Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (673-1)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 5.
Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl:

ijh krxI hovih srimMdw iehw kmwnI rIiq ] (673-1)
jih karnee hoveh sarmindaa ihaa kamaanee reet.
You have made it your habit to practice those deeds which will bring you shame.

sMq kI inMdw swkq kI pUjw AYsI idRV@I ibprIiq ]1] (673-1)
sant kee nindaa saakat kee poojaa aisee darirh-ee bipreet. ||1||
You slander the Saints, and you worship the faithless cynics; such are the corrupt ways you have adopted. ||1||

mwieAw moh BUlo AvrY hIq ] (673-2)
maa-i-aa moh bhoolo avrai heet.
Deluded by your emotional attachment to Maya, you love other things,

hircMdaurI bn hr pwq ry iehY quhwro bIq ]1] rhwau ] (673-2)
harichand-uree ban har paat ray ihai tuhaaro beet. ||1|| rahaa-o.
like the enchanted city of Hari-chandauree, or the green leaves of the forest - such is your way of life. ||1||Pause||

cMdn lyp hoq dyh kau suKu grDB Bsm sMgIiq ] (673-3)
chandan layp hot dayh ka-o sukh garDhabh bhasam sangeet.
Its body may be anointed with sandalwood oil, but the donkey still loves to roll in the mud.

AMimRq sMig nwih ruc Awvq ibKY TgaurI pRIiq ]2] (673-3)
amrit sang naahi ruch aavat bikhai thag-uree pareet. ||2||
He is not fond of the Ambrosial Nectar; instead, he loves the poisonous drug of corruption. ||2||

auqm sMq Bly sMjogI iesu jug mih pivq punIq ] (673-4)
utam sant bhalay sanjogee is jug meh pavit puneet.
The Saints are noble and sublime; they are blessed with good fortune. They alone are pure and holy in this world.

jwq AkwrQ jnmu pdwrQ kwc bwdrY jIq ]3] (673-5)
jaat akaarath janam padaarath kaach baadrai jeet. ||3||
The jewel of this human life is passing away uselessly, lost in exchange for mere glass. ||3||

jnm jnm ky iklivK duK Bwgy guir igAwn AMjnu nyqR dIq ] (673-5)
janam janam kay kilvikh dukh bhaagay gur gi-aan anjan naytar deet.
The sins and sorrows of uncounted incarnations run away, when the Guru applies the healing ointment of spiritual wisdom to the eyes.

swDsMig ien duK qy inkisE nwnk eyk prIq ]4]9] (673-6)
saaDhsang in dukh tay niksi-o naanak ayk pareet. ||4||9||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I have escaped from these troubles; Nanak loves the One Lord. ||4||9||

DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (673-6)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 5.
Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl:

pwnI pKw pIsau sMq AwgY gux goivMd jsu gweI ] (673-7)
paanee pakhaa peesa-o sant aagai gun govind jas gaa-ee.
I carry the water, wave the fan, and grind the corn for the Saints; I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe.

swis swis mnu nwmu sm@wrY iehu ibsRwm iniD pweI ]1] (673-7)
saas saas man naam samHaarai ih bisraam niDh paa-ee. ||1||
With each and every breath, my mind remembers the Naam, the Name of the Lord; in this way, it finds the treasure of peace. ||1||

qum@ krhu dieAw myry sweI ] (673-8)
tumH karahu da-i-aa mayray saa-ee.
Have pity on me, O my Lord and Master.

AYsI miq dIjY myry Twkur sdw sdw quDu iDAweI ]1] rhwau ] (673-8)
aisee mat deejai mayray thaakur sadaa sadaa tuDh Dhi-aa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Bless me with such understanding, O my Lord and Master, that I may forever and ever meditate on You. ||1||Pause||

qum@rI ik®pw qy mohu mwnu CUtY ibnis jwie BrmweI ] (673-9)
tumHree kirpaa tay moh maan chhootai binas jaa-ay bharmaa-ee.
By Your Grace, emotional attachment and egotism are eradicated, and doubt is dispelled.

