeI ]2]5]36] (680-6)kaho naanak da-i-aal su-aamee sant bhagat jan so-ee. ||2||5||36|| Says Nanak, he alone is a Saint, a devotee, and a humble servant of the Lord, to whom the Lord and Master is merciful. ||2||5||36|| DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (680-7)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: nwmu guir dIE hY ApunY jw kY msqik krmw ] (680-7)naam gur dee-o hai apunai jaa kai mastak karmaa. My Guru gives the Naam, the Name of the Lord, to those who have such karma written on their foreheads. nwmu idRVwvY nwmu jpwvY qw kw jug mih Drmw ]1] (680-7)naam darirh-aavai naam japaavai taa kaa jug meh Dharmaa. ||1|| He implants the Naam, and inspires us to chant the Naam; this is Dharma, true religion, in this world. ||1|| jn kau nwmu vfweI soB ] (680-8)jan ka-o naam vadaa-ee sobh. The Naam is the glory and greatness of the Lord's humble servant. nwmo giq nwmo piq jn kI mwnY jo jo hog ]1] rhwau ] (680-8)naamo gat naamo pat jan kee maanai jo jo hog. ||1|| rahaa-o. The Naam is his salvation, and the Naam is his honor; he accepts whatever comes to pass. ||1||Pause|| nwm Dnu ijsu jn kY pwlY soeI pUrw swhw ] (680-9)naam Dhan jis jan kai paalai so-ee pooraa saahaa. That humble servant, who has the Naam as his wealth, is the perfect banker. nwmu ibauhwrw nwnk AwDwrw nwmu prwpiq lwhw ]2]6]37] (680-9)naam bi-uhaaraa naanak aaDhaaraa naam paraapat laahaa. ||2||6||37|| The Naam is his occupation, O Nanak, and his only support; the Naam is the profit he earns. ||2||6||37|| DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (680-10)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: nyqR punIq Bey drs pyKy mwQY prau rvwl ] (680-10)naytar puneet bha-ay daras paykhay maathai para-o ravaal. My eyes have been purified, gazing upon the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, and touching my forehead to the dust of His feet. ris ris gux gwvau Twkur ky morY ihrdY bshu gopwl ]1] (680-11)ras ras gun gaava-o thaakur kay morai hirdai bashu gopaal. ||1|| With joy and happiness, I sing the Glorious Praises of my Lord and Master; the Lord of the World abides within my heart. ||1|| qum qau rwKnhwr dieAwl ] (680-11)tum ta-o raakhanhaar da-i-aal. You are my Merciful Protector, Lord. suMdr suGr byAMq ipqw pRB hohu pRBU ikrpwl ]1] rhwau ] (680-12)sundar sughar bay-ant pitaa parabh hohu parabhoo kirpaal. ||1|| rahaa-o. O beautiful, wise, infinite Father God, be Merciful to me, God. ||1||Pause|| mhw Anµd mMgl rUp qumry bcn AnUp rswl ] (680-12)mahaa anand mangal roop tumray bachan anoop rasaal. O Lord of supreme ecstasy and blissful form, Your Word is so beautiful, so drenched with Nectar. ihrdY crx sbdu siqgur ko nwnk bWiDE pwl ]2]7]38] (680-13)hirdai charan sabad satgur ko naanak baaNDhi-o paal. ||2||7||38|| With the Lord's lotus feet enshrined in his heart, Nanak has tied the Shabad, the Word of the True Guru, to the hem of his robe. ||2||7||38|| DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (680-13)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: ApnI aukiq KlwvY Bojn ApnI aukiq KylwvY ] (680-14)apnee ukat khalaavai bhojan apnee ukat khaylaavai. In His own way, He provides us with our food; in His own way, He plays with us. srb sUK Bog rs dyvY mn hI nwil smwvY ]1] (680-14)sarab sookh bhog ras dayvai man hee naal samaavai. ||1|| He blesses us with all comforts, enjoyments and delicacies, and he permeates our minds. ||1|| hmry ipqw gopwl dieAwl ] (680-15)hamray pitaa gopaal da-i-aal. Our Father is the Lord of the World, the Merciful Lord. ijau rwKY mhqwrI bwirk kau qYsy hI pRB pwl ]1] rhwau ] (680-15)ji-o raakhai mehtaaree baarik ka-o taisay hee parabh paal. ||1|| rahaa-o. Just as the mother protects her children, God nurtures and cares for us. ||1||Pause|| mIq swjn srb gux nwiek sdw slwmiq dyvw ] (680-16)meet saajan sarab gun naa-ik sadaa salaamat dayvaa. You are my friend and companion, the Master of all excellences, O eternal and permanent Divine Lord. eIq aUq jq kq qq qum hI imlY nwnk sMq syvw ]2]8]39] (680-16)eet oot jat kat tat tum hee milai naanak sant sayvaa. ||2||8||39|| Here, there and everywhere, You are pervading; please, bless Nanak to serve the Saints. ||2||8||39|| DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (680-17)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: sMq ik®pwl dieAwl dmodr kwm k®oD ibKu jwry ] (680-17)sant kirpaal da-i-aal damodar kaam kroDh bikh jaaray. The Saints are kind and compassionate; they burn away their sexual desire, anger and corruption. rwju mwlu jobnu qnu jIArw ien aUpir lY bwry ]1] (680-18)raaj maal joban tan jee-araa in oopar lai baaray. ||1|| My power, wealth, youth, body and soul are a sacrifice to them. ||1|| min qin rwm nwm ihqkwry ] (680-18)man tan raam naam hitkaaray. With my mind and body, I love the Lord's Name. sUK shj Awnµd mMgl sihq Bv iniD pwir auqwry ] rhwau ] (680-19)sookh sahj aanand mangal sahit bhav niDh paar utaaray. rahaa-o. With peace, poise, pleasure and joy, He has carried me across the terrifying world-ocean. ||Pause|| |
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