And rUpu rivE sB mDy jq kq pyKau jweI ]2] (673-9)
anad roop ravi-o sabh maDhay jat kat paykha-o jaa-ee. ||2||
The Lord, the embodiment of bliss, is pervading and permeating in all; wherever I go, there I see Him. ||2||

qum@ dieAwl ikrpwl ik®pw iniD piqq pwvn gosweI ] (673-10)
tumH da-i-aal kirpaal kirpaa niDh patit paavan gosaa-ee.
You are kind and compassionate, the treasure of mercy, the Purifier of sinners, Lord of the world.

koit sUK Awnµd rwj pwey muK qy inmK bulweI ]3] (673-10)
kot sookh aanand raaj paa-ay mukh tay nimakh bulaa-ee. ||3||
I obtain millions of joys, comforts and kingdoms, if You inspire me to chant Your Name with my mouth, even for an instant. ||3||

jwp qwp Bgiq sw pUrI jo pRB kY min BweI ] (673-11)
jaap taap bhagat saa pooree jo parabh kai man bhaa-ee.
That alone is perfect chanting, meditation, penance and devotional worship service, which is pleasing to God's Mind.

nwmu jpq iqRsnw sB buJI hY nwnk iqRpiq AGweI ]4]10] (673-11)
naam japat tarisnaa sabh bujhee hai naanak taripat aghaa-ee. ||4||10||
Chanting the Naam, all thirst and desire is satisfied; Nanak is satisfied and fulfilled. ||4||10||

DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (673-12)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 5.
Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl:

ijin kIny vis ApunY qRY gux Bvx cqur sMswrw ] (673-12)
jin keenay vas apunai tarai gun bhavan chatur sansaaraa.
She controls the three qualities and the four directions of the world.

jg iesnwn qwp Qwn KMfy ikAw iehu jMqu ivcwrw ]1] (673-13)
jag isnaan taap thaan khanday ki-aa ih jant vichaaraa. ||1||
She destroys sacrificial feasts, cleansing baths, penances and sacred places of pilgrimage; what is this poor person to do? ||1||

pRB kI Et ghI qau CUto ] (673-13)
parabh kee ot gahee ta-o chhooto.
I grasped God's Support and Protection, and then I was emancipated.

swD pRswid hir hir hir gwey ibKY ibAwiD qb hUto ]1] rhwau ] (673-14)
saaDh parsaad har har har gaa-ay bikhai bi-aaDh tab hooto. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By the Grace of the Holy Saints, I sang the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, and my sins and afflictions were taken away. ||1||Pause||

nh suxIAY nh muK qy bkIAY nh mohY auh fITI ] (673-14)
nah sunee-ai nah mukh tay bakee-ai nah mohai uh deethee.
She is not heard - she does not speak with a mouth; she is not seen enticing mortals.

AYsI TgaurI pwie BulwvY min sB kY lwgY mITI ]2] (673-15)
aisee thag-uree paa-ay bhulaavai man sabh kai laagai meethee. ||2||
She administers her intoxicating drug, and so confuses them; thus she seems sweet to everyone's mind. ||2||

mwie bwp pUq ihq BRwqw auin Gir Gir myilE dUAw ] (673-15)
maa-ay baap poot hit bharaataa un ghar ghar mayli-o doo-aa.
In each and every home, she has implanted the sense of duality in mother, father, children, friends and siblings.

iks hI vwiD Gwit iks hI pih sgly lir lir mUAw ]3] (673-16)
kis hee vaaDh ghaat kis hee peh saglay lar lar moo-aa. ||3||
Some have more, and some have less; they fight and fight, to the death. ||3||

hau bilhwrI siqgur Apuny ijin iehu clqu idKwieAw ] (673-17)
ha-o balihaaree satgur apunay jin ih chalat dikhaa-i-aa.
I am a sacrifice to my True Guru, who has shown me this wondrous play.

gUJI Bwih jlY sMswrw Bgq n ibAwpY mwieAw ]4] (673-17)
goojhee bhaahi jalai sansaaraa bhagat na bi-aapai maa-i-aa. ||4||
The world is being consumed by this hidden fire, but Maya does not cling to the Lord's devotees. ||4||

sMq pRswid mhw suKu pwieAw sgly bMDn kwty ] (673-18)
sant parsaad mahaa sukh paa-i-aa saglay banDhan kaatay.
By the Grace of the Saints, I have obtained supreme bliss, and all my bonds have been broken.

hir hir nwmu nwnk Dnu pwieAw ApunY Gir lY AwieAw Kwty ]5]11] (673-18)
har har naam naanak Dhan paa-i-aa apunai ghar lai aa-i-aa khaatay. ||5||11||
Nanak has obtained the wealth of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har; having earned his profits, he has now returned home. ||5||11||

DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (673-19)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 5.
Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl:

qum dwqy Twkur pRiqpwlk nwiek Ksm hmwry ] (673-19)
tum daatay thaakur partipaalak naa-ik khasam hamaaray.
You are the Giver, O Lord, O Cherisher, my Master, my Husband Lord